[LoongArch64] Part-5:add loongarch support in some files for LoongArch64. (#21769)
[mono-project.git] / tools / nuget-hash-extractor / nuget-hash-extractor.cs
1 using System;
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
3 using System.Collections.Specialized;
4 using System.Xml.Linq;
5 using System.Linq;
6 using System.IO;
7 using System.IO.Compression;
8 using System.Reflection;
9 using System.Text;
11 class Driver {
13 internal static Dictionary<string, string> BadAssembliesToEnumTable = new Dictionary<string, string> {
14 {"System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll", "SYS_RT_INTEROP_RUNTIME_INFO"},
15 {"System.Globalization.Extensions.dll", "SYS_GLOBALIZATION_EXT"},
16 {"System.IO.Compression.dll", "SYS_IO_COMPRESSION"},
17 {"System.Net.Http.dll", "SYS_NET_HTTP"},
18 {"System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dll", "SYS_TEXT_ENC_CODEPAGES"},
19 {"System.Reflection.DispatchProxy.dll", "SYS_REF_DISP_PROXY"},
20 {"System.Threading.Overlapped.dll", "SYS_THREADING_OVERLAPPED"}
24 internal static Dictionary<string, NuGetData> ignoredAsmTable = new Dictionary<string, NuGetData> ();
27 internal static SortedDictionary<string, NuGetData> ignoredAsmVerTable = new SortedDictionary<string, NuGetData> ();
29 static ZipArchiveEntry FindSpecFile (ZipArchive zip) {
30 foreach (var entry in zip.Entries) {
31 if (entry.Name.EndsWith (".nuspec"))
32 return entry;
34 throw new Exception ("Could not find nuspec file");
37 static void DumpNuget (string nupkg) {
38 var zip = new ZipArchive(new FileStream (nupkg, FileMode.Open));
40 var nuspec = FindSpecFile (zip);
41 var l = XElement.Load (new StreamReader (nuspec.Open ()));
42 var version = (from el in l.Descendants() where el.Name.LocalName == "version" select el.Value).FirstOrDefault ();
44 var prefixesToCheckInOrder = new string[] {
45 "lib/net4",
46 "lib/netstandard1",
47 "msbuildExtensions/Microsoft/Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions/net4"
51 // Logic copied from https://github.com/NuGet/NuGet.Client/blob/4cccb13833ad29d6a0bcff055460d964f1b49cfe/src/NuGet.Core/NuGet.Frameworks/DefaultFrameworkMappings.cs#L385
53 IEnumerable<ZipArchiveEntry> entries = null;
54 foreach (var prefix in prefixesToCheckInOrder) {
55 entries = zip.Entries.Where (e => e.FullName.StartsWith (prefix) && !e.FullName.Contains ("/ref/") && e.Name.EndsWith (".dll") && BadAssembliesToEnumTable.ContainsKey (e.Name));
56 if (entries.Any ())
57 break;
60 if (!entries.Any ()) {
61 Console.Error.WriteLine ($"** Warning: No relevant assemblies found for nukpkg: {nupkg}");
62 return;
65 // Only take assemblies from first prefix
66 foreach (var et in entries) {
67 LoadAndDump (et, version);
71 static void DumpOutput ()
73 if (dump_asm) {
74 var sb = new StringBuilder();
75 // sorted just by hashcode
76 foreach (var data in ignoredAsmTable.Values.OrderBy (data => data.HashCode)) {
77 sb.AppendLine ($"IGNORED_ASSEMBLY (0x{data.HashCode}, {data.EnumName}, \"{data.ModuleVersionId}\", \"{data.NuGetVersionAndFramework}\"),");
80 if (sb.Length > 2)
81 sb.Length = sb.Length - 2;
82 Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString ());
86 if (dump_ver) {
87 // the default key (IgnoredAsmVerKey) is the order which we need for this
88 var sb = new StringBuilder();
89 foreach (var key in ignoredAsmVerTable.Keys) {
90 var data = ignoredAsmVerTable [key];
91 var ver = data.AssemblyVersion;
92 sb.AppendLine ($"IGNORED_ASM_VER ({data.EnumName}, {ver.Major}, {ver.Minor}, {ver.Build}, {ver.Revision}),");
95 if (sb.Length > 2)
96 sb.Length = sb.Length - 2;
97 Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString ());
