Merged some changes from HEAD
[moodle.git] / lang / en / grades.php
1 <?PHP // $Id$
2 // grades.php - created with Moodle 1.5 UNSTABLE DEVELOPMENT (2005031700)
5 $string['addcategory'] = 'Add Category';
6 $string['addcategoryerror'] = 'Could not add category.';
7 $string['addexceptionerror'] = 'Error occurred while adding exception for userid:gradeitem';
8 $string['allgrades'] = 'All grades by category';
9 $string['allstudents'] = 'All Students';
10 $string['average'] = 'Average';
11 $string['bonuspoints'] = 'Bonus Points';
12 $string['categories'] = 'Categories';
13 $string['category'] = 'Category';
14 $string['choosecategory'] = 'Select Category';
15 $string['creatinggradebooksettings'] = 'Creating Gradebook settings';
16 $string['curveto'] = 'Curve To';
17 $string['deletecategory'] = 'Delete Category';
18 $string['displaylettergrade'] = 'Display Letter Grades';
19 $string['displaypercent'] = 'Display Percents';
20 $string['displaypoints'] = 'Display Points';
21 $string['displayweighted'] = 'Display Weighted Grades';
22 $string['dropped'] = 'Dropped';
23 $string['dropxlowest'] = 'Drop X Lowest';
24 $string['dropxlowestwarning'] = 'Note: If you use drop x lowest the grading assumes that all items in the category have the same point value. If point values differ results will be unpredictable';
25 $string['errorgradevaluenonnumeric'] = 'Received non-numeric for low or high grade for ';
26 $string['errornocategorizedid'] = 'Could not get an uncategorized id!';
27 $string['errornocourse'] = 'Could not get course information';
28 $string['errorreprintheadersnonnumeric'] = 'Received non-numeric value for reprint-headers';
29 $string['exceptions'] = 'Exceptions';
30 $string['excluded'] = 'Excluded';
31 $string['extracredit'] = 'Extra Credit';
32 $string['extracreditwarning'] = 'Note: Setting all items for a category to extra credit will effectively remove them from the grade calculation. Since there will be no point total';
33 $string['forstudents'] = 'For Students';
34 $string['gradeitemaddusers'] = 'Exclude from Grading';
35 $string['gradeitemmembersselected'] = 'Excluded from Grading';
36 $string['gradeitemnonmembers'] = 'Included in Grading';
37 $string['gradeitemremovemembers'] = 'Include in Grading';
38 $string['gradeitems'] = 'Grade Items';
39 $string['gradebook'] = 'Gradebook';
40 $string['gradebookhiddenerror'] = 'The gradebook is currently set to hide everything from students.';
41 $string['gradecategoryhelp'] = 'Grade Category Help';
42 $string['gradeexceptions'] = 'Grade Exceptions';
43 $string['gradeexceptionshelp'] = 'Grade Exceptions Help';
44 $string['gradehelp'] = 'Grade Help';
45 $string['gradeitem'] = 'Grade Item';
46 $string['gradeletter'] = 'Grade Letter';
47 $string['gradeletterhelp'] = 'Grade Letter Help';
48 $string['gradeletternote'] = 'To delete a grade letter just empty any of the<br /> three text areas for that letter and click submit.';
49 $string['gradepreferenceshelp'] = 'Grade Preferences Help';
50 $string['grades'] = 'Grades';
51 $string['gradeweighthelp'] = 'Grade Weight Help';
52 $string['hideadvanced'] = 'Hide Advanced Features';
53 $string['hidecategory'] = 'Hidden';
54 $string['highgradeascending'] = 'Sort by high grade ascending';
55 $string['highgradedescending'] = 'Sort by high grade descending';
56 $string['highgradeletter'] = 'High';
57 $string['incorrectcourseid'] = 'Course ID was incorrect';
58 $string['item'] = 'Item';
59 $string['items'] = 'Items';
60 $string['lettergrade'] = 'Letter Grade';
61 $string['lettergradenonnumber'] = 'Low and/or High grade were non-numeric for';
62 $string['letters'] = 'Letters';
63 $string['lowest'] = 'Lowest';
64 $string['lowgradeletter'] = 'Low';
65 $string['max'] = 'Highest';
66 $string['maxgrade'] = 'Max Grade';
67 $string['median'] = 'Median';
68 $string['min'] = 'Lowest';
69 $string['mode'] = 'Mode';
70 $string['no'] = 'No';
71 $string['nocategories'] = 'Grade categories could not be added or found for this course';
72 $string['nocategoryview'] = 'No category to view by';
73 $string['nogradeletters'] = 'No grade letters set';
74 $string['nogradesreturned'] = 'No grades returned';
75 $string['nolettergrade'] = 'No letter grade for';
76 $string['nomode'] = 'NA';
77 $string['nonnumericweight'] = 'Received non-numeric value for ';
78 $string['nonweightedpct'] = 'non-weighted %%';
79 $string['pctoftotalgrade'] = '%% of total grade';
80 $string['percent'] = 'Percent';
81 $string['percentascending'] = 'Sort by percent ascending';
82 $string['percentdescending'] = 'Sort by percent descending';
83 $string['percentshort'] = '%%';
84 $string['points'] = 'points';
85 $string['pointsascending'] = 'Sort by points ascending';
86 $string['pointsdescending'] = 'Sort by points descdending';
87 $string['preferences'] = 'Preferences';
88 $string['rawpct'] = 'Raw %%';
89 $string['reprintheaders'] = 'Reprint Headers';
90 $string['savechanges'] = 'Save Changes';
91 $string['savepreferences'] = 'Save Preferences';
92 $string['scaledpct'] = 'Scaled %%';
93 $string['setcategories'] = 'Set Categories';
94 $string['setcategorieserror'] = 'You must first set the categories for your course before you can give weights to them.';
95 $string['setgradeletters'] = 'Set Grade Letters';
96 $string['setpreferences'] = 'Set Preferences';
97 $string['setting'] = 'Setting';
98 $string['settings'] = 'Settings';
99 $string['setweights'] = 'Set Weights';
100 $string['showallstudents'] = 'Show All Students';
101 $string['showhiddenitems'] = 'Show Hidden Items';
102 $string['sort'] = 'sort';
103 $string['sortbyfirstname'] = 'Sort by Firstname';
104 $string['sortbylastname'] = 'Sort by Lastname';
105 $string['standarddeviation'] = 'Standard Deviation';
106 $string['stats'] = 'Statistics';
107 $string['statslink'] = 'Stats';
108 $string['student'] = 'Student';
109 $string['total'] = 'Total';
110 $string['totalweight100'] = 'The total weight is equal to 100';
111 $string['totalweightnot100'] = 'The total weight is not equal to 100';
112 $string['uncategorised'] = 'Uncategorised';
113 $string['useadvanced'] = 'Use Advanced Features';
114 $string['usepercent'] = 'Use Percent';
115 $string['useweighted'] = 'Use Weighted';
116 $string['viewbygroup'] = 'Group';
117 $string['viewgrades'] = 'View Grades';
118 $string['weight'] = 'weight';
119 $string['weightedascending'] = 'Sort by weighted percent ascending';
120 $string['weighteddescending'] = 'Sort by weighted percent descending';
121 $string['weightedpct'] = 'weighted %%';
122 $string['weightedpctcontribution'] = 'weighted %% contribution';
123 $string['writinggradebookinfo'] = 'Writing Gradebook settings';
124 $string['yes'] = 'Yes';