2007-05-03 Chris Toshok <toshok@ximian.com>
[mono-project.git] / mcs / class / Managed.Windows.Forms / System.Windows.Forms / ComboBox.cs
1 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
2 // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
3 // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
4 // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
5 // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
6 // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
7 // the following conditions:
8 //
9 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
10 // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
20 // Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Novell, Inc.
22 // Authors:
23 // Jordi Mas i Hernandez, jordi@ximian.com
24 // Mike Kestner <mkestner@novell.com>
25 // Daniel Nauck (dna(at)mono-project(dot)de)
27 using System;
28 using System.Collections;
29 using System.ComponentModel;
30 using System.ComponentModel.Design;
31 using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
32 using System.Drawing;
33 using System.Globalization;
34 using System.Reflection;
35 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
37 namespace System.Windows.Forms
39 [DefaultProperty("Items")]
40 [DefaultEvent("SelectedIndexChanged")]
41 [Designer ("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ComboBoxDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner")]
42 #if NET_2_0
43 [DefaultBindingProperty ("Text")]
44 [ClassInterface (ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch)]
45 [ComVisible(true)]
46 #endif
47 public class ComboBox : ListControl
49 private DrawMode draw_mode = DrawMode.Normal;
50 private ComboBoxStyle dropdown_style;
51 private int dropdown_width = -1;
52 private int selected_index = -1;
53 private ObjectCollection items;
54 private bool suspend_ctrlupdate;
55 private int maxdrop_items = 8;
56 private bool integral_height = true;
57 private bool sorted;
58 private int max_length;
59 private ComboListBox listbox_ctrl;
60 private ComboTextBox textbox_ctrl;
61 private bool process_textchanged_event = true;
62 private bool item_height_specified;
63 private int item_height;
64 private int requested_height = -1;
65 private Hashtable item_heights;
66 private bool show_dropdown_button;
67 private ButtonState button_state = ButtonState.Normal;
68 private bool dropped_down;
69 private Rectangle text_area;
70 private Rectangle button_area;
71 private Rectangle listbox_area;
72 private const int button_width = 16;
73 #if NET_2_0
74 private AutoCompleteStringCollection auto_complete_custom_source = null;
75 private AutoCompleteMode auto_complete_mode = AutoCompleteMode.None;
76 private AutoCompleteSource auto_complete_source = AutoCompleteSource.None;
77 private int drop_down_height;
78 private FlatStyle flat_style;
79 #endif
81 [ComVisible(true)]
82 public class ChildAccessibleObject : AccessibleObject {
84 public ChildAccessibleObject (ComboBox owner, IntPtr handle)
85 : base (owner)
89 public override string Name {
90 get {
91 return base.Name;
96 public ComboBox ()
98 items = new ObjectCollection (this);
99 DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown;
100 item_height = FontHeight + 2;
101 BackColor = ThemeEngine.Current.ColorWindow;
102 border_style = BorderStyle.None;
104 #if NET_2_0
105 drop_down_height = 106;
106 flat_style = FlatStyle.Standard;
107 #endif
109 /* Events */
110 MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler (OnMouseDownCB);
111 MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler (OnMouseUpCB);
112 MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler (OnMouseMoveCB);
113 MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler (OnMouseWheelCB);
114 KeyDown +=new KeyEventHandler(OnKeyDownCB);
117 #region events
119 [Browsable (false)]
120 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
121 public new event EventHandler BackgroundImageChanged {
122 add { base.BackgroundImageChanged += value; }
123 remove { base.BackgroundImageChanged -= value; }
126 #if NET_2_0
128 [Browsable (false)]
129 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
130 public new event EventHandler BackgroundImageLayoutChanged
132 add { base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged += value; }
133 remove { base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged -= value; }
136 [Browsable (false)]
137 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
138 public new event EventHandler DoubleClick
140 add { base.DoubleClick += value; }
141 remove { base.DoubleClick -= value; }
143 #endif
145 static object DrawItemEvent = new object ();
146 static object DropDownEvent = new object ();
147 static object DropDownStyleChangedEvent = new object ();
148 static object MeasureItemEvent = new object ();
149 static object SelectedIndexChangedEvent = new object ();
150 static object SelectionChangeCommittedEvent = new object ();
151 #if NET_2_0
152 static object DropDownClosedEvent = new object ();
153 static object TextUpdateEvent = new object ();
154 #endif
156 public event DrawItemEventHandler DrawItem {
157 add { Events.AddHandler (DrawItemEvent, value); }
158 remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DrawItemEvent, value); }
161 public event EventHandler DropDown {
162 add { Events.AddHandler (DropDownEvent, value); }
163 remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DropDownEvent, value); }
165 #if NET_2_0
166 public event EventHandler DropDownClosed
168 add { Events.AddHandler (DropDownClosedEvent, value); }
169 remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DropDownClosedEvent, value); }
171 #endif
173 public event EventHandler DropDownStyleChanged {
174 add { Events.AddHandler (DropDownStyleChangedEvent, value); }
175 remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DropDownStyleChangedEvent, value); }
178 public event MeasureItemEventHandler MeasureItem {
179 add { Events.AddHandler (MeasureItemEvent, value); }
180 remove { Events.RemoveHandler (MeasureItemEvent, value); }
182 #if NET_2_0
183 [Browsable (false)]
184 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
185 public new event EventHandler PaddingChanged
187 add { base.PaddingChanged += value; }
188 remove { base.PaddingChanged -= value; }
190 #endif
192 [Browsable (false)]
193 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
194 public new event PaintEventHandler Paint {
195 add { base.Paint += value; }
196 remove { base.Paint -= value; }
199 public event EventHandler SelectedIndexChanged {
200 add { Events.AddHandler (SelectedIndexChangedEvent, value); }
201 remove { Events.RemoveHandler (SelectedIndexChangedEvent, value); }
204 public event EventHandler SelectionChangeCommitted {
205 add { Events.AddHandler (SelectionChangeCommittedEvent, value); }
206 remove { Events.RemoveHandler (SelectionChangeCommittedEvent, value); }
208 #if NET_2_0
209 public event EventHandler TextUpdate
211 add { Events.AddHandler (TextUpdateEvent, value); }
212 remove { Events.RemoveHandler (TextUpdateEvent, value); }
214 #endif
216 #endregion Events
218 #region Public Properties
219 #if NET_2_0
220 [MonoTODO("AutoCompletion algorithm is currently not implemented.")]
