Fixed some missing backslashes
[moodle.git] / lang / en / lesson.php
1 <?PHP // $Id$
2 // lesson.php - created with Moodle 1.2 development (2003111400)
5 $string['actionaftercorrectanswer'] = "Action after Correct Answer";
6 $string['addanewpage'] = "Add a new page";
7 $string['addpagehere'] = "Add page Here";
8 $string['answer'] = "Answer";
9 $string['answersfornumerical'] = "Answers for Numerical questions should be matched pairs of Minimum and Maximum values";
10 $string['attempt'] = "Attempt: \$a";
11 $string['attempts'] = "Attempts";
12 $string['available'] = "Available from";
13 $string['canretake'] = "\$a can re-take";
14 $string['casesensitive'] = "Case Sensitive";
15 $string['checknavigation'] = "Check navigation";
16 $string['checkquestion'] = "Check Question";
17 $string['confirmdeletionofthispage'] = "Confirm deletion of this page";
18 $string['congratulations'] = "Congratulations - end of lesson reached";
19 $string['continue'] = "Continue";
20 $string['deadline'] = "Deadline";
21 $string['deletingpage'] = "Deleting page: \$a";
22 $string['displayofgrade'] = "Display of grade (for students only)";
23 $string['endoflesson'] = "End of lesson";
24 $string['fileformat'] = "File Format";
25 $string['firstanswershould'] = "First Answer should Jump to the &quot;Correct&quot Page";
26 $string['gradeis'] = "Grade is \$a";
27 $string['importquestions'] = "Import Questions";
28 $string['jumpto'] = "Jump to";
29 $string['maximumnumberofanswers'] = "Maximum number of answers";
30 $string['maximumnumberofattempts'] = "Maximum number of Attempts";
31 $string['modulename'] = "Lesson";
32 $string['modulenameplural'] = "Lessons";
33 $string['multianswer'] = "Multianswer";
34 $string['movepagehere'] = "Move page to here";
35 $string['moving'] = "Moving page: \$a";
36 $string['movingtonextpage'] = "Moving to Next Page";
37 $string['multipleanswer'] = "Multiple Answer";
38 $string['nextpage'] = "Next page";
39 $string['noanswer'] = "No answer given";
40 $string['noattemptrecordsfound'] = "No Attempt Records Found: No Grade given";
41 $string['normal'] = "Normal - follow Lesson Path";
42 $string['numberofcorrectanswers'] = "Number of correct answers: \$a";
43 $string['numberofcorrectmatches'] = "Number of Correct Matches: \$a";
44 $string['numberofpagesviewed'] = "Number of pages viewed: \$a";
45 $string['numberofpagestoshow'] = "Number of Pages (Cards) to Show";
46 $string['ordered'] = "Ordered";
47 $string['outof'] = "Out of \$a";
48 $string['questiontype'] = "Question Type";
49 $string['questionoption'] = "Question Option";
50 $string['page'] = "Page: \$a";
51 $string['pagecontents'] = "Page contents";
52 $string['pagetitle'] = "Page title";
53 $string['pleasecheckoneanswer'] = "Please check one Answer";
54 $string['pleasecheckoneormoreanswers'] = "Please check one or more Answers";
55 $string['pleaseenteryouranswerinthebox'] = "Please enter your Answer in the Box";
56 $string['pleasematchtheabovepairs'] = "Please match the above Pairs";
57 $string['response'] = "Response";
58 $string['sanitycheckfailed'] = "Sanity Check Failed: This attempt has been deleted";
59 $string['savepage'] = "Save page";
60 $string['singleanswer'] = "Single Answer";
61 $string['showanunseenpage'] = "Show an Unseen Page";
62 $string['showanunansweredpage'] = "Show an unanswered Page";
63 $string['thatsthecorrectanswer'] = "That's the Correct Answer";
64 $string['thatsthewronganswer'] = "That's the Wrong Answer";
65 $string['thispage'] = "This page";
66 $string['youhaveseen'] = "You have seen more than one page of this lesson already.<br />Do you want to start at the last page you saw?";
67 $string['youranswer'] = "Your Answer";