sponge: Ensure that output file permissions are always preserved if it already exists.
[moreutils.git] / lckdo.docbook
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 <!--
5 Written by Michael Tokarev <mjt@tls.msk.ru>
6 Public domain.
8 -->
10 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.4//EN"
11 "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/schema/dtd/4.4/docbookx.dtd"
12 []>
14 <refentry>
15 <refentryinfo>
16 <address>
17 <email>mjt@tls.msk.ru</email>
18 </address>
19 <author>
20 <firstname>Michael</firstname>
21 <surname>Tokarev</surname>
22 </author>
23 <date>2007-08-15</date>
24 </refentryinfo>
26 <refmeta>
27 <refentrytitle>lckdo</refentrytitle>
28 <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
29 </refmeta>
31 <refnamediv>
32 <refname>lckdo</refname>
33 <refpurpose>run a program with a lock held</refpurpose>
34 </refnamediv>
36 <refsynopsisdiv>
37 <cmdsynopsis>
38 <command>lckdo</command>
39 <arg>options</arg>
40 <arg choice="req">lockfile</arg>
41 <arg choice="req">program</arg>
42 <arg>arguments</arg>
43 </cmdsynopsis>
44 </refsynopsisdiv>
46 <refsect1>
47 <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
49 <para><command>lckdo</command> runs a program with a lock
50 held, in order to prevent multiple processes from running in
51 parallel. Use just like <command>nice</command> or
52 <command>nohup</command>.</para>
54 <para>Now that util-linux contains a similar command
55 named <command>flock</command>, lckdo is deprecated,
56 and will be removed from some future version of moreutils.
57 </para>
59 </refsect1>
61 <refsect1>
62 <title>OPTIONS</title>
64 <variablelist>
66 <varlistentry>
67 <term><option>-w</option></term>
68 <listitem>
69 <para>If the lock is already held by another process,
70 wait for it to complete instead of failing
71 immediately.</para>
72 </listitem>
73 </varlistentry>
75 <varlistentry>
76 <term><option>-W {sec}</option></term>
77 <listitem>
78 <para>The same as -w but wait not more than sec
79 seconds.</para>
80 </listitem>
81 </varlistentry>
83 <varlistentry>
84 <term><option>-e</option></term>
85 <listitem>
86 <para>Execute the program directly without forking and
87 waiting (keeps an extra file descriptor open).</para>
88 </listitem>
89 </varlistentry>
91 <varlistentry>
92 <term><option>-E {nnn}</option></term>
93 <listitem>
94 <para>Set the file descriptor number to keep open when
95 exec()ing (implies -e).</para>
96 </listitem>
97 </varlistentry>
99 <varlistentry>
100 <term><option>-n</option></term>
101 <listitem>
102 <para>Do not create the lock file if it does not
103 exist.</para>
104 </listitem>
105 </varlistentry>
107 <varlistentry>
108 <term><option>-q</option></term>
109 <listitem>
110 <para>Produce no output if lock is already held.</para>
111 </listitem>
112 </varlistentry>
114 <varlistentry>
115 <term><option>-s</option></term>
116 <listitem>
117 <para>Lock in shared (read) mode.</para>
118 </listitem>
119 </varlistentry>
121 <varlistentry>
122 <term><option>-x</option></term>
123 <listitem>
124 <para>Lock in exclusive (write) mode (default).</para>
125 </listitem>
126 </varlistentry>
128 <varlistentry>
129 <term><option>-t</option></term>
130 <listitem>
131 <para>Test for lock existence.</para>
132 </listitem>
133 </varlistentry>
135 </variablelist>
137 </refsect1>
139 <refsect1>
140 <title>EXIT STATUS</title>
142 <para>If the lock was successfully acquired, the return value is that
143 of the program invoked by <command>lckdo</command>. If the lock
144 couldn't be acquired, EX_TEMPFAIL is returned. If there was a problem
145 opening/creating or locking the lock file, EX_CANTCREAT or EX_OSERR
146 will be returned.</para>
148 </refsect1>
150 <refsect1>
151 <title>AUTHOR</title>
152 <para>
153 Michael Tokarev
154 </para>
155 </refsect1>
157 </refentry>