Converted ata read/write functions to work with bytes rather than words.
[movitz-core.git] / parse.lisp
1 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; Copyright (C) 20012000, 2002-2004,
4 ;;;; Department of Computer Science, University of Tromso, Norway
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; Filename: parse.lisp
7 ;;;; Description:
8 ;;;; Author: Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <>
9 ;;;; Created at: Fri Nov 24 16:49:17 2000
10 ;;;; Distribution: See the accompanying file COPYING.
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; $Id: parse.lisp,v 1.7 2007/02/01 19:37:41 ffjeld Exp $
13 ;;;;
14 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
17 (in-package movitz)
19 (defun declare-form-p (form &optional (declare-symbol '
20 (and (consp form)
21 (eq declare-symbol (car form))))
23 (defun parse-declarations-and-body (forms &optional (declare-symbol '
24 "From the list of FORMS, return first the list of non-declaration forms, ~
25 second the list of declaration-specifiers."
26 (loop for declaration-form = (when (declare-form-p (car forms) declare-symbol)
27 (pop forms))
28 while declaration-form
29 append (cdr declaration-form) into declarations
30 finally (return (values forms declarations))))
32 (defun parse-docstring-declarations-and-body (forms &optional (declare-symbol '
33 "From the list of FORMS, return first the non-declarations forms, second the declarations, ~
34 and third the documentation string."
35 (let ((docstring (when (and (cdr forms) (stringp (car forms)))
36 (pop forms))))
37 (multiple-value-bind (body declarations)
38 (parse-declarations-and-body forms declare-symbol)
39 (values body declarations docstring))))
41 (defun unfold-circular-list (list)
42 "If LIST is circular (through cdr), return (a copy of) the non-circular portion of LIST, and the index (in LIST) of the cons-cell pointed to by (cdr (last LIST))."
43 (flet ((find-cdr (l c end)
44 (loop for x on l as i upfrom 0 to end
45 thereis (and (eq c x) i))))
46 (loop for x on list as i upfrom 0
47 as cdr-index = (find-cdr list (cdr x) i)
48 until cdr-index
49 finally (return (values (subseq list 0 (1+ i))
50 cdr-index)))))
52 (defun symbol-package-fix-cl (symbol)
53 *package*)
55 (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
56 (defun muerte::translate-program
57 (program from-package to-package &key remove-double-quotes-p
58 (quote-symbol '
59 when)
60 "In PROGRAM, exchange symbols in FROM-PACKAGE with external symbols
61 in TO-PACKAGE, whenever such symbols exists in TO-PACAKGE.
62 Doubly quoted forms are copied verbatim (sans the quotes)."
63 (setf from-package (find-package from-package))
64 (setf to-package (find-package to-package))
65 (flet ((translate-symbol (s)
66 (if (not (eq s (find-symbol (symbol-name s) from-package)))
68 (multiple-value-bind (symbol status)
69 (find-symbol (symbol-name s) to-package)
70 (when (or (and (find-symbol (symbol-name s) to-package)
71 (not (find-symbol (symbol-name s) from-package)))
72 (and (find-symbol (symbol-name s) from-package)
73 (not (find-symbol (symbol-name s) to-package))))
74 (error "blurgh ~S" s))
75 (or symbol s) #+ignore (if (eq :external status) symbol s)))))
76 (cond
77 ((symbolp program) ; single symbol?
78 (translate-symbol program))
79 ((simple-vector-p program)
80 (map 'vector
81 (lambda (x) (translate-program x from-package to-package
82 :quote-symbol quote-symbol
83 :when when))
84 program))
85 ((atom program) ; atom?
86 program)
87 ((ignore-errors (null (list-length program))) ; circular list?
88 (multiple-value-bind (unfolded-program cdr-index)
89 (unfold-circular-list program)
90 (let ((translated-program (muerte::translate-program unfolded-program from-package to-package
91 :when when
92 :remove-double-quotes-p remove-double-quotes-p
93 :quote-symbol quote-symbol)))
94 (setf (cdr (last translated-program))
95 (nthcdr cdr-index translated-program))
96 translated-program)))
97 ((and (eq :translate-when (first program))
98 (or (string= t (second program))
99 (and when (eq when (second program)))))
100 (muerte::translate-program (third program) (fourth program) (fifth program) :when when))
101 ((and (eq :translate-when (first program))
102 (eq nil (second program)))
103 (third program))
104 ((symbolp (car program))
105 (cons (translate-symbol (car program))
106 (muerte::translate-program (cdr program) from-package to-package
107 :when when
108 :remove-double-quotes-p remove-double-quotes-p
109 :quote-symbol quote-symbol)))
110 ((consp (car program))
111 (cons (muerte::translate-program (car program) from-package to-package
112 :when when
113 :remove-double-quotes-p remove-double-quotes-p
114 :quote-symbol quote-symbol)
115 (muerte::translate-program (cdr program) from-package to-package
116 :when when
117 :remove-double-quotes-p remove-double-quotes-p
118 :quote-symbol quote-symbol)))
119 (t (cons (car program)
120 (muerte::translate-program (cdr program) from-package to-package
121 :when when
122 :remove-double-quotes-p remove-double-quotes-p
123 :quote-symbol quote-symbol))))))
124 (defun muerte::movitz-program (program)
125 (translate-program program :common-lisp
126 (defun muerte::host-program (program)
127 (translate-program program :common-lisp)))
129 (defun decode-normal-lambda-list (lambda-list &optional host-symbols-p)
130 "3.4.1 Ordinary Lambda Lists.
