when inserting 'Give Up' button, if site encoding is not iso-8859-1, then set page...
[moodle.git] / admin / utfdbmigrate.php
1 <?php //$Id$
3 ///dummy field names are used to help adding and dropping indexes. There's only 1 case now, in scorm_scoes_track
5 require_once('../config.php');
6 require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php');
7 require_once($CFG->libdir.'/environmentlib.php');
8 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/course/lib.php');
9 require_login();
11 // decalre once
12 global $enc;
14 $customlang = array();
16 $enc = array('af' => 'iso-8859-1', 'ar' => 'windows-1256', 'be' => 'windows-1251', 'bg' => 'windows-1251', 'bs' => 'windows-1250', 'ca' => 'iso-8859-1', 'cs' => 'iso-8859-2', 'da' => 'iso-8859-1', 'de' => 'iso-8859-1', 'de_du' => 'iso-8859-1', 'de_utf8' => 'utf-8', 'el' => 'windows-1253', 'en' => 'iso-8859-1', 'en_ja' => 'euc-jp', 'en_us' => 'iso-8859-1', 'en_utf8' => 'utf-8', 'es' => 'iso-8859-1', 'es_ar' => 'iso-8859-1', 'es_es' => 'iso-8859-1', 'es_mx' => 'iso-8859-1', 'et' => 'iso-8859-1', 'eu' => 'iso-8859-1', 'fa' => 'windows-1256', 'fa_utf8' => 'utf-8', 'fi' => 'iso-8859-1', 'fil' => 'iso-8859-15', 'fr' => 'iso-8859-1', 'fr_ca' => 'iso-8859-15', 'ga' => 'iso-8859-1', 'gl' => 'iso-8859-1', 'he' => 'ISO-8859-8-I', 'he_utf8' => 'utf-8', 'hi' => 'iso-8859-1', 'hr' => 'windows-1250', 'hr_utf8' => 'utf-8', 'hu' => 'iso-8859-2', 'id' => 'iso-8859-1', 'is' => 'iso-8859-1', 'it' => 'iso-8859-1', 'ja' => 'EUC-JP', 'ja_utf8' => 'UTF-8', 'ka_utf8' => 'UTF-8', 'km_utf8' => 'UTF-8', 'kn_utf8' => 'utf-8', 'ko' => 'EUC-KR', 'ko_utf8' => 'UTF-8', 'lt' => 'windows-1257', 'lv' => 'ISO-8859-4', 'mi_nt' => 'iso-8859-1', 'mi_tn_utf8' => 'utf-8', 'ms' => 'iso-8859-1', 'nl' => 'iso-8859-1', 'nn' => 'iso-8859-1', 'no' => 'iso-8859-1', 'no_gr' => 'iso-8859-1', 'pl' => 'iso-8859-2', 'pt' => 'iso-8859-1', 'pt_br' => 'iso-8859-1', 'ro' => 'iso-8859-2', 'ru' => 'windows-1251', 'sk' => 'iso-8859-2', 'sl' => 'iso-8859-2', 'sl_utf8' => 'utf-8', 'so' => 'iso-8859-1', 'sq' => 'iso-8859-1', 'sr_utf8' => 'utf-8', 'sv' => 'iso-8859-1', 'th' => 'TIS-620', 'th_utf8' => 'UTF-8', 'tl' => 'iso-8859-15', 'tl_utf8' => 'UTF-8', 'tr' => 'iso-8859-9', 'uk' => 'windows-1251', 'vi_utf8' => 'UTF-8', 'zh_cn' => 'GB18030', 'zh_cn_utf8' => 'UTF-8', 'zh_tw' => 'Big5', 'zh_tw_utf8' => 'UTF-8');
18 /**************************************
19 * Custom lang pack handling *
20 **************************************/
22 // scan list of langs, including customs packs
23 $langs = get_list_of_languages();
25 // foreach lang
26 foreach ($langs as $lang => $lang1) {
28 if (in_array($lang, array_keys($enc))) {
29 // if already in array, ignore
30 continue;
33 // if this lang has got a charset
35 if ($result = get_string_from_file('thischarset',$CFG->dirroot.'/lang/'.$lang.'/moodle.php', "\$resultstring")) {
36 eval($result);
37 $enc[$lang] = $resultstring;
38 } else if ($result = get_string_from_file('parentlanguage',$CFG->dirroot.'/lang/'.$lang.'/moodle.php',"\$resultstring")) {
39 // else if there's a parent lang we can use
40 eval($result);
41 $enc[$lang] = $enc[$resultstring];
42 } else {
43 notify ('unknown lang pack detected '.$lang);
48 /**************************************
49 * End custom lang pack handling *
50 **************************************/
52 if (!isadmin()) {
53 error('Only admins can access this page');
56 if (!$site = get_site()) {
57 redirect('index.php');
60 if (!empty($CFG->unicodedb)) {
61 error ('unicode db migration has already been performed!');
64 $migrate = optional_param('migrate', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
65 $confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
67 $textlib = textlib_get_instance();
69 $stradministration = get_string('administration');
70 $strdbmigrate = get_string('dbmigrate','admin');
72 $filename = $CFG->dataroot.'/'.SITEID.'/maintenance.html'; //maintenance file
74 print_header("$site->shortname: $stradministration", "$site->fullname",
75 '<a href="index.php">'. "$stradministration</a> -> $strdbmigrate");
77 print_heading($strdbmigrate);
79 if ($CFG->dbtype == 'postgres7') {
80 $CFG->pagepath = 'admin/utfdbmigrate/postgresql';
82 //if $confirm
83 if ($confirm && confirm_sesskey()) {
84 //do the real migration of db
85 print_simple_box_start('center','50%');
86 print_string('importlangreminder','admin');
87 print_simple_box_end();
88 db_migrate2utf8();
89 print_heading('db unicode migration has been completed!');
90 if (!get_config('', 'migrate_maintmode')) { // already in maint mode
