Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
[movitz-core.git] / compiler-protocol.lisp
1 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2001-2005,
4 ;;;; Department of Computer Science, University of Tromso, Norway.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; For distribution policy, see the accompanying file COPYING.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; Filename: compiler-protocol.lisp
9 ;;;; Description:
10 ;;;; Author: Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <>
11 ;;;; Created at: Wed Oct 10 13:02:03 2001
12 ;;;;
13 ;;;; $Id: compiler-protocol.lisp,v 1.4 2005/08/20 20:30:03 ffjeld Exp $
14 ;;;;
15 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
17 (in-package movitz)
19 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
20 (defconstant +boolean-modes+
21 '(:boolean-greater
22 :boolean-less
23 :boolean-greater-equal
24 :boolean-less-equal
25 :boolean-below
26 :boolean-above
27 :boolean-below-equal
28 :boolean-above-equal
29 :boolean-zf=1
30 :boolean-zf=0
31 :boolean-cf=1
32 :boolean-cf=0
33 :boolean-ecx))
35 (defconstant +multiple-value-result-modes+
36 '(:multiple-values
37 :function)))
39 ;; Mode :boolean-ecx takes two parameters: the true value and the false value.
41 (defmacro post-incf (place &optional (delta 1) &environment env)
42 (multiple-value-bind (dummies vals new setter getter)
43 (get-setf-expansion place env)
44 `(let* (,@(mapcar #'list dummies vals) (,(car new) ,getter))
45 (prog1 ,(car new)
46 (setq ,(car new) (+ ,(car new) ,delta))
47 ,setter))))
49 (defmacro default-compiler-values-producer () nil)
51 (defun valid-finals (&rest final-form-values)
52 (not (some (lambda (x) (eq x 'unknown-final-form)) final-form-values)))
54 (defun modifies-union (x y)
55 (if (or (eq x t) (eq y t))
57 (union x y)))
59 (defun modifies-member (item set)
60 (or (eq set t) (member item set :test #'eq)))
62 ;;; Upstream values
63 ;;; ===============
64 ;;; code: Assembly code (required, may be nothing).
65 ;;; returns: The returns mode of code (required).
66 ;;; functional-p: The code has no side-effects.
67 ;;; producer: The name of the compiler function that generated code.
68 ;;; type: The (lisp) type of the value(s) returned by code.
69 ;;; modifies: The set of lexical bindings modified by code, or t for unknown.
70 ;;; final-form: The fully-expanded form that got compiled.
71 ;;; For self-evaluating objects, a movitz-object (from storage-types.lisp).
72 ;;; For lexical bindings, the binding object.
73 ;;; For function applications, the form (<function-name> <args> ..)
74 ;;; For dynamic loads, the symbol.
76 (defmacro compiler-values ((&optional default-values &key abstract)
77 &key (code nil code-p)
78 (returns :nothing returns-p)
79 (functional-p (null code) functional-p-p)
80 (producer '(default-compiler-values-producer) producer-p)
81 (modifies (if (eq t functional-p) nil t) modifies-p)
82 (type ''(values &rest t) type-p)
83 (final-form ''unknown-final-form final-form-p))
84 "Return the compiler-values as provided by the &key arguments. DEFAULT-VALUES names
85 an &all variable from compiler-values-bind whose values will be used as defaults in the
86 absence of values explicitly passed. If ABSTRACT is true, it means these compiler-values does
87 not represent actual code, and certain consistency rules will not be enforced."
88 (if (not default-values)
89 (progn
90 (assert (or abstract
91 (eq :nothing returns)
92 code-p) ()
93 "Returning CODE and RETURNS is mandatory ~@[for ~A ~]in the compiler protocol."
