2 // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
4 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 // (at your option) any later version.
9 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 * Strings for component 'atto_charmap', language 'en'.
20 * @package atto_charmap
21 * @copyright 2014 Frédéric Massart
22 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
25 $string['insertcharacter'] = 'Insert character';
26 $string['pluginname'] = 'Insert character';
28 // The following are not ordered on purpose, they are kept
29 // in the order in which they appear in the user interface.
30 $string['interrobang'] = 'interrobang';
31 $string['nobreakspace'] = 'no-break space';
32 $string['ampersand'] = 'ampersand';
33 $string['quotationmark'] = 'quotation mark';
34 $string['centsign'] = 'cent sign';
35 $string['eurosign'] = 'euro sign';
36 $string['poundsign'] = 'pound sign';
37 $string['yensign'] = 'yen sign';
38 $string['copyrightsign'] = 'copyright sign';
39 $string['registeredsign'] = 'registered sign';
40 $string['trademarksign'] = 'trade mark sign';
41 $string['permillesign'] = 'per mille sign';
42 $string['microsign'] = 'micro sign';
43 $string['middledot'] = 'middle dot';
44 $string['bullet'] = 'bullet';
45 $string['threedotleader'] = 'three dot leader';
46 $string['minutesfeet'] = 'minutes / feet';
47 $string['secondsinches'] = 'seconds / inches';
48 $string['sectionsign'] = 'section sign';
49 $string['paragraphsign'] = 'paragraph sign';
50 $string['sharpsesszed'] = 'sharp s / ess-zed';
51 $string['singleleftpointinganglequotationmark'] = 'single left-pointing angle quotation mark';
52 $string['singlerightpointinganglequotationmark'] = 'single right-pointing angle quotation mark';
53 $string['leftpointingguillemet'] = 'left pointing guillemet';
54 $string['rightpointingguillemet'] = 'right pointing guillemet';
55 $string['leftsinglequotationmark'] = 'left single quotation mark';
56 $string['rightsinglequotationmark'] = 'right single quotation mark';
57 $string['leftdoublequotationmark'] = 'left double quotation mark';
58 $string['rightdoublequotationmark'] = 'right double quotation mark';
59 $string['singlelow9quotationmark'] = 'single low-9 quotation mark';
60 $string['doublelow9quotationmark'] = 'double low-9 quotation mark';
61 $string['lessthansign'] = 'less-than sign';
62 $string['greaterthansign'] = 'greater-than sign';
63 $string['lessthanorequalto'] = 'less-than or equal to';
64 $string['greaterthanorequalto'] = 'greater-than or equal to';
65 $string['endash'] = 'en dash';
66 $string['emdash'] = 'em dash';
67 $string['macron'] = 'macron';
68 $string['overline'] = 'overline';
69 $string['currencysign'] = 'currency sign';
70 $string['brokenbar'] = 'broken bar';
71 $string['diaeresis'] = 'diaeresis';
72 $string['invertedexclamationmark'] = 'inverted exclamation mark';
73 $string['turnedquestionmark'] = 'turned question mark';
74 $string['circumflexaccent'] = 'circumflex accent';
75 $string['smalltilde'] = 'small tilde';
76 $string['degreesign'] = 'degree sign';
77 $string['minussign'] = 'minus sign';
78 $string['plusminussign'] = 'plus-minus sign';
79 $string['divisionsign'] = 'division sign';
80 $string['fractionslash'] = 'fraction slash';
81 $string['multiplicationsign'] = 'multiplication sign';
82 $string['superscriptone'] = 'superscript one';
83 $string['superscripttwo'] = 'superscript two';
84 $string['superscriptthree'] = 'superscript three';
85 $string['fractiononequarter'] = 'fraction one quarter';
86 $string['fractiononehalf'] = 'fraction one half';
87 $string['fractionthreequarters'] = 'fraction three quarters';
88 $string['functionflorin'] = 'function / florin';
89 $string['integral'] = 'integral';
90 $string['narysumation'] = 'n-ary sumation';
91 $string['infinity'] = 'infinity';
92 $string['squareroot'] = 'square root';
93 $string['similarto'] = 'similar to';
94 $string['approximatelyequalto'] = 'approximately equal to';
95 $string['almostequalto'] = 'almost equal to';
96 $string['notequalto'] = 'not equal to';
97 $string['identicalto'] = 'identical to';
98 $string['elementof'] = 'element of';
99 $string['notanelementof'] = 'not an element of';