91 unlink($filename); //no longer in maintenance mode
93 delete_records('config', 'name', 'migrate_maintmode');
94 @require_logout();
95 print_continue($CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/langimport.php');
98 //else if $migrate
99 else if ($migrate && confirm_sesskey()) {
100 if ($CFG->dbtype == 'postgres7' && !is_postgres_utf8()) {
101 $continue = false;
102 if (($form = data_submitted()) && isset($form->dbhost)) {
103 validate_form($form, $err);
105 if (count($err) == 0) {
106 $_SESSION['newpostgresdb'] = $form;
107 $continue = true;
110 } else {
111 $continue = true;
113 if ($continue) {
114 echo '<div align="center">';
115 print_simple_box_start('center','50%');
116 print_string('dbmigratewarning2','admin');
117 print_simple_box_end();
118 //put the site in maintenance mode
119 check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot.'/'.SITEID, true);
121 if (file_exists($filename)) {
122 set_config('migrate_maintmode', 1); // already in maintenance mode
123 } else {
124 if (touch($filename)) {
125 $file = fopen($filename, 'w');
126 fwrite($file, get_string('maintinprogress','admin'));
127 fclose($file);
128 } else {
129 notify (get_string('maintfileopenerror','admin'));
132 //print second confirmation box
133 echo '<form name="migratefrom" action="utfdbmigrate.php" method="POST">';
134 echo '<input name="confirm" type="hidden" value="1" />';
135 echo '<input name="sesskey" type="hidden" value="'.sesskey().'" />';
137 $xmls = utf_get_xml();
138 $sumrecords = 0; //this is the sum of all records of relavent tables.
139 foreach ($xmls as $xml) { ///foreach xml file, we must get a list of tables
140 $dbtables = $xml['DBMIGRATION']['#']['TABLES'][0]['#']['TABLE']; //real db tables
142 foreach ($dbtables as $dbtable) {
143 $dbtablename = $dbtable['@']['name'];
145 if ($dbtablename=='adodb_logsql') {
146 $prefix = '';
147 } else {
148 $prefix = $CFG->prefix;
150 $sumrecords += count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$prefix}$dbtablename");
153 echo 'Total number of records in your database is <b>'.$sumrecords.'</b>';
154 if ($sumrecords > 10000) {
155 echo '<br />Number of Records to process before halting (Leave blank for no limit) <input name="maxrecords" type="text" value="" />';
158 //print the "i-know-what-lang-to-use" menu
160 echo '<br />The whole site is in this encoding: (leave blank if you are not sure)';
161 echo '<select name="globallang"><option value="">I am not sure</option>';
162 foreach ($enc as $lang => $encoding) {
163 echo '<option value="'.$encoding.'">'.$lang.'</option>';
165 echo '</select>';
167 echo '<p /><input type="submit" value="'.get_string('continue').'"/>';
168 echo '<input type="button" value="'.get_string('cancel').'" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)" />';
169 echo '</form>';
170 echo '</div>';
172 } else {
173 echo '<div align="center">';
174 print_simple_box_start('center','50%');
175 print_string('dbmigratepostgres','admin');
176 print_simple_box_end();
178 print_simple_box_start("center", "");
179 include("utfdbmigrate.html");
180 print_simple_box_end();
184 else { //else, print welcome to migrate page message
185 echo '<div align="center">';
186 print_simple_box_start('center','50%');
187 print_string('dbmigratewarning','admin');
188 print_simple_box_end();
190 /*************************************
191 * Eloy's environement checking code *
192 *************************************/
194 $current_version = $CFG->release;
196 /// Gather and show results
197 $status = check_moodle_environment($current_version, $environment_results);
199 //end of env checking
201 /// We only allow to continue if environmental checks have been passed ok
202 if ($status) {
203 echo '<form name="migratefrom" action="utfdbmigrate.php" method="POST">';
204 echo '<input name="migrate" type="hidden" value="1" />';
205 echo '<input name="sesskey" type="hidden" value="'.sesskey().'" />';
206 echo '<input type="submit" value="'.get_string('continue').'"/>';
207 echo '&nbsp;<input type="button" value="'.get_string('cancel').'" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)" />';
208 echo '</form>';
209 echo '</div>';
213 print_footer();
216 function db_migrate2utf8(){ //Eloy: Perhaps some type of limit parameter here
217 //pointing to the num of records to process would be
218 //useful. And it won't break anything, because the
219 //crash system will continue the next time it was
220 //executed. Also, the function could return:
221 //0 = Some sort of error
222 //1 = Finished completelly!
