2005-01-12 Geoff Norton <gnorton@customerdna.com>
[mono-project.git] / status / mono-stats
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 use strict;
4 use XML::Parser;
5 #use Data::Dumper;
7 # command line arguments: shell globs for the files containing the info
8 # for the ms assemblyes and mono's
9 my $msglob = shift || 'ms*.xml';
10 my $monoglob = shift || 'mono*.xml';
11 # maintainers file
12 my $mfile = 'maintainers.xml';
13 my $curfile;
15 # positions in array refs
16 use constant MNAME => 0;
17 use constant MASSEMBLY => 1;
18 use constant MCLASS => 2;
20 use constant MAINTAINER => 0;
21 use constant PERCENT => 1;
22 use constant HASH => 2;
23 # we store all the data in some global hash tables
24 # $email => [$name, \%assembly, \%class]
25 my %maintainer;
27 # $name => [$maintainer, $percent, \%classes];
28 my %assembly;
30 # $name => [$maintainer, $percent, \%methods]
31 my %class;
33 # my parsing state machine
34 my @status;
35 # current maintainer, class and assembly pointers
36 my ($curm, $curc, $cura);
37 my $mono = 0;
38 my $namespace = '';
39 my %status_action = (
40 MAINTAINERS => sub {
41 my ($elem, %attrs) = @_;
42 malformed ($mfile, $elem, 'maintainers', \@status);
43 push @status, 'DUDE';
45 DUDE => sub {
46 my ($elem, %attrs) = @_;
47 malformed ($mfile, $elem, 'person', \@status);
48 foreach(qw(email name)) {die "$_ not included in person\n" unless defined $attrs{$_}}
49 $curm = $maintainer{$attrs{email}} = [$attrs{name}, {}, {}];
50 push @status, 'DUDE_CONTENT';
52 DUDE_CONTENT => sub {
53 my ($elem, %attrs) = @_;
54 malformed ($mfile, $elem, 'class|assembly', \@status);
55 if ($elem eq 'class') {
56 $curm->[MCLASS]->{$attrs{name}} = '';
57 } elsif ($elem eq 'assembly') {
58 $curm->[MASSEMBLY]->{$attrs{name}} = '';
60 push @status, 'DUDE_CONTENT';
62 ASSEMBLY => sub {
63 my ($elem, %attrs) = @_;
64 malformed ($curfile, $elem, 'assembly', \@status);
65 $namespace = '';
66 $cura = $assembly{$attrs{name}} = ['', 0, {}];
67 push @status, 'NAMESPACE';
69 NAMESPACE => sub {
70 my ($elem, %attrs) = @_;
71 malformed ($curfile, $elem, 'namespace', \@status);
72 $namespace = $attrs{name};
73 push @status, 'CLASS';
75 CLASS => sub {
76 my ($elem, %attrs) = @_;
77 malformed ($curfile, $elem, 'class|valueType|interface', \@status);
78 if ($elem eq 'class') {
79 my $name = $namespace ? $namespace.".".$attrs{name} : $attrs{name};
80 if ($mono) {
81 warn "mono implements non exisistent class $name\n"
82 if (!exists $class{$name});
83 $curc = $class{$name};
84 } else {
85 $curc = $class{$name} = ['', 0, {}];
87 $cura->[HASH]->{$name} = $mono;
88 push @status, 'METHOD';
89 } else {
90 push @status, 'METHOD';
93 METHOD => sub {
94 my ($elem, %attrs) = @_;
95 malformed ($curfile, $elem, 'method|field|valueType', \@status);
96 if ($elem eq 'method') {
97 my $name = $attrs{signature};
98 if ($mono) {
99 warn "mono implements non exisistent method $name\n"
100 if (!exists $curc->[HASH]->{$name});
102 $curc->[HASH]->{$name} = $mono;
103 push @status, 'METHOD';
104 } else {
105 push @status, 'METHOD';
111 my $parser = new XML::Parser (Handlers => {Start => \&handle_tag, End => \&end_tag});
113 # parse the maintainers info
114 if ($mfile) {
115 @status = 'MAINTAINERS';
116 $parser->parsefile($mfile);
117 #print Dumper(\%maintainer);
120 foreach (glob($msglob)) {
121 $curfile = $_;
122 @status = 'ASSEMBLY';
123 $mono = 0;
124 $parser->parsefile($_);
127 foreach (glob($monoglob)) {
128 $curfile = $_;
129 @status = 'ASSEMBLY';
130 $mono = 1;
131 $parser->parsefile($_);
134 create_stats();
135 create_html();
136 #print Dumper(\%assembly);
137 #print Dumper(\%class);
138 exit(0);
140 sub malformed {
141 my ($file, $elem, $match, $data) = @_;
142 unless ($elem =~ /^$match$/) {
143 $data = Dumper($data) if defined $data;
144 die "file $file malformed ($elem instead of $match) $data\n"
148 sub handle_tag {
149 my $parser = shift @_;
150 my $status = $status[-1];
151 die "status $status unknown" unless exists $status_action{$status};
152 $status_action{$status}->(@_);
155 sub end_tag {
156 my $last = pop @status;
157 # print STDERR "done with $last\n";
160 sub assign_maintainer {
161 my ($m, $from, $to, $type) = @_;
162 foreach (keys %$from) {
