[moodle.git] / lang / en_utf8 / data.php
1 <?php // $Id$
3 $string['action'] = 'Action';
4 $string['add'] = 'Add entry';
5 $string['addafield'] = 'Add a field';
6 $string['addcomment'] = 'Add comment';
7 $string['addtemplate'] = 'Add template';
8 $string['allowcomments'] = 'Allow comments?';
9 $string['allowratings'] = 'Allow posts to be rated?';
10 $string['approve'] = 'Approve';
11 $string['ascending'] = 'Ascending';
12 $string['atmaxentry'] = 'You have entered the maximum number of entries allowed!';
13 $string['autogenallforms'] = 'Generate all default templates';
14 $string['autolinkurl'] = 'Autolink the URL';
15 $string['availablefromdate'] = 'Available from';
16 $string['availabletags'] = 'Available tags';
17 $string['availabletodate'] = 'Available to';
18 $string['bynameondate'] = 'by $a->name - $a->date';
19 $string['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
20 $string['checkbox'] = 'Checkbox';
21 $string['commentdeleted'] = 'Comment deleted';
22 $string['commentempty'] = 'Comment was empty';
23 $string['comments'] = 'Comments';
24 $string['commentsaved'] = 'Comment saved';
25 $string['commentsn'] = '$a comment(s)';
26 $string['configenablerssfeeds'] = 'This switch will enable the possibility of RSS feeds for all databases. You will still need to turn feeds on manually in the settings for each database.';
27 $string['confirmdeletefield'] = 'You are about to delete this field, are you sure?';
28 $string['confirmdeleterecord'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this entry?';
29 $string['csstemplate'] = 'CSS template';
30 $string['csvfile'] = 'CSV file';
31 $string['csvimport'] = 'CSV file import';
32 $string['date'] = 'Date';
33 $string['dateentered'] = 'Date entered';
34 $string['defaultfielddelimiter'] = '(default is the comma character)';
35 $string['defaultfieldenclosure'] = '(default is none)';
36 $string['defaultsortfield'] = 'Default sort field';
37 $string['descending'] = 'Descending';
38 $string['delete'] = 'Delete';
39 $string['deletecomment'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?';
40 $string['deleted'] = 'deleted';
41 $string['deletefield'] = 'Delete an existing field';
42 $string['edit'] = 'Edit';
43 $string['editcomment'] = 'Edit comment';
44 $string['editentry'] = 'Edit entry';
45 $string['emptyadd'] = 'The Add template is empty, generating a default form...';
46 $string['emptyaddform'] = 'You did not fill out any fields!';
47 $string['entries'] = 'Entries';
48 $string['entrysaved'] = 'Your entry has been saved';
49 $string['errormustbeteacher'] = 'You need to be a teacher to use this page!';
50 $string['example'] = 'Database module example';
51 $string['fieldadded'] = 'Field added';
52 $string['fieldallowautolink'] = 'Allow autolink';
53 $string['fielddeleted'] = 'Field deleted';
54 $string['fielddelimiter'] = 'Field delimiter';
55 $string['fieldenclosure'] = 'Field enclosure';
56 $string['fielddescription'] = 'Field description';
57 $string['fieldname'] = 'Field name';
58 $string['fieldoptions'] = 'Options (one per line)';
59 $string['fields'] = 'Fields';
60 $string['fieldupdated'] = 'Field updated';
61 $string['fieldwidth'] = 'Width';
62 $string['fieldheight'] = 'Height';
63 $string['fieldwidthsingleview'] = 'Width in single view';
64 $string['fieldheightsingleview'] = 'Height in single view';
65 $string['fieldwidthlistview'] = 'Width in list view';
66 $string['fieldheightlistview'] = 'Height in list view';
67 $string['file'] = 'File';
68 $string['filtername'] = 'Database Auto-linking';
69 $string['footer'] = 'Footer';
70 $string['forcelinkname'] = 'Forced name for the link';
71 $string['header'] = 'Header';
72 $string['headeraddtemplate'] = 'Defines the interface when editing entries';
73 $string['headerlisttemplate'] = 'Defines browsing interface for multiple entries';
74 $string['headerrsstemplate'] = 'Defines appearance of entries in RSS feeds';
75 $string['headercsstemplate'] = 'Defines local CSS styles for the other templates';
76 $string['headersingletemplate'] = 'Defines browsing interface for a single entry';
77 $string['insufficiententries'] = 'more entries needed to view this database';
78 $string['intro'] = 'Introduction';
79 $string['invalidfieldname'] = 'Please choose another name for this field';
80 $string['invalidurl'] = 'The URL you just entered is not valid';