223 //2 = Finished limit records
224 //(using constants, of course ;-))
225 //Then, all those errors, should be converted to
226 //mtrace() and return 0. (showing the current
227 //table/field/recordid)
229 global $db, $CFG, $dbtablename, $fieldname, $record, $processedrecords;
230 $debug = ($CFG->debug > 7);
232 //echo date("H:i:s");
234 ignore_user_abort(false); // see bug report 5352. This should kill this thread as soon as user aborts.
236 @set_time_limit(0);
237 @ob_implicit_flush(true);
238 @ob_end_flush();
240 $maxrecords = optional_param('maxrecords', 0, PARAM_INT);
241 $globallang = optional_param('globallang', '', PARAM_FILE);
242 $processedrecords = 0;
244 $ignoretables = array(); //list of tables to ignore, optional
246 //one gigantic array to hold all db table information read from all the migrate2utf8.xml file.
247 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/xmlize.php');
248 $xmls = utf_get_xml(1);
249 $tablestoconvert = 0; // total number of tables to convert
250 foreach ($xmls as $xml) { ///foreach xml file, we must get a list of tables
251 $dbtables = $xml['DBMIGRATION']['#']['TABLES'][0]['#']['TABLE']; //real db tables
252 foreach ($dbtables as $dbtable) {
253 $tablestoconvert++;
256 // progress bar handling
257 // first let's find out how many tables there are
259 $done = 0;
260 print_progress($done, $tablestoconvert, 5, 1);
263 $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); //only 1 reference
265 //if unicodedb is set, migration is complete. die here;
266 if (!$crash = get_record('config','name','dbmigration')) {
267 //Duplicate the database if not unicode for postgres7
268 if ($CFG->dbtype == 'postgres7' && !is_postgres_utf8() && !is_postgres_setup()) {
269 echo '<script>';
270 echo 'document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = "Copying data to the UTF8 database for processing...";'."\n";
271 echo '</script>';
273 if ($_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->dbcluster) {
274 $cluster = ' --cluster ' . $_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->dbcluster;
275 } else {
276 $cluster = '';
278 $pgdump = 'pg_dump';
279 if (!empty($_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->pathtopgdump)) {
280 $pgdump = $_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->pathtopgdump;
282 $psql = 'psql';
283 if (!empty($_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->pathtopsql)) {
284 $pgsql = $_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->pathtopsql;
287 $cmd = "PGPASSWORD={$CFG->dbpass} PGCLIENTENCODING='UNICODE' PGDATABASE={$CFG->dbname} $pgdump -Fp -O -x -U {$CFG->dbuser}$cluster";
288 if ($CFG->dbhost) {
289 $host = split(":", $CFG->dbhost);
290 if ($host[0]) $cmd .= " -h {$host[0]}";
291 if (isset($host[1])) $cmd .= " -p {$host[1]}";
293 $cmds[] = $cmd;
294 $cmds[] = 'grep -v "COMMENT ON SCHEMA"';
295 $cmds[] = 'iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-8 -c';
296 $cmd = "PGPASSWORD={$_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->dbpass} PGDATABASE={$_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->dbname} $psql -q -U {$_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->dbuser} -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1$cluster";
297 if ($_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->dbhost) {
298 $host = split(":", $_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->dbhost);
299 if ($host[0]) $cmd .= " -h {$host[0]}";
300 if (isset($host[1])) $cmd .= " -p {$host[1]}";
302 $cmds[] = $cmd;
303 foreach ($cmds as $key => $cmd) {
304 $files[] = tempnam($CFG->dataroot, 'utf8_');
305 $cmd = $cmd . ($key?" < {$files[$key-1]}":'') . " 2>&1 > {$files[$key]}";
306 if (stripos(PHP_OS, 'darwin') !== false && stripos($cmd,'iconv') !== false) {
307 // I know this looks DREADFULLY hackish, but the iconv in mac os x seems to have a return code of 1 for warnings
308 // and I cannot figure out why, it's a very different version of iconv to most *nix versions, even seems to be a
309 // different gnu project.
310 // If someone can figure out a better way to do this, FEEL FREE :)
311 // - Penny
312 $cmd .= ' || true';
314 exec($cmd, $output, $return_var);
315 if ($key) {
316 unlink($files[$key-1]);
318 if ($return_var) { // we are dead!