100 $string['containsasmember'] = 'contains as member';
101 $string['naryproduct'] = 'n-ary product';
102 $string['logicaland'] = 'logical and';
103 $string['logicalor'] = 'logical or';
104 $string['notsign'] = 'not sign';
105 $string['intersection'] = 'intersection';
106 $string['union'] = 'union';
107 $string['partialdifferential'] = 'partial differential';
108 $string['forall'] = 'for all';
109 $string['thereexists'] = 'there exists';
110 $string['diameter'] = 'diameter';
111 $string['backwarddifference'] = 'backward difference';
112 $string['asteriskoperator'] = 'asterisk operator';
113 $string['proportionalto'] = 'proportional to';
114 $string['angle'] = 'angle';
115 $string['acuteaccent'] = 'acute accent';
116 $string['cedilla'] = 'cedilla';
117 $string['feminineordinalindicator'] = 'feminine ordinal indicator';
118 $string['masculineordinalindicator'] = 'masculine ordinal indicator';
119 $string['dagger'] = 'dagger';
120 $string['doubledagger'] = 'double dagger';
121 $string['agrave_caps'] = 'A - grave';
122 $string['aacute_caps'] = 'A - acute';
123 $string['acircumflex_caps'] = 'A - circumflex';
124 $string['atilde_caps'] = 'A - tilde';
125 $string['adiaeresis_caps'] = 'A - diaeresis';
126 $string['aringabove_caps'] = 'A - ring above';
127 $string['amacron_caps'] = 'A - macron';
128 $string['ligatureae_caps'] = 'ligature AE';
129 $string['ccedilla_caps'] = 'C - cedilla';
130 $string['egrave_caps'] = 'E - grave';
131 $string['eacute_caps'] = 'E - acute';
132 $string['ecircumflex_caps'] = 'E - circumflex';
133 $string['ediaeresis_caps'] = 'E - diaeresis';
134 $string['emacron_caps'] = 'E - macron';
135 $string['igrave_caps'] = 'I - grave';
136 $string['iacute_caps'] = 'I - acute';
137 $string['icircumflex_caps'] = 'I - circumflex';
138 $string['idiaeresis_caps'] = 'I - diaeresis';
139 $string['imacron_caps'] = 'I - macron';
140 $string['eth_caps'] = 'ETH';
141 $string['ntilde_caps'] = 'N - tilde';
142 $string['ograve_caps'] = 'O - grave';
143 $string['oacute_caps'] = 'O - acute';
144 $string['ocircumflex_caps'] = 'O - circumflex';
145 $string['otilde_caps'] = 'O - tilde';
146 $string['odiaeresis_caps'] = 'O - diaeresis';
147 $string['oslash_caps'] = 'O - slash';
148 $string['omacron_caps'] = 'O - macron';
149 $string['ligatureoe_caps'] = 'ligature OE';
150 $string['scaron_caps'] = 'S - caron';
151 $string['ugrave_caps'] = 'U - grave';
152 $string['uacute_caps'] = 'U - acute';
153 $string['ucircumflex_caps'] = 'U - circumflex';
154 $string['udiaeresis_caps'] = 'U - diaeresis';
155 $string['umacron_caps'] = 'U - macron';
156 $string['yacute_caps'] = 'Y - acute';
157 $string['ydiaeresis_caps'] = 'Y - diaeresis';
158 $string['thorn_caps'] = 'THORN';
159 $string['agrave'] = 'a - grave';
160 $string['aacute'] = 'a - acute';
161 $string['acircumflex'] = 'a - circumflex';
162 $string['atilde'] = 'a - tilde';
163 $string['adiaeresis'] = 'a - diaeresis';
164 $string['aringabove'] = 'a - ring above';
165 $string['amacron'] = 'a - macron';
166 $string['ligatureae'] = 'ligature ae';
167 $string['ccedilla'] = 'c - cedilla';
168 $string['egrave'] = 'e - grave';
169 $string['eacute'] = 'e - acute';
170 $string['ecircumflex'] = 'e - circumflex';
171 $string['ediaeresis'] = 'e - diaeresis';
172 $string['emacron'] = 'e - macron';
173 $string['igrave'] = 'i - grave';
174 $string['iacute'] = 'i - acute';
175 $string['icircumflex'] = 'i - circumflex';
176 $string['idiaeresis'] = 'i - diaeresis';
177 $string['imacron'] = 'i - macron';
178 $string['eth'] = 'eth';
179 $string['ntilde'] = 'n - tilde';
180 $string['ograve'] = 'o - grave';
181 $string['oacute'] = 'o - acute';
182 $string['ocircumflex'] = 'o - circumflex';
183 $string['otilde'] = 'o - tilde';
184 $string['odiaeresis'] = 'o - diaeresis';
185 $string['oslash'] = 'o slash';
186 $string['omacron'] = 'o - macron';
187 $string['ligatureoe'] = 'ligature oe';
188 $string['scaron'] = 's - caron';
189 $string['ugrave'] = 'u - grave';
190 $string['uacute'] = 'u - acute';
191 $string['ucircumflex'] = 'u - circumflex';
192 $string['udiaeresis'] = 'u - diaeresis';
193 $string['umacron'] = 'u - macron';
194 $string['yacute'] = 'y - acute';
195 $string['thorn'] = 'thorn';
