[LoongArch64] Part-5:add loongarch support in some files for LoongArch64. (#21769)
[mono-project.git] / mcs / class / corlib / Test / System.Reflection / MethodInfoTest.cs
1 //
2 // System.Reflection.MethodInfo Test Cases
3 //
4 // Authors:
5 // Zoltan Varga (vargaz@gmail.com)
6 // Aleksey Kliger (aleksey@xamarin.com)
7 //
8 // (c) 2003 Ximian, Inc. (http://www.ximian.com)
9 // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
10 // Copyright (C) 2015 Xamarin, Inc. (http://www.xamarin.com)
12 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
13 // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
14 // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
15 // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
16 // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
17 // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
18 // the following conditions:
19 //
20 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
21 // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
22 //
32 using NUnit.Framework;
33 using System;
34 using System.Linq;
35 using System.Threading;
36 using System.Reflection;
38 using System.Reflection.Emit;
39 #endif
40 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
41 using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
43 using System.Collections.Generic;
45 namespace A.B.C {
46 // Disable expected warning
47 #pragma warning disable 169
48 public struct MethodInfoTestStruct {
49 int p;
51 #pragma warning restore 169
53 namespace MonoTests.System.Reflection
55 [TestFixture]
56 public class MethodInfoTest
59 // use an existing symbol - so we can build without dlsym. It does not matter that the signature does not match for the test
60 [DllImport ("libc", EntryPoint="readlink", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling=false, PreserveSig=true, SetLastError=true, BestFitMapping=true, ThrowOnUnmappableChar=true)]
61 #else
62 [DllImport ("libfoo", EntryPoint="foo", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling=false, PreserveSig=true, SetLastError=true, BestFitMapping=true, ThrowOnUnmappableChar=true)]
63 #endif
64 public static extern void dllImportMethod ();
65 [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.PreserveSig)]
66 public void preserveSigMethod ()
70 [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
71 public void synchronizedMethod ()
75 public interface InterfaceTest
77 void Clone ();
80 [Test]
81 public void IsDefined_AttributeType_Null ()
83 MethodInfo mi = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("foo");
85 try {
86 mi.IsDefined ((Type) null, false);
87 Assert.Fail ("#1");
88 } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) {
89 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentNullException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
90 Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
91 Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
92 Assert.IsNotNull (ex.ParamName, "#5");
93 Assert.AreEqual ("attributeType", ex.ParamName, "#6");
97 [Test]
98 public void TestInvokeByRefReturnMethod ()
100 try {
101 MethodInfo m = typeof (int[]).GetMethod ("Address");
102 m.Invoke (new int[1], new object[] { 0 });
103 Assert.Fail ("#1");
104 } catch (NotSupportedException e) {
105 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (NotSupportedException), e.GetType (), "#2");
106 Assert.IsNull (e.InnerException, "#3");
107 Assert.IsNotNull (e.Message, "#4");
111 [Test]
112 public void PseudoCustomAttributes ()
114 Type t = typeof (MethodInfoTest);
116 DllImportAttribute attr = (DllImportAttribute)((t.GetMethod ("dllImportMethod").GetCustomAttributes (typeof (DllImportAttribute), true)) [0]);
118 Assert.AreEqual (CallingConvention.Winapi, attr.CallingConvention, "#1");
120 Assert.AreEqual ("readlink", attr.EntryPoint, "#2");
121 Assert.AreEqual ("libc", attr.Value, "#3");
122 #else
123 Assert.AreEqual ("foo", attr.EntryPoint, "#2");
124 Assert.AreEqual ("libfoo", attr.Value, "#3");
125 #endif
126 Assert.AreEqual (CharSet.Unicode, attr.CharSet, "#4");
127 Assert.AreEqual (false, attr.ExactSpelling, "#5");
128 Assert.AreEqual (true, attr.PreserveSig, "#6");
129 Assert.AreEqual (true, attr.SetLastError, "#7");
130 Assert.AreEqual (true, attr.BestFitMapping, "#8");
131 Assert.AreEqual (true, attr.ThrowOnUnmappableChar, "#9");
133 PreserveSigAttribute attr2 = (PreserveSigAttribute)((t.GetMethod ("preserveSigMethod").GetCustomAttributes (true)) [0]);
