Revert "Make the 'LABELS' make variable the same as the 'TEST_HARNESS_VERBOSE' variab...
[mono-project/dkf.git] / docs / wapi
1 CloseHandle
2 closesocket
3 CopyFile
4 CreateDirectory
5 CreateEvent
6 CreateFile
7 CreateMutex
8 CreatePipe
9 CreateProcess
10 CreateProcessWithLogonW
11 CreateSemaphore
12 CreateThread
13 DeleteCriticalSection
14 DeleteFile
15 DuplicateHandle
16 EnumProcesses
17 EnumProcessModules
18 errno_to_WSA
19 ExitThread
20 FileTimeToSystemTime
21 FindClose
22 FindFirstFile
23 FindNextFile
24 FlushFileBuffers
25 FormatMessage
26 GetCurrentDirectory
27 GetCurrentProcess
28 GetCurrentProcessId
29 GetCurrentThread
30 GetCurrentThreadId
31 GetDiskFreeSpaceEx
32 GetDriveType
33 GetExitCodeProcess
34 GetExitCodeThread
35 GetFileAttributes
36 GetFileAttributesEx
37 GetFileSize
38 GetFileTime
39 GetFileType
40 GetFileVersionInfo
41 GetFileVersionInfoSize
42 GetLastError
43 GetLogicalDriveStrings
44 GetModuleBaseName
45 GetModuleFileNameEx
46 GetModuleInformation
47 GetPriorityClass
48 GetProcessId
49 GetProcessTimes
50 GetProcessWorkingSetSize
51 GetStdHandle
52 GetSystemInfo
53 GetTempPath
54 GetThreadContext
55 GetTickCount
56 ImpersonateLoggedOnUser
57 InitializeCriticalSection
58 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
59 ioctlsocket
60 LockFile
61 mono_once
62 mono_pthread_key_for_tls
63 MoveFile
64 OpenEvent
65 OpenMutex
66 OpenProcess
67 OpenSemaphore
68 OpenThread
69 PulseEvent
70 QueryPerformanceCounter
71 QueryPerformanceFrequency
72 QueueUserAPC
73 ReadFile
74 ReleaseMutex
75 ReleaseSemaphore
76 RemoveDirectory
77 ReplaceFile
78 ResetEvent
79 ResumeThread
80 RevertToSelf
81 SetCriticalSectionSpinCount
82 SetCurrentDirectory
83 SetEndOfFile
84 SetEvent
85 SetFileAttributes
86 SetFilePointer
87 SetFileTime
88 SetLastError
89 SetPriorityClass
90 SetProcessWorkingSetSize
91 ShellExecuteEx
92 SignalObjectAndWait
93 Sleep
94 SleepEx
95 SuspendThread
96 TerminateProcess
97 TlsAlloc
98 TlsFree
99 TlsGetValue
100 TlsSetValue
101 TransmitFile
102 TryEnterCriticalSection
103 UnlockFile
104 VerLanguageName
105 VerQueryValue
106 WaitForInputIdle
107 WaitForMultipleObjects
108 WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
109 WaitForSingleObject
110 WaitForSingleObjectEx
111 wapi_clear_interruption
112 wapi_current_thread_desc
113 wapi_interrupt_thread
114 wapi_self_interrupt
115 wapi_thread_clear_wait_handle
116 wapi_thread_set_wait_handle
117 WriteFile
118 WSACleanup
119 WSAGetLastError
120 WSAIoctl
121 WSARecv
122 WSASend
123 WSASetLastError
124 WSAStartup