MDL-59870 users: Default align participant table header row.
[moodle.git] / lang / en / tag.php
1 <?php
2 // This file is part of Moodle -
3 //
4 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 // (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
17 /**
18 * Strings for component 'tag', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE'
20 * @package core_tag
21 * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link}
22 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
25 $string['added'] = 'Standard tag(s) added';
26 $string['addotags'] = 'Add standard tags';
27 $string['addtagcoll'] = 'Add tag collection';
28 $string['addtagtomyinterests'] = 'Add "{$a}" to my interests';
29 $string['alltagpages'] = 'All tag pages';
30 $string['backtoallitems'] = 'Back to all items tagged with "{$a}"';
31 $string['changeshowstandard'] = 'Change showing standard tags in area {$a}';
32 $string['changessaved'] = 'Changes saved';
33 $string['changetagcoll'] = 'Change tag collection of area {$a}';
34 $string['collnameexplained'] = 'Leave the field empty to use the default value: {$a}';
35 $string['component'] = 'Component';
36 $string['confirmdeletetag'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag?';
37 $string['confirmdeletetags'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete selected tags?';
38 $string['count'] = 'Count';
39 $string['coursetags'] = 'Course tags';
40 $string['defautltagcoll'] = 'Default collection';
41 $string['delete'] = 'Delete';
42 $string['deleteselected'] = 'Delete selected';
43 $string['deleted'] = 'Tag(s) deleted';
44 $string['deletedcoursetags'] = 'Deleted - Course tags';
45 $string['description'] = 'Description';
46 $string['editisstandard'] = 'Change standard tag usage';
47 $string['editcollname'] = 'Edit tag collection name';
48 $string['editname'] = 'Edit tag name';
49 $string['editsearchable'] = 'Change searchable';
50 $string['edittag'] = 'Edit this tag';
51 $string['edittagcollection'] = 'Change tag collection';
52 $string['entertags'] = 'Enter tags...';
53 $string['edittagcoll'] = 'Edit tag collection {$a}';
54 $string['errortagfrontpage'] = 'Tagging the site main page is not allowed';
55 $string['errorupdatingrecord'] = 'Error updating tag record';
56 $string['eventtagadded'] = 'Tag added to an item';
57 $string['eventtagcolldeleted'] = 'Tag collection deleted';
58 $string['eventtagcollcreated'] = 'Tag collection created';
59 $string['eventtagcollupdated'] = 'Tag collection updated';
60 $string['eventtagcreated'] = 'Tag created';
61 $string['eventtagdeleted'] = 'Tag deleted';
62 $string['eventtagflagged'] = 'Tag flagged';
63 $string['eventtagremoved'] = 'Tag removed from an item';
64 $string['eventtagunflagged'] = 'Tag unflagged';
65 $string['eventtagupdated'] = 'Tag updated';
66 $string['exclusivemode'] = 'Show only tagged {$a->tagarea}';
67 $string['flag'] = 'Flag';
68 $string['flagged'] = 'Tag flagged';
69 $string['flagasinappropriate'] = 'Flag as inappropriate';
70 $string['helprelatedtags'] = 'Comma separated related tags';
71 $string['changename'] = 'Change tag name';
72 $string['changetype'] = 'Change tag type';
73 $string['combined'] = 'Tags are combined';
74 $string['combineselected'] = 'Combine selected';
75 $string['id'] = 'id';
76 $string['inalltagcoll'] = 'Everywhere';
77 $string['inputstandardtags'] = 'Enter comma-separated list of new tags';
78 $string['itemstaggedwith'] = '{$a->tagarea} tagged with "{$a->tag}"';
79 $string['lesstags'] = 'less...';
80 $string['managestandardtags'] = 'Manage standard tags';
81 $string['managetags'] = 'Manage tags';
82 $string['managetagcolls'] = 'Manage tag collections';
83 $string['moretags'] = 'more...';
84 $string['name'] = 'Tag name';
85 $string['namesalreadybeeingused'] = 'Tag names already being used';
86 $string['nameuseddocombine'] = 'The tag name is already in use. Do you want to combine these tags?';
87 $string['newcollnamefor'] = 'New name for tag collection {$a}';
88 $string['newnamefor'] = 'New name for tag {$a}';
89 $string['nextpage'] = 'More';
90 $string['notagsfound'] = 'No tags matching "{$a}" found';
91 $string['noresultsfor'] = 'No results for "{$a}"';