221 [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
222 [Browsable (true)]
223 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Always)]
224 [Localizable (true)]
225 [Editor ("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ListControlStringCollectionEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design,
226 "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
227 public AutoCompleteStringCollection AutoCompleteCustomSource {
228 get {
229 if(auto_complete_custom_source == null) {
230 auto_complete_custom_source = new AutoCompleteStringCollection ();
231 auto_complete_custom_source.CollectionChanged += new CollectionChangeEventHandler (OnAutoCompleteCustomSourceChanged);
233 return auto_complete_custom_source;
235 set {
236 if(auto_complete_custom_source == value)
237 return;
239 if(auto_complete_custom_source != null) //remove eventhandler from old collection
240 auto_complete_custom_source.CollectionChanged -= new CollectionChangeEventHandler (OnAutoCompleteCustomSourceChanged);
242 auto_complete_custom_source = value;
244 if(auto_complete_custom_source != null)
245 auto_complete_custom_source.CollectionChanged += new CollectionChangeEventHandler (OnAutoCompleteCustomSourceChanged);
249 [MonoTODO("AutoCompletion algorithm is currently not implemented.")]
250 [Browsable (true)]
251 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Always)]
252 [DefaultValue (AutoCompleteMode.None)]
253 public AutoCompleteMode AutoCompleteMode {
254 get { return auto_complete_mode; }
255 set {
256 if(auto_complete_mode == value)
257 return;
259 if((value < AutoCompleteMode.None) || (value > AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend))
260 throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (Locale.GetText ("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for AutoCompleteMode", value));
262 auto_complete_mode = value;
266 [MonoTODO("AutoCompletion algorithm is currently not implemented.")]
267 [Browsable (true)]
268 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Always)]
269 [DefaultValue (AutoCompleteSource.None)]
270 public AutoCompleteSource AutoCompleteSource {
271 get { return auto_complete_source; }
272 set {
273 if(auto_complete_source == value)
274 return;
276 if(!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (AutoCompleteSource), value))
277 throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (Locale.GetText ("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for AutoCompleteSource", value));
279 auto_complete_source = value;
282 #endif
283 public override Color BackColor {
284 get { return base.BackColor; }
285 set {
286 if (base.BackColor == value)
287 return;
288 base.BackColor = value;
289 Refresh ();
293 [Browsable (false)]
294 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
295 public override Image BackgroundImage {
296 get { return base.BackgroundImage; }
297 set {
298 if (base.BackgroundImage == value)
299 return;
300 base.BackgroundImage = value;
301 Refresh ();
305 #if NET_2_0
306 [Browsable (false)]
307 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
308 public override ImageLayout BackgroundImageLayout {
309 get { return base.BackgroundImageLayout; }
310 set { base.BackgroundImageLayout = value; }
312 #endif
314 protected override CreateParams CreateParams {
315 get { return base.CreateParams;}
318 #if NET_2_0
319 [DefaultValue ((string)null)]
320 [AttributeProvider (typeof (IListSource))]
321 [RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.Repaint)]
322 public new object DataSource {
323 get { return base.DataSource; }
324 set { base.DataSource = value; }
326 #endif
328 protected override Size DefaultSize {
329 get { return new Size (121, 21); }
332 [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.Repaint)]
333 [DefaultValue (DrawMode.Normal)]
334 public DrawMode DrawMode {
335 get { return draw_mode; }
336 set {
337 if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (DrawMode), value))
338 throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for DrawMode", value));
340 if (draw_mode == value)
341 return;
343 if (draw_mode == DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable)
344 item_heights = null;
345 draw_mode = value;
346 if (draw_mode == DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable)
347 item_heights = new Hashtable ();
348 Refresh ();
352 #if NET_2_0
353 [Browsable (true)]
354 [DefaultValue (106)]
355 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Always)]
356 public int DropDownHeight {
357 get {
358 return drop_down_height;
360 set {
361 if (value < 1)
362 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("DropDownHeight", "DropDownHeight must be greater than 0.");
364 drop_down_height = value;
365 IntegralHeight = false;
368 #endif
370 [DefaultValue (ComboBoxStyle.DropDown)]
371 [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.Repaint)]
372 public ComboBoxStyle DropDownStyle {
373 get { return dropdown_style; }
374 set {
375 if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (ComboBoxStyle), value))
