Fix Mono.Debugger.Soft to use test exe's from different directory (#11033)
[mono-project.git] / mcs / Makefile
1 thisdir := .
3 SUBDIRS := build jay mcs class nunit24 ilasm tools tests errors docs packages
5 # Resgen is corlib specific tool
7 build_SUBDIRS := build jay tools/gensources class class/aot-compiler tools
8 monodroid_SUBDIRS := build class tools
9 monodroid_tools_SUBDIRS := build class tools
10 monotouch_SUBDIRS := build class tools
11 monotouch_watch_SUBDIRS := build class
12 monotouch_tv_SUBDIRS := build class
13 monotouch_runtime_SUBDIRS := build class
14 monotouch_watch_runtime_SUBDIRS := build class
15 monotouch_tv_runtime_SUBDIRS := build class
16 xammac_SUBDIRS := build class
17 testing_aot_hybrid_SUBDIRS := build class
18 testing_aot_full_SUBDIRS := build class
19 binary_reference_assemblies_SUBDIRS := build class
20 net_4_x_SUBDIRS := build class nunit24 ilasm tools tests errors docs mcs class/aot-compiler packages
21 xammac_net_4_5_SUBDIRS := build class
22 xbuild_12_SUBDIRS := build class tools/xbuild
23 xbuild_14_SUBDIRS := build class tools/xbuild
24 winaot_SUBDIRS := build class
25 orbis_SUBDIRS := build class
26 unreal_SUBDIRS := build class
27 wasm_SUBDIRS := build class
29 include build/rules.make
31 all-recursive $(STD_TARGETS:=-recursive): dir-check platform-check profile-check
33 .PHONY: all-local $(STD_TARGETS:=-local)
34 all-local $(STD_TARGETS:=-local):
37 dir-check:
38 @if [ "$(NO_DIR_CHECK)" = "" -a "$(PROFILE)" != "basic" ]; then $(MAKE) -C ../runtime; fi
40 # fun specialty targets
42 PROFILES = net_4_x binary_reference_assemblies xbuild_12 xbuild_14
44 .PHONY: all-profiles $(STD_TARGETS:=-profiles)
45 all-profiles $(STD_TARGETS:=-profiles): %-profiles: profiles-do--%
48 profiles-do--%:
49 $(if $(PROFILES),$(MAKE) $(PROFILES:%=profile-do--%--$*))
51 # The % below looks like profile-name--target-name
52 profile-do--%:
53 $(MAKE) PROFILE=$(subst --, ,$*)
55 # xbuild_12 and xbuild_14 will try to install the same files, so they need
56 # to be ordered
57 profile-do--xbuild_14--install: profile-do--xbuild_12--install
59 # We don't want to run the tests in parallel. We want behaviour like -k.
60 profiles-do--run-test:
61 ret=:; $(foreach p,$(PROFILES), { $(MAKE) PROFILE=$(p) run-test || ret=false; }; ) $$ret
63 # Orchestrate the bootstrap here.
