Use the new disassembler.
[movitz-core.git] / browser.lisp
1 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2001-2002, 2004,
4 ;;;; Department of Computer Science, University of Tromso, Norway.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; For distribution policy, see the accompanying file COPYING.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; Filename: browser.lisp
9 ;;;; Description: A CLIM browser/inspector of Movitz images.
10 ;;;; Author: Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <>
11 ;;;; Created at: Thu Jun 14 15:14:35 2001
12 ;;;;
13 ;;;; $Id: browser.lisp,v 1.2 2004/01/19 11:23:41 ffjeld Exp $
14 ;;;;
15 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
17 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
18 #+allegro (require :climxm))
20 (defpackage movitz-browser
21 (:use clim clim-lisp movitz binary-types)
22 (:export browse-file
23 browse-pid
24 browse-word
25 browser))
27 (in-package movitz-browser)
29 (define-command-table browser-file-commands
30 :menu (("Print" :command print-graph)
31 ("Print preview" :command print-graph-preview)
32 ("" :divider :line)
33 ("Quit" :command quit)))
35 (define-command-table browser-tree-commands
36 :menu (("Set NIL as root" :command (read-and-set-root nil))
37 ("Enter word" :command set-root-word)))
39 (define-command quit ()
40 (frame-exit *application-frame*))
42 (define-command print-graph ()
43 (multiple-value-call #'warn
44 "print!: ~S :"
45 (select-file *application-frame*)))
47 (define-command print-graph-preview ()
48 (let ((temp-name (sys:make-temp-file-name "browser-graph-preview")))
49 (with-open-file (temp-file temp-name :direction :output)
50 (with-output-to-postscript-stream (ps-stream temp-file)
51 (display-graph *application-frame* ps-stream)))
52 (excl:run-shell-command (format nil "gv -resize ~S; rm ~S" temp-name temp-name) :wait nil)))
54 (define-application-frame browser ()
55 ((root-tuple
56 :initarg :root-tuple
57 :accessor browser-root-tuple))
58 (:menu-bar t)
59 (:pointer-documentation t)
60 (:command-table (browser
61 :menu (("File" :menu browser-file-commands)
62 ("Tree" :menu browser-tree-commands))
63 :inherit-from (browser-file-commands browser-tree-commands)))
64 (:panes
65 (graph
66 :application
67 ;; :label "Object Graph"
68 ;; :scroll-bars nil
69 :initial-cursor-visibility nil
70 :display-function 'display-graph))
71 (:layouts
72 (default (horizontally ()
73 graph))))
76 (defstruct graph-tuple
77 tree
78 object
79 parent
80 slot-name)
82 (define-presentation-type graph-tuple () :inherit-from t)
84 (defun display-graph (browser *standard-output*)
85 (format-graph-from-root (browser-root-tuple browser)
86 ;; printer
87 #'(lambda (tuple *standard-output*)
88 (with-output-as-presentation (t tuple 'graph-tuple)
89 (with-slots (object slot-name) tuple
90 (formatting-table ()
91 (formatting-column ()
92 (when slot-name
93 (formatting-cell (t :align-x :center)
94 (display-child-spec slot-name)))
95 (formatting-cell (t :align-x :center)
96 (present object)))))))
97 ;; child-producer
98 #'(lambda (tuple)
99 (with-slots (tree object parent slot-name) tuple
100 ;; (warn "child-of: ~S" (type-of object))
101 (mapcar #'(lambda (child-slot-name)
102 (make-graph-tuple
103 :tree tree
104 :object (browser-child object child-slot-name)
105 :parent object
106 :slot-name child-slot-name))
107 (browser-open-slots tree object parent slot-name))))
108 :graph-type :digraph
109 :within-generation-separation 2
110 :maximize-generations nil
111 :generation-separation 60
112 :store-objects t
113 :center-nodes nil
114 :orientation :horizontal ;; :vertical
115 ;; :duplicate-key #'cdr
116 ;; :duplicate-test #'equalp
117 :merge-duplicates t
118 :cutoff-depth 50))
121 (defun display-child-spec (spec)
122 (case (first spec)
123 (slot-value
124 (with-drawing-options (t :ink +green+ :size :small)
125 (princ (string-downcase (format nil "~A" (second spec))))))
126 (otherwise
127 (princ spec))))
129 (defmethod movitz-object-browser-properties ((object t)) nil)
131 (defmethod browser-child ((object movitz-heap-object) child-spec)
132 (ecase (car child-spec)
133 (slot-value
134 (slot-value object (second child-spec)))))
136 (defclass browser-array ()
137 ((type