319 unlink($files[$key]);
320 echo '<br />';
321 print_simple_box_start('center','50%');
322 print_string('dbmigrationdupfailed','admin',htmlspecialchars(implode("\n", $output)));
323 print_simple_box_end();
324 print_footer();
325 exit;
328 unlink(array_pop($files));
331 $migrationconfig = new object;
332 $migrationconfig->name = 'dbmigration';
333 $migrationconfig->value = '-1';
334 insert_record('config',$migrationconfig); //process initiated
336 //langs used, to help make recommendations on what lang packs to install
337 $langsused = new object;
338 $langsused->name = 'langsused';
339 $langsused->value = '';
340 insert_record('config',$langsused);
342 } else {
344 $crashdata = explode('##',$crash->value);
345 $crash->table = $crashdata[0];
346 $crash->field = $crashdata[1];
347 $crash->record = $crashdata[2];
349 notify("Resuming migration from: $crash->table / .$crash->field, Record: $crash->record");
352 /************************************************************************
353 * Now we got all our tables in order *
354 ************************************************************************/
356 foreach ($xmls as $xml) { ///foreach xml file, we must get a list of tables
357 $dir = $xml['DBMIGRATION']['@']['type'];
358 $dbtables = $xml['DBMIGRATION']['#']['TABLES'][0]['#']['TABLE']; //real db tables
360 foreach ($dbtables as $dbtable) {
362 $done++;
363 print_progress($done, $tablestoconvert, 5, 1);
365 $dbtablename = $dbtable['@']['name'];
367 // exception handling for adodb_logsql
368 // see bug 5003
369 if ($dbtablename == 'adodb_logsql') {
370 $prefix = '';
371 } else {
372 $prefix = $CFG->prefix;
375 if ($crash && ($dbtablename != $crash->table)) { //resuming from crash
376 $done++; // need to update progress bar
377 continue;
380 if ($debug) {
381 print_heading("<br><b>Processsing db table ".$dbtablename.'...</b>');
384 /**********************************************************
385 * This is the by pass structure. It allows us to process *
386 * tables on row basis instead of column/field basis *
387 * It relies on a single function in migrate2utf8.php *
388 **********************************************************/
390 /// first, check to see if there's a function for the whole table. By pass point (1)
391 if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/'.$dir.'/db/migrate2utf8.php')) {
392 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/'.$dir.'/db/migrate2utf8.php');
393 // this is a function to process table on role basis, e.g. user table in moodorg
394 $tablefunction = 'migrate2utf8_'.$dbtablename;
396 if ($CFG->dbtype=='mysql' && function_exists($tablefunction)) {
397 $tablefunction($dbtable['#']['FIELDS'][0]['#']['FIELD'], $crash, $debug, $maxrecords, $done, $tablestoconvert); // execute it.
398 } else {
400 /******************************************************
401 * No function for converting whole table, we proceed *
402 ******************************************************/
404 if (!empty($dbtable['#']) && ($fields = $dbtable['#']['FIELDS'][0]['#']['FIELD']) and (!in_array($dbtablename, $ignoretables))) {
406 $colnames = array();
407 $coltypes = array(); //array to hold all column types for the table
408 $collengths = array(); //array to hold all column lengths for the table
409 $defaults = array(); //array to hold defaults, if any
410 //reset holders
411 $addindexarray = array();
412 $adduniqueindexarray = array();
413 $addprimaryarray = array();
415 foreach ($fields as $field){
417 //if in crash state, and field name is not the same as crash field name
419 $fieldname = isset($field['@']['name'])?$field['@']['name']:"";
420 $method = isset($field['@']['method'])?$field['@']['method']:"";
421 $type = isset($field['@']['type'])?$field['@']['type']:"";
422 $length = isset($field['@']['length'])?$field['@']['length']:"";
424 if ($crash && ($crash->field != $fieldname)) {
425 continue;
428 $dropindex = isset($field['@']['dropindex'])?$field['@']['dropindex']:"";
429 $addindex = isset($field['@']['addindex'])?$field['@']['addindex']:"";
430 $adduniqueindex = isset($field['@']['adduniqueindex'])?$field['@']['adduniqueindex']:"";
432 $dropprimary = isset($field['@']['dropprimary'])?$field['@']['dropprimary']:"";
433 $addprimary = isset($field['@']['addprimary'])?$field['@']['addprimary']:"";
434 $default = isset($field['@']['default'])?"'".$field['@']['default']."'":"''";
436 if ($fieldname != 'dummy') {
437 $colnames[] = $fieldname;