64 _boot_ = all clean install
65 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--xbuild_14--%): profile-do--xbuild_14--%: profile-do--net_4_x--%
66 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--xbuild_12--%): profile-do--xbuild_12--%: profile-do--net_4_x--%
67 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--binary_reference_assemblies--%): profile-do--binary_reference_assemblies--%: profile-do--build--%
68 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--net_4_x--%): profile-do--net_4_x--%: profile-do--build--%
69 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--monodroid--%): profile-do--monodroid--%: profile-do--build--%
70 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--monodroid_tools--%): profile-do--monodroid_tools--%: profile-do--build--%
71 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--monotouch--%): profile-do--monotouch--%: profile-do--build--%
72 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--monotouch_watch--%): profile-do--monotouch_watch--%: profile-do--build--%
73 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--monotouch_tv--%): profile-do--monotouch_tv--%: profile-do--build--%
74 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--monotouch_runtime--%): profile-do--monotouch_runtime--%: profile-do--build--%
75 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--monotouch_watch_runtime--%): profile-do--monotouch_watch_runtime--%: profile-do--build--%
76 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--monotouch_tv_runtime--%): profile-do--monotouch_tv_runtime--%: profile-do--build--%
77 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--xammac--%): profile-do--xammac--%: profile-do--build--%
78 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--xammac_net_4_5--%): profile-do--xammac_net_4_5--%: profile-do--build--%
79 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--testing_aot_hybrid--%): profile-do--testing_aot_hybrid--%: profile-do--build--%
80 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--testing_aot_full--%): profile-do--testing_aot_full--%: profile-do--build--%
81 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--winaot--%): profile-do--winaot--%: profile-do--build--%
82 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--orbis--%): profile-do--orbis--%: profile-do--build--%
83 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--unreal--%): profile-do--unreal--%: profile-do--build--%
84 $(_boot_:%=profile-do--wasm--%): profile-do--wasm--%: profile-do--build--%
86 testcorlib:
87 @cd class/corlib && $(MAKE) test run-test
89 compiler-tests:
90 $(MAKE) TEST_SUBDIRS="tests errors" run-test-profiles
92 package := mcs-$(VERSION)
97 INSTALL.txt \
98 Makefile \
99 mkinstalldirs \
100 MonoIcon.png \
101 README \
102 ScalableMonoIcon.svg
104 dist-local: dist-default
106 csproj-local:
108 dist-pre:
109 rm -rf $(package)
110 mkdir $(package)
112 dist-tarball: dist-pre
113 $(MAKE) distdir='$(package)' dist-recursive
114 tar cvjf $(package).tar.bz2 $(package)
116 dist: dist-tarball
117 rm -rf $(package)
119 # the egrep -v is kind of a hack (to get rid of the makefrags)
120 # but otherwise we have to make dist then make clean which
121 # is sort of not kosher. And it breaks with DIST_ONLY_SUBDIRS.
123 # We need to set prefix on make so class/System/Makefile can find
124 # the installed System.Xml to build properly
126 distcheck: dist-tarball
127 rm -rf InstallTest Distcheck-MCS ; \
128 mkdir InstallTest ; \
129 destdir=`cd InstallTest && pwd` ; \
130 mv $(package) Distcheck-MCS ; \
131 (cd Distcheck-MCS && \
132 $(MAKE) prefix=$(prefix) && $(MAKE) test && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR="$$destdir" && \
133 $(MAKE) clean && $(MAKE) dist || exit 1) || exit 1 ; \
134 mv Distcheck-MCS $(package) ; \
135 tar tjf $(package)/$(package).tar.bz2 |sed -e 's,/$$,,' |sort >distdist.list ; \