376 throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for ComboBoxStyle", value));
378 if (dropdown_style == value)
379 return;
381 SuspendLayout ();
383 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.Simple) {
384 if (listbox_ctrl != null) {
385 Controls.RemoveImplicit (listbox_ctrl);
386 listbox_ctrl.Dispose ();
387 listbox_ctrl = null;
391 dropdown_style = value;
393 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList && textbox_ctrl != null) {
394 Controls.RemoveImplicit (textbox_ctrl);
395 textbox_ctrl.Dispose ();
396 textbox_ctrl = null;
399 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.Simple) {
400 show_dropdown_button = false;
402 CreateComboListBox ();
404 if (IsHandleCreated) {
405 Controls.AddImplicit (listbox_ctrl);
406 listbox_ctrl.Visible = true;
408 } else {
409 show_dropdown_button = true;
410 button_state = ButtonState.Normal;
413 if (dropdown_style != ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList && textbox_ctrl == null) {
414 textbox_ctrl = new ComboTextBox (this);
415 object selected_item = SelectedItem;
416 if (selected_item != null)
417 textbox_ctrl.Text = GetItemText (selected_item);
418 textbox_ctrl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
419 textbox_ctrl.TextChanged += new EventHandler (OnTextChangedEdit);
420 textbox_ctrl.Click += new EventHandler (OnTextBoxClick);
421 textbox_ctrl.ContextMenu = ContextMenu;
423 if (IsHandleCreated == true)
424 Controls.AddImplicit (textbox_ctrl);
427 ResumeLayout ();
428 OnDropDownStyleChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
430 LayoutComboBox ();
431 UpdateComboBoxBounds ();
432 Refresh ();
436 public int DropDownWidth {
437 get {
438 if (dropdown_width == -1)
439 return Width;
441 return dropdown_width;
443 set {
444 if (dropdown_width == value)
445 return;
447 if (value < 1)
448 #if NET_2_0
449 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("DropDownWidth",
450 "The DropDownWidth value is less than one.");
451 #else
452 throw new ArgumentException ("The DropDownWidth value is less than one.");
453 #endif
455 dropdown_width = value;
459 [Browsable (false)]
460 [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
461 public bool DroppedDown {
462 get {
463 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
464 return true;
466 return dropped_down;
468 set {
469 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.Simple || dropped_down == value)
470 return;
472 if (value)
473 DropDownListBox ();
474 else
475 listbox_ctrl.Hide ();
479 #if NET_2_0
480 [DefaultValue (FlatStyle.Standard)]
481 [Localizable (true)]
482 public FlatStyle FlatStyle {
483 get { return flat_style; }
484 set {
485 if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (FlatStyle), value))
486 throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException ("FlatStyle", (int) value, typeof (FlatStyle));
488 flat_style = value;
489 LayoutComboBox ();
490 Invalidate ();
493 #endif
495 public override bool Focused {
496 get { return base.Focused; }
499 public override Color ForeColor {
500 get { return base.ForeColor; }
501 set {
502 if (base.ForeColor == value)
503 return;
504 base.ForeColor = value;
505 Refresh ();
509 [DefaultValue (true)]
510 [Localizable (true)]
511 public bool IntegralHeight {
512 get { return integral_height; }
513 set {
514 if (integral_height == value)
515 return;
516 integral_height = value;
517 UpdateComboBoxBounds ();
518 Refresh ();
522 [Localizable (true)]
523 public int ItemHeight {
524 get {
525 if (item_height == -1) {
526 SizeF sz = DeviceContext.MeasureString ("The quick brown Fox", Font);
527 item_height = (int) sz.Height;
529 return item_height;
531 set {
532 if (value < 1)
533 #if NET_2_0
534 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("ItemHeight",
535 "The item height value is less than one.");
536 #else
537 throw new ArgumentException ("The item height value is less than one.");
538 #endif
540 item_height_specified = true;
541 item_height = value;
542 if (IntegralHeight)
543 UpdateComboBoxBounds ();
544 LayoutComboBox ();
545 Refresh ();
549 [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
550 [Localizable (true)]
551 [Editor ("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ListControlStringCollectionEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof (System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]
552 #if NET_2_0
553 [MergableProperty (false)]
554 #endif
555 public ComboBox.ObjectCollection Items {
556 get { return items; }
559 [DefaultValue (8)]
560 [Localizable (true)]
561 public int MaxDropDownItems {
562 get { return maxdrop_items; }
563 set {
564 if (maxdrop_items == value)
565 return;
566 maxdrop_items = value;
570 #if NET_2_0
571 public override Size MaximumSize {
572 get { return base.MaximumSize; }
573 set {
574 base.MaximumSize = new Size (value.Width, 0);
577 #endif
579 [DefaultValue (0)]
580 [Localizable (true)]
581 public int MaxLength {
582 get { return max_length; }
583 set {