438 $coltypes[] = $type;
439 $collengths[]= $length;
442 if ($debug) {
443 echo "<br>--><b>processing db field ".$fieldname.'</b>';
444 echo "<br>---><b>method ".$method.'</b>';
448 if ($CFG->dbtype == 'mysql') {
450 /* Drop the index, because with index on, you can't change it to longblob */
452 if ($dropindex){ //drop index if index is varchar, text etc type
453 $SQL = 'ALTER TABLE '.$prefix.$dbtablename.' DROP INDEX '.$dropindex.';';
454 $SQL1 = 'ALTER TABLE '.$prefix.$dbtablename.' DROP INDEX '.$CFG->prefix.$dropindex.';'; // see bug 5205
455 if ($debug) {
456 $db->debug=999;
458 execute_sql($SQL, false); // see bug 5205
459 execute_sql($SQL1, false); // see bug 5205
461 if ($debug) {
462 $db->debug=0;
464 } else if ($dropprimary) { // drop primary key
465 $SQL = 'ALTER TABLE '.$prefix.$dbtablename.' DROP PRIMARY KEY;';
466 if ($debug) {
467 $db->debug=999;
469 execute_sql($SQL, $debug);
470 if ($debug) {
471 $db->debug=0;
475 /* Change to longblob, serves 2 purposes:
476 1. column loses encoding, so when we finally change it to unicode,
477 mysql does not do a double convertion
478 2. longblobs puts no limit (ok, not really but it's large enough)
479 to handle most of the problems such as in bug 5194
482 $SQL = 'ALTER TABLE '.$prefix.$dbtablename;
483 $SQL.= ' CHANGE '.$fieldname.' '.$fieldname.' LONGBLOB';
486 if ($length > 0) {
487 $SQL.='('.$length.') ';
489 $SQL .= ' CHARACTER SET binary NOT NULL DEFAULT '.$default.';';
491 if ($debug) {
492 $db->debug=999;
494 if ($fieldname != 'dummy') {
495 execute_sql($SQL, $debug);
497 if ($debug) {
498 $db->debug=0;
503 $patterns[]='/RECORDID/'; //for preg_replace
504 $patterns[]='/\{\$CFG\-\>prefix\}/i'; //same here
506 if ($method == 'PLAIN_SQL_UPDATE') {
507 $sqldetectuser = $field['#']['SQL_DETECT_USER'][0]['#'];
508 $sqldetectcourse = $field['#']['SQL_DETECT_COURSE'][0]['#'];
510 else if ($method == 'PHP_FUNCTION') {
511 $phpfunction = 'migrate2utf8_'.$dbtablename.'_'.$fieldname;
514 ///get the total number of records for this field
516 // could not use count_records because it addes prefix to adodb_logsql
517 $totalrecords = count_records_sql("select count(*) from {$prefix}$dbtablename");
518 $counter = 0;
519 $recordsetsize = 50;
521 if ($crash) { //if resuming from crash
522 //find the number of records with id smaller than the crash id
523 $indexSQL = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.$prefix.$dbtablename.' WHERE id < '.$crash->record;
524 $counter = count_records_sql($indexSQL);
527 if ($debug) {
528 echo "<br>Total number of records is ..".$totalrecords;
529 echo "<br/>Counter is $counter";
533 /**************************
534 * converting each record *
535 **************************/
536 while(($counter < $totalrecords) and ($fieldname !='dummy') and ($method!='NO_CONV')) { //while there is still something
537 $SQL = 'SELECT * FROM '.$prefix.$dbtablename.' ORDER BY id ASC '.sql_paging_limit($counter, $recordsetsize);
538 if ($records = get_records_sql($SQL)) {
539 foreach ($records as $record) {
541 //if we are up this far, either no crash, or crash with same table, field name.
542 if ($crash){
543 if ($crash->record != $record->id) { //might set to < just in case record is deleted
544 continue;
545 } else {
546 $crash = 0;
550 $migrationconfig = get_record('config','name','dbmigration');
551 $migrationconfig->name = 'dbmigration';
552 $migrationconfig->value = $dbtablename.'##'.$fieldname.'##'.$record->id;
553 update_record('config',$migrationconfig);
555 $replacements = array(); //manual refresh
556 $replacements[] = $record->id;
557 $replacements[] = $prefix;
559 if (!empty($record->{$fieldname})) { //only update if not empty
560 switch ($method){
561 case 'PLAIN_SQL_UPDATE': //use the 2 statements to update
563 if ($debug) {
564 $db->debug=999;
567 //if global lang is set, we just use that
569 if ($globallang) {
570 $fromenc = $globallang;
571 } else {
572 $userid = get_record_sql(preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $sqldetectuser));
573 $courseid = get_record_sql(preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $sqldetectcourse));
575 $sitelang = $CFG->lang;
576 $courselang = get_course_lang(isset($courseid->course)?$courseid->course:1);
577 $userlang = get_user_lang(isset($userid->userid)?$userid->userid:1);
579 $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang);
582 //only update if non utf8
583 if (($fromenc != 'utf-8') && ($fromenc != 'UTF-8')) {