136 rm $(package)/$(package).tar.bz2 ; \
137 tar tjf $(package).tar.bz2 |sed -e 's,/$$,,' |sort >before.list ; \
138 find $(package) |egrep -v '(makefrag|response)' |sed -e 's,/$$,,' |sort >after.list ; \
139 cmp before.list after.list || exit 1 ; \
140 cmp before.list distdist.list || exit 1 ; \
141 rm -f before.list after.list distdist.list ; \
142 rm -rf $(package) InstallTest
144 # Targets for creating API diffs of the framework
146 MONO_API_SNAPSHOT_PATH := $(topdir)../external/api-snapshot/
147 GENAPI := $(MONO_API_SNAPSHOT_PATH)tools/genapi/GenAPI.exe
149 MONO_API_ASSEMBLIES_IGNORED := $(addprefix $(topdir)class/lib/$(PROFILE)/, Mono.CSharp.dll SystemWebTestShim.dll standalone-runner-support.dll nunit.core.dll nunit.core.extensions.dll nunit.core.interfaces.dll nunit.framework.dll nunit.framework.extensions.dll nunit.mocks.dll nunit.util.dll nunit-console-runner.dll nunitlite.dll Mono.Profiler.Log.dll)
150 MONO_API_ASSEMBLIES := $(filter-out $(MONO_API_ASSEMBLIES_IGNORED), $(wildcard $(topdir)class/lib/$(PROFILE)/*.dll)) $(wildcard $(topdir)class/lib/$(PROFILE)/Facades/*.dll)
153 apidiff/ignored-attr.txt:
154 @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
155 @echo "T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute" > $@
157 $(MONO_API_SNAPSHOT_PROFILE_PATH)%.cs: $(topdir)class/lib/$(PROFILE)/%.dll $(GENAPI) $(MONO_API_SNAPSHOT_PATH)profiles/license-header.txt apidiff/ignored-attr.txt
158 @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
159 $(Q) MONO_PATH=$(topdir)class/lib/$(BUILD_TOOLS_PROFILE) $(RUNTIME) $(GENAPI) -libPath:$(topdir)class/lib/$(PROFILE),$(topdir)class/lib/$(PROFILE)/Facades -out:$(dir $@) -headerFile:$(MONO_API_SNAPSHOT_PATH)profiles/license-header.txt -assemblyAttributes -typeForwardedTo -assemblyVersion -excludeAttributesList:apidiff/ignored-attr.txt -assembly:$< || echo "Couldn't process assembly." > $@
161 mono-api-current: $(MONO_API_ASSEMBLIES_CS)
163 mono-api-current-clean:
164 $(Q) find "$(MONO_API_SNAPSHOT_PROFILE_PATH)" -name "*.cs" -type f -delete
166 mono-api-diff:
167 @echo "Regenerating API snapshot..."
168 $(Q) $(MAKE) mono-api-current-clean PROFILE=net_4_x
169 $(Q) $(MAKE) mono-api-current-clean PROFILE=monotouch
170 $(Q) $(MAKE) mono-api-current-clean PROFILE=monodroid
171 $(Q) $(MAKE) mono-api-current PROFILE=net_4_x
172 $(Q) $(MAKE) mono-api-current PROFILE=monotouch
173 $(Q) $(MAKE) mono-api-current PROFILE=monodroid
174 @echo "Checking public API differences..."
175 $(Q) cd $(MONO_API_SNAPSHOT_PATH); git add -A .
176 $(Q) cd $(MONO_API_SNAPSHOT_PATH); git diff --no-renames HEAD > $(abspath $(topdir))/temp.patch
177 @mkdir -p apidiff
178 $(Q) sed -e "/@diffdata@/r temp.patch" -e "/@diffdata@/d" -e "s/@title@/Public API Diff/g" -e "s/@description@/If the changes are intentional, run <code>make -C mcs mono-api-diff<\/code> locally and commit changes in external\/api-snapshot./g" > apidiff/index.html
179 $(Q) if [ -s temp.patch ]; then echo "Error: Found public API differences, see mcs/apidiff/index.html. If the changes are intentional, please go to external/api-snapshot and commit them."; rm -f temp.patch; exit 1; else echo "No differences found."; rm -f temp.patch; fi
181 mono-csproj-diff:
182 @echo "Generating csproj diff..."
183 $(Q) git add -A "*.csproj" $(topdir)../bcl.sln
184 $(Q) git diff --no-renames HEAD "*.csproj" $(topdir)../bcl.sln > $(abspath $(topdir))/temp.patch
185 @mkdir -p csprojdiff
186 $(Q) sed -e "/@diffdata@/r temp.patch" -e "/@diffdata@/d" -e "s/@title@/Project Files Diff/g" -e "s/@description@/Use <code>@monojenkins commit csproj<\/code> to commit them./g" > csprojdiff/index.html
187 $(Q) if [ -s temp.patch ]; then echo "Error: Found csproj differences, see mcs/csprojdiff/index.html. If the changes are intentional, please commit them."; rm -f temp.patch; exit 1; else echo "No differences found."; rm -f temp.patch; fi