135 // This doesn't work under MS.NET
137 MethodImplAttribute attr3 = (MethodImplAttribute)((t.GetMethod ("synchronizedMethod").GetCustomAttributes (true)) [0]);
141 [return: MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.Interface)]
142 public void ReturnTypeMarshalAs ()
146 [Test]
147 public void ReturnTypePseudoCustomAttributes ()
149 MethodInfo mi = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("ReturnTypeMarshalAs");
151 Assert.IsTrue (mi.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (MarshalAsAttribute), true).Length == 1);
154 public static int foo (int i, int j)
156 return i + j;
159 [Test]
160 public void StaticInvokeWithObject ()
162 MethodInfo mi = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("foo");
164 mi.Invoke (new Object (), new object [] { 1, 2 });
167 [Test]
168 public void ByRefInvoke ()
170 MethodInfo met = typeof(MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("ByRefTest");
171 object[] parms = new object[] {1};
172 met.Invoke (null, parms);
173 Assert.AreEqual (2, parms[0]);
176 public static void ByRefTest (ref int a1)
178 if (a1 == 1)
179 a1 = 2;
182 static int byref_arg;
184 public static void ByrefVtype (ref int i) {
185 byref_arg = i;
186 i = 5;
189 [Test]
190 public void ByrefVtypeInvoke ()
192 MethodInfo mi = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("ByrefVtype");
194 object o = 1;
195 object[] args = new object [] { o };
196 mi.Invoke (null, args);
197 Assert.AreEqual (1, byref_arg, "#A1");
198 Assert.AreEqual (1, o, "#A2");
199 Assert.AreEqual (5, args[0], "#A3");
201 args [0] = null;
202 mi.Invoke (null, args);
203 Assert.AreEqual (0, byref_arg, "#B1");
204 Assert.AreEqual (5, args[0], "#B2");
207 public void HeyHey (out string out1, ref DateTime ref1)
209 out1 = null;
212 public void SignatureTest (__arglist)
216 public static unsafe int* PtrFunc (int* a)
218 return (int*) 0;
222 [Test] // bug #81538
223 public void InvokeThreadAbort ()
225 MethodInfo method = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("AbortIt");
226 try {
227 method.Invoke (null, new object [0]);
228 Assert.Fail ("#1");
230 catch (ThreadAbortException ex) {
231 Thread.ResetAbort ();
232 Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#2");
236 public static void AbortIt ()
238 Thread.CurrentThread.Abort ();
240 #endif
242 [Test] // bug #76541
243 public void ToStringByRef ()
245 Assert.AreEqual ("Void HeyHey(System.String ByRef, System.DateTime ByRef)",
246 this.GetType ().GetMethod ("HeyHey").ToString ());
249 [Test]
250 public void ToStringArgList ()
252 Assert.AreEqual ("Void SignatureTest(...)",
253 this.GetType ().GetMethod ("SignatureTest").ToString ());
256 [Test]
257 public void ToStringWithPointerSignatures () //bug #409583
259 Assert.AreEqual ("Int32* PtrFunc(Int32*)", this.GetType ().GetMethod ("PtrFunc").ToString ());
262 public struct SimpleStruct
264 public int a;
267 public static unsafe SimpleStruct* PtrFunc2 (SimpleStruct* a, A.B.C.MethodInfoTestStruct *b)
269 return (SimpleStruct*) 0;
272 [Test]
273 public void ToStringWithPointerSignaturesToNonPrimitiveType ()
275 Assert.AreEqual ("SimpleStruct* PtrFunc2(SimpleStruct*, A.B.C.MethodInfoTestStruct*)",
276 this.GetType ().GetMethod ("PtrFunc2").ToString ());
278 [Test]
279 public void ToStringGenericMethod ()
281 Assert.AreEqual ("System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1[T] AsReadOnly[T](T[])",
282 typeof (Array).GetMethod ("AsReadOnly").ToString ());
285 class GBD_A { public virtual void f () {} }
286 class GBD_B : GBD_A { public override void f () {} }
287 class GBD_C : GBD_B { public override void f () {} }
288 class GBD_D : GBD_C { public new virtual void f () {} }
289 class GBD_E : GBD_D { public override void f () {} }
291 class GBD_E2 : GBD_D { }
292 class GBD_F : GBD_E { }
295 [Test]
296 public void GetBaseDefinition ()
298 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GBD_A), typeof (GBD_C).GetMethod ("f").GetBaseDefinition ().DeclaringType);
299 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GBD_A), typeof (GBD_C).GetMethod ("f").GetBaseDefinition ().ReflectedType, "#1r");
301 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GBD_D), typeof (GBD_D).GetMethod ("f").GetBaseDefinition ().DeclaringType);
302 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GBD_D), typeof (GBD_D).GetMethod ("f").GetBaseDefinition ().ReflectedType, "#2r");