584 $result = utfconvert($record->{$fieldname}, $fromenc);
585 $newrecord = new object;
586 $newrecord->id = $record->id;
587 $newrecord->{$fieldname} = $result;
588 migrate2utf8_update_record($dbtablename,$newrecord);
590 if ($debug) {
591 $db->debug=0;
593 break;
595 case 'PHP_FUNCTION': //use the default php function to execute
596 if ($debug) {
597 $db->debug=999;
599 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/'.$dir.'/db/migrate2utf8.php');
600 $phpfunction($record->id);
601 if ($debug) {
602 $db->debug=0;
604 break;
606 default: //no_conv, don't do anything ;-)
607 break;
610 $counter++;
611 if ($maxrecords) {
612 if ($processedrecords == $maxrecords) {
613 notify($maxrecords.' records processed. Migration Process halted');
614 print_continue('utfdbmigrate.php?confirm=1&amp;maxrecords='.$maxrecords.'&amp;sesskey='.sesskey());
615 print_footer();
616 die();
620 $processedrecords++;
621 //print some output once in a while
622 if (($processedrecords) % 1000 == 0) {
623 print_progress($done, $tablestoconvert, 5, 1,
624 'Processing: '.$dbtablename.'/'.$fieldname.' ');
627 }else {
628 if ($debug) {
629 notify('no records found!');
632 } //close the while loop
634 /********************
635 * Drop index here **
636 ********************/
638 if ($CFG->dbtype == 'mysql') {
640 /*********************************
641 * Change column encoding 2 phase*
642 *********************************/
645 $SQL = 'ALTER TABLE '.$CFG->prefix.$dbtablename;
646 $SQL.= ' CHANGE '.$fieldname.' '.$fieldname.' LONGTEXT';
647 // if ($length > 0) {
648 // $SQL.='('.$length.') ';
649 // }
650 $SQL .= ' CHARACTER SET binary NOT NULL DEFAULT '.$default.';';
651 if ($debug) {
652 $db->debug=999;
654 if ($fieldname != 'dummy') {
655 execute_sql($SQL, $debug);
657 if ($debug) {
658 $db->debug=0;
660 //phase 2
661 $SQL = 'ALTER TABLE '.$prefix.$dbtablename;
662 $SQL.= ' CHANGE '.$fieldname.' '.$fieldname.' '.$type;
663 if ($length > 0) {
664 $SQL.='('.$length.') ';
666 $SQL.=' CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT '.$default.';';
667 if ($debug) {
668 $db->debug=999;
670 if ($fieldname != 'dummy') {
671 execute_sql($SQL, $debug);
673 if ($debug) {
674 $db->debug=0;
676 /********************************************
677 * build an array to add index back together*
678 ********************************************/
679 if ($addindex){
680 $addindexarray[] = $addindex;
681 } else if ($adduniqueindex) {
682 $adduniqueindexarray[] = $adduniqueindex;
683 } else if ($addprimary) {
684 $addprimaryarray[] = $addprimary;
687 } else {
689 //posgresql code here
690 //No we don't need to do anything here
696 /********************************
697 * Adding the index back *
698 ********************************/
699 $alter = 0;
701 if ($CFG->dbtype=='mysql'){
702 $SQL = 'ALTER TABLE '.$prefix.$dbtablename;
704 if (!empty($addindexarray)) {
705 foreach ($addindexarray as $aidx){
706 $SQL .= ' ADD INDEX '.$aidx.',';
707 $alter++;
711 if (!empty($adduniqueindexarray)) {
712 foreach ($adduniqueindexarray as $auidx){
713 $SQL .= ' ADD UNIQUE INDEX '.$auidx.',';
714 $alter++;
718 if (!empty($addprimaryarray)) {
719 foreach ($addprimaryarray as $apm){
720 $SQL .= ' ADD PRIMARY KEY '.$apm.',';
721 $alter++;
725 $SQL = rtrim($SQL, ', ');
726 $SQL.=';';
728 } else {
729 ///posgresql code here
730 ///No we don't need to do anything here
734 if ($alter) {
735 if ($debug) {
736 $db->debug=999;
738 execute_sql($SQL, $debug);
739 if ($debug) {
740 $db->debug=0;
744 } //if there are fields
747 } /// Point 1 - bypass should end here.
750 /************************************
751 * now we modify the table encoding *
752 ************************************/
753 if ($CFG->dbtype=='mysql'){
754 $SQL = 'ALTER TABLE '.$prefix.$dbtablename.' CHARACTER SET utf8';
755 if ($debug) {
756 $db->debug=999;
758 execute_sql($SQL, $debug);
759 if ($debug) {
760 $db->debug=0;
762 } else {
764 ///posgresql code here
765 ///No we don't need to do anything here
770 if ($CFG->dbtype=='mysql') {
771 /*********************************
772 * now we modify the db encoding *
773 *********************************/
774 $SQL = 'ALTER DATABASE '.$CFG->dbname.' CHARACTER SET utf8';
775 execute_sql($SQL, $debug);
776 } else {
777 if (!is_postgres_utf8()) {
778 //This old database is now deprecated
779 set_config('migrated_to_new_db','1');
782 delete_records('config','name','dbmigration'); //bye bye
784 //These have to go!
