1 Description of emoji data import into Moodle.
3 1. Download the latest release of emoji data from https://github.com/iamcal/emoji-data/releases
5 2. Copy emoji_pretty.json into lib/emoji-data/
7 3. Run the generate_emoji_data.php script to create the new data.js file
8 E.g. php lib/emoji-data/generate_emoji_data.php > lib/amd/src/emoji/data.js
10 Once this command has been executed, open the newly created lib/amd/src/emoji/data.js file and make sure that the
11 emoji data has been successfully generated.
12 ==================================================================================================================
13 NOTE: If the following error messages are displayed instead of the emoji data in data.js you should:
14 * 'The following categories are missing: xyz, xyz, ...'
15 1. add these categories in $categorysortorder in generate_emoji_data.php
16 2. include these categories in the emoji picker template (lib/templates/emoji/picker.mustache).
17 3. add appropriate icon mappings for these categories in get_core_icon_map() in
18 lib/classes/output/icon_system_fontawesome.php.
19 4. add language strings for these categories in lang/en/moodle.php.
20 * 'The following categories are no longer used: xyz, xyz, ...'
21 1. remove these categories from $categorysortorder in generate_emoji_data.php
22 2. remove these categories from the emoji picker template (lib/templates/emoji/picker.mustache).
23 3. remove the icon mappings for these categories in get_core_icon_map() in
24 lib/classes/output/icon_system_fontawesome.php.
25 4. remove (deprecate) the language strings for these categories in lang/en/moodle.php.
27 Rerun 'php lib/emoji-data/generate_emoji_data.php > lib/amd/src/emoji/data.js'
28 ==================================================================================================================
30 4. Build the new emoji data.js file
31 E.g. grunt amd --files=lib/amd/src/emoji/data.js
33 5. Delete the emoji_pretty.json file from step 3