584 if (max_length == value)
585 return;
587 max_length = value;
589 if (dropdown_style != ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList) {
590 if (value < 0) {
591 value = 0;
593 textbox_ctrl.MaxLength = value;
598 #if NET_2_0
599 public override Size MinimumSize {
600 get { return base.MinimumSize; }
601 set {
602 base.MinimumSize = new Size (value.Width, 0);
606 [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
607 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
608 [Browsable (false)]
609 public new Padding Padding {
610 get { return base.Padding; }
611 set { base.Padding = value; }
613 #endif
615 [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
616 [Browsable (false)]
617 public int PreferredHeight {
618 get {
619 return ItemHeight + 6;
623 [Browsable (false)]
624 [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
625 public override int SelectedIndex {
626 get { return selected_index; }
627 set {
628 if (selected_index == value)
629 return;
631 if (value <= -2 || value >= Items.Count)
632 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("SelectedIndex");
633 selected_index = value;
635 if (dropdown_style != ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList) {
636 if (value == -1)
637 SetControlText("");
638 else
639 SetControlText (GetItemText (Items [value]));
642 if (DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
643 Invalidate ();
645 if (listbox_ctrl != null)
646 listbox_ctrl.HighlightedIndex = value;
648 OnSelectedValueChanged (new EventArgs ());
649 OnSelectedIndexChanged (new EventArgs ());
650 OnSelectedItemChanged (new EventArgs ());
654 [Browsable (false)]
655 [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
656 [Bindable(true)]
657 public object SelectedItem {
658 get { return selected_index == -1 ? null : Items [selected_index]; }
659 set {
660 object item = selected_index == -1 ? null : Items [selected_index];
661 if (item == value)
662 return;
663 SelectedIndex = Items.IndexOf (value);
667 [Browsable (false)]
668 [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
669 public string SelectedText {
670 get {
671 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
672 return "";
674 return textbox_ctrl.SelectedText;
676 set {
677 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
678 return;
679 textbox_ctrl.SelectedText = value;
683 [Browsable (false)]
684 [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
685 public int SelectionLength {
686 get {
687 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
688 return 0;
690 int result = textbox_ctrl.SelectionLength;
691 return result == -1 ? 0 : result;
693 set {
694 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
695 return;
696 if (textbox_ctrl.SelectionLength == value)
697 return;
698 textbox_ctrl.SelectionLength = value;
702 [Browsable (false)]
703 [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
704 public int SelectionStart {
705 get {
706 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
707 return 0;
708 return textbox_ctrl.SelectionStart;
710 set {
711 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
712 return;
713 if (textbox_ctrl.SelectionStart == value)
714 return;
715 textbox_ctrl.SelectionStart = value;
719 [DefaultValue (false)]
720 public bool Sorted {
721 get { return sorted; }
722 set {
723 if (sorted == value)
724 return;
725 sorted = value;
726 SelectedIndex = -1;
727 if (sorted) {
728 Items.Sort ();
729 LayoutComboBox ();
734 [Bindable (true)]
735 [Localizable (true)]
736 public override string Text {
737 get {
738 if (dropdown_style != ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList) {
739 if (textbox_ctrl != null) {
740 return textbox_ctrl.Text;
744 if (SelectedItem != null)
745 return GetItemText (SelectedItem);
747 return base.Text;
749 set {
750 if (value == null) {
751 if (SelectedIndex == -1) {
752 if (dropdown_style != ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
753 SetControlText ("");
754 } else {
755 SelectedIndex = -1;
757 return;
760 // do nothing if value exactly matches text of selected item
761 if (SelectedItem != null && string.Compare (value, GetItemText (SelectedItem), false, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) == 0)
762 return;
764 // find exact match using case-sensitive comparison, and if does
765 // not result in any match then use case-insensitive comparison
766 int index = FindStringExact (value, -1, false);
767 if (index == -1) {
768 index = FindStringExact (value, -1, true);
770 if (index != -1) {
771 SelectedIndex = index;
772 return;
775 if (dropdown_style != ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
776 textbox_ctrl.Text = GetItemText (value);
780 #endregion Public Properties
782 #region Public Methods
783 #if NET_2_0
784 [Obsolete ("This method has been deprecated")]
785 #endif
786 protected virtual void AddItemsCore (object[] value)
791 public void BeginUpdate ()
793 suspend_ctrlupdate = true;
796 #if NET_2_0
797 protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance ()