785 if ($debug) {
786 $db->debug=999;
788 if ($CFG->dbtype == 'postgres7') {
789 $backup_db = $GLOBALS['db'];
790 $GLOBALS['db'] = &get_postgres_db();
792 execute_sql('TRUNCATE TABLE '.$CFG->prefix.'cache_text', $debug);
793 execute_sql('TRUNCATE TABLE '.$CFG->prefix.'cache_filters', $debug);
794 if ($CFG->dbtype == 'postgres7') {
795 $GLOBALS['db'] = $backup_db;
796 unset($backup_db);
798 if ($debug) {
799 $db->debug=0;
801 //update site language
802 $sitelanguage = get_record('config','name', 'lang');
803 if (strstr($sitelanguage->value, 'utf8')===false and $sitelanguage->value) {
804 $sitelanguage->value.='_utf8';
805 migrate2utf8_update_record('config',$sitelanguage);
808 //finish the javascript bar
809 $done = $tablestoconvert;
810 print_progress($done, $tablestoconvert, 5, 1);
812 //prints the list of langs used in this site
813 print_simple_box_start('center','50%');
814 echo '<div align="center">The following Language Packs are needed for your users and courses. Please install the following Language Packs:<br><b>';
815 $langsused = get_record('config','name', 'langsused');
816 $langs = explode (',',$langsused->value);
818 foreach ($langs as $lang) {
819 if (!empty($lang) and $lang != 'en_utf8') {
820 echo $lang.', ';
823 echo '</b><br/><a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/langimport.php">Language Import Utility</a></div>';
824 print_simple_box_end();
825 delete_records('config','name','langsused');
827 //remove the cache file!
828 @unlink($CFG->dataroot.'/cache/languages');
830 // Regenerate some cached data
832 if ($CFG->dbtype == 'mysql') {
833 $db->Execute("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
834 } else if ($CFG->dbtype == 'postgres7') {
835 $db->Execute("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
838 rebuild_course_cache();
840 //set the final flag
841 migrate2utf8_set_config('unicodedb','true'); //this is the main flag for unicode db
843 //echo date("H:i:s");
847 /* returns the course lang
848 * @param int courseid
849 * @return string
851 function get_course_lang($courseid) {
853 static $coursecache;
855 if (!isset($coursecache[$courseid])) {
856 if ($course = get_record('course','id',$courseid)){
857 $coursecache[$courseid] = $course->lang;
858 return $course->lang;
860 return false;
861 } else {
862 return $coursecache[$courseid];
866 /* returns the teacher's lang
867 * @param int courseid
868 * @return string
870 function get_main_teacher_lang($courseid) {
871 //editting teacher > non editting teacher
872 global $CFG;
873 static $mainteachercache;
875 if (!isset($mainteachercache[$courseid])) {
876 $SQL = 'SELECT u.lang from '.$CFG->prefix.'user_teachers ut,
877 '.$CFG->prefix.'course c,
878 '.$CFG->prefix.'user u WHERE
879 c.id = ut.course AND ut.course = '.$courseid.' AND u.id = ut.userid ORDER BY ut.authority ASC';
881 if ($teacher = get_record_sql($SQL, true)) {
882 $mainteachercache[$courseid] = $teacher->lang;
883 return $teacher->lang;
884 } else {
885 $admin = get_admin();
886 $mainteachercache[$courseid] = $admin->lang;
887 return $admin->lang;
889 } else {
890 return $mainteachercache[$courseid];
894 function get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang){
896 global $CFG, $enc;
898 $lang = '';
899 if ($courselang) {
900 $lang = $courselang;
902 else if ($userlang) {
903 $lang = $userlang;
905 else if ($sitelang) {
906 $lang = $sitelang;
908 else {
909 error ('no language found!');
912 if ($enc[$lang]) {
913 return $enc[$lang];
914 } else {
915 notify ('unknown language detected: '.$lang);
916 return false;
920 /* returns the user's lang
921 * @param int userid
922 * @return string
924 function get_user_lang($userid) {
926 static $usercache;
928 if (!isset($usercache[$userid])) {
929 if ($user = get_record('user','id',$userid)) {
930 $usercache[$userid] = $user->lang;
931 return $user->lang;
933 } else {
934 return $usercache[$userid];
936 return false;
939 // a placeholder for now
940 function log_the_problem_somewhere() { //Eloy: Nice function, perhaps we could use it, perhpas no. :-)
941 global $CFG, $dbtablename, $fieldname, $record;
942 if ($CFG->debug>7) {
943 echo "<br />Problem converting: $dbtablename -> $fieldname -> {$record->id}!";
947 // only this function should be used during db migraton, because of addslashes at the end of the convertion
948 function utfconvert($string, $enc, $slash=true) {
949 global $textlib;
950 if ($result = $textlib->convert($string, $enc)) {
951 if ($slash) {
952 $result = addslashes($result);
955 return $result;
958 function validate_form(&$form, &$err) {
959 global $CFG;
961 $newdb = &ADONewConnection('postgres7');
962 error_reporting(0); // Hide errors
963 $dbconnected = $newdb->Connect($form->dbhost,$form->dbuser,$form->dbpass,$form->dbname);
964 error_reporting($CFG->debug); // Show errors
965 if (!$dbconnected) {
966 $err['dbconnect'] = get_string('dbmigrateconnecerror', 'admin');
967 return;
970 if (!is_postgres_utf8($newdb)) {
971 $encoding = $newdb->GetOne('SHOW server_encoding');
