Automatic installer lang files (20100904)
[moodle.git] / lang / en / backup.php
1 <?php
3 // This file is part of Moodle -
4 //
5 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 // (at your option) any later version.
9 //
10 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 // along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
18 /**
19 * This file contains the strings used by backup
21 * @package moodlecore
22 * @copyright 2010 Eloy
23 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
26 $string['backupactivity'] = 'Backup activity: {$a}';
27 $string['backupcourse'] = 'Backup course: {$a}';
28 $string['backupcoursedetails'] = 'Course details';
29 $string['backupcoursesection'] = 'Section: {$a}';
30 $string['backupcoursesections'] = 'Course sections';
31 $string['backupdate'] = 'Date taken';
32 $string['backupdetails'] = 'Backup details';
33 $string['backupformat'] = 'Format';
34 $string['backupformatmoodle2'] = 'Moodle 2';
35 $string['backupmode'] = 'Mode';
36 $string['backupmode10'] = 'General';
37 $string['backupsection'] = 'Backup course section: {$a}';
38 $string['backupsettings'] = 'Backup settings';
39 $string['backupsitedetails'] = 'Site details';
40 $string['backupstage1action'] = 'Next';
41 $string['backupstage2action'] = 'Next';
42 $string['backupstage4action'] = 'Perform backup';
43 $string['backupstage8action'] = 'Continue';
44 $string['backupstage16action'] = 'Continue';
45 $string['backuptype'] = 'Type';
46 $string['backuptypecourse'] = 'Course';
47 $string['backupversion'] = 'Backup version';
48 $string['cannotfindassignablerole'] = 'The {$a} role in the backup file cannot be mapped to any of the roles that you are allowed to assign.';
49 $string['choosefilefromcoursebackup'] = 'Choose an existing backup file from course backup area';
50 $string['choosefilefromcoursebackup_help'] = 'When backup courses using default settings, backup files will be stored here';
51 $string['choosefilefromuserbackup'] = 'Choose an existing backup file from private backup area';
52 $string['choosefilefromuserbackup_help'] = 'When backup courses with "Anonymize user information" option ticked, backup files will be stored here';
53 $string['configgeneralactivities'] = 'Sets the default for including activities in a backup.';
54 $string['configgeneralanonymize'] = 'If enabled all information pertaining to users will be anonymised by default.';
55 $string['configgeneralblocks'] = 'Sets the default for including blocks in a backup.';
56 $string['configgeneralcomments'] = 'Sets the default for including comments in a backup.';
57 $string['configgeneralfilters'] = 'Sets the default for including filters in a backup.';
58 $string['configgeneralhistories'] = 'Sets the default for including user history within a backup.';
59 $string['configgenerallogs'] = 'If enabled logs will be included in backups by default.';
60 $string['configgeneralroleassignments'] = 'If enabled by default roles assignments will also be backed up.';
61 $string['configgeneraluserscompletion'] = 'If enabled user completion information will be included in backups by default.';
62 $string['configgeneraluserfiles'] = 'Sets the default for whether user files will be included in backups.';
63 $string['configgeneralusers'] = 'Sets the default for whether to include users in backups.';
64 $string['confirmcancel'] = 'Cancel backup';
65 $string['confirmcancelquestion'] = 'Are you sure you wish to cancel?
66 Any information you have entered will be lost.';
67 $string['confirmcancelyes'] = 'Cancel';
68 $string['confirmcancelno'] = 'Stay';
69 $string['coursecategory'] = 'Category the course will be restored into';
70 $string['courseid'] = 'Original ID';
71 $string['coursesettings'] = 'Course settings';
72 $string['coursetitle'] = 'Title';
73 $string['currentstage1'] = 'Initial settings';
74 $string['currentstage2'] = 'Schema settings';
75 $string['currentstage4'] = 'Confirmation and review';
76 $string['currentstage8'] = 'Perform backup';
77 $string['currentstage16'] = 'Complete';
78 $string['dependenciesenforced'] = 'Your settings have been altered due to unmet dependencies';
79 $string['errorfilenamerequired'] = 'You must enter a valid filename for this backup';
80 $string['errorfilenamemustbezip'] = 'The filename you enter must be a ZIP file and have the .zip extension';
81 $string['errorminbackup20version'] = 'This backup file has been created with one development version of Moodle backup ({$a->backup}). Minimum required is {$a->min}. Cannot be restored.';
82 $string['errorrestorefrontpage'] = 'Restoring over front page is not allowed.';
83 $string['executionsuccess'] = 'The backup file was successfully created.';
84 $string['filename'] = 'Filename';
85 $string['generalactivities'] = 'Include activities';
86 $string['generalanonymize'] = 'Anonymise information';
87 $string['generalbackdefaults'] = 'General backup defaults';
88 $string['generalblocks'] = 'Include blocks';
89 $string['generalcomments'] = 'Include comments';
90 $string['generalfilters'] = 'Include filters';
91 $string['generalhistories'] = 'Include histories';
92 $string['generalgradehistories'] = 'Include histories';
93 $string['generallogs'] = 'Include logs';
94 $string['generalroleassignments'] = 'Include role assignments';
95 $string['generaluserscompletion'] = 'Include user completion information';
96 $string['generaluserfiles'] = 'Include user files';
97 $string['generalusers'] = 'Include users';
