2 Feature: Glossary entries can be searched or browsed by alphabet, category, date or author
3 In order to find entries in a glossary
5 I need to search the entries list by keyword, alphabet, category, date and author
8 Given the following "users" exists:
9 | username | firstname | lastname | email |
10 | teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | teacher1@asd.com |
11 | student1 | Student | 1 | student1@asd.com |
12 And the following "courses" exists:
13 | fullname | shortname | category |
15 And the following "course enrolments" exists:
16 | user | course | role |
17 | teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
18 | student1 | C1 | student |
19 And I log in as "teacher1"
20 And I follow "Course 1"
21 And I turn editing mode on
22 And I add a "Glossary" to section "1" and I fill the form with:
23 | Name | Test glossary name |
24 | Description | Test glossary description |
25 And I follow "Test glossary name"
26 And I add a glossary entries category named "The ones I like"
27 And I add a glossary entries category named "All for you"
28 And I add a glossary entry with the following data:
29 | Concept | Eggplant |
30 | Definition | Sour eggplants |
31 | Categories | All for you |
33 And I log in as "student1"
34 And I follow "Course 1"
35 And I follow "Test glossary name"
36 And I add a glossary entry with the following data:
37 | Concept | Cucumber |
38 | Definition | Sweet cucumber |
39 | Categories | The ones I like |
41 And I log in as "teacher1"
42 And I follow "Course 1"
43 And I follow "Test glossary name"
46 Scenario: Search by keyword and browse by alphabet
47 When I fill in "hook" with "cucumber"
49 Then I should see "Sweet cucumber"
50 And I should see "Search: cucumber"
51 And I follow "Browse by alphabet"
52 And I click on "E" "link" in the ".entrybox" "css_element"
53 And I should see "Sour eggplants"
54 And I should not see "Sweet cucumber"
55 And I click on "X" "link" in the ".entrybox" "css_element"
56 And I should not see "Sweet cucumber"
57 And I should see "No entries found in this section"
60 Scenario: Browse by category
61 When I follow "Browse by category"
62 And I select "The ones I like" from "Categories"
63 Then I should see "Sweet cucumber"
64 And I should not see "Sour eggplants"
65 And I select "All for you" from "Categories"
66 And I should see "Sour eggplants"
67 And I should not see "Sweet cucumber"
70 Scenario: Browse by date
71 When I follow "Browse by date"
72 And I follow "By creation date"
73 Then "Delete: Eggplant" "link" should appear before "Delete: Cucumber" "link"
74 And I follow "By last update"
75 And I follow "By last update change to descending"
76 And "Delete: Cucumber" "link" should appear before "Delete: Eggplant" "link"
79 Scenario: Browse by author
80 When I follow "Browse by Author"
81 And I click on "T" "link" in the ".entrybox" "css_element"
82 Then I should see "Teacher 1"
83 And I should see "Sour eggplants"
84 And I should not see "Sweet cucumber"
85 And I click on "S" "link" in the ".entrybox" "css_element"
86 And I should see "Student 1"
87 And I should see "Sweet cucumber"
88 And I should not see "Sour eggplants"