972 $err['dbconnect'] = get_string('dbmigrateencodingerror', 'admin', $encoding);
973 return;
976 if (!empty($form->pathtopgdump) && !is_executable($form->pathtopgdump)) {
977 $err['pathtopgdump'] = get_string('pathtopgdumpinvalid','admin');
978 return;
981 if (!empty($form->pathtopsql) && !is_executable($form->pathtopsql)) {
982 $err['pathtopsql'] = get_string('pathtopsqlinvalid','admin');
983 return;
986 return;
989 function is_postgres_utf8($thedb = null) {
990 if ($thedb === null) {
991 $thedb = &$GLOBALS['db'];
994 $db_encoding_postgres = $thedb->GetOne('SHOW server_encoding');
995 if (strtoupper($db_encoding_postgres) == 'UNICODE' || strtoupper($db_encoding_postgres) == 'UTF8') {
996 return true;
997 } else {
998 return false;
1002 function &get_postgres_db() {
1003 static $postgres_db;
1005 if (!$postgres_db) {
1006 if (is_postgres_utf8()) {
1007 $postgres_db = &$GLOBALS['db'];
1008 } else {
1009 $postgres_db = &ADONewConnection('postgres7');
1010 $postgres_db->Connect($_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->dbhost,$_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->dbuser,$_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->dbpass,$_SESSION['newpostgresdb']->dbname);
1014 return $postgres_db;
1017 function is_postgres_setup() {
1018 $postgres_db = &get_postgres_db();
1020 return $GLOBALS['db']->MetaTables() == $postgres_db->MetaTables();
1023 function migrate2utf8_update_record($table,$record) {
1024 global $CFG;
1026 if ($CFG->dbtype == 'mysql') {
1027 update_record($table,$record);
1028 } else {
1029 $backup_db = $GLOBALS['db'];
1030 $GLOBALS['db'] = &get_postgres_db();
1031 global $in;
1032 $in = true;
1033 update_record($table,$record);
1034 $GLOBALS['db'] = $backup_db;
1038 function migrate2utf8_set_config($name, $value, $plugin=NULL) {
1039 global $CFG;
1040 if ($CFG->dbtype == 'mysql') {
1041 set_config($name, $value, $plugin);
1042 } else {
1043 $backup_db = $GLOBALS['db'];
1044 $GLOBALS['db'] = &get_postgres_db();
1045 set_config($name, $value, $plugin);
1046 $GLOBALS['db'] = $backup_db;
1050 // this needs to print an error when a mod does not have a migrate2utf8.xml
1051 function utf_get_xml ($mode=0) { // if mode is 1, do not perform check for script validity
1052 global $CFG;
1054 $xmls = array();
1055 $noscript = 0; // we assume all mod and all blocks have migration scripts
1057 /*****************************************************************************
1058 * traverse order is mod->backup->block->block_plugin->enroll_plugin->global *
1059 *****************************************************************************/
1061 ///mod
1062 if (!$mods = get_list_of_plugins('mod')) {
1063 error('No modules installed!');
1066 foreach ($mods as $mod){
1067 if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$mod.'/db/migrate2utf8.xml')) {
1068 $xmls[] = xmlize(file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$mod.'/db/migrate2utf8.xml'));
1069 } else if (!$mode) {
1070 $noscript = 1;
1071 notify('warning, there is no migration script detected for this module - '.$mod);
1075 ///Backups
1076 $xmls[] = xmlize(file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot.'/backup/db/migrate2utf8.xml'));
1078 ///Blocks
1079 $xmls[] = xmlize(file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot.'/blocks/db/migrate2utf8.xml'));
1081 ///Block Plugins
1082 if (!$blocks = get_list_of_plugins('blocks')) {
1083 //error('No blocks installed!'); //Eloy: Is this a cause to stop?
1086 foreach ($blocks as $block){
1087 if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/blocks/'.$block.'/db/migrate2utf8.xml')) {
1088 $xmls[] = xmlize(file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot.'/blocks/'.$block.'/db/migrate2utf8.xml'));
1089 } else if (!$mode) {
1090 if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/blocks/'.$block.'/db/mysql.sql') && filesize($CFG->dirroot.'/blocks/'.$block.'/db/mysql.sql')) { // if no migration script, and have db script, we are in trouble
1091 notify('warning, there is no migration script detected for this block - '.$block);
1092 $noscript = 1;
1097 ///Enrol
1099 if (!$enrols = get_list_of_plugins('enrol')) {
1100 //error('No enrol installed!'); //Eloy: enrol, not blocks :-) Is this a cause to stop?
1103 foreach ($enrols as $enrol){
1104 if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/'.$enrol.'/db/migrate2utf8.xml')) {
1105 $xmls[] = xmlize(file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/'.$enrol.'/db/migrate2utf8.xml'));
1109 ///Lastly, globals
1111 $xmls[] = xmlize(file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/db/migrate2utf8.xml'));
1113 if ($noscript) {
1114 notify ('Some of your modules or Blocks do not have a migration script. It is very likely that these are contrib modules. If your Moodle site uses non-UTF8 language packs and non-en language packs, data inside these moduels or blocks will not be displayed correctly after the migration. Please proceed with caution.');
1117 return $xmls;