98 $string['importfile'] = 'Import a backup file';
99 $string['importadding'] = 'Import adding';
100 $string['importaddingdesc'] = 'Merge the selected course into this course';
101 $string['importbackupstage1action'] = 'Next';
102 $string['importbackupstage2action'] = 'Next';
103 $string['importbackupstage4action'] = 'Perform import';
104 $string['importbackupstage8action'] = 'Continue';
105 $string['importbackupstage16action'] = 'Continue';
106 $string['importcurrentstage0'] = 'Course selection';
107 $string['importcurrentstage1'] = 'Initial settings';
108 $string['importcurrentstage2'] = 'Schema settings';
109 $string['importcurrentstage4'] = 'Confirmation and review';
110 $string['importcurrentstage8'] = 'Perform import';
111 $string['importcurrentstage16'] = 'Complete';
112 $string['importdeleting'] = 'Import deleting';
113 $string['importdeletingdesc'] = 'Delete the contents of this course and then import the selected course';
114 $string['importsuccess'] = 'Import complete. Click continue to return to the course.';
115 $string['includeactivities'] = 'Include:';
116 $string['includeditems'] = 'Included items:';
117 $string['includesection'] = 'Section {$a}';
118 $string['includeuserinfo'] = 'User data';
119 $string['locked'] = 'Locked';
120 $string['lockedbypermission'] = 'You don\'t have sufficient permissions to change this setting';
121 $string['lockedbyconfig'] = 'This setting has been locked by the default backup settings';
122 $string['lockedbyhierarchy'] = 'Locked by dependencies';
123 $string['managefiles'] = 'Manage backup files';
124 $string['moodleversion'] = 'Moodle version';
125 $string['nomatchingcourses'] = 'There are no courses to display';
126 $string['originalwwwroot'] = 'URL of backup';
127 $string['previousstage'] = 'Previous';
128 $string['restoreactivity'] = 'Restore activity';
129 $string['restorecourse'] = 'Restore course';
130 $string['restorecoursesettings'] = 'Course settings';
131 $string['restoreexecutionsuccess'] = 'The course was restored successfully, clicking the continue button below will take you to view the course you restored.';
132 $string['restorenewcoursefullname'] = 'New course name';
133 $string['restorenewcourseshortname'] = 'New course short name';
134 $string['restorenewcoursestartdate'] = 'New start date';
135 $string['restorerootsettings'] = 'Restore settings';
136 $string['restoresection'] = 'Restore section';
137 $string['restorestage1'] = 'Confirm';
138 $string['restorestage1action'] = 'Next';
139 $string['restorestage2'] = 'Destination';
140 $string['restorestage2action'] = 'Next';
141 $string['restorestage4'] = 'Settings';
142 $string['restorestage4action'] = 'Next';
143 $string['restorestage8'] = 'Schema';
144 $string['restorestage8action'] = 'Next';
145 $string['restorestage16'] = 'Review';
146 $string['restorestage16action'] = 'Perform restore';
147 $string['restorestage32'] = 'Process';
148 $string['restorestage32action'] = 'Continue';
149 $string['restorestage64'] = 'Complete';
150 $string['restorestage64action'] = 'Continue';
151 $string['restoretarget'] = 'Restore target';
152 $string['restoretocourse'] = 'Restore to course: ';
153 $string['restoretocurrentcourse'] = 'Restore into this course';
154 $string['restoretocurrentcourseadding'] = 'Merge the backup course into this course';
155 $string['restoretocurrentcoursedeleting'] = 'Delete the contents of this course and then restore';
156 $string['restoretoexistingcourse'] = 'Restore into an existing course';
157 $string['restoretoexistingcourseadding'] = 'Merge the backup course into the existing course';
158 $string['restoretoexistingcoursedeleting'] = 'Delete the contents of the existing course and then restore';
159 $string['restoretonewcourse'] = 'Restore as a new course';
160 $string['restoringcourse'] = 'Course restoration in progress';
161 $string['restoringcourseshortname'] = 'restoring';
162 $string['restorerolemappings'] = 'Restore role mappings';
163 $string['rootsettings'] = 'Backup settings';
164 $string['rootsettingusers'] = 'Include enrolled users';
165 $string['rootsettinganonymize'] = 'Anonymize user information';
166 $string['rootsettingroleassignments'] = 'Include user role assignments';
167 $string['rootsettinguserfiles'] = 'Include user files';
168 $string['rootsettingactivities'] = 'Include activities';
169 $string['rootsettingblocks'] = 'Include blocks';
170 $string['rootsettingfilters'] = 'Include filters';
171 $string['rootsettingcomments'] = 'Include comments';
172 $string['rootsettinguserscompletion'] = 'Include user completion details';
173 $string['rootsettinglogs'] = 'Include course logs';
174 $string['rootsettinggradehistories'] = 'Include grade history';
175 $string['scheduledsettings'] = 'Scheduled backup settings';
176 $string['sectionincanduser'] = 'Included in backup along with user information';
177 $string['sectioninc'] = 'Included in backup (no user information)';
178 $string['sectionactivities'] = 'Activities';
179 $string['selectacategory'] = 'Select a category';
180 $string['selectacourse'] = 'Select a course';
181 $string['setting_overwriteconf'] = 'Overwrite course configuration';
182 $string['setting_course_fullname'] = 'Course name';
183 $string['setting_course_shortname'] = 'Course short name';
184 $string['setting_course_startdate'] = 'Course startdate';
185 $string['totalcategorysearchresults'] = 'Total categories: {$a}';
186 $string['totalcoursesearchresults'] = 'Total courses: {$a}';