799 return base.CreateAccessibilityInstance ();
802 protected override void CreateHandle ()
804 base.CreateHandle ();
806 #endif
808 protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
810 if (disposing) {
811 if (listbox_ctrl != null) {
812 listbox_ctrl.Dispose ();
813 Controls.RemoveImplicit (listbox_ctrl);
814 listbox_ctrl = null;
817 if (textbox_ctrl != null) {
818 Controls.RemoveImplicit (textbox_ctrl);
819 textbox_ctrl.Dispose ();
820 textbox_ctrl = null;
824 base.Dispose (disposing);
827 public void EndUpdate ()
829 suspend_ctrlupdate = false;
830 UpdatedItems ();
831 Refresh ();
834 public int FindString (string s)
836 return FindString (s, -1);
839 public int FindString (string s, int startIndex)
841 if (s == null || Items.Count == 0)
842 return -1;
844 #if NET_2_0
845 if (startIndex < -1 || startIndex >= Items.Count)
846 #else
847 if (startIndex < -1 || startIndex >= Items.Count - 1)
848 #endif
849 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("startIndex");
851 int i = startIndex;
852 #if NET_2_0
853 if (i == (Items.Count - 1))
854 i = -1;
855 #endif
856 do {
857 i++;
858 if (string.Compare (s, 0, GetItemText (Items [i]), 0, s.Length, true) == 0)
859 return i;
860 if (i == (Items.Count - 1))
861 i = -1;
862 } while (i != startIndex);
864 return -1;
867 public int FindStringExact (string s)
869 return FindStringExact (s, -1);
872 public int FindStringExact (string s, int startIndex)
874 return FindStringExact (s, startIndex, true);
877 private int FindStringExact (string s, int startIndex, bool ignoreCase)
879 if (s == null || Items.Count == 0)
880 return -1;
882 #if NET_2_0
883 if (startIndex < -1 || startIndex >= Items.Count)
884 #else
885 if (startIndex < -1 || startIndex >= Items.Count - 1)
886 #endif
887 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("startIndex");
889 int i = startIndex;
890 #if NET_2_0
891 if (i == (Items.Count - 1))
892 i = -1;
893 #endif
894 do {
895 i++;
896 if (string.Compare (s, GetItemText (Items [i]), ignoreCase, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) == 0)
897 return i;
898 if (i == (Items.Count - 1))
899 i = -1;
900 } while (i != startIndex);
902 return -1;
905 public int GetItemHeight (int index)
907 if (DrawMode == DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable && IsHandleCreated) {
909 if (index < 0 || index >= Items.Count )
910 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("The item height value is less than zero");
912 object item = Items [index];
913 if (item_heights.Contains (item))
914 return (int) item_heights [item];
916 MeasureItemEventArgs args = new MeasureItemEventArgs (DeviceContext, index, ItemHeight);
917 OnMeasureItem (args);
918 item_heights [item] = args.ItemHeight;
919 return args.ItemHeight;
922 return ItemHeight;
925 protected override bool IsInputKey (Keys keyData)
927 switch (keyData & ~Keys.Modifiers) {
928 case Keys.Up:
929 case Keys.Down:
930 case Keys.Left:
931 case Keys.Right:
932 case Keys.PageUp:
933 case Keys.PageDown:
934 case Keys.Home:
935 case Keys.End:
936 return true;
938 default:
939 return false;
943 protected override void OnBackColorChanged (EventArgs e)
945 base.OnBackColorChanged (e);
947 if (textbox_ctrl != null)
948 textbox_ctrl.BackColor = BackColor;
951 protected override void OnDataSourceChanged (EventArgs e)
953 base.OnDataSourceChanged (e);
954 BindDataItems ();
956 if (DataSource == null || DataManager == null) {
957 SelectedIndex = -1;
959 else {
960 SelectedIndex = DataManager.Position;
964 protected override void OnDisplayMemberChanged (EventArgs e)
966 base.OnDisplayMemberChanged (e);
968 if (DataManager == null || !IsHandleCreated)
969 return;
971 BindDataItems ();
972 SelectedIndex = DataManager.Position;
975 protected virtual void OnDrawItem (DrawItemEventArgs e)
977 switch (DrawMode) {
978 case DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed:
979 case DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable:
980 DrawItemEventHandler eh = (DrawItemEventHandler)(Events [DrawItemEvent]);
981 if (eh != null)
982 eh (this, e);
983 break;
984 default:
985 ThemeEngine.Current.DrawComboBoxItem (this, e);
986 break;
990 protected virtual void OnDropDown (EventArgs e)
992 EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [DropDownEvent]);
993 if (eh != null)
994 eh (this, e);
997 #if NET_2_0
998 protected virtual void OnDropDownClosed (EventArgs e)
1000 EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) Events [DropDownClosedEvent];
1001 if (eh != null)
1002 eh (this, e);
1004 #endif
1006 protected virtual void OnDropDownStyleChanged (EventArgs e)
1008 EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [DropDownStyleChangedEvent]);
1009 if (eh != null)
1010 eh (this, e);
1013 protected override void OnFontChanged (EventArgs e)
1015 base.OnFontChanged (e);
1017 if (textbox_ctrl != null)
1018 textbox_ctrl.Font = Font;
1020 if (!item_height_specified) {
1021 SizeF sz = DeviceContext.MeasureString ("The quick brown Fox", Font);
1022 item_height = (int) sz.Height;
