2 Feature: Block users from contacting me
3 In order to block other users
5 I need to prevent specific users to sending me messages
8 Scenario: Block users from contacting me with Javascript enabled
9 Given the following "users" exists:
10 | username | firstname | lastname | email |
11 | user1 | User | One | one@asd.com |
12 | user2 | User | Two | two@asd.com |
13 And I log in as "user1"
14 And I expand "My profile" node
15 And I follow "Messages"
16 And I fill in "Search people and messages" with "User Two"
17 And I press "Search people and messages"
18 When I click on "Block contact" "link" in the "User Two" table row
19 Then the "Message navigation:" select box should contain "Blocked users (1)"
20 And I select "Blocked users (1)" from "Message navigation:"
21 And I should see "User Two"
23 And I log in as "user2"
24 And I expand "My profile" node
25 And I follow "Messages"
26 And I fill in "Search people and messages" with "User One"
27 And I press "Search people and messages"
28 And I follow "Send message to User One"
29 And I should see "This user has blocked you from sending messages to them"