* Major.cs:
[mono-project.git] / mcs / class / Managed.Windows.Forms / System.Windows.Forms.RTF / Minor.cs
1 // Permission is hereby , free of , to any person obtaining
2 // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
3 // "Software"), to deal in the Software without , including
4 // without limitation the rights to , , , , ,
5 // , , and/or sell copies of the , and to
6 // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do , subject to
7 // the following conditions:
8 //
9 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
10 // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
11 //
20 // Copyright (c) 2005 , Inc. (http://www.novell.com)
22 // Authors:
23 // Peter Bartok (pbartok@novell.com)
29 namespace System.Windows.Forms {
30 internal enum Minor {
31 Undefined,
33 Skip,
35 // Major.CharSet
36 AnsiCharSet,
37 MacCharSet,
38 PcCharSet,
39 PcaCharSet,
41 // Major.Destinan
42 FontTbl,
43 FontAltName,
44 EmbeddedFont,
45 FontFile,
46 FileTbl,
47 FileInfo,
48 ColorTbl,
49 StyleSheet,
50 KeyCode,
51 RevisionTbl,
52 Info,
53 ITitle,
54 ISubject,
55 IAuthor,
56 IOperator,
57 IKeywords,
58 IComment,
59 IVersion,
60 IDoccomm,
61 IVerscomm,
62 NextFile,
63 Template,
64 FNSep,
65 FNContSep,
66 FNContNotice,
67 ENSep,
68 ENContSep,
69 ENContNotice,
70 PageNumLevel,
71 ParNumLevelStyle,
72 Header,
73 Footer,
74 HeaderLeft,
75 HeaderRight,
76 HeaderFirst,
77 FooterLeft,
78 FooterRight,
79 FooterFirst,
80 ParNumText,
81 ParNumbering,
82 ParNumTextAfter,
83 ParNumTextBefore,
84 BookmarkStart,
85 BookmarkEnd,
86 Pict,
87 Object,
88 ObjClass,
89 ObjName,
90 ObjTime,
91 ObjData,
92 ObjAlias,
93 ObjSection,
94 ObjResult,
95 ObjItem,
96 ObjTopic,
97 DrawObject,
98 Footnote,
99 AnnotRefStart,
100 AnnotRefEnd,
101 AnnotID,
102 AnnotAuthor,
103 Annotation,
104 AnnotRef,
105 AnnotTime,
106 AnnotIcon,
107 Field,
108 FieldInst,
109 FieldResult,
110 DataField,
111 Index,
112 IndexText,
113 IndexRange,
114 TOC,
115 NeXTGraphic,
116 MaxDestination,
118 // Major.FontFamily
119 FFNil,
120 FFRoman,
121 FFSwiss,
122 FFModern,
123 FFScript,
124 FFDecor,
125 FFTech,
126 FFBidirectional,
128 // Major.ColorName
129 Red,
130 Green,
131 Blue,
133 // Major.SpecialChar
134 IIntVersion,
135 ICreateTime,
136 IRevisionTime,
137 IPrintTime,
138 IBackupTime,
139 IEditTime,
140 IYear,
141 IMonth,
142 IDay,
143 IHour,
144 IMinute,
145 ISecond,
146 INPages,
147 INWords,
148 INChars,
149 IIntID,
150 CurHeadDate,
151 CurHeadDateLong,
152 CurHeadDateAbbrev,
153 CurHeadTime,
154 CurHeadPage,
155 SectNum,
156 CurFNote,
157 CurAnnotRef,
158 FNoteSep,
159 FNoteCont,
160 Cell,
161 Row,
162 Par,
163 Sect,
164 Page,
165 Column,
166 Line,
167 SoftPage,
168 SoftColumn,
169 SoftLine,
170 SoftLineHt,
171 Tab,
172 EmDash,
173 EnDash,
174 EmSpace,
175 EnSpace,
176 Bullet,
177 LQuote,
178 RQuote,
179 LDblQuote,
180 RDblQuote,
181 Formula,
182 NoBrkSpace,
183 NoReqHyphen,
184 NoBrkHyphen,
185 OptDest,
186 LTRMark,
187 RTLMark,
188 NoWidthJoiner,
189 NoWidthNonJoiner,
190 CurHeadPict,
192 // Major.StyleAttr
193 Additive,
194 BasedOn,
195 Next,
197 // Major.DocAttr
198 DefTab,
199 HyphHotZone,
200 HyphConsecLines,