94 producer)
95 `(values ,code ,returns ,functional-p ,producer ,modifies ,type ,final-form))
96 `(values ,(if code-p code `(,default-values :code))
97 ,(if returns-p returns `(,default-values :returns))
98 ,(if functional-p-p functional-p `(,default-values :functional-p))
99 ,(if producer-p producer `(,default-values :producer))
100 ,(if modifies-p modifies `(,default-values :modifies))
101 ,(if type-p type `(,default-values :type))
102 ,(if final-form-p final-form `(,default-values :final-form)))))
104 (defmacro compiler-values-bind ((&key ((&all all))
105 ((&code code) (gensym) code-p)
106 ((&returns returns) (gensym) returns-p)
107 ((&functional-p functional-p) (gensym) functional-p-p)
108 ((&producer producer) (gensym) producer-p)
109 ((&modifies modifies) (gensym) modifies-p)
110 ((&type type) (gensym) type-p)
111 ((&final-form final-form) (gensym) final-form-p))
112 form &body body)
113 "Run BODY with variables lexically bound to the compiler-values returned by FORM. &all names a
114 variable that will represent all the compiler-values, to be passed on as default-values to
116 (if (not all)
117 `(multiple-value-bind (,code ,returns ,functional-p ,producer ,modifies ,type ,final-form)
118 ,form
119 (declare (ignore ,@(unless code-p (list code))
120 ,@(unless returns-p (list returns))
121 ,@(unless functional-p-p (list functional-p))
122 ,@(unless producer-p (list producer))
123 ,@(unless modifies-p (list modifies))
124 ,@(unless type-p (list type))
125 ,@(unless final-form-p (list final-form))))
126 ,@body)
127 `(multiple-value-bind (,code ,returns ,functional-p ,producer ,modifies ,type ,final-form)
128 ,form
129 (declare (ignorable ,@(unless code-p (list code))
130 ,@(unless returns-p (list returns))
131 ,@(unless functional-p-p (list functional-p))
132 ,@(unless producer-p (list producer))
133 ,@(unless modifies-p (list modifies))
134 ,@(unless type-p (list type))
135 ,@(unless final-form-p (list final-form))))
136 (macrolet ((,all (x)
137 (ecase x
138 (:code ',code) (:returns ',returns) (:functional-p ',functional-p)
139 (:producer ',producer) (:modifies ',modifies) (:type ',type)
140 (:final-form ',final-form))))
141 ,@body))))
143 (defmacro compiler-values-list (&rest compiler-values-spec)
144 "Wrap up compiler-values in a list."
145 `(multiple-value-list (compiler-values ,@compiler-values-spec)))
147 (defmacro compiler-values-list-bind (var-specs form &body body)
148 "Unwrap compiler-values from a list."
149 `(compiler-values-bind ,var-specs
150 (values-list ,form)
151 ,@body))
153 (defmacro compiler-values-getf (values indicator)
154 `(compiler-values-list-bind (&all my-values) ,values (my-values ,indicator)))
156 (defmacro define-compiler (name
157 (&key ((&all all-var) nil all-p)
158 ((&form form-var) (copy-symbol 'form) form-p)
159 ((&funobj funobj-var) (copy-symbol 'funobj) funobj-p)
160 ((&env env-var) (copy-symbol 'env) env-p)
161 ((&top-level-p top-level-p-var) (copy-symbol 'top-level-p) top-level-p-p)
162 ((&result-mode result-mode-var) (copy-symbol 'result-mode) result-mode-p)
163 ((&extent extent-var) (copy-symbol 'extent) extent-p))
164 &body defun-body)
165 (multiple-value-bind (body docstring)
166 (if (and (cdr defun-body)
167 (stringp (car defun-body)))
168 (values (cdr defun-body) (list (car defun-body)))
169 (values defun-body nil))
170 `(defun ,name (,form-var ,funobj-var ,env-var ,top-level-p-var ,result-mode-var ,extent-var)
171 ,@docstring
172 (declare (,(if all-p 'ignorable 'ignore)
173 ,@(unless form-p (list form-var))
174 ,@(unless funobj-p (list funobj-var))
175 ,@(unless env-p (list env-var))
176 ,@(unless top-level-p-p (list top-level-p-var))
177 ,@(unless result-mode-p (list result-mode-var))
178 ,@(unless extent-p (list extent-var))))
179 (macrolet ((default-compiler-values-producer () '',name)
180 ,@(when all-p
181 `((,all-var (v) (ecase v (:form ',form-var) (:funobj ',funobj-var)
182 (:env ',env-var) (:top-level-p ',top-level-p-var)
183 (:result-mode ',result-mode-var)
184 (:extent ',extent-var))))))
185 ,@body))))
187 (defmacro compiler-call (compiler-name &rest all-keys
188 &key defaults forward with-stack-used modify-accumulate
189 ((:form form-var) nil form-p)
190 ((:funobj funobj-var) nil funobj-p)
191 ((:env env-var) nil env-p)
192 ((:extent extent-var) nil extent-p)
193 ((:top-level-p top-level-p-var) nil top-level-p-p)
194 ((:result-mode result-mode-var) :ignore result-mode-p))
195 (assert (not (and defaults forward)) ()
196 "Both :defaults and :forward can't be specified.")