1025 if (IntegralHeight)
1026 UpdateComboBoxBounds ();
1028 LayoutComboBox ();
1031 protected override void OnForeColorChanged (EventArgs e)
1033 base.OnForeColorChanged (e);
1034 if (textbox_ctrl != null)
1035 textbox_ctrl.ForeColor = ForeColor;
1038 [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
1039 protected override void OnGotFocus (EventArgs e)
1041 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList) {
1042 // We draw DDL styles manually, so they require a
1043 // refresh to have their selection drawn
1044 Invalidate ();
1047 if (textbox_ctrl != null) {
1048 textbox_ctrl.SetSelectable (false);
1049 textbox_ctrl.ShowSelection = true;
1050 textbox_ctrl.ActivateCaret (true);
1051 textbox_ctrl.SelectAll ();
1054 base.OnGotFocus (e);
1057 [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
1058 protected override void OnLostFocus (EventArgs e)
1060 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList) {
1061 // We draw DDL styles manually, so they require a
1062 // refresh to have their selection drawn
1063 Invalidate ();
1066 if (listbox_ctrl != null && dropped_down) {
1067 listbox_ctrl.HideWindow ();
1070 if (textbox_ctrl != null) {
1071 textbox_ctrl.SetSelectable (true);
1072 textbox_ctrl.ActivateCaret (false);
1073 textbox_ctrl.ShowSelection = false;
1076 base.OnLostFocus (e);
1079 protected override void OnHandleCreated (EventArgs e)
1081 base.OnHandleCreated (e);
1083 if (listbox_ctrl != null) {
1084 Controls.AddImplicit (listbox_ctrl);
1085 listbox_ctrl.Visible = true;
1088 if (textbox_ctrl != null)
1089 Controls.AddImplicit (textbox_ctrl);
1091 LayoutComboBox ();
1094 protected override void OnHandleDestroyed (EventArgs e)
1096 base.OnHandleDestroyed (e);
1099 protected override void OnKeyPress (KeyPressEventArgs e)
1101 // int index = FindStringCaseInsensitive (e.KeyChar.ToString (), SelectedIndex);
1102 //if (index != -1)
1103 // SelectedIndex = index;
1105 base.OnKeyPress (e);
1108 protected virtual void OnMeasureItem (MeasureItemEventArgs e)
1110 MeasureItemEventHandler eh = (MeasureItemEventHandler)(Events [MeasureItemEvent]);
1111 if (eh != null)
1112 eh (this, e);
1115 protected override void OnParentBackColorChanged (EventArgs e)
1117 base.OnParentBackColorChanged (e);
1120 protected override void OnResize (EventArgs e)
1122 LayoutComboBox ();
1123 if (listbox_ctrl != null)
1124 listbox_ctrl.CalcListBoxArea ();
1127 protected override void OnSelectedIndexChanged (EventArgs e)
1129 base.OnSelectedIndexChanged (e);
1131 EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [SelectedIndexChangedEvent]);
1132 if (eh != null)
1133 eh (this, e);
1136 protected virtual void OnSelectedItemChanged (EventArgs e)
1140 protected override void OnSelectedValueChanged (EventArgs e)
1142 base.OnSelectedValueChanged (e);
1145 protected virtual void OnSelectionChangeCommitted (EventArgs e)
1147 EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [SelectionChangeCommittedEvent]);
1148 if (eh != null)
1149 eh (this, e);
1152 protected override void RefreshItem (int index)
1154 if (index < 0 || index >= Items.Count)
1155 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index");
1157 if (draw_mode == DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable)
1158 item_heights.Remove (Items [index]);
1161 #if NET_2_0
1162 public override void ResetText ()
1164 Text = String.Empty;
1167 protected override bool ProcessKeyEventArgs (ref Message m)
1169 return base.ProcessKeyEventArgs (ref m);
1172 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
1173 protected override void OnKeyDown (KeyEventArgs e)
1175 base.OnKeyDown (e);
1178 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
1179 protected override void OnValidating (CancelEventArgs e)
1181 base.OnValidating (e);
1184 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
1185 protected override void OnTextChanged (EventArgs e)
1187 base.OnTextChanged (e);
1190 #if NET_2_0
1191 protected virtual void OnTextUpdate (EventArgs e)
1193 EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) Events [TextUpdateEvent];
1194 if (eh != null)
1195 eh (this, e);
1197 #endif
1198 protected override void OnMouseLeave (EventArgs e)
1200 #if NET_2_0
1201 if (flat_style == FlatStyle.Popup)
1202 Invalidate ();
1203 #endif
1204 base.OnMouseLeave (e);
1207 protected override void OnMouseEnter (EventArgs e)
1209 #if NET_2_0
1210 if (flat_style == FlatStyle.Popup)
1211 Invalidate ();
1212 #endif
1213 base.OnMouseEnter (e);
1215 #endif
1217 public void Select (int start, int length)
1219 if (start < 0)
1220 throw new ArgumentException ("Start cannot be less than zero");
1222 if (length < 0)
1223 throw new ArgumentException ("length cannot be less than zero");
1225 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
1226 return;
1228 textbox_ctrl.Select (start, length);
1231 public void SelectAll ()
1233 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
1234 return;
1236 if (textbox_ctrl != null) {
1237 textbox_ctrl.ShowSelection = true;
