Fixed up some XHTML and also sesskey links on link dialog
[moodle.git] / lang / zh_cn / lesson.php
1 <?PHP // $Id$
2 // lesson.php - created with Moodle 1.2.1 (2004032500)
5 $string['addanewpage'] = 'Ìí¼ÓÒ»¸öÐÂÒ³Ãæ';
6 $string['addpagehere'] = 'ÔÚ´ËÌí¼ÓÐÂÒ³';
7 $string['answer'] = '´ð°¸';
8 $string['attempt'] = 'Attempt: $a';
9 $string['attempts'] = 'Attempts';
10 $string['available'] = '¿ªÊ¼ÓÚ';
11 $string['canretake'] = '$a ÔÊÐíÖØѧ';
12 $string['checknavigation'] = 'Check navigation';
13 $string['confirmdeletionofthispage'] = 'È·ÈÏɾ³ý¸ÃÒ³';
14 $string['congratulations'] = 'Congratulations - end of lesson reached';
15 $string['continue'] = '¼ÌÐø';
16 $string['deadline'] = '½ØÖ¹ÆÚÏÞ';
17 $string['deletingpage'] = 'ɾ³ýÒ³Ãæ: $a';
18 $string['displayofgrade'] = 'ÏòѧÉúÏÔʾµÈ¼¶';
19 $string['endoflesson'] = 'End of lesson';
20 $string['fileformat'] = 'Îļþ¸ñʽ';
21 $string['gradeis'] = 'Grade is $a';
22 $string['importquestions'] = 'µ¼ÈëÎÊÌâ';
23 $string['jumpto'] = 'Ìøתµ½';
24 $string['maximumnumberofanswers'] = '×î¶à´ð°¸Êý';
25 $string['modulename'] = '¿Î³Ì';
26 $string['modulenameplural'] = '¿Î³Ì';
27 $string['movepagehere'] = 'Òƶ¯Ò³Ãæµ½´Ë';
28 $string['moving'] = 'Òƶ¯Ò³Ãæ: $a';
29 $string['movingtonextpage'] = 'Òƶ¯µ½ÏÂÒ»Ò¯';
30 $string['multianswer'] = '¶à´ð°¸';
31 $string['multipleanswer'] = '¶à¸ö´ð°¸';
32 $string['nextpage'] = 'ÏÂÒ»Ò³';
33 $string['noanswer'] = 'δ¸ø³ö´ð°¸';
34 $string['noattemptrecordsfound'] = 'No Attempt Records Found: No Grade given';
35 $string['normal'] = '³£¹æ-°´ÕտγÌ·¾¶';
36 $string['numberofcorrectanswers'] = 'ÕýÈ·´ð°¸Êý: $a';
37 $string['numberofpagesviewed'] = 'Ò³Ãæä¯ÀÀÊý: $a';
38 $string['outof'] = 'Out of $a';
39 $string['page'] = 'Ò³Ãæ: $a';
40 $string['pagecontents'] = 'Ò³ÃæÄÚÈÝ';
41 $string['pagetitle'] = 'Ò³Ãæ±êÌâ';
42 $string['pleasecheckoneanswer'] = 'Çë¼ì²éÒ»¸ö´ð°¸';
43 $string['pleasecheckoneormoreanswers'] = 'Çë¼ì²éÒ»¸ö»ò¸ü¶à´ð°¸';
44 $string['pleaseenteryouranswerinthebox'] = 'ÇëÔÚ¿òÄÚÌîÉÏ´ð°¸';
45 $string['questionoption'] = 'ÎÊÌâÑ¡Ïî';
46 $string['questiontype'] = 'ÎÊÌâÀà±ð';
47 $string['response'] = '»Ø¸´';
48 $string['sanitycheckfailed'] = 'Sanity Check Failed: This attempt has been deleted';
49 $string['savepage'] = '±£´æÒ³Ãæ';
50 $string['showanunansweredpage'] = 'ÏÔʾһ¸öδ»Ø´ðµÄÒ³Ãæ';
51 $string['showanunseenpage'] = 'ÏÔʾһ¸öδä¯ÀÀµÄÒ³Ãæ';
52 $string['singleanswer'] = 'µ¥¸ö´ð°¸';
53 $string['thatsthecorrectanswer'] = 'ÕâÊÇÕýÈ·´ð°¸';
54 $string['thatsthewronganswer'] = 'ÕâÊÇ´íÎó´ð°¸';
55 $string['thispage'] = '±¾Ò³';
56 $string['youhaveseen'] = 'ÄãÒѾ­ä¯ÀÀÁ˸ÿγ̵Ķà¸öÒ³Ãæ.<br />Ïë´Ó×îºóä¯ÀÀµÄÒ³Ã濪ʼÂð?';
57 $string['youranswer'] = 'ÄãµÄ´ð°¸';