304 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GBD_D), typeof (GBD_E).GetMethod ("f").GetBaseDefinition ().DeclaringType);
305 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GBD_D), typeof (GBD_E).GetMethod ("f").GetBaseDefinition ().ReflectedType, "#3r");
307 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GBD_D), typeof (GBD_E2).GetMethod ("f").GetBaseDefinition ().DeclaringType, "#4");
308 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GBD_D), typeof (GBD_E2).GetMethod ("f").GetBaseDefinition ().ReflectedType, "#4r");
310 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GBD_D), typeof (GBD_F).GetMethod ("f").GetBaseDefinition ().DeclaringType, "#5");
311 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GBD_D), typeof (GBD_F).GetMethod ("f").GetBaseDefinition ().ReflectedType, "#5r");
315 class GenericBase<T,H> {
316 public virtual void f2 () { }
319 class GenericMid<T, U> : GenericBase<T, Action<U>> {
320 public virtual T f1 () { return default (T); }
323 class GenericChild<T> : GenericMid<T, int> {
324 public override T f1 () { return default (T); }
325 public override void f2 () { }
328 class DerivedFromGenericBase : GenericBase<int, int> {
331 [Test]
332 public void GetBaseDefinition_OpenConstructedBaseType () // 36305
334 var t = typeof (GenericChild<string>);
336 var mi1 = t.GetMethod ("f1");
337 var mi1_base = mi1.GetBaseDefinition ();
339 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GenericMid<string, int>), mi1_base.DeclaringType, "#1");
341 var mi2 = t.GetMethod ("f2");
342 var mi2_base = mi2.GetBaseDefinition ();
344 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GenericBase<string, Action<int>>), mi2_base.DeclaringType, "#2");
347 class TestInheritedMethodA {
348 private void TestMethod ()
352 public void TestMethod2 ()
357 class TestInheritedMethodB : TestInheritedMethodA {
360 [Test]
361 public void InheritanceTestGetMethodTest ()
363 MethodInfo inheritedMethod = typeof(TestInheritedMethodB).GetMethod("TestMethod", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
364 MethodInfo baseMethod = typeof(TestInheritedMethodB).GetMethod("TestMethod", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
365 Assert.AreSame (inheritedMethod, baseMethod);
367 MethodInfo inheritedMethod2 = typeof(TestInheritedMethodB).GetMethod("TestMethod2", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
368 MethodInfo baseMethod2 = typeof(TestInheritedMethodB).GetMethod("TestMethod2", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
369 Assert.AreSame (inheritedMethod, baseMethod);
372 [Test]
373 public void GetMethodBody_Abstract ()
375 MethodBody mb = typeof (InterfaceTest).GetMethod ("Clone").GetMethodBody ();
376 Assert.IsNull (mb);
379 [Test]
380 public void GetMethodBody_Runtime ()
382 MethodBody mb = typeof (AsyncCallback).GetMethod ("Invoke").GetMethodBody ();
383 Assert.IsNull (mb);
386 [Test]
387 public void GetMethodBody_Pinvoke ()
389 MethodBody mb = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("dllImportMethod").GetMethodBody ();
390 Assert.IsNull (mb);
393 [Test]
394 public void GetMethodBody_Icall ()
396 foreach (MethodInfo mi in typeof (object).GetMethods (BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance))
397 if ((mi.GetMethodImplementationFlags () & MethodImplAttributes.InternalCall) != 0) {
398 MethodBody mb = mi.GetMethodBody ();
399 Assert.IsNull (mb);
403 public static void locals_method ()
405 byte[] b = new byte [10];
407 unsafe {
408 /* This generates a pinned local */
409 fixed (byte *p = &b [0]) {
414 [Test]
415 public void GetMethodBody ()
418 Assert.Ignore ("Release app (on devices) are stripped of (managed) IL so this test would fail");
419 #endif
420 MethodBody mb = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("locals_method").GetMethodBody ();
422 Assert.IsTrue (mb.InitLocals, "#1");
423 Assert.IsTrue (mb.LocalSignatureMetadataToken > 0, "#2");
425 IList<LocalVariableInfo> locals = mb.LocalVariables;
427 bool foundPinnedBytePointer = false;
428 unsafe {
429 foreach (LocalVariableInfo lvi in locals) {
430 if (lvi.LocalType == typeof (byte[]))
431 // This is optimized out by CSC in .NET 4.6
432 Assert.IsFalse (lvi.IsPinned, "#3-1");
434 if (/* mcs */ lvi.LocalType == typeof (byte*) || /* csc */ lvi.LocalType == typeof (byte).MakeByRefType ()) {
435 // We have three locals. There's b the byte[], there's a byte* and there's a byte&.
