translated some.
[moodle.git] / lang / en / attendance.php
1 <?PHP
3 #------------------------------------------------------------
4 $string['modulename'] = "Attendance";
5 $string['allmodulename'] = "All Attendance Rolls";
6 $string['modulenameplural'] = "Attendance Rolls";
7 $string['weekmodulename'] = "All Attendance Rolls In the Last Week";
8 $string['addmultiple'] = "Add Multiple Attendance Rolls";
9 $string['addingmultiple'] = "Adding Multiple Attendance Rolls";
10 #------------------------------------------------------------
13 $string['takeroll'] = "Take roll on this day?";
14 $string['for'] = "for";
15 $string['dayofroll'] = "Date to take roll for";
16 $string['notes'] = "Exceptional information";
17 $string['notesfor'] = "Exceptional information for";
18 $string['hoursinclass'] = "Number of hours in a class period";
19 $string['presentshort'] = "P";
20 $string['tardyshort'] = "T";
21 $string['absentshort'] = "A";
22 $string['presentlong'] = "Present";
23 $string['tardylong'] = "Tardy";
24 $string['absentlong'] = "Absent";
25 $string['dynamicsection'] = "Determine week for attendance based on this date";
26 $string['defaultdynamicsection'] = "Whether to move attendance rolls to the correct week by default";
27 $string['defaulthoursinclass'] = "How many hours there should be in a default attendance roll";
28 $string['tardiesperabsence'] = "How many tardies should count as one absence";
29 $string['hoursinfullreport'] = "The maximum number of hours of attendance that should be displayed on a single page of a report";
30 $string['pages'] = "Pages";
31 $string['of'] = "of";
32 $string['viewall'] = "View All Attendance Rolls";
33 $string['viewone'] = "View All Pages of Report";
34 $string['viewtable'] = "View Report as One Table";
35 $string['viewmulti'] = "View Report as Multiple Pages";
36 $string['viewweek'] = "View All Attendance Rolls from the Calendar Week";
37 $string['viewsection'] = "View All Attendance Rolls from this Section";
38 $string['noviews'] = "Sorry, there is no data for your account here";
39 $string['norolls'] = "There are no attendance rolls in this course";
40 $string['startmulti'] = "Date for first attendance roll";
41 $string['endmulti'] = "Date for last attendance roll";
42 $string['choosedays'] = "Days of each week to take attendance";
43 $string['dynamicsectionmulti'] = "Place rolls in their weekly section automatically";
44 $string['hoursineachclass'] = "Number of Hours in each class period";
45 $string['sunday'] = "Sun";
46 $string['monday'] = "Mon";
47 $string['tuesday'] = "Tue";
48 $string['wednesday'] = "Wed";
49 $string['thursday'] = "Thu";
50 $string['friday'] = "Fri";
51 $string['saturday'] = "Sat";
52 $string['endbeforestart'] = "The end date is before the start date";
53 $string['startafterend'] = "The start date is after the end of the course";
54 $string['defaultstudentstatus'] = "The default student attendance status on new attendance rolls";
55 $string['downloadexcelfull'] = "Download Full Excel Spreadsheet";
56 $string['downloadexceltotals'] = "Download Summary Excel Spreadsheet";
57 $string['downloadtextfull'] = "Download Full Text Report";
58 $string['downloadtexttotals'] = "Download Summary Text Report";
59 $string['autoattend'] = "Automatically take attendance based on user activity logs";
60 $string['defaultautoattend'] = "Whether to take attendance based on user activity logs by default";
61 $string['autoattendmulti'] = "Automatically take attendance for all rolls based on user activity logs";
62 $string['auto'] = "auto";
63 $string['gradevalue'] = "Make this roll gradeable";
64 $string['defaultgrade'] = " Whether to make attendance rolls gradeable by default";
65 $string['gradevaluemulti'] = "Make these rolls gradeable";
66 $string['maxgradevalue'] = "Maximum grade value for full attendance";
67 $string['defaultmaxgrade'] = "What the default maximum grade value for full attendance should be";
68 $string['gradeshort'] = "Graded";
69 $string['maxgradeshort'] = "Maximum grade";
70 $string['autoattendshort'] = "Automatic from logs";
71 $string['dynsectionshort'] = "Dynamically moved to section";