201 HyphCaps,
202 HyphAuto,
203 LineStart,
204 FracWidth,
205 MakeBackup,
206 RTFDefault,
207 PSOverlay,
208 DocTemplate,
209 DefLanguage,
210 FENoteType,
211 FNoteEndSect,
212 FNoteEndDoc,
213 FNoteText,
214 FNoteBottom,
215 ENoteEndSect,
216 ENoteEndDoc,
217 ENoteText,
218 ENoteBottom,
219 FNoteStart,
220 ENoteStart,
221 FNoteRestartPage,
222 FNoteRestart,
223 FNoteRestartCont,
224 ENoteRestart,
225 ENoteRestartCont,
226 FNoteNumArabic,
227 FNoteNumLLetter,
228 FNoteNumULetter,
229 FNoteNumLRoman,
230 FNoteNumURoman,
231 FNoteNumChicago,
232 ENoteNumArabic,
233 ENoteNumLLetter,
234 ENoteNumULetter,
235 ENoteNumLRoman,
236 ENoteNumURoman,
237 ENoteNumChicago,
238 PaperWidth,
239 PaperHeight,
240 PaperSize,
241 LeftMargin,
242 RightMargin,
243 TopMargin,
244 BottomMargin,
245 FacingPage,
246 GutterWid,
247 MirrorMargin,
248 Landscape,
249 PageStart,
250 WidowCtrl,
251 LinkStyles,
252 NoAutoTabIndent,
253 WrapSpaces,
254 PrintColorsBlack,
255 NoExtraSpaceRL,
256 NoColumnBalance,
257 CvtMailMergeQuote,
258 SuppressTopSpace,
259 SuppressPreParSpace,
260 CombineTblBorders,
261 TranspMetafiles,
262 SwapBorders,
263 ShowHardBreaks,
264 FormProtected,
265 AllProtected,
266 FormShading,
267 FormDisplay,
268 PrintData,
269 RevProtected,
270 Revisions,
271 RevDisplay,
272 RevBar,
273 AnnotProtected,
274 RTLDoc,
275 LTRDoc,
277 // Major.SectAttr
279 SectDef,
280 ENoteHere,
281 PrtBinFirst,
282 PrtBin,
283 SectStyleNum,
284 NoBreak,
285 ColBreak,
286 PageBreak,
287 EvenBreak,
288 OddBreak,
289 Columns,
290 ColumnSpace,
291 ColumnNumber,
292 ColumnSpRight,
293 ColumnWidth,
294 ColumnLine,
295 LineModulus,
296 LineDist,
297 LineStarts,
298 LineRestart,
299 LineRestartPg,
300 LineCont,
301 SectPageWid,
302 SectPageHt,
303 SectMarginLeft,
304 SectMarginRight,
305 SectMarginTop,
306 SectMarginBottom,
307 SectMarginGutter,
308 SectLandscape,
309 TitleSpecial,
310 HeaderY,
311 FooterY,
312 PageStarts,
313 PageCont,
314 PageRestart,
315 PageNumRight,
316 PageNumTop,
317 PageDecimal,
318 PageURoman,
319 PageLRoman,
320 PageULetter,
321 PageLLetter,
322 PageNumHyphSep,
323 PageNumSpaceSep,
324 PageNumColonSep,
325 PageNumEmdashSep,
326 PageNumEndashSep,
327 TopVAlign,
328 BottomVAlign,
329 CenterVAlign,
330 JustVAlign,
331 RTLSect,
332 LTRSect,
334 // Major.TblAttr
335 RowDef,
336 RowGapH,
337 CellPos,
338 MergeRngFirst,
339 MergePrevious,
340 RowLeft,
341 RowRight,
342 RowCenter,
343 RowLeftEdge,
344 RowHt,
345 RowHeader,
346 RowKeep,
347 RTLRow,
348 LTRRow,
349 RowBordTop,
350 RowBordLeft,
351 RowBordBottom,
352 RowBordRight,
353 RowBordHoriz,
354 RowBordVert,
355 CellBordBottom,
356 CellBordTop,
357 CellBordLeft,
358 CellBordRight,
359 CellShading,
360 CellBgPatH,
361 CellBgPatV,
362 CellFwdDiagBgPat,
363 CellBwdDiagBgPat,
364 CellHatchBgPat,
365 CellDiagHatchBgPat,
366 CellDarkBgPatH,
367 CellDarkBgPatV,
368 CellFwdDarkBgPat,
369 CellBwdDarkBgPat,
370 CellDarkHatchBgPat,
371 CellDarkDiagHatchBgPat,
372 CellBgPatLineColor,
373 CellBgPatColor,
375 // Major.ParAttr
376 ParDef,
377 StyleNum,
378 Hyphenate,
379 InTable,
380 Keep,
381 NoWidowControl,
382 KeepNext,
383 OutlineLevel,
