Automatically generated installer lang files
[moodle.git] / blocks / calendar_upcoming / block_calendar_upcoming.php
1 <?php
3 class block_calendar_upcoming extends block_base {
4 function init() {
5 $this->title = get_string('pluginname', 'block_calendar_upcoming');
8 function get_content() {
9 global $USER, $CFG, $SESSION;
10 $cal_m = optional_param( 'cal_m', 0, PARAM_INT );
11 $cal_y = optional_param( 'cal_y', 0, PARAM_INT );
13 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/calendar/lib.php');
15 if ($this->content !== NULL) {
16 return $this->content;
18 $this->content = new stdClass;
19 $this->content->text = '';
21 $filtercourse = array();
22 if (empty($this->instance)) { // Overrides: use no course at all
23 $courseshown = false;
24 $this->content->footer = '';
26 } else {
27 $courseshown = $this->page->course->id;
28 $this->content->footer = '<div class="gotocal"><a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.
29 '/calendar/view.php?view=upcoming&amp;course='.$courseshown.'">'.
30 get_string('gotocalendar', 'calendar').'</a>...</div>';
31 $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseshown);
32 if (has_any_capability(array('moodle/calendar:manageentries', 'moodle/calendar:manageownentries'), $context)) {
33 $this->content->footer .= '<div class="newevent"><a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.
34 '/calendar/event.php?action=new&amp;course='.$courseshown.'">'.
35 get_string('newevent', 'calendar').'</a>...</div>';
37 if ($courseshown == SITEID) {
38 // Being displayed at site level. This will cause the filter to fall back to auto-detecting
39 // the list of courses it will be grabbing events from.
40 $filtercourse = calendar_get_default_courses();
41 } else {
42 // Forcibly filter events to include only those from the particular course we are in.
43 $filtercourse = array($courseshown => $this->page->course);
47 list($courses, $group, $user) = calendar_set_filters($filtercourse);
50 if (isset($CFG->calendar_lookahead)) {
51 $defaultlookahead = intval($CFG->calendar_lookahead);
53 $lookahead = get_user_preferences('calendar_lookahead', $defaultlookahead);
56 if (isset($CFG->calendar_maxevents)) {
57 $defaultmaxevents = intval($CFG->calendar_maxevents);
59 $maxevents = get_user_preferences('calendar_maxevents', $defaultmaxevents);
60 $events = calendar_get_upcoming($courses, $group, $user, $lookahead, $maxevents);
62 if (!empty($this->instance)) {
63 $this->content->text = calendar_get_block_upcoming($events, 'view.php?view=day&amp;course='.$courseshown.'&amp;');
66 if (empty($this->content->text)) {
67 $this->content->text = '<div class="post">'. get_string('noupcomingevents', 'calendar').'</div>';
70 return $this->content;