Test to make sure that setting focus activates the focused
[mono-project.git] / mcs / class / Managed.Windows.Forms / Test / System.Windows.Forms / GenerateControlStyleTest.cs
1 //
2 // This code generates the ControlStylesTest.cs test
3 //
4 // Author: Peter Dennis Bartok (pbartok@novell.com)
5 //
8 using System.Windows.Forms;
9 using System.Drawing;
10 using System;
11 using System.Reflection;
12 using System.IO;
13 using System.Text;
15 namespace TestApp {
16 class MainForm {
17 static Array style_values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ControlStyles));
18 static string[] style_names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(ControlStyles));
19 static string TestHeader = "//\n" +
20 "// ControlStyleTest.cs (Auto-generated by GenerateControlStyleTest.cs).\n" +
21 "//\n" +
22 "// Author: \n" +
23 "// Peter Dennis Bartok (pbartok@novell.com)\n" +
24 "//\n" +
25 "// (C) 2005 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com)\n" +
26 "//\n" +
27 "using System;\n" +
28 "using System.Windows.Forms;\n" +
29 "using System.Drawing;\n" +
30 "using System.Reflection;\n" +
31 "using NUnit.Framework;\n\n" +
32 "namespace MonoTests.System.Windows.Forms {\n" +
33 "\t[TestFixture]\n" +
34 "\tpublic class TestControlStyle {\n\n" +
35 "\t\tstatic Array style_values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ControlStyles));\n" +
36 "\t\tstatic string[] style_names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(ControlStyles));\n\n" +
37 " public static string[] GetStyles(Control control) {\n" +
38 " string[] result;\n\n" +
39 " result = new string[style_names.Length];\n\n" +
40 " for (int i = 0; i < style_values.Length; i++) {\n" +
41 " result[i] = style_names[i] + \"=\" + control.GetType().GetMethod(\"GetStyle\", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(control, new object[1] {(ControlStyles)style_values.GetValue(i)});\n" +
42 " }\n\n" +
43 " return result;\n" +
44 " }\n";
45 static string TestFooter = "\t}\n}\n";
47 public static string[] GetStyles(Control control) {
48 string[] result;
50 result = new string[style_names.Length];
52 for (int i = 0; i < style_values.Length; i++) {
53 result[i] = style_names[i] + "=" + control.GetType().GetMethod("GetStyle", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(control, new object[1] {(ControlStyles)style_values.GetValue(i)});
56 return result;
59 public static void TestStyles(StreamWriter file, Control control, string name) {
60 string[] results;
62 results = GetStyles(control);
64 file.WriteLine("\t\t[Test]");
65 file.WriteLine("\t\tpublic void {0}StyleTest ()", name);
66 file.WriteLine("\t\t{");
68 file.WriteLine("\t\t\tstring[] {0}_want = {{", name);
69 for (int i=0; i < results.Length; i++) {
70 if ((i+1) != results.Length) {
71 file.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\"{0}\",", results[i]);
72 } else {
73 file.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\"{0}\"", results[i]);
76 file.WriteLine("\t\t\t};\n");
77 file.WriteLine("\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual({0}_want, GetStyles(new {0}()), \"{0}Styles\");", name);
78 file.WriteLine("\t\t}\n\n");
81 public static void Main(string[] args) {
82 using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("c:\\ControlStyleTest.cs", false, Encoding.ASCII, 1024)) {
83 file.WriteLine(TestHeader);
84 TestStyles(file, new Control(), "Control");
85 TestStyles(file, new Button(), "Button");
86 TestStyles(file, new CheckBox(), "CheckBox");
87 TestStyles(file, new RadioButton(), "RadioButton");
88 TestStyles(file, new DataGrid(), "DataGrid");
89 TestStyles(file, new DateTimePicker(), "DateTimePicker");
90 TestStyles(file, new GroupBox(), "GroupBox");
91 TestStyles(file, new Label(), "Label");
92 TestStyles(file, new LinkLabel(), "LinkLabel");
93 TestStyles(file, new ComboBox(), "ComboBox");
94 TestStyles(file, new ListBox(), "ListBox");
95 TestStyles(file, new CheckedListBox(), "CheckedListBox");
96 TestStyles(file, new ListView(), "ListView");
97 TestStyles(file, new MdiClient(), "MdiClient");
98 TestStyles(file, new MonthCalendar(), "MonthCalendar");
99 TestStyles(file, new PictureBox(), "PictureBox");
100 // Mono doesn't support yet
101 //TestStyles(file, new PrintPreviewControl(), "PrintPreviewControl");
102 TestStyles(file, new ProgressBar(), "ProgressBar");
103 TestStyles(file, new ScrollableControl(), "ScrollableControl");
104 TestStyles(file, new ContainerControl(), "ContainerControl");
105 TestStyles(file, new Form(), "Form");
106 TestStyles(file, new PropertyGrid(), "PropertyGrid");
107 TestStyles(file, new DomainUpDown(), "DomainUpDown");
108 TestStyles(file, new NumericUpDown(), "NumericUpDown");
109 TestStyles(file, new UserControl(), "UserControl");
110 TestStyles(file, new Panel(), "Panel");
111 TestStyles(file, new TabPage(), "TabPage");
112 TestStyles(file, new HScrollBar(), "HScrollBar");
113 TestStyles(file, new VScrollBar(), "VScrollBar");
114 TestStyles(file, new Splitter(), "Splitter");
115 TestStyles(file, new StatusBar(), "StatusBar");
116 TestStyles(file, new TabControl(), "TabControl");
117 TestStyles(file, new RichTextBox(), "RichTextBox");
118 TestStyles(file, new TextBox(), "TextBox");
119 TestStyles(file, new DataGridTextBox(), "DataGridTextBox");
120 TestStyles(file, new ToolBar(), "ToolBar");
121 TestStyles(file, new TrackBar(), "TrackBar");
122 TestStyles(file, new TreeView(), "TreeView");
123 file.WriteLine(TestFooter);