[moreutils.git] / errno.docbook
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 <!--
5 Copyright 2012 Lars Wirzenius (liw@iki.fi)
7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
9 Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
10 option) any later version.
12 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
18 with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
19 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21 -->
23 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.4//EN"
24 "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/docbookx.dtd"
25 []>
27 <refentry>
28 <refentryinfo>
29 <address>
30 <email>liw@liw.fi</email>
31 </address>
32 <author>
33 <firstname>Lars</firstname>
34 <surname>Wirzenius</surname>
35 </author>
36 <date>2012-06-05</date>
37 </refentryinfo>
39 <refmeta>
40 <refentrytitle>errno</refentrytitle>
41 <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
42 <refmiscinfo class="manual">moreutils</refmiscinfo>
43 <refmiscinfo class="source">moreutils</refmiscinfo>
44 </refmeta>
46 <refnamediv>
47 <refname>errno</refname>
48 <refpurpose>look up errno names and descriptions</refpurpose>
49 </refnamediv>
51 <refsynopsisdiv>
52 <cmdsynopsis>
53 <command>errno</command>
54 <arg choice="req"><replaceable>name-or-code</replaceable></arg>
55 </cmdsynopsis>
56 <cmdsynopsis>
57 <command>errno</command>
58 <arg>-ls</arg>
59 <arg>--list</arg>
60 </cmdsynopsis>
61 <cmdsynopsis>
62 <command>errno</command>
63 <arg>-s</arg>
64 <arg>--search</arg>
65 <arg choice="req"><replaceable>word</replaceable></arg>
66 </cmdsynopsis>
67 <cmdsynopsis>
68 <command>errno</command>
69 <arg>-S</arg>
70 <arg>--search-all-locales</arg>
71 <arg choice="req"><replaceable>word</replaceable></arg>
72 </cmdsynopsis>
73 </refsynopsisdiv>
75 <refsect1>
76 <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
78 <para><command>errno</command> looks up errno macro names,
79 errno codes, and the corresponding descriptions. For example,
80 if given <literal>ENOENT</literal> on a Linux system, it
81 prints out the code 2 and the description "No such file or directory".
82 If given the code 2, it printes <literal>ENOENT</literal>
83 and the same description.</para>
85 </refsect1>
87 <refsect1>
88 <title>OPTIONS</title>
90 <variablelist>
91 <varlistentry>
92 <term><option>-l</option></term>
93 <term><option>--list</option></term>
94 <listitem>
95 <para>List all errno values.</para>
96 </listitem>
97 </varlistentry>
99 <varlistentry>
100 <term><option>-s</option></term>
101 <term><option>--search</option></term>
102 <listitem>
103 <para>Search for errors whose description contains
104 all the given words (case-insensitive).</para>
105 </listitem>
106 </varlistentry>
108 <varlistentry>
109 <term><option>-S</option></term>
110 <term><option>--search-all-locales</option></term>
111 <listitem>
112 <para>Like <option>--search</option>, but searches all
113 installed locales.</para>
114 </listitem>
115 </varlistentry>
116 </variablelist>
118 </refsect1>
120 <refsect1>
121 <title>AUTHOR</title>
123 <para>
124 Lars Wirzenius
125 </para>
126 </refsect1>
128 <refsect1>
129 <title>SEE ALSO</title>
131 <para>
132 <citerefentry>
133 <refentrytitle>errno</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum>
134 </citerefentry>
135 </para>
137 </refsect1>
138 </refentry>