384 NoLineNum,
385 PBBefore,
386 SideBySide,
387 QuadLeft,
388 QuadRight,
389 QuadJust,
390 QuadCenter,
391 FirstIndent,
392 LeftIndent,
393 RightIndent,
394 SpaceBefore,
395 SpaceAfter,
396 SpaceBetween,
397 SpaceMultiply,
398 SubDocument,
399 RTLPar,
400 LTRPar,
401 TabPos,
402 TabLeft,
403 TabRight,
404 TabCenter,
405 TabDecimal,
406 TabBar,
407 LeaderDot,
408 LeaderHyphen,
409 LeaderUnder,
410 LeaderThick,
411 LeaderEqual,
412 ParLevel,
413 ParBullet,
414 ParSimple,
415 ParNumCont,
416 ParNumOnce,
417 ParNumAcross,
418 ParHangIndent,
419 ParNumRestart,
420 ParNumCardinal,
421 ParNumDecimal,
422 ParNumULetter,
423 ParNumURoman,
424 ParNumLLetter,
425 ParNumLRoman,
426 ParNumOrdinal,
427 ParNumOrdinalText,
428 ParNumBold,
429 ParNumItalic,
430 ParNumAllCaps,
431 ParNumSmallCaps,
432 ParNumUnder,
433 ParNumDotUnder,
434 ParNumDbUnder,
435 ParNumNoUnder,
436 ParNumWordUnder,
437 ParNumStrikethru,
438 ParNumForeColor,
439 ParNumFont,
440 ParNumFontSize,
441 ParNumIndent,
442 ParNumSpacing,
443 ParNumInclPrev,
444 ParNumCenter,
445 ParNumLeft,
446 ParNumRight,
447 ParNumStartAt,
448 BorderTop,
449 BorderBottom,
450 BorderLeft,
451 BorderRight,
452 BorderBetween,
453 BorderBar,
454 BorderBox,
455 BorderSingle,
456 BorderThick,
457 BorderShadow,
458 BorderDouble,
459 BorderDot,
460 BorderDash,
461 BorderHair,
462 BorderWidth,
463 BorderColor,
464 BorderSpace,
465 Shading,
466 BgPatH,
467 BgPatV,
468 FwdDiagBgPat,
469 BwdDiagBgPat,
470 HatchBgPat,
471 DiagHatchBgPat,
472 DarkBgPatH,
473 DarkBgPatV,
474 FwdDarkBgPat,
475 BwdDarkBgPat,
476 DarkHatchBgPat,
477 DarkDiagHatchBgPat,
478 BgPatLineColor,
479 BgPatColor,
481 // Major.CharAttr
482 Plain,
483 Bold,
484 AllCaps,
485 Deleted,
486 SubScript,
487 SubScrShrink,
488 NoSuperSub,
489 Expand,
490 ExpandTwips,
491 Kerning,
492 FontNum,
493 FontSize,
494 Italic,
495 Outline,
496 Revised,
497 RevAuthor,
498 RevDTTM,
499 SmallCaps,
500 Shadow,
501 StrikeThru,
502 Underline,
503 DotUnderline,
504 DbUnderline,
505 NoUnderline,
506 WordUnderline,
507 SuperScript,
508 SuperScrShrink,
509 Invisible,
510 ForeColor,
511 BackColor,
512 RTLChar,
513 LTRChar,
514 CharStyleNum,
515 CharCharSet,
516 Language,
517 Gray,
519 // Major.PictAttr
520 MacQD,
521 PMMetafile,
522 WinMetafile,
523 DevIndBitmap,
524 WinBitmap,
525 PixelBits,
526 BitmapPlanes,
527 BitmapWid,
528 PicWid,
529 PicHt,
530 PicGoalWid,
531 PicGoalHt,
532 PicScaleX,
533 PicScaleY,
534 PicScaled,
535 PicCropTop,
536 PicCropBottom,
537 PicCropLeft,
538 PicCropRight,
539 PicMFHasBitmap,
540 PicMFBitsPerPixel,
541 PicBinary,
543 // Major.BookmarkAttr
544 BookmarkFirstCol,
545 BookmarkLastCol ,
547 // Major.NeXTGrAttr
548 NeXTGWidth,
549 NeXTGHeight,
551 // Major.FieldAttr
552 FieldDirty,
553 FieldEdited,
554 FieldLocked,
555 FieldPrivate,
556 FieldAlt,
558 // Major.TOCAttr
559 TOCType,
560 TOCLevel,
562 // Major.PosAttr
563 AbsWid,
564 AbsHt,
565 RPosMargH,
566 RPosPageH,
567 RPosColH,
568 PosX,
569 PosNegX,
570 PosXCenter,
571 PosXInside,
572 PosXOutSide,
573 PosXRight,
574 PosXLeft,
575 RPosMargV,
576 RPosPageV,
577 RPosParaV,
578 PosY,
579 PosNegY,
580 PosYInline,
581 PosYTop,