131 Returns the requireds, &optionals, &rests, &keys, and &aux formal variables,
132 a boolean signalling whether &allow-other-keys was present, and then
133 the minimum and maximum number of arguments (or nil if max is infinite).
134 Finally, whether &key was present or not."
135 ;; Movitz extension: &edx <var> may appear first in lambda-list
136 (let ((edx-var nil))
137 (when (eq 'muerte::&edx (first lambda-list))
138 (pop lambda-list)
139 (setf edx-var (pop lambda-list)))
141 ;; We use sort of a unidirectional state-machine to traverse the
142 ;; LAMBDA-LIST, stuffing the formals we encounter into different
143 ;; slots according to the current state.
144 (macrolet ((optional () '(second program))
145 (rest-var () '(third program))
146 (key () '(fourth program))
147 (aux () '(fifth program))
148 (allow-other-keys () '(if host-symbols-p
149 '&allow-other-keys
150 '
151 (loop for formal in lambda-list
152 with program = (if host-symbols-p
153 '(requireds &optional &rest &key &aux)
154 '(requireds
156 with state = program
157 ;; (first state) is "current" state,
158 ;; (rest state) is the set of possible next states.
159 with results = (list nil) ; this property-list-to-be collects the results.
160 with allow-other-keys-p = nil
161 if (member formal (rest state))
162 do (progn ; proceed to next state
163 (push (first state) results)
164 (push nil results) ; place for next state's results
165 (setf state (member formal (rest state))))
166 else if (and (eq (first state) (key))
167 (eq formal (allow-other-keys))
168 (not allow-other-keys-p))
169 do (setf allow-other-keys-p t)
170 else do (push formal (car results))
171 finally
172 (push (first state) results)
173 finally
174 (let ((requireds (nreverse (getf results 'requireds)))
175 (optionals (nreverse (getf results (optional))))
176 (rests (nreverse (getf results (rest-var))))
177 (keys (nreverse (getf results (key))))
178 (auxes (nreverse (getf results (aux)))))
179 (when (> (length rests) 1)
180 (error "There can only be one &REST formal parameter."))
181 (let ((maxargs (and (null rests) ; max num. of arguments, or nil.
182 (null keys)
183 (not allow-other-keys-p)
184 (+ (length requireds)
185 (length optionals))))
186 (minargs (length requireds)))
187 (return (values requireds
188 optionals
189 (first rests)
190 keys
191 auxes
192 allow-other-keys-p
193 minargs
194 maxargs
195 edx-var
196 (cond
197 ((or (eql maxargs minargs)
198 (eq :no-key (getf results (key) :no-key)))
199 nil)
200 ((assert (not maxargs)))
201 ((evenp (+ (length requireds) (length optionals)))
202 :even)
203 (t :odd))
204 (not (eq :missing
205 (getf results (key) :missing)))))))))))
207 (defun decode-optional-formal (formal)
208 " Specifiers for optional parameters.
209 Decode {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}
210 Return the variable, init-form, and suplied-p-parameter."
211 (etypecase formal
212 (symbol (values formal nil nil))
213 (cons (values (first formal) (second formal) (third formal)))))
215 (defun decode-keyword-formal (formal)
216 " Specifiers for keyword parameters.
217 Parse {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}
218 Return the variable, keyword-name, init-form and supplied-p-parameter, if any."
219 (etypecase formal
220 (null
221 (error "Illegal keyword formal: ~S" formal))
222 (symbol
223 (values formal
224 (intern (string formal) :keyword)
226 nil))
227 (cons
228 (if (consp (car formal))
229 (values (cadar formal) (caar formal) (second formal) (third formal))
230 (values (car formal)
231 (intern (string (car formal)) :keyword)
232 (second formal)
233 (third formal))))))
235 (defun decode-aux-formal (formal)
236 "Return variable-name and init-form."
237 (etypecase formal
238 (symbol (values formal nil))
239 (cons (values (first formal) (second formal)))))
241 (defun list-normal-lambda-list-variables (lambda-list)
242 "Return the list of variables that <lambda-list> defines."
243 (multiple-value-bind (requireds optionals rest keys auxes)
244 (decode-normal-lambda-list lambda-list)
245 (append requireds
246 (mapcar #'decode-optional-formal optionals)
247 (mapcar #'decode-keyword-formal keys)
248 (mapcar #'decode-optional-formal auxes)
249 (list rest))))
251 (defun lambda-list-simplify (lambda-list)
252 "Return a version of lambda-list with only the variables for &optional and &key formals."
