1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
2 <package xmlns=
4 <id>runtime.$RID$.Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime.Mono
5 <version>$VERSION$
6 <description>Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly.
7 The Mono runtime, and the base library, called mscorlib. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, base .NET data types and many low-level classes.
8 <authors>Microsoft
9 <projectUrl>https://www.mono-project.com/
12 <file src=
"System.Private.CoreLib\bin\$COREARCH$\System.Private.CoreLib.dll" target=
"runtimes\$RID$\native" />
13 <file src=
"..\mono\mini\.libs\$PLATFORM_AOT_PREFIX$monosgen-2.0$PLATFORM_AOT_SUFFIX$" target=
"runtimes\$RID$\native" />