Merge branch 'MDL-62993_master' of git://
[moodle.git] / lang / en / cohort.php
1 <?php
2 // This file is part of Moodle -
3 //
4 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 // (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
17 /**
18 * Strings for component 'cohort', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE'
20 * @package core_cohort
21 * @subpackage cohort
22 * @copyright 2010 Petr Skoda (
23 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
26 $string['addcohort'] = 'Add new cohort';
27 $string['allcohorts'] = 'All cohorts';
28 $string['anycohort'] = 'Any';
29 $string['assign'] = 'Assign';
30 $string['assignto'] = 'Cohort \'{$a}\' members';
31 $string['backtocohorts'] = 'Back to cohorts';
32 $string['bulkadd'] = 'Add to cohort';
33 $string['bulknocohort'] = 'No available cohorts found';
34 $string['categorynotfound'] = 'Category <b>{$a}</b> not found or you don\'t have permission to create a cohort there. The default context will be used.';
35 $string['cohort'] = 'Cohort';
36 $string['cohorts'] = 'Cohorts';
37 $string['cohortsin'] = '{$a}: available cohorts';
38 $string['assigncohorts'] = 'Assign cohort members';
39 $string['component'] = 'Source';
40 $string['contextnotfound'] = 'Context <b>{$a}</b> not found or you don\'t have permission to create a cohort there. The default context will be used.';
41 $string['csvcontainserrors'] = 'Errors were found in CSV data. See details below.';
42 $string['csvcontainswarnings'] = 'Warnings were found in CSV data. See details below.';
43 $string['csvextracolumns'] = 'Column(s) <b>{$a}</b> will be ignored.';
44 $string['currentusers'] = 'Current users';
45 $string['currentusersmatching'] = 'Current users matching';
46 $string['defaultcontext'] = 'Default context';
47 $string['delcohort'] = 'Delete cohort';
48 $string['delconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete cohort \'{$a}\'?';
49 $string['description'] = 'Description';
50 $string['displayedrows'] = '{$a->displayed} rows displayed out of {$a->total}.';
51 $string['duplicateidnumber'] = 'Cohort with the same ID number already exists';
52 $string['editcohort'] = 'Edit cohort';
53 $string['editcohortidnumber'] = 'Edit cohort ID';
54 $string['editcohortname'] = 'Edit cohort name';
55 $string['eventcohortcreated'] = 'Cohort created';
56 $string['eventcohortdeleted'] = 'Cohort deleted';
57 $string['eventcohortmemberadded'] = 'User added to a cohort';
58 $string['eventcohortmemberremoved'] = 'User removed from a cohort';
59 $string['eventcohortupdated'] = 'Cohort updated';
60 $string['external'] = 'External cohort';
61 $string['invalidtheme'] = 'Cohort theme does not exist';
62 $string['idnumber'] = 'Cohort ID';
63 $string['memberscount'] = 'Cohort size';
64 $string['name'] = 'Name';
65 $string['namecolumnmissing'] = 'There is something wrong with the format of the CSV file. Please check that it includes the correct column names. Note that Upload cohorts only allows you to add new users to an existing cohort and does not allow removal from an existing cohort.';
66 $string['namefieldempty'] = 'Field name can not be empty';
67 $string['newnamefor'] = 'New name for cohort {$a}';
68 $string['newidnumberfor'] = 'New ID number for cohort {$a}';
69 $string['nocomponent'] = 'Created manually';
70 $string['potusers'] = 'Potential users';
71 $string['potusersmatching'] = 'Potential matching users';
72 $string['preview'] = 'Preview';
73 $string['privacy:metadata:cohort_members'] = 'Information about the user\'s cohort.';
74 $string['privacy:metadata:cohort_members:cohortid'] = 'The ID of the cohort';
75 $string['privacy:metadata:cohort_members:timeadded'] = 'The timestamp indicating when the user was added to the cohort';
76 $string['privacy:metadata:cohort_members:userid'] = 'The ID of the user which is associated to the cohort';
77 $string['removeuserwarning'] = 'Removing users from a cohort may result in unenrolling of users from multiple courses which includes deleting of user settings, grades, group membership and other user information from affected courses.';
78 $string['selectfromcohort'] = 'Select members from cohort';
79 $string['systemcohorts'] = 'System cohorts';
80 $string['unknowncohort'] = 'Unknown cohort ({$a})!';
81 $string['uploadcohorts'] = 'Upload cohorts';
82 $string['uploadedcohorts'] = 'Uploaded {$a} cohorts';
83 $string['useradded'] = 'User added to cohort "{$a}"';
84 $string['search'] = 'Search';
85 $string['searchcohort'] = 'Search cohort';
86 $string['uploadcohorts_help'] = 'Cohorts may be uploaded via text file. The format of the file should be as follows:
88 * Each line of the file contains one record
89 * Each record is a series of data separated by commas (or other delimiters)
90 * The first record contains a list of fieldnames defining the format of the rest of the file
91 * Required fieldname is name
92 * Optional fieldnames are idnumber, description, descriptionformat, visible, context, category, category_id, category_idnumber, category_path
94 $string['visible'] = 'Visible';
95 $string['visible_help'] = "Any cohort can be viewed by users who have 'moodle/cohort:view' capability in the cohort context.<br/>
96 Visible cohorts can also be viewed by users in the underlying courses.";