253 (multiple-value-bind (requireds optionals rest keys auxes x y z edx-var)
254 (decode-normal-lambda-list lambda-list)
255 (declare (ignore x y z))
256 (append (when edx-var
257 `(muerte::&edx ,edx-var))
258 requireds
259 (when optionals
260 '(
261 (mapcar #'decode-optional-formal optionals)
262 (when rest
263 (append '( (list rest)))
264 (when (member ' lambda-list)
265 '(
266 (mapcar #'decode-keyword-formal keys)
267 (when auxes
268 '(
269 (mapcar #'decode-optional-formal auxes))))
272 (defun decode-macro-lambda-list (lambda-list)
273 "3.4.4 Macro Lambda Lists.
274 Does not deal with destructuring."
275 (flet ((state-keywords (state)
276 (case state
277 (:env '(
278 (:rest-or-body '(
279 (t (list state)))))
280 (loop for (formal . next-formal) on lambda-list
281 with state = '(nil :env reqvars :env :env
282 :rest-or-body :env :env :env)
283 ;; (first state) is "current" state,
284 ;; (rest state) is the set of possible next states.
285 ;; nil means an indetermined state, where we need a lambda keyword.
286 with results = nil ; this property-list-to-be collects the results.
287 with allow-other-keys-p = nil
288 if (member formal (rest state) :test #'member :key #'state-keywords)
289 do (progn
290 ;;; (push (first state) results) ; the plist indicator
291 ;;; (push nil results) ; plist place for next state's results
292 (setf state (member formal (rest state) :test #'member :key #'state-keywords)))
293 else if (and (eq (first state) '
294 (eq formal '
295 (not allow-other-keys-p)) do
296 (setf allow-other-keys-p t)
297 else if (null (first state)) do ; at indetermined-state?
298 (cond
299 ((member 'reqvars state) ; have we not yet passed reqvars state?
300 (setf state (member 'reqvars state)) ; .. then jump to reqvars state.
301 (push formal (getf results 'reqvars)))
302 (t ; we have passed reqvars state..
303 (error "Illegal formal ~S in lambda-list ~S. Expected one of ~S."
304 formal lambda-list
305 (mapcan #'state-keywords
306 (remove-duplicates (remove nil state))))))
307 else do
308 (push formal (getf results (first state)))
309 and do
310 (case (first state)
311 (( :env) ; these only take one formal, so we must force state
312 (setf state (cons nil (rest state))))) ; .. to proceed, to an indetermined state.
313 unless (listp next-formal) do ; deal with lambda lists that ends like (a b c . d).
314 (progn (push next-formal (getf results '
315 (loop-finish))
316 finally
317 (let ((reqvars (nreverse (getf results 'reqvars)))
318 (envvars (nreverse (getf results :env)))
319 (wholevars (nreverse (getf results '
320 (optionals (nreverse (getf results '
321 (rests (nreverse (getf results :rest-or-body)))
322 (keys (nreverse (getf results '
323 (auxes (nreverse (getf results '
324 (when (> (length rests) 1)
325 (error "There can only be one &REST formal parameter in lambda-list ~S."
326 lambda-list))
327 (when (> (length envvars) 1)
328 (error "There can only be one &ENVIRONMENT formal parameter, found ~S." envvars))
329 (when (> (length wholevars) 1)
330 (error "There can only be one &WHOLE formal parameter, found ~S." wholevars))
331 (return (values (first wholevars)
332 (first envvars)
333 reqvars
334 optionals
335 (first rests)
336 keys
337 auxes
338 allow-other-keys-p))))))
340 (defun parse-d-bind-lambda-list (lambda-list proceed-scan)
341 (multiple-value-bind (whole env requireds optionals rest keys)
342 (decode-macro-lambda-list lambda-list)
343 (declare (ignore keys whole env))
344 (let ((scan-var (gensym "d-bind-scan-")))
345 (append `((,scan-var ,proceed-scan))
346 (loop for required in requireds
347 append (parse-d-bind-formal required `(pop ,scan-var)))
348 (loop for optional in optionals
349 with var and init-form and supplied-p-parameter
350 do (multiple-value-setq (var init-form supplied-p-parameter)
351 (decode-optional-formal optional))
352 when supplied-p-parameter
353 collect
354 `(,supplied-p-parameter (if ,scan-var t nil))
355 append
356 (parse-d-bind-formal var (if init-form
357 `(if ,scan-var (pop ,scan-var) ,init-form)
358 `(pop ,scan-var))))
359 (when rest
360 `((,rest ,scan-var)))))))
362 (defun parse-d-bind-formal (formal proceed-scan)
363 (etypecase formal
364 (null
365 (let ((dummy-var (gensym "d-bind-dummy-")))
366 `((,dummy-var ,proceed-scan))))
367 (symbol
368 `((,formal ,proceed-scan)))
369 (list
370 (parse-d-bind-lambda-list formal proceed-scan))))
372 (defun compute-function-block-name (function-name)
373 (cond
374 ((symbolp function-name) function-name)
375 ((and (consp function-name)
376 (symbolp (cadr function-name)))
377 (cadr function-name))
378 (t (error "Unknown kind of function-name: ~S" function-name))))