436 // mcs emits a byte* for the latter type.
437 // We need to find one such pinned byte pointer. Therefore we're folding with logical or
438 foundPinnedBytePointer = foundPinnedBytePointer || lvi.IsPinned;
442 Assert.IsTrue (foundPinnedBytePointer, "#4");
445 public int return_parameter_test ()
447 return 0;
450 [Test]
451 public void GetMethodFromHandle_Generic ()
453 MethodHandleTest<int> test = new MethodHandleTest<int> ();
454 RuntimeMethodHandle mh = test.GetType ().GetProperty ("MyList")
455 .GetGetMethod ().MethodHandle;
456 MethodBase mb = MethodInfo.GetMethodFromHandle (mh,
457 typeof (MethodHandleTest<int>).TypeHandle);
458 Assert.IsNotNull (mb, "#1");
459 List<int> list = (List<int>) mb.Invoke (test, null);
460 Assert.IsNotNull (list, "#2");
461 Assert.AreEqual (1, list.Count, "#3");
464 [Test]
465 public void ReturnParameter ()
467 ParameterInfo pi = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("return_parameter_test").ReturnParameter;
468 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (int), pi.ParameterType, "#1");
469 Assert.AreEqual (-1, pi.Position, "#2");
470 // MS always return false here
471 //Assert.IsTrue (pi.IsRetval, "#3");
474 [Test]
475 public void MethodInfoModule ()
477 Type type = typeof (MethodInfoTest);
478 MethodInfo me = type.GetMethod ("return_parameter_test");
480 Assert.AreEqual (type.Module, me.Module);
483 [Test]
484 public void InvokeOnRefOnlyAssembly ()
486 Assembly a = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad (typeof (MethodInfoTest).Assembly.FullName);
487 Type t = a.GetType (typeof (RefOnlyMethodClass).FullName);
488 MethodInfo m = t.GetMethod ("RefOnlyMethod", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
489 try {
490 m.Invoke (null, new object [0]);
491 Assert.Fail ("#1");
492 } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) {
493 // The requested operation is invalid in the
494 // ReflectionOnly context
495 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (InvalidOperationException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
496 Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
497 Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
501 [Test]
502 [ExpectedException (typeof (TargetInvocationException))]
503 public void InvokeInvalidOpExceptionThrow () {
504 MethodInfo mi = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("ThrowMethod");
505 mi.Invoke(null, null);
508 public static void ThrowMethod () {
509 throw new InvalidOperationException ();
512 [Test]
513 public void InvokeGenericVtype ()
515 KeyValuePair<string, uint> kvp = new KeyValuePair<string, uint> ("a", 21);
516 Type type = kvp.GetType ();
517 Type [] arguments = type.GetGenericArguments ();
518 MethodInfo method = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("Go");
519 MethodInfo generic_method = method.MakeGenericMethod (arguments);
520 kvp = (KeyValuePair<string, uint>)generic_method.Invoke (null, new object [] { kvp });
522 Assert.AreEqual ("a", kvp.Key, "#1");
523 Assert.AreEqual (21, kvp.Value, "#2");
526 public static KeyValuePair<T1, T2> Go <T1, T2> (KeyValuePair <T1, T2> kvp)
528 return kvp;
531 [Test] // bug #81997
532 public void InvokeGenericInst ()
534 List<string> str = null;
536 object [] methodArgs = new object [] { str };
537 MethodInfo mi = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("GenericRefMethod");
538 mi.Invoke (null, methodArgs);
539 Assert.IsNotNull (methodArgs [0], "#A1");
540 Assert.IsNull (str, "#A2");
541 Assert.IsTrue (methodArgs [0] is List<string>, "#A3");
543 List<string> refStr = methodArgs [0] as List<string>;
