1 This files describes API changes in core lbraries and APIs,
2 information provided here is intended especially for developers.
7 removed unused libraries:
8 * odbc, base32, CodeSniffer, overlib, apd profiling, kses, Smarty, PEAR Console, swfobject, cssshover.htc, md5.js
11 * new admin/tool plugin type
12 * new context API - old API is still available
13 * deleted users do not have context any more
14 * removed global search
20 * basic suport for restore from 1.9
21 * new mobile devices API
28 * new DML API - http://docs.moodle.org/dev/DML_functions
29 * new DDL API - http://docs.moodle.org/dev/DDL_functions
30 * new file API - http://docs.moodle.org/dev/File_API
31 * new $PAGE and $OUTPUT API
33 * new theme API - http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Theme_changes_in_2.0
34 * new javascript API - http://docs.moodle.org/dev/JavaScript_usage_guide
36 * new local plugin type
37 * new translation support - http://lang.moodle.org
45 * new backup/restore API
48 * improved plugin support (aka Frankenstyle)
49 * new registration and hub API
50 * new course completion API
54 * new my moodle and profiles API