92 $string['nothingtoupdate'] = 'Nothing to update';
93 $string['owner'] = 'Owner';
94 $string['prevpage'] = 'Back';
95 $string['ptags'] = 'User defined tags (Comma separated)';
96 $string['relatedblogs'] = 'Most recent blog entries';
97 $string['relatedtags'] = 'Related tags';
98 $string['removetagfrommyinterests'] = 'Remove "{$a}" from my interests';
99 $string['reset'] = 'Tag flag reset';
100 $string['resetfilter'] = 'Reset filter';
101 $string['resetflag'] = 'Reset flag';
102 $string['responsiblewillbenotified'] = 'The person responsible will be notified';
103 $string['rssdesc'] = 'This RSS feed was automatically generated by Moodle and contains user generated tags for courses.';
104 $string['rsstitle'] = 'Course tags RSS feed for user: {$a}';
105 $string['showstandard'] = 'Standard tags usage';
106 $string['showstandard_help'] = 'When entering tags, standard tags may be suggested, or forced, meaning that new tags cannot be entered. Alternatively, new tags may be entered with no standard tag being suggested.';
107 $string['search'] = 'Search';
108 $string['searchable'] = 'Searchable';
109 $string['searchable_help'] = 'If ticked, tags in this search collection can be found via the "Search tags" page. If unticked, tags can still be found via other search pages.';
110 $string['searchresultsfor'] = 'Search results for "{$a}"';
111 $string['searchtags'] = 'Search tags';
112 $string['seeallblogs'] = 'See all blog entries tagged with "{$a}"';
113 $string['select'] = 'Select';
114 $string['selectcoll'] = 'Select tag collection';
115 $string['selectmaintag'] = 'Select the tag that will be used after combining';
116 $string['selectmultipletags'] = 'Please select more than one tag';
117 $string['selecttag'] = 'Select tag {$a}';
118 $string['settypedefault'] = 'Remove from standard tags';
119 $string['settypestandard'] = 'Make standard';
120 $string['showingfirsttags'] = 'Showing {$a} most popular tags';
121 $string['standardforce'] = 'Force';
122 $string['standardhide'] = 'Don\'t suggest';
123 $string['standardsuggest'] = 'Suggest';
124 $string['standardtag'] = 'Standard';
125 $string['suredeletecoll'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete tag collection "{$a}"?';
126 $string['tag'] = 'Tag';
127 $string['tagarea_blog_external'] = 'External blog posts';
128 $string['tagarea_post'] = 'Blog posts';
129 $string['tagarea_user'] = 'User interests';
130 $string['tagarea_course'] = 'Courses';
131 $string['tagarea_course_modules'] = 'Activities and resources';
132 $string['tagareaenabled'] = 'Enabled';
133 $string['tagareaname'] = 'Name';
134 $string['tagareas'] = 'Tag areas';
135 $string['tagcollection'] = 'Tag collection';
136 $string['tagcollection_help'] = 'Tag collections are sets of tags for different areas. For example, a collection of standard tags can be used to tag courses, with user interests and blog post tags kept in a separate collection. When a user clicks on a tag, the tag page displays only items with that tag in the same collection. Tags can be automatically added to a collection according to the area tagged or can be added manually as standard tags.';
137 $string['tagcollections'] = 'Tag collections';
138 $string['tagdescription'] = 'Tag description';
139 $string['tags'] = 'Tags';
140 $string['tagsaredisabled'] = 'Tags are disabled';
141 $string['thingstaggedwith'] = '"{$a->name}" is used {$a->count} times';
142 $string['thingtaggedwith'] = '"{$a->name}" is used once';
143 $string['timemodified'] = 'Modified';
144 $string['typechanged'] = 'Tag type changed';
145 $string['updatetag'] = 'Update';
146 $string['page-tag-x'] = 'All tag pages';
147 $string['page-tag-index'] = 'Single tag page';
148 $string['page-tag-search'] = 'Tag search page';
149 $string['page-tag-manage'] = 'Manage tags page';
151 // Deprecated since 3.1 .
153 $string['manageofficialtags'] = 'Manage official tags';
154 $string['officialtag'] = 'Official';
155 $string['otags'] = 'Official tags';
156 $string['othertags'] = 'Other tags';
157 $string['settypeofficial'] = 'Make official';
158 $string['taggedwith'] = 'tagged with "{$a}"';
159 $string['tagtype'] = 'Tag type';