100 if (dump_guids_for_msbuild) {
101 // This needs to be kept in sync with FilterDeniedAssemblies msbuild task in msbuild
102 // Sory by assembly name and version
103 var query = ignoredAsmTable.Values
104 .GroupBy (data => data.AssemblyName)
105 .OrderBy (group => group.Key)
106 .Select (group => new { AssemblyName = group.Key, NuGets = group.OrderBy (data => data.AssemblyVersion).ThenBy (data => data.ModuleVersionId) });
108 foreach (var g in query) {
109 foreach (var data in g.NuGets) {
110 var ver = data.AssemblyVersion;
111 Console.WriteLine ($"denied:{data.AssemblyName},{data.ModuleVersionId},{ver.Major},{ver.Minor},{ver.Build},{ver.Revision}");
117 static bool dump_asm, dump_ver, dump_guids_for_msbuild;
118 static void Main (string[] args) {
120 if (args.Length > 1) {
121 dump_asm = args [1].Equals ("asm");
122 dump_ver = args [1].Equals ("ver");
123 dump_guids_for_msbuild = args [1].Equals ("guids_for_msbuild");
125 if (args [1].Equals("all"))
126 dump_asm = dump_ver = dump_guids_for_msbuild = true;
127 } else {
128 dump_asm = true;
130 foreach (var f in Directory.GetFiles (args [0], "*.nupkg").OrderBy (nupkg => Path.GetFileName (nupkg))) {
131 DumpNuget (f);
134 DumpOutput ();
137 static byte[] StreamToArray (Stream s) {
138 using(var ms = new MemoryStream ()) {
139 s.CopyTo (ms);
140 return ms.ToArray ();
144 static int domain_id = 1;
145 static void LoadAndDump (ZipArchiveEntry entry, string version) {
146 var data = StreamToArray (entry.Open ());
147 AppDomain ad = AppDomain.CreateDomain ("parse_" + ++domain_id);
148 DoParse p = (DoParse)ad.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap (typeof (DoParse).Assembly.FullName, typeof (DoParse).FullName);
149 var nugetData = p.ParseAssembly (data, version, entry.Name, entry.FullName);
151 if (!ignoredAsmTable.ContainsKey (nugetData.IgnoredAsmKey))
152 ignoredAsmTable [nugetData.IgnoredAsmKey] = nugetData;
154 if (!ignoredAsmVerTable.ContainsKey (nugetData.IgnoredAsmVerKey))
155 ignoredAsmVerTable [nugetData.IgnoredAsmVerKey] = nugetData;
157 AppDomain.Unload (ad);
161 class DoParse : MarshalByRefObject {
163 static int Hash (string str) {
164 int h = 5381;
165 for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; ++i)
166 h = ((h << 5) + h) ^ str[i];
167 return h;
170 static string FileToMoniker (string path) =>
171 path.Split (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
172 .Where (p => p.StartsWith ("net"))
173 .FirstOrDefault ()
174 ?? "unknown";
176 static string FileToEnum (string name) =>
177 Driver.BadAssembliesToEnumTable.ContainsKey (name)
178 ? Driver.BadAssembliesToEnumTable [name]
179 : throw new Exception ($"No idea what to do with {name}");
181 public NuGetData ParseAssembly (byte[] data, string version, string name, string fullname) {
182 var a = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad (data);
183 var m = a.GetModules ()[0];
184 var id = m.ModuleVersionId.ToString ().ToUpper ();
186 return new NuGetData {
187 AssemblyName = name,
188 EnumName = FileToEnum (name),
189 NuGetVersionAndFramework = version + " " + FileToMoniker (fullname),
190 AssemblyVersion = a.GetName ().Version,
191 HashCode = Hash (id).ToString ("X"),
192 ModuleVersionId = id
197 [Serializable]
198 class NuGetData
200 public string AssemblyName;
201 public string EnumName;
202 public string NuGetVersionAndFramework;
203 public Version AssemblyVersion;
204 public string HashCode;
205 public string ModuleVersionId;
207 public string IgnoredAsmKey => $"{HashCode},{EnumName},{ModuleVersionId}";
208 public string IgnoredAsmVerKey => $"{EnumName},{AssemblyVersion.ToString()}";