1238 textbox_ctrl.SelectAll ();
1242 protected override void SetBoundsCore (int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified)
1244 if ((specified & BoundsSpecified.Height) != 0) {
1245 requested_height = height;
1247 if (DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple && height > PreferredHeight) {
1248 if (IntegralHeight) {
1249 int border = ThemeEngine.Current.Border3DSize.Height;
1250 int lb_height = height - PreferredHeight - 2;
1251 if (lb_height - 2 * border > ItemHeight) {
1252 int partial = (lb_height - 2 * border) % ItemHeight;
1253 height -= partial;
1254 } else
1255 height = PreferredHeight;
1257 } else
1258 height = PreferredHeight;
1261 base.SetBoundsCore (x, y, width, height, specified);
1264 protected override void SetItemCore (int index, object value)
1266 if (index < 0 || index >= Items.Count)
1267 return;
1269 Items[index] = value;
1272 protected override void SetItemsCore (IList value)
1274 BeginUpdate ();
1275 try {
1276 Items.Clear ();
1277 Items.AddRange (value);
1278 } finally {
1279 EndUpdate ();
1283 public override string ToString ()
1285 return base.ToString () + ", Items.Count:" + Items.Count;
1288 protected override void WndProc (ref Message m)
1290 switch ((Msg) m.Msg) {
1291 case Msg.WM_KEYUP:
1292 case Msg.WM_KEYDOWN:
1293 Keys keys = (Keys) m.WParam.ToInt32 ();
1294 if (keys == Keys.Up || keys == Keys.Down)
1295 break;
1296 goto case Msg.WM_CHAR;
1297 case Msg.WM_CHAR:
1298 if (textbox_ctrl != null)
1299 XplatUI.SendMessage (textbox_ctrl.Handle, (Msg) m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam);
1300 break;
1301 case Msg.WM_MOUSELEAVE:
1302 Point location = PointToClient (Control.MousePosition);
1303 if (ClientRectangle.Contains (location))
1304 return;
1305 break;
1306 default:
1307 break;
1309 base.WndProc (ref m);
1312 #endregion Public Methods
1314 #region Private Methods
1315 #if NET_2_0
1316 void OnAutoCompleteCustomSourceChanged(object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e) {
1317 if(auto_complete_source == AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource) {
1318 //FIXME: handle add, remove and refresh events in AutoComplete algorithm.
1321 #endif
1323 internal override bool InternalCapture {
1324 get { return Capture; }
1325 set {}
1328 void LayoutComboBox ()
1330 int border = ThemeEngine.Current.Border3DSize.Width;
1332 text_area = ClientRectangle;
1333 text_area.Height = PreferredHeight;
1335 listbox_area = ClientRectangle;
1336 listbox_area.Y = text_area.Bottom + 3;
1337 listbox_area.Height -= (text_area.Height + 2);
1339 Rectangle prev_button_area = button_area;
1341 if (DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
1342 button_area = Rectangle.Empty;
1343 else {
1344 button_area = text_area;
1345 button_area.X = text_area.Right - button_width - border;
1346 button_area.Y = text_area.Y + border;
1347 button_area.Width = button_width;
1348 button_area.Height = text_area.Height - 2 * border;
1349 #if NET_2_0
1350 if (flat_style == FlatStyle.Popup || flat_style == FlatStyle.Flat) {
1351 button_area.Inflate (1, 1);
1352 button_area.X += 2;
1353 button_area.Width -= 2;
1355 #endif
1358 if (button_area != prev_button_area) {
1359 prev_button_area.Y -= border;
1360 prev_button_area.Width += border;
1361 prev_button_area.Height += 2 * border;
1362 Invalidate (prev_button_area);
1363 Invalidate (button_area);
1366 if (textbox_ctrl != null) {
1367 int text_border = border + 1;
1368 textbox_ctrl.Location = new Point (text_area.X + text_border, text_area.Y + text_border);
1369 textbox_ctrl.Width = text_area.Width - button_area.Width - text_border * 2;
1370 textbox_ctrl.Height = text_area.Height - text_border * 2;
1373 if (listbox_ctrl != null && dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.Simple) {
1374 listbox_ctrl.Location = listbox_area.Location;
1375 listbox_ctrl.CalcListBoxArea ();
1379 private void CreateComboListBox ()
1381 listbox_ctrl = new ComboListBox (this);
1382 listbox_ctrl.HighlightedIndex = SelectedIndex;
1385 internal void Draw (Rectangle clip, Graphics dc)
1387 Theme theme = ThemeEngine.Current;
1388 FlatStyle style = FlatStyle.Standard;
1389 bool is_flat = false;
1391 #if NET_2_0
1392 style = this.FlatStyle;
1393 is_flat = style == FlatStyle.Flat || style == FlatStyle.Popup;
1394 #endif
1396 if (DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
1397 dc.FillRectangle (theme.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (Parent.BackColor), ClientRectangle);
1399 if (style == FlatStyle.Popup && (is_entered || Focused)) {
1400 Rectangle area = text_area;
1401 area.Height -= 1;
1402 area.Width -= 1;
1403 dc.DrawRectangle (theme.ResPool.GetPen (SystemColors.ControlDark), area);
1404 dc.DrawLine (theme.ResPool.GetPen (SystemColors.ControlDark), button_area.X - 1, button_area.Top, button_area.X - 1, button_area.Bottom);
1406 if (!is_flat && clip.IntersectsWith (text_area))
1407 ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D (dc, text_area, Border3DStyle.Sunken);
1409 int border = theme.Border3DSize.Width;
