Copied over language files from HEAD
[moodle.git] / lang / en_us / editor.php
1 <?PHP // $Id$
2 // editor.php - created with Moodle 1.2 (2004032000)
5 $string['about'] = 'About this editor';
6 $string['absbottom'] = 'Absbottom';
7 $string['middle'] = 'middle';
8 $string['address'] = 'Address';
9 $string['alignment'] = 'Alignment';
10 $string['alternatetext'] = 'Alternate text';
11 $string['baseline'] = 'Baseline';
12 $string['bold'] = 'Bold';
13 $string['borderthickness'] = 'Border thickness';
14 $string['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
15 $string['browse'] = 'Browse';
16 $string['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
17 $string['cellpadding'] = 'Cellpadding';
18 $string['cellspacing'] = 'Cellspacing';
19 $string['choosechar'] = 'Choose Character';
20 $string['chooseicon'] = 'Choose an icon to insert';
21 $string['close'] = 'Close';
22 $string['cols'] = 'Cols';
23 $string['copy'] = 'Copy selection';
24 $string['createfolder'] = 'Create folder';
25 $string['createlink'] = 'Insert Web Link';
26 $string['cut'] = 'Cut selection';
27 $string['delete'] = 'Delete';
28 $string['filebrowser'] = 'File Browser';
29 $string['forecolor'] = 'Font Color';
30 $string['fullscreen'] = 'Fullscreen editor';
31 $string['heading'] = 'Heading';
32 $string['height'] = 'Height';
33 $string['hilitecolor'] = 'Background Color';
34 $string['horizontal'] = 'Horizontal';
35 $string['horizontalrule'] = 'Horizontal Rule';
36 $string['htmlmode'] = 'Toggle HTML Source';
37 $string['imageurl'] = 'Image URL';
38 $string['indent'] = 'Increase Indent';
39 $string['insertchar'] = 'Insert Special Character';
40 $string['insertimage'] = 'Insert Image';
41 $string['insertlink'] = 'Insert Link';
42 $string['insertsmile'] = 'Insert Smiley';
43 $string['inserttable'] = 'Insert Table';
44 $string['italic'] = 'Italic';
45 $string['justifycenter'] = 'Justify Center';
46 $string['justifyfull'] = 'Justify Full';
47 $string['justifyleft'] = 'Justify Left';
48 $string['justifyright'] = 'Justify Right';
49 $string['layout'] = 'Layout';
50 $string['left'] = 'Left';
51 $string['lefttoright'] = 'Direction from left to right';
52 $string['linkproperties'] = 'Link properties';
53 $string['linktarget'] = 'Target';
54 $string['linktargetblank'] = 'New window';
55 $string['linktargetnone'] = 'None';
56 $string['linktargetother'] = 'Other (out of order)';
57 $string['linktargetself'] = 'Same frame';
58 $string['linktargettop'] = 'Same window';
59 $string['linktitle'] = 'Title';
60 $string['linkurl'] = 'URL';
61 $string['middle'] = 'Middle';
62 $string['minimize'] = 'Minimize editor';
63 $string['move'] = 'Move';
64 $string['normal'] = 'Normal';
65 $string['notimage'] = 'Selected file is not an image. Please select an image!';
66 $string['notset'] = 'Not Set';
67 $string['ok'] = 'OK';
68 $string['orderedlist'] = 'Ordered List';
69 $string['outdent'] = 'Decrease Indent';
70 $string['paste'] = 'Paste from clipboard';
71 $string['path'] = 'Path';
72 $string['percent'] = 'Percent';
73 $string['pixels'] = 'Pixels';
74 $string['popupeditor'] = 'Enlarge Editor';
75 $string['preformatted'] = 'Preformatted';
76 $string['preview'] = 'Preview';
77 $string['properties'] = 'Properties';
78 $string['redo'] = 'Redo your last action';
79 $string['rename'] = 'Rename';
80 $string['removelink'] = 'Remove link';
81 $string['right'] = 'Right';
82 $string['righttoleft'] = 'Direction from right to left';
83 $string['rows'] = 'Rows';
84 $string['selectcolor'] = 'Select color';
85 $string['selection'] = 'Selection';
86 $string['showhelp'] = 'Help using editor';
87 $string['size'] = 'Size';
88 $string['spacing'] = 'Spacing';
89 $string['strikethrough'] = 'Strikethrough';
90 $string['subscript'] = 'Subscript';
91 $string['superscript'] = 'Superscript';
92 $string['textindicator'] = 'Current style';
93 $string['textmode'] = 'You are in TEXT MODE. Use the [<>] button to go back to WYSIWYG MODE.';
94 $string['texttop'] = 'Texttop';
95 $string['top'] = 'Top';
96 $string['type'] = 'Type';
97 $string['underline'] = 'Underline';
98 $string['undo'] = 'Undo your last action';
99 $string['unorderedlist'] = 'Bulleted List';
100 $string['upload'] = 'Upload';
101 $string['vertical'] = 'Vertical';
102 $string['width'] = 'Width';
103 $string['wordclean'] = 'Clean Word HTML';
104 $string['zip'] = 'Zip';