197 (cond
198 (modify-accumulate
199 `(compiler-values-bind (&all save-all &modifies keep-modifies)
200 (compiler-call ,compiler-name :modify-accumulate nil ,@all-keys)
201 (setf ,modify-accumulate (modifies-union ,modify-accumulate keep-modifies))
202 (compiler-values (save-all))))
203 (defaults
204 `(let* ((outer-env ,(if env-p env-var `(,defaults :env)))
205 (inner-env ,(if (not with-stack-used)
206 `outer-env
207 `(make-instance 'with-things-on-stack-env
208 :uplink outer-env :stack-used ,with-stack-used
209 :funobj (movitz-environment-funobj outer-env)))))
210 (funcall ,compiler-name
211 ,(if form-p form-var `(,defaults :form))
212 ,(if funobj-p funobj-var `(,defaults :funobj))
213 inner-env
214 ,(when top-level-p-p top-level-p-var) ; default to nil, no forwarding.
215 ,(if result-mode-p result-mode-var `(,defaults :result-mode))
216 ,(if extent-p extent-var `(,defaults :extent)))))
217 (forward
218 `(let* ((outer-env ,(if env-p env-var `(,forward :env)))
219 (inner-env ,(if (not with-stack-used)
220 `outer-env
221 `(make-instance 'with-things-on-stack-env
222 :uplink outer-env :stack-used ,with-stack-used
223 :funobj (movitz-environment-funobj outer-env)))))
225 (funcall ,compiler-name
226 ,(if form-p form-var `(,forward :form))
227 ,(if funobj-p funobj-var `(,forward :funobj))
228 inner-env
229 ,(if top-level-p-p top-level-p-var `(,forward :top-level-p))
230 ,(if result-mode-p result-mode-var `(,forward :result-mode))
231 ,(if extent-p extent-var `(,forward :extent)))))
232 ((not with-stack-used)
233 `(funcall ,compiler-name ,form-var ,funobj-var ,env-var
234 ,top-level-p-var ,result-mode-var ,extent-var))
235 (t (assert env-p () ":env is required when with-stack-used is given.")
236 `(funcall ,compiler-name ,form-var ,funobj-var
237 (make-instance 'with-things-on-stack-env
238 :uplink ,env-var :stack-used ,with-stack-used
239 :funobj (movitz-environment-funobj ,env-var))
240 ,top-level-p-var ,result-mode-var ,extent-var))))
242 (defmacro define-special-operator (name formals &body body)
243 (let* ((movitz-name (intern (symbol-name (translate-program name :cl
244 :muerte))
245 (fname (intern (with-standard-io-syntax
246 (format nil "~A-~A" 'special-operator movitz-name)))))
247 `(progn
248 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
249 (export ',movitz-name (symbol-package ',movitz-name)))
250 (setf (movitz-env-symbol-function ',movitz-name *persistent-movitz-environment*)
251 (make-instance 'movitz-special-operator
252 'compiler ',fname))
253 (define-compiler ,fname ,formals
254 (block ,name ,@body)))))
256 (defmacro compiler-values-setq ((&key ((&code code-var) nil code-p)
257 ((&returns returns-var) nil returns-p))
258 values-form)
259 (let ((code-tmp (gensym))
260 (returns-tmp (gensym)))
261 `(compiler-values-bind (,@(when code-p `(&code ,code-tmp))
262 ,@(when returns-p `(&returns ,returns-tmp)))
263 ,values-form
264 (setq ,@(when code-p `(,code-var ,code-tmp))
265 ,@(when returns-p `(,returns-var ,returns-tmp))))))
267 (defmacro with-labels ((prefix labels) &body body)
268 `(let ,(loop for label in labels
269 collect `(,label (gensym ,(format nil "~A-~A" prefix label))))
270 ,@body))