81 $string['list'] = 'View list';
82 $string['listtemplate'] = 'List template';
83 $string['maxentries'] = 'Maximum entries';
84 $string['maxsize'] = 'Maximum size';
85 $string['menu'] = 'Menu';
86 $string['menuchoose'] = 'Choose...';
87 $string['modulename'] = 'Database';
88 $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Databases';
89 $string['more'] = 'More';
90 $string['moreurl'] = 'More URL';
91 $string['multientry'] = 'Repeated entry';
92 $string['multimenu'] = 'Menu (Multi-select)';
93 $string['multipletags'] = 'Multiple tags found! Template not saved';
94 $string['namecheckbox'] = 'Checkbox field';
95 $string['namemenu'] = 'Menu field';
96 $string['namemultimenu'] = 'Multiple-selection menu field';
97 $string['namedate'] = 'Date field';
98 $string['namefile'] = 'File field';
99 $string['namenumber'] = 'Number field';
100 $string['namepicture'] = 'Picture field';
101 $string['nameradiobutton'] = 'Radio button field';
102 $string['nametext'] = 'Text field';
103 $string['nametextarea'] = 'Textarea field';
104 $string['nameurl'] = 'URL field';
105 $string['newentry'] = 'New entry';
106 $string['newfield'] = 'Create a new field';
107 $string['nofieldindatabase'] = 'There are no fields defined for this database.';
108 $string['nolisttemplate'] = 'List template is not yet defined';
109 $string['nosingletemplate'] = 'Single template is not yet defined';
110 $string['nomaximum'] = 'No maximum';
111 $string['numnotapproved'] = 'Pending';
112 $string['number'] = 'Number';
113 $string['numberrssarticles'] = 'RSS articles';
114 $string['numrecords'] = '$a entries';
115 $string['noaccess'] = 'You do not have access to this page';
116 $string['nomatch'] = 'No matching entries found!';
117 $string['norecords'] = 'No entries in database';
118 $string['optionaldescription'] = 'Short description (optional)';
119 $string['optionalfilename'] = 'Filename (optional)';
120 $string['pagesize'] = 'Entries per page';
121 $string['participants'] = 'Participants';
122 $string['picture'] = 'Picture';
123 $string['radiobutton'] = 'Radio buttons';
124 $string['rate'] = 'Rate';
125 $string['rating'] = 'Rating';
126 $string['ratingeveryone'] = 'Everyone can rate posts';
127 $string['ratingno'] = 'No ratings';
128 $string['ratingonlyteachers'] = 'Only $a can rate posts';
129 $string['ratingpublic'] = '$a can see everyone\'s ratings';
130 $string['ratingpublicnot'] = '$a can only see their own ratings';
131 $string['ratings'] = 'Ratings';
132 $string['ratingssaved'] = 'Ratings saved';
133 $string['ratingsuse'] = 'Use ratings';
134 $string['recordapproved'] = 'Entry approved';
135 $string['recorddeleted'] = 'Entry deleted';
136 $string['recordssaved'] = 'entries saved';
137 $string['recordsnotsaved'] = 'No entry was saved. Please check the format of the uploaded file.';
138 $string['requireapproval'] = 'Require approval?';
139 $string['requiredentries'] = 'Required entries';
140 $string['requiredentriestoview'] = 'Entries required before viewing';
141 $string['resettemplate'] = 'Reset template';
142 $string['resizingimages'] = 'Resizing image thumbnails...';
143 $string['rssglobaldisabled'] = 'Disabled. See site configuration variables.';
144 $string['rsshowmany'] = '(number of latest entries to show, 0 to disable RSS)';
145 $string['rsstemplate'] = 'RSS template';
146 $string['rsstitletemplate'] = 'RSS title template';
147 $string['save'] = 'Save';
148 $string['saveandadd'] = 'Save and add another';
149 $string['saveandview'] = 'Save and view';
150 $string['savesettings'] = 'Save settings';
151 $string['savetemplate'] = 'Save template';
152 $string['sendinratings'] = 'Send in my latest ratings';
153 $string['single'] = 'View single';
154 $string['singletemplate'] = 'Single template';
155 $string['teachersandstudents'] = '$a->teachers and $a->students';
156 $string['templates'] = 'Templates';
157 $string['templatesaved'] = 'Template saved';
158 $string['text'] = 'Text';
159 $string['textarea'] = 'Textarea';
160 $string['type'] = 'Field type';
161 $string['updatefield'] = 'Update an existing field';
162 $string['uploadrecords'] = 'Upload entries from a file';
163 $string['uploadfile'] = 'Upload file';
164 $string['url'] = 'Url';
165 $string['viewfromdate'] = 'Viewable from';
166 $string['viewtodate'] = 'Viewable to';