544 Assert.IsNotNull (refStr, "#B1");
545 Assert.AreEqual (1, refStr.Count, "#B2");
546 Assert.AreEqual ("test", refStr [0], "#B3");
549 public static void GenericRefMethod (ref List<string> strArg)
551 strArg = new List<string> ();
552 strArg.Add ("test");
555 public void MakeGenericMethodArgsMismatchFoo<T> ()
559 [Test]
560 public void MakeGenericMethodArgsMismatch ()
562 MethodInfo gmi = this.GetType ().GetMethod (
563 "MakeGenericMethodArgsMismatchFoo");
564 try {
565 gmi.MakeGenericMethod ();
566 Assert.Fail ("#1");
567 } catch (ArgumentException ex) {
568 // The type or method has 1 generic parameter(s),
569 // but 0 generic argument(s) were provided. A
570 // generic argument must be provided for each
571 // generic parameter
572 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
573 Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
574 Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
575 Assert.IsNull (ex.ParamName, "#5");
579 public void SimpleGenericMethod<TFoo, TBar> () {}
581 [Test]
582 public void MakeGenericMethodWithNullArray ()
584 MethodInfo gmi = this.GetType ().GetMethod ("SimpleGenericMethod");
585 try {
586 gmi.MakeGenericMethod ((Type []) null);
587 Assert.Fail ("#1");
588 } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) {
589 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentNullException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
590 Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
591 Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
592 Assert.AreEqual ("methodInstantiation", ex.ParamName, "#5");
596 [Test]
597 public void MakeGenericMethodWithNullValueInTypesArray ()
599 MethodInfo gmi = this.GetType ().GetMethod ("SimpleGenericMethod");
600 try {
601 gmi.MakeGenericMethod (new Type [] { typeof (int), null });
602 Assert.Fail ("#1");
603 } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) {
604 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentNullException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
605 Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
606 Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
607 Assert.IsNull (ex.ParamName, "#5");
611 [Test]
612 public void MakeGenericMethodWithNonGenericMethodDefinitionMethod ()
614 MethodInfo gmi = this.GetType ().GetMethod ("SimpleGenericMethod");
615 MethodInfo inst = gmi.MakeGenericMethod (typeof (int), typeof (double));
616 try {
617 inst.MakeGenericMethod (typeof (int), typeof (double));
618 Assert.Fail ("#1");
619 } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) {
623 public TFoo SimpleGenericMethod2<TFoo, TBar> () { return default (TFoo); }
624 /*Test for the uggly broken behavior of SRE.*/
625 [Test]
626 public void MakeGenericMethodWithSreTypeResultsInStupidMethodInfo ()
628 AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName ();
629 assemblyName.Name = "MonoTests.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodInfoTest";
630 AssemblyBuilder assembly = Thread.GetDomain ().DefineDynamicAssembly (assemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave, ".");
631 ModuleBuilder module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule ("module1", "tst.dll");
632 TypeBuilder tb = module.DefineType ("Test", TypeAttributes.Public);
634 MethodInfo gmi = this.GetType ().GetMethod ("SimpleGenericMethod2");
635 MethodInfo ins = gmi.MakeGenericMethod (typeof (int), tb);
637 Assert.AreSame (tb, ins.GetGenericArguments () [1], "#1");
638 /*broken ReturnType*/
639 Assert.AreSame (gmi.GetGenericArguments () [0], ins.ReturnType, "#2");
641 #endif