138 :initarg :type
139 :reader browser-array-type)
140 (elements
141 :initarg :elements
142 :reader browser-array-elements)))
144 (define-presentation-type browser-array ())
146 (defmethod browser-child ((object movitz-vector) child-spec)
147 (destructuring-bind (operator &rest operands)
148 child-spec
149 (case operator
150 (aref
151 (nth (first operands)
152 (movitz-vector-symbolic-data object)))
153 (array
154 (make-instance 'browser-array
155 :type (movitz-vector-element-type object)
156 :elements (movitz-vector-symbolic-data object)))
157 (t (call-next-method object child-spec)))))
159 (defmethod browser-child ((object movitz-struct) child-spec)
160 (destructuring-bind (operator &rest operands)
161 child-spec
162 (case operator
163 (struct-ref
164 (nth (first operands)
165 (movitz-struct-slot-values object)))
166 (t (call-next-method)))))
169 (defun browser-slot-value (object slot-name)
170 (case (binary-slot-type (type-of object) slot-name)
171 (word (movitz-word (binary-slot-value object slot-name)))
172 (t (if (slot-boundp object slot-name)
173 (slot-value object slot-name)
174 (make-symbol "[UNBOUND]")))))
176 (defun browser-all-slots (object)
177 (mapcar #'(lambda (slot-name) (list 'slot-value slot-name))
178 (binary-record-slot-names (type-of object))))
180 (defmethod browser-default-open-slots ((object movitz-heap-object))
181 (reverse (set-difference (browser-all-slots object)
182 '((slot-value movitz::type))
183 :key #'second)))
185 (defmethod browser-default-open-slots ((object movitz-vector))
186 (assert (= (length (movitz-vector-symbolic-data object))
187 (movitz-vector-num-elements object)))
188 (append (remove 'movitz::data (call-next-method object) :key #'second)
189 (case (movitz-vector-element-type object)
190 (:any-t
191 ;; merge EQ elements..
192 (loop for (value next-value) on (movitz-vector-symbolic-data object)
193 as i upfrom 0
194 with start-index = 0
195 unless (and next-value
196 (= (movitz-intern value)
197 (movitz-intern next-value)))
198 collect `(aref ,start-index ,@(unless (= i start-index) (list i)))
199 and do (setf start-index (1+ i))))
200 (t (list `(array ,(movitz-vector-num-elements object)))))))
202 (defmethod browser-default-open-slots ((object movitz-struct))
203 (append (remove 'movitz::slot0 (call-next-method object) :key #'second)
204 (loop for x from 0 below (movitz-struct-length object)
205 collect `(struct-ref ,x))))
207 (defun browse-image (*image* &key (root (make-graph-tuple
208 :object (movitz-word (movitz-read-and-intern nil 'word))
209 :tree (gensym))))
210 (let ((*endian* :little-endian)
211 (*print-radix* t)
212 (*print-base* 16))
213 (run-frame-top-level
214 (make-application-frame 'browser
215 :width 700
216 :height 700
217 :root-tuple root))))
219 (defun browse-word (word)
220 (browse-image movitz::*image*
221 :root (make-graph-tuple :object (movitz-word word)
222 :tree (gensym))))
224 (defun browser ()
225 (multiprocessing:process-run-function "browser" #'browse-image *i*))
227 (defun browse-pid (pid)
228 (flet ((do-browse-pid (pid)
229 (with-procfs-image (pid)
230 (browse-image *image*))))
231 (multiprocessing:process-run-function
232 `(:name "browser")
233 #'do-browse-pid
234 pid)))
236 (defun browse-file (&key (threadp t) (path *default-image-file*)
237 (offset (- 512 #x100000)) (direction :input))
238 (flet ((do-browse-path (path offset direction)
239 (with-binary-file (stream path :direction direction)
240 (browse-image (make-instance 'stream-image
241 :stream stream
242 :offset offset)))))
243 (if threadp
244 (multiprocessing:process-run-function "browser" #'do-browse-path
245 path offset direction)
246 (do-browse-path path offset direction))))
249 (define-presentation-type movitz-object ())
251 (define-presentation-method present (object (type movitz-object)
252 *standard-output*
253 (view textual-view) &key)
254 (formatting-table ()
255 (formatting-column ()
256 (formatting-cell (t :align-x :center)
257 (with-drawing-options (t :size :small)
258 (browser-print-safely object)))
259 (formatting-cell (t :align-x :center)
260 (format t "#x~8,'0X" (movitz-intern object))))))
262 (define-presentation-method present
263 (object (type movitz-object) *standard-output* (view textual-menu-view) &key)