1411 // No edit control, we paint the edit ourselves
1412 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList) {
1413 DrawItemState state = DrawItemState.None;
1414 Rectangle item_rect = text_area;
1415 item_rect.X += border;
1416 item_rect.Y += border;
1417 item_rect.Width -= (button_area.Width + 2 * border);
1418 item_rect.Height -= 2 * border;
1420 if (Focused) {
1421 state = DrawItemState.Selected;
1422 state |= DrawItemState.Focus;
1425 state |= DrawItemState.ComboBoxEdit;
1426 OnDrawItem (new DrawItemEventArgs (dc, Font, item_rect, SelectedIndex, state, ForeColor, BackColor));
1429 if (show_dropdown_button) {
1430 dc.FillRectangle (theme.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (theme.ColorControl), button_area);
1432 if (!is_enabled)
1433 button_state = ButtonState.Inactive;
1435 if (is_flat) {
1436 theme.DrawFlatStyleComboButton (dc, button_area, button_state);
1437 } else {
1438 theme.CPDrawComboButton (dc, button_area, button_state);
1443 internal void DropDownListBox ()
1445 if (DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
1446 return;
1448 if (listbox_ctrl == null)
1449 CreateComboListBox ();
1451 listbox_ctrl.Location = PointToScreen (new Point (text_area.X, text_area.Y + text_area.Height));
1453 if (listbox_ctrl.ShowWindow ())
1454 dropped_down = true;
1456 button_state = ButtonState.Pushed;
1457 if (dropdown_style == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
1458 Invalidate (text_area);
1461 internal void DropDownListBoxFinished ()
1463 if (DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
1464 return;
1466 button_state = ButtonState.Normal;
1467 Invalidate (button_area);
1468 dropped_down = false;
1469 #if NET_2_0
1470 OnDropDownClosed (EventArgs.Empty);
1471 #endif
1474 private int FindStringCaseInsensitive (string search)
1476 if (search.Length == 0) {
1477 return -1;
1480 for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
1482 if (String.Compare (GetItemText (Items[i]), 0, search, 0, search.Length, true) == 0)
1483 return i;
1486 return -1;
1489 internal int FindStringCaseInsensitive (string search, int start_index)
1491 if (search.Length == 0) {
1492 return -1;
1495 for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++) {
1496 int index = (i + start_index) % Items.Count;
1497 if (String.Compare (GetItemText (Items [index]), 0, search, 0, search.Length, true) == 0)
1498 return index;
1501 return -1;
1504 internal override ContextMenu ContextMenuInternal {
1505 get {
1506 return base.ContextMenuInternal;
1508 set {
1509 base.ContextMenuInternal = value;
1510 if (textbox_ctrl != null) {
1511 textbox_ctrl.ContextMenu = value;
1516 private void OnKeyDownCB(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
1518 if (Items.Count == 0)
1519 return;
1521 switch (e.KeyCode)
1523 case Keys.Up:
1524 SelectedIndex = Math.Max(SelectedIndex-1, 0);
1525 break;
1527 case Keys.Down:
1528 SelectedIndex = Math.Min(SelectedIndex+1, Items.Count-1);
1529 break;
1531 case Keys.PageUp:
1532 if (listbox_ctrl != null)
1533 SelectedIndex = Math.Max(SelectedIndex- (listbox_ctrl.page_size-1), 0);
1534 break;
1536 case Keys.PageDown:
1537 if (listbox_ctrl != null)
1538 SelectedIndex = Math.Min(SelectedIndex+(listbox_ctrl.page_size-1), Items.Count-1);
1539 break;
1541 default:
1542 break;
1546 void OnMouseDownCB (object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
1548 Rectangle area;
1549 if (DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)
1550 area = ClientRectangle;
1551 else
1552 area = button_area;
1554 if (area.Contains (e.X, e.Y)) {
1555 DropDownListBox ();
1556 Invalidate (button_area);
1557 Update ();
1559 Capture = true;
1562 void OnMouseMoveCB (object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
1564 if (DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
1565 return;
1567 if (listbox_ctrl != null && listbox_ctrl.Visible) {
1568 Point location = listbox_ctrl.PointToClient (Control.MousePosition);
1569 if (listbox_ctrl.ClientRectangle.Contains (location))
1570 listbox_ctrl.Capture = true;
1574 void OnMouseUpCB (object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
1576 Capture = false;
1577 OnClick (EventArgs.Empty);
1579 if (dropped_down)
1580 listbox_ctrl.Capture = true;
1583 private void OnMouseWheelCB (object sender, MouseEventArgs me)
1585 if (Items.Count == 0)
1586 return;
1588 if (listbox_ctrl != null && listbox_ctrl.Visible) {
1589 int lines = me.Delta / 120 * SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollLines;
1590 listbox_ctrl.Scroll (-lines);
1591 } else {
1592 int lines = me.Delta / 120;
1593 int index = SelectedIndex - lines;
1594 if (index < 0)
1595 index = 0;
1596 else if (index >= Items.Count)
1597 index = Items.Count - 1;
1598 SelectedIndex = index;
1602 internal override void OnPaintInternal (PaintEventArgs pevent)
1604 if (suspend_ctrlupdate)
1605 return;
1607 Draw (ClientRectangle, pevent.Graphics);
1610 private void OnTextBoxClick (object sender, EventArgs e)
1612 OnClick (e);
1615 private void