642 public static int? pass_nullable (int? i)
644 return i;
647 [Test]
648 public void NullableTests ()
650 MethodInfo mi = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("pass_nullable");
651 Assert.AreEqual (102, mi.Invoke (null, new object [] { 102 }), "#1");
652 Assert.AreEqual (null, mi.Invoke (null, new object [] { null }), "#2");
654 // Test conversion of vtype to a nullable type for the this argument
655 PropertyInfo pi = typeof (Nullable <int>).GetProperty ("HasValue");
656 Assert.AreEqual (true, pi.GetGetMethod ().Invoke (10, null));
657 PropertyInfo pi2 = typeof (Nullable <int>).GetProperty ("Value");
658 Assert.AreEqual (10, pi2.GetGetMethod ().Invoke (10, null));
661 [Test]
662 public void NullableTestsStatic ()
664 Nullable<Double> val = new Nullable<Double>(new Double());
665 MethodInfo mi = typeof (Nullable<Double>).GetMethod ("op_Implicit");
666 object obj = val;
667 mi.Invoke(null, new[] { obj });
670 public static void foo_generic<T> ()
674 [Test]
675 public void IsGenericMethod ()
677 MethodInfo mi = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("foo_generic");
678 Assert.AreEqual (true, mi.IsGenericMethod, "#1");
679 MethodInfo mi2 = mi.MakeGenericMethod (new Type[] { typeof (int) });
680 Assert.AreEqual (true, mi2.IsGenericMethod, "#2");
681 MethodInfo mi3 = typeof (GenericHelper<int>).GetMethod ("Test");
682 Assert.AreEqual (false, mi3.IsGenericMethod, "#3");
685 class A<T>
687 public static void Foo<T2> (T2 i)
691 public static void Bar ()
695 public class B
697 public static void Baz ()
703 [Test]
704 public void ContainsGenericParameters ()
706 // Non-generic method in open generic type
707 Assert.IsTrue (typeof (A<int>).GetGenericTypeDefinition ().GetMethod ("Bar").ContainsGenericParameters);
708 // open generic method in closed generic type
709 Assert.IsTrue (typeof (A<int>).GetMethod ("Foo").ContainsGenericParameters);
710 // non-generic method in closed generic type
711 Assert.IsFalse (typeof (A<int>).GetMethod ("Bar").ContainsGenericParameters);
712 // closed generic method in closed generic type
713 Assert.IsFalse (typeof (A<int>).GetMethod ("Foo").MakeGenericMethod (new Type [] { typeof (int) }).ContainsGenericParameters);
714 // non-generic method in non-generic nested type of closed generic type
715 Assert.IsFalse (typeof (A<int>.B).GetMethod ("Baz").ContainsGenericParameters);
716 // non-generic method in non-generic nested type of open generic type
717 Assert.IsTrue (typeof (A<int>.B).GetGenericTypeDefinition ().GetMethod ("Baz").ContainsGenericParameters);
720 [Test]
721 public void IsGenericMethodDefinition ()
723 MethodInfo m1 = typeof (A<>).GetMethod ("Foo");
724 Assert.IsTrue (m1.IsGenericMethod, "#A1");
725 Assert.IsTrue (m1.IsGenericMethodDefinition, "#A2");
727 MethodInfo m2 = typeof (A<int>).GetMethod ("Foo");
728 Assert.IsTrue (m2.IsGenericMethod, "#B1");
729 Assert.IsTrue (m2.IsGenericMethodDefinition, "#B2");
731 MethodInfo m3 = m2.MakeGenericMethod (typeof (int));
732 Assert.IsTrue (m3.IsGenericMethod, "#C1");
733 Assert.IsFalse (m3.IsGenericMethodDefinition, "#C2");
736 [Test]
737 public void GetGenericMethodDefinition ()
739 MethodInfo mi1 = typeof (MyList<>).GetMethod ("ConvertAll");
740 MethodInfo mi2 = typeof (MyList<int>).GetMethod ("ConvertAll");
742 Assert.AreEqual ("MonoTests.System.Reflection.MethodInfoTest+Foo`2[T,TOutput]",
743 mi1.GetParameters () [0].ParameterType.ToString (), "#A1");
744 Assert.AreEqual ("MonoTests.System.Reflection.MethodInfoTest+Foo`2[System.Int32,TOutput]",
745 mi2.GetParameters () [0].ParameterType.ToString (), "#A2");
746 Assert.IsTrue (mi1.IsGenericMethod, "#A3");