582 PosYCenter,
583 PosYBottom,
584 NoWrap,
585 DistFromTextAll,
586 DistFromTextX,
587 DistFromTextY,
588 TextDistY,
589 DropCapLines,
590 DropCapType,
592 // Major.ObjAttr
593 ObjEmb,
594 ObjLink,
595 ObjAutoLink,
596 ObjSubscriber,
597 ObjPublisher,
598 ObjICEmb,
599 ObjLinkSelf,
600 ObjLock,
601 ObjUpdate,
602 ObjHt,
603 ObjWid,
604 ObjSetSize,
605 ObjAlign,
606 ObjTransposeY,
607 ObjCropTop,
608 ObjCropBottom,
609 ObjCropLeft,
610 ObjCropRight,
611 ObjScaleX,
612 ObjScaleY,
613 ObjResRTF,
614 ObjResPict,
615 ObjResBitmap,
616 ObjResText,
617 ObjResMerge,
618 ObjBookmarkPubObj,
619 ObjPubAutoUpdate,
621 // Major.FNoteAttr
622 FNAlt,
624 // Major.KeyCodeAttr
625 AltKey,
626 ShiftKey,
627 ControlKey,
628 FunctionKey,
630 // Major.ACharAttr
631 ACBold,
632 ACAllCaps,
633 ACForeColor,
634 ACSubScript,
635 ACExpand,
636 ACFontNum,
637 ACFontSize,
638 ACItalic,
639 ACLanguage,
640 ACOutline,
641 ACSmallCaps,
642 ACShadow,
643 ACStrikeThru,
644 ACUnderline,
645 ACDotUnderline,
646 ACDbUnderline,
647 ACNoUnderline,
648 ACWordUnderline,
649 ACSuperScript,
651 // Major.FontAttr
652 FontCharSet,
653 FontPitch,
654 FontCodePage,
655 FTypeNil,
656 FTypeTrueType,
658 // Major.FileAttr
659 FileNum,
660 FileRelPath,
661 FileOSNum,
663 // Major.FileSource
664 SrcMacintosh,
665 SrcDOS,
666 SrcNTFS,
667 SrcHPFS,
668 SrcNetwork,
670 // Major.DrawAttr
671 DrawLock,
672 DrawPageRelX,
673 DrawColumnRelX,
674 DrawMarginRelX,
675 DrawPageRelY,
676 DrawColumnRelY,
677 DrawMarginRelY,
678 DrawHeight,
679 DrawBeginGroup,
680 DrawGroupCount,
681 DrawEndGroup,
682 DrawArc,
683 DrawCallout,
684 DrawEllipse,
685 DrawLine,
686 DrawPolygon,
687 DrawPolyLine,
688 DrawRect,
689 DrawTextBox,
690 DrawOffsetX,
691 DrawSizeX,
692 DrawOffsetY,
693 DrawSizeY,
694 COAngle,
695 COAccentBar,
696 COBestFit,
697 COBorder,
698 COAttachAbsDist,
699 COAttachBottom,
700 COAttachCenter,
701 COAttachTop,
702 COLength,
703 CONegXQuadrant,
704 CONegYQuadrant,
705 COOffset,
706 COAttachSmart,
707 CODoubleLine,
708 CORightAngle,
709 COSingleLine,
710 COTripleLine,
711 DrawTextBoxMargin,
712 DrawTextBoxText,
713 DrawRoundRect,
714 DrawPointX,
715 DrawPointY,
716 DrawPolyCount,
717 DrawArcFlipX,
718 DrawArcFlipY,
719 DrawLineBlue,
720 DrawLineGreen,
721 DrawLineRed,
722 DrawLinePalette,
723 DrawLineDashDot,
724 DrawLineDashDotDot,
725 DrawLineDash,
726 DrawLineDot,
727 DrawLineGray,
728 DrawLineHollow,
729 DrawLineSolid,
730 DrawLineWidth,
731 DrawHollowEndArrow,
732 DrawEndArrowLength,
733 DrawSolidEndArrow,
734 DrawEndArrowWidth,
735 DrawHollowStartArrow,
736 DrawStartArrowLength,
737 DrawSolidStartArrow,
738 DrawStartArrowWidth,
739 DrawBgFillBlue,
740 DrawBgFillGreen,
741 DrawBgFillRed,
742 DrawBgFillPalette,
743 DrawBgFillGray,
744 DrawFgFillBlue,
745 DrawFgFillGreen,
746 DrawFgFillRed,
747 DrawFgFillPalette,
748 DrawFgFillGray,
749 DrawFillPatIndex,
750 DrawShadow,
751 DrawShadowXOffset,
752 DrawShadowYOffset,
754 // Major.IndexAttr
755 IndexNumber,
756 IndexBold,
757 IndexItalic,
759 // Major.Unicode
760 UnicodeCharBytes,
761 UnicodeChar,
762 UnicodeDestination,
763 UnicodeDualDestination,
764 UnicodeAnsiCodepage