196 $string['ydiaeresis'] = 'y - diaeresis';
197 $string['alpha_caps'] = 'Alpha';
198 $string['beta_caps'] = 'Beta';
199 $string['gamma_caps'] = 'Gamma';
200 $string['delta_caps'] = 'Delta';
201 $string['epsilon_caps'] = 'Epsilon';
202 $string['zeta_caps'] = 'Zeta';
203 $string['eta_caps'] = 'Eta';
204 $string['theta_caps'] = 'Theta';
205 $string['iota_caps'] = 'Iota';
206 $string['kappa_caps'] = 'Kappa';
207 $string['lambda_caps'] = 'Lambda';
208 $string['mu_caps'] = 'Mu';
209 $string['nu_caps'] = 'Nu';
210 $string['xi_caps'] = 'Xi';
211 $string['omicron_caps'] = 'Omicron';
212 $string['pi_caps'] = 'Pi';
213 $string['rho_caps'] = 'Rho';
214 $string['sigma_caps'] = 'Sigma';
215 $string['tau_caps'] = 'Tau';
216 $string['upsilon_caps'] = 'Upsilon';
217 $string['phi_caps'] = 'Phi';
218 $string['chi_caps'] = 'Chi';
219 $string['psi_caps'] = 'Psi';
220 $string['omega_caps'] = 'Omega';
221 $string['alpha'] = 'alpha';
222 $string['beta'] = 'beta';
223 $string['gamma'] = 'gamma';
224 $string['delta'] = 'delta';
225 $string['epsilon'] = 'epsilon';
226 $string['zeta'] = 'zeta';
227 $string['eta'] = 'eta';
228 $string['theta'] = 'theta';
229 $string['iota'] = 'iota';
230 $string['kappa'] = 'kappa';
231 $string['lambda'] = 'lambda';
232 $string['mu'] = 'mu';
233 $string['nu'] = 'nu';
234 $string['xi'] = 'xi';
235 $string['omicron'] = 'omicron';
236 $string['pi'] = 'pi';
237 $string['rho'] = 'rho';
238 $string['finalsigma'] = 'final sigma';
239 $string['sigma'] = 'sigma';
240 $string['tau'] = 'tau';
241 $string['upsilon'] = 'upsilon';
242 $string['phi'] = 'phi';
243 $string['chi'] = 'chi';
244 $string['psi'] = 'psi';
245 $string['omega'] = 'omega';
246 $string['alefsymbol'] = 'alef symbol';
247 $string['pisymbol'] = 'pi symbol';
248 $string['realpartsymbol'] = 'real part symbol';
249 $string['thetasymbol'] = 'theta symbol';
250 $string['upsilonhooksymbol'] = 'upsilon - hook symbol';
251 $string['weierstrassp'] = 'Weierstrass p';
252 $string['imaginarypart'] = 'imaginary part';
253 $string['leftwardsarrow'] = 'leftwards arrow';
254 $string['upwardsarrow'] = 'upwards arrow';
255 $string['rightwardsarrow'] = 'rightwards arrow';
256 $string['downwardsarrow'] = 'downwards arrow';
257 $string['leftrightarrow'] = 'left right arrow';
258 $string['carriagereturn'] = 'carriage return';
259 $string['leftwardsdoublearrow'] = 'leftwards double arrow';
260 $string['upwardsdoublearrow'] = 'upwards double arrow';
261 $string['rightwardsdoublearrow'] = 'rightwards double arrow';
262 $string['downwardsdoublearrow'] = 'downwards double arrow';
263 $string['leftrightdoublearrow'] = 'left right double arrow';
264 $string['therefore'] = 'therefore';
265 $string['subsetof'] = 'subset of';
266 $string['supersetof'] = 'superset of';
267 $string['notasubsetof'] = 'not a subset of';
268 $string['subsetoforequalto'] = 'subset of or equal to';
269 $string['supersetoforequalto'] = 'superset of or equal to';
270 $string['circledplus'] = 'circled plus';
271 $string['circledtimes'] = 'circled times';
272 $string['perpendicular'] = 'perpendicular';
273 $string['dotoperator'] = 'dot operator';
274 $string['leftceiling'] = 'left ceiling';
275 $string['rightceiling'] = 'right ceiling';
276 $string['leftfloor'] = 'left floor';
277 $string['rightfloor'] = 'right floor';
278 $string['leftpointinganglebracket'] = 'left-pointing angle bracket';
279 $string['rightpointinganglebracket'] = 'right-pointing angle bracket';
280 $string['lozenge'] = 'lozenge';
281 $string['blackspadesuit'] = 'black spade suit';
282 $string['blackclubsuit'] = 'black club suit';
283 $string['blackheartsuit'] = 'black heart suit';
284 $string['blackdiamondsuit'] = 'black diamond suit';
285 $string['enspace'] = 'en space';
286 $string['emspace'] = 'em space';
287 $string['thinspace'] = 'thin space';
288 $string['zerowidthnonjoiner'] = 'zero width non-joiner';
289 $string['zerowidthjoiner'] = 'zero width joiner';
290 $string['lefttorightmark'] = 'left-to-right mark';
291 $string['righttoleftmark'] = 'right-to-left mark';
292 $string['softhyphen'] = 'soft hyphen';
293 $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The atto_charmap plugin does not store any personal data.';