747 Assert.IsTrue (mi1.IsGenericMethodDefinition, "#A4");
748 Assert.IsTrue (mi2.IsGenericMethod, "#A5");
749 Assert.IsTrue (mi2.IsGenericMethodDefinition, "#A6");
751 MethodInfo mi3 = mi2.GetGenericMethodDefinition ();
753 Assert.IsTrue (mi3.IsGenericMethod, "#B1");
754 Assert.IsTrue (mi3.IsGenericMethodDefinition, "#B2");
755 Assert.AreSame (mi2, mi3, "#B3");
757 MethodInfo mi4 = mi2.MakeGenericMethod (typeof (short));
758 Assert.IsTrue (mi4.IsGenericMethod, "#C1");
759 Assert.IsFalse (mi4.IsGenericMethodDefinition, "#C2");
760 Assert.AreSame (mi2, mi4.GetGenericMethodDefinition (), "#C3");
763 public void TestMethod123(int a, int b) {}
765 [Test]
766 public void GetParametersDontReturnInternedArray ()
768 var method = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("TestMethod123");
769 var parms = method.GetParameters ();
770 Assert.AreNotSame (parms, method.GetParameters (), "#1");
772 parms [0] = null;
773 Assert.IsNotNull (method.GetParameters () [0], "#2");
776 [Test]
777 public void Bug354757 ()
779 MethodInfo gmd = (typeof (MyList <int>)).GetMethod ("ConvertAll");
780 MethodInfo oi = gmd.MakeGenericMethod (gmd.GetGenericArguments ());
781 Assert.AreSame (gmd, oi);
784 [Test]
785 [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))]
786 #if MOBILE
787 [Category ("NotWorking")] // #10552
788 #endif
789 public void MakeGenericMethodRespectConstraints ()
791 var m = typeof (MethodInfoTest).GetMethod ("TestMethod");
792 m.MakeGenericMethod (typeof (Type));
795 public void TestMethod <T> () where T : Exception
799 public class MyList<T>
801 public TOutput ConvertAll<TOutput> (Foo<T,TOutput> arg)
803 return default (TOutput);
805 public T ConvertAll2 (MyList<T> arg)
807 return default (T);
811 public class Foo<T,TOutput>
815 class GenericHelper<T>
817 public void Test (T t)
821 interface IMethodInvoke<out T>
823 T Test ();
826 class MethodInvoke : IMethodInvoke<string>
828 public string Test ()
830 return "MethodInvoke";
834 [Test]
835 public void GetInterfaceMapWorksWithVariantIfaces ()
837 var m0 = typeof (IMethodInvoke<object>).GetMethod ("Test");
838 var m1 = typeof (IMethodInvoke<string>).GetMethod ("Test");
839 var obj = new MethodInvoke ();
841 Assert.AreEqual ("MethodInvoke", m0.Invoke (obj, new Object [0]));
842 Assert.AreEqual ("MethodInvoke", m1.Invoke (obj, new Object [0]));
846 public int? Bug12856 ()
848 return null;
851 [Test] //Bug #12856
852 public void MethodToStringShouldPrintFullNameOfGenericStructs ()
854 var m = GetType ().GetMethod ("Bug12856");
855 Assert.AreEqual ("System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] Bug12856()", m.ToString (), "#1");
858 [Test]
859 public void GetReflectedType () // #12205
861 // public method declared in base type, queried from a derived type
862 MethodInfo mi = typeof (TestInheritedMethodB).GetMethod ("TestMethod2");
863 Assert.AreEqual (mi.ReflectedType, typeof (TestInheritedMethodB), "#1");
865 // public method declared in a generic class,
866 // queried from a non-generic class derived
867 // from an instantiation of the generic class.
868 mi = typeof (DerivedFromGenericBase).GetMethod ("f2");
869 Assert.AreEqual (mi.ReflectedType, typeof (DerivedFromGenericBase), "#2");
871 // public method declared in a generic class,
872 // queried from the generic type defintion of
873 // a generic derived class.
874 mi = typeof (GenericMid<,>).GetMethod ("f2");
875 Assert.AreEqual (mi.ReflectedType, typeof (GenericMid<,>), "#3");
877 // public method declared in a generic class,
878 // queried from an instantiation of a generic
879 // derived class.