264 (format t "#x~8,'0X" (movitz-intern object)))
266 (define-presentation-method present
267 (object (type graph-tuple) *standard-output* (view textual-menu-view) &key)
268 (format t "#x~8,'0X" (movitz-intern (graph-tuple-object object))))
270 (define-presentation-method present (object (type movitz-character)
271 *standard-output*
272 (view textual-view) &key)
273 (write (movitz-char object)))
275 (define-presentation-method present
276 (object (type movitz-symbol) *standard-output* (view textual-view) &key)
277 (format t "#x~8,'0X: |~A|" (movitz-intern object) (browser-print-safely object)))
279 (define-presentation-method present
280 (object (type movitz-vector) *standard-output* (view textual-view) &key)
281 (if (not (eq :character (movitz-vector-element-type object)))
282 (call-next-method)
283 (format t "#x~8,'0X: \"~A\"" (movitz-intern object) (browser-print-safely object))))
285 (defun browser-print-safely (object)
286 (handler-case
287 (movitz::movitz-print object)
288 (error ()
289 (write-string (string-downcase (symbol-name (type-of object)))))))
291 (define-presentation-method present (object (type browser-array)
292 *standard-output*
293 (view textual-view) &key)
294 (let ((rows-per-col (typecase (length (browser-array-elements object))
295 ((integer 0 15) 1)
296 ((integer 16 47) 2)
297 ((integer 48 127) 4)
298 (t 8))))
299 (formatting-table ()
300 (loop for row on (browser-array-elements object) by #'(lambda (x) (nthcdr rows-per-col x))
301 as i upfrom 0 by rows-per-col
302 do (formatting-row ()
303 (formatting-cell (t :align-x :right)
304 (format t "~D:" i))
305 (loop for r from 1 to rows-per-col
306 as element in row
307 do (formatting-cell ()
308 (case (browser-array-type object)
309 (:u32 (format t "#x~8,'0X" element))
310 ((:u8 :code) (format t "#x~2,'0X" element))
311 (t #+ignore(warn "unk: ~S" (browser-array-type object))
312 (write element))))))))))
314 (define-browser-command read-and-set-root ((object 't))
315 (set-root (movitz-word (movitz-read-and-intern object 'word))))
317 (define-browser-command toggle ((tuple 'graph-tuple))
318 (with-slots (tree object parent slot-name) tuple
319 (cond
320 ((null (browser-open-slots tree object parent slot-name))
321 (setf (browser-open-slots tree object parent slot-name)
322 (browser-default-open-slots object)))
323 ;; (warn "now open: ~S" (browser-open-slots tree object parent slot-name)))
325 (setf (browser-open-slots tree object parent slot-name)
326 nil)))))
328 (define-presentation-to-command-translator toggle
329 (graph-tuple
330 toggle
331 browser
332 :gesture :select
333 :tester ((object)
334 (typep (graph-tuple-object object) 'movitz-heap-object)))
335 (object)
336 (list object))
338 (define-browser-command set-root ((object 'movitz-object))
339 (setf (browser-root-tuple *application-frame*)
340 (make-graph-tuple :tree (gensym) :object object)))
342 (define-presentation-to-command-translator set-root-tuple
343 (graph-tuple set-root browser)
344 (object)
345 (list (graph-tuple-object object)))
347 (define-browser-command new-browser ((object 'movitz-object))
348 (browse-image *image* :root (make-graph-tuple :tree (gensym)
349 :object object)))
351 (define-presentation-to-command-translator new-browser-tuple
352 (graph-tuple new-browser browser)
353 (object)
354 (list (graph-tuple-object object)))
356 (defun (setf browser-open-slots) (value tree object parent slot-name)
357 (let ((old-slot (assoc-if #'(lambda (x) (and (eq (car x) parent) (eq (cdr x) slot-name)))
358 (getf (movitz-object-browser-properties object) tree))))
359 (if old-slot
360 (setf (cdr old-slot) value)
361 (setf (getf (movitz-object-browser-properties object) tree)
362 (acons (cons parent slot-name)
363 value
364 (getf (movitz-object-browser-properties object) tree)))))
365 value)
367 (defun browser-open-slots (tree object parent slot-name)
368 (cdr (assoc-if #'(lambda (x) (and (eq (car x) parent) (eq (cdr x) slot-name)))
369 (getf (movitz-object-browser-properties object) tree))))
372 (define-browser-command set-root-word ()
373 (let ((word (accepting-values (t :own-window t)
374 (accept '((integer 0 #xffffffff) :base 16)))))
375 (when word
376 (set-root (movitz-word word)))))