5 - #575 send the start event after begin
6 - #569 if the playlist has been reset but the audio has been already buffered, set the duration and start event.
7 - #582 fixes for metadata events dispatching in playlists and when replaying same audio item, cleanup duration updating once download has completed,
8 fixes for clearing the previous cover image display.
9 - #611 close the channel and sound on stream not found errors.
10 - #614 fixes for auto buffering issues where a sound channel may not be active yet.
14 - #501 fixes to dispatch start state correctly.
15 - #501 use the sound channel to listen for a complete event to finish correctly.
20 - fixed to dispatch onStart only once
21 - the duration is now available in the clip when onStart is dispatched
22 - audio duration was estimated to be too long, issue #323
23 - duration not available in the onMetaData event, issue #278
24 - now dispatches error 200 when the mp3 URL does not respond, issue #334
25 - #428 regression issue calculating the initial duration, was returning too small for the duration tracker.
26 - #428 when fully downloaded ID3 is resent and update the duration.
27 - #475 if we have a clip duration set, dispatch start or else wait until the duration is estimated. Start required for beginning duration tracker.
32 - Fixed to dispatch onStart when the mp3 file does not contain a id3 tag
33 - Now uses baseUrl if that is given
38 - Now can download cover images from different domains without cross-domain security errors
43 - Supports cover images via a 'coverImage' configuration option
44 - now works with securestreaming plugin
46 - fix to work properly if accessing the ID3 tag fails because Flash security prevents it
47 - works better if the file does not have the ID3 tag
51 - added a new plugin event "onDuration" that is dispatched whenever a new duration value is estimated and the
52 clip.duration value was changed. The new duration value is passed as event argument.
56 - added timeProvider setter as required by the changed StreamProvider interface
57 - now checks the crossdomain.xml file to allow reading of the ID3 tag when this file is present in the domain
58 hosting the audio file
62 - compatible with the new ConnectionProvider and URLResolver API
67 - calling closeBuffering() after the audio had finished caused an exception
71 - compatibility with core 3.1 StreamProvider interface
75 - fixed to stop audio when stop() is called
79 - changed to recalculate the duration until the end of the file has been reached,
80 this is needed to correctly estimate the duration of variable bitrate MP3's
84 - dispatches the LOAD event when initialized (needed for flowplayer 3.0.2 compatibility)
85 - fixed crashes of Mac Safari when navigating out of a page that had a playing audio
89 - First public beta release