163 if (!exists $to->{$_}) {
164 warn "$m maintains unknown $type $_\n";
165 # fixup to avoid warnings
166 $to->{$_}->[MAINTAINER] = $m;
167 $to->{$_}->[PERCENT] = 0;
168 $to->{$_}->[HASH] = {};
169 } else {
170 warn "$to->{$_}->[MAINTAINER] already maintains $_ (now $m)\n" if $to->{$_}->[MAINTAINER];
171 $to->{$_}->[MAINTAINER] = $m;
176 sub completeness {
177 my $hash = shift @_;
178 my $total = keys %$hash;
179 my $done = 0;
180 map {$done += $_} values %$hash;
181 return 0 unless $total;
182 return int($done*100/$total);
185 sub create_stats {
186 # set maintainer field in assembly and class hashes
187 foreach my $m (sort keys %maintainer) {
188 assign_maintainer ($m, $maintainer{$m}->[MASSEMBLY], \%assembly, 'assembly');
189 assign_maintainer ($m, $maintainer{$m}->[MCLASS], \%class, 'class');
191 # assign completeness percent
192 foreach my $ass (values %assembly) {
193 $ass->[PERCENT] = completeness ($ass->[HASH]);
195 foreach my $class (values %class) {
196 $class->[PERCENT] = completeness ($class->[HASH]);
200 sub html_header {
201 my ($title) = @_;
202 return <<"EOF";
203 <html><head><title>$title</title></head><body bgcolor="#ffffff">
204 <h1 ALIGN=center>$title</H1>
209 sub unimplemented ($) {
210 my ($c) = @_;
211 my $id = $c;
212 $id =~ tr/./-/;
213 return "<A HREF='per-unimplemented.html#$id'>$c</A>";
216 sub create_html {
218 open(F, ">per-assembly.html") || die "Cannot open file: $!";
219 print F html_header("Mono - per-assembly stats");
220 print F "<TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TH>Assembly<TH>Maintainer<TH>Completion\n";
221 foreach my $ass (sort keys %assembly) {
222 print F "\t<TR><TD>", join('<TD>', $ass, $assembly{$ass}->[MAINTAINER], $assembly{$ass}->[PERCENT]), "\n";
224 print F "</TABLE>\n";
225 print F "</body></html>\n";
226 close(F);
228 # per maintainer info
229 open(F, ">per-maintainer.html") || die "Cannot open file: $!";
230 print F html_header("Mono - per-maintainer stats");
231 print F "<TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TH>Maintainer<TH>Class<TH>Completion\n";
232 foreach my $m (sort keys %maintainer) {
233 my @classes = sort keys %{$maintainer{$m}->[MCLASS]};
234 my $count = @classes;
235 foreach my $c (@classes) {
236 my $start = $count?"\t<TR><TD ROWSPAN=$count>$m<TD>":"\t<TR><TD>";
237 $count = 0;
238 print F $start, join('<TD>', $c, $class{$c}->[PERCENT]), "\n";
241 my @unmantained = sort grep {!$class{$_}->[MAINTAINER]} keys %class;
242 my $count = @unmantained;
243 foreach my $c (@unmantained) {
244 my $start = $count?"\t<TR><TD ROWSPAN=$count>Unmantained<TD>":"\t<TR><TD>";
245 $count = 0;
246 print F $start, join('<TD>', $c, $class{$c}->[PERCENT]), "\n";
248 print F "</TABLE>\n";
249 print F "</body></html>\n";
250 close(F);
252 # per-completion info
253 open(F, ">per-completion.html") || die "Cannot open file: $!";
254 print F html_header("Mono - per-completion stats");
255 print F "<TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TH>Completion<TH>Class<TH>Maintainer\n";
256 foreach my $c (sort {$class{$b}->[PERCENT] <=> $class{$a}->[PERCENT]} keys %class) {
257 print F "\t<TR><TD>", join('<TD>', $class{$c}->[PERCENT], unimplemented($c), $class{$c}->[MAINTAINER]), "\n";
259 print F "</TABLE>\n";
260 print F "</body></html>\n";
261 close(F);
263 # unimplemented methods
264 # FIXME: this can create a very big file, split on assembly name
265 # and fix also the unimplemented() sub
266 open(F, ">per-unimplemented.html") || die "Cannot open file: $!";
267 print F html_header("Mono - unimplemented methods stats");
268 print F "<TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TH>Class<TH>Method\n";
269 foreach my $c (sort grep {$class{$_}->[PERCENT] != 100} keys %class) {
270 my @methods = sort grep {!$class{$c}->[HASH]->{$_}} keys %{$class{$c}->[HASH]};
271 my $count = @methods;
272 my $aname = '';
273 if ($count) {
274 my $id = $c;
275 $id =~ tr/./-/;
276 $aname = "<A NAME='$id'></A>";
278 foreach my $m (@methods) {
279 my $start = $count?"\t<TR><TD ROWSPAN=$count>$aname$c<TD>":"\t<TR><TD>";
280 $count = 0;
281 print F $start, join('<TD>', $m), "\n";
284 print F "</TABLE>\n";
285 print F "</body></html>\n";
286 close(F);