880 mi = typeof (GenericMid<int,int>).GetMethod ("f2");
881 Assert.AreEqual (mi.ReflectedType, typeof (GenericMid<int,int>), "#4");
886 class GenericClass<T>
888 public void Method ()
890 T lv = default(T);
891 Console.WriteLine(lv);
894 public void Method2<K> (T a0, K a1)
896 T var0 = a0;
897 K var1 = a1;
898 Console.WriteLine (var0);
899 Console.WriteLine (var1);
903 static void EnsureMethodExists (Type type, string name, params Type[] parameterTypes)
905 var method = type.GetTypeInfo ().GetDeclaredMethods (name)
906 .SingleOrDefault (m => m.GetParameters ().Select (p => p.ParameterType).SequenceEqual (parameterTypes));
907 Assert.IsNotNull (method, $"{type}.{name}");
910 public void EnsureEntityFrameworkMethodsExist ()
912 // EntityFramework6 relies on the following methods
913 // see https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework6/blob/master/src/EntityFramework/Core/Objects/ELinq/MethodCallTranslator.cs#L846
914 // also https://github.com/mono/mono/pull/10452
915 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Math), "Ceiling", typeof (decimal));
916 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Math), "Ceiling", typeof (double));
917 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Math), "Floor", typeof (decimal));
918 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Math), "Floor", typeof (double));
919 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Math), "Round", typeof (decimal));
920 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Math), "Round", typeof (double));
921 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Math), "Round", typeof (decimal), typeof (int));
922 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Math), "Round", typeof (double), typeof (int));
923 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Decimal), "Floor", typeof (decimal));
924 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Decimal), "Ceiling", typeof (decimal));
925 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Decimal), "Round", typeof (decimal));
926 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Decimal), "Round", typeof (decimal), typeof (int));
927 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Replace", typeof (String), typeof (String));
928 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "ToLower");
929 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "ToUpper");
930 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Trim");
931 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Math), "Truncate", typeof (decimal));
932 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Math), "Truncate", typeof (double));
933 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Math), "Pow", typeof (double), typeof (double));
934 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (Guid), "NewGuid");
935 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Contains", typeof (string));
936 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "IndexOf", typeof (string));
937 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "StartsWith", typeof (string));
938 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "EndsWith", typeof (string));
939 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Substring", typeof (int));
940 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Substring", typeof (int), typeof (int));
941 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Remove", typeof (int));
942 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Remove", typeof (int), typeof (int));
943 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "IsNullOrEmpty", typeof (string));
944 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Concat", typeof (string), typeof (string));
945 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Concat", typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string));
946 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Concat", typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string));
947 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Concat", typeof (object), typeof (object));
948 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Concat", typeof (object), typeof (object), typeof (object));
949 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Concat", typeof (object), typeof (object), typeof (object), typeof (object));
950 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Concat", typeof (object[]));
951 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Concat", typeof (string[]));
952 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "Trim", typeof (Char[]));
953 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "TrimStart", typeof (Char[]));
954 EnsureMethodExists (typeof (String), "TrimEnd", typeof (Char[]));
957 [Test]
958 public void TestLocalVariableTypes ()
960 var typeofT = typeof (GenericClass<>).GetGenericArguments () [0];
961 var typeofK = typeof (GenericClass<>).GetMethod ("Method2").GetGenericArguments () [0];
963 var type = typeof (GenericClass<>).GetMethod("Method").GetMethodBody().LocalVariables[0].LocalType;
964 Assert.AreEqual (typeofT, type);
965 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GenericClass<>), type.DeclaringType);
967 bool foundTypeOfK = false;
968 bool foundExpectedType = false;
970 MethodBody mb = typeof (GenericClass<>).GetMethod("Method2").GetMethodBody();
971 foreach (LocalVariableInfo lvi in mb.LocalVariables) {
972 if (lvi.LocalType == typeofK) {
973 foundTypeOfK = true;
974 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GenericClass<>), lvi.LocalType.DeclaringType, "#1-1");
975 } else if (lvi.LocalType == typeofT) {
976 foundExpectedType = true;
977 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GenericClass<>), lvi.LocalType.DeclaringType, "#1-2");
981 Assert.IsTrue (foundTypeOfK, "#1-3");
982 if (mb.LocalVariables.Count < 2)
983 Assert.Ignore ("Code built in release mode - 'T var0' optmized out");
984 else
985 Assert.IsTrue (foundExpectedType, "#1-4");
987 foundTypeOfK = false;
988 foundExpectedType = false;
989 mb = typeof (GenericClass<int>).GetMethod("Method2").GetMethodBody();
990 foreach (LocalVariableInfo lvi in mb.LocalVariables) {
991 if (lvi.LocalType == typeofK) {
992 foundTypeOfK = true;
993 Assert.AreEqual (typeof (GenericClass<>), lvi.LocalType.DeclaringType, "#2-1");
994 } else if (lvi.LocalType == typeof (int)) {
995 foundExpectedType = true;
999 Assert.IsTrue (foundTypeOfK, "#2-3");
1000 if (mb.LocalVariables.Count < 2)
1001 Assert.Ignore ("Code built in release mode - 'int var0' optmized out");
1002 else
1003 Assert.IsTrue (foundExpectedType, "#2-4");
1005 #endif
1008 // Helper class
1009 class RefOnlyMethodClass
1011 // Helper static method
1012 static void RefOnlyMethod ()
1017 public class MethodHandleTest<T>
1019 private List<T> _myList = new List<T> ();
1021 public MethodHandleTest ()
1023 _myList.Add (default (T));
1026 public List<T> MyList {
1027 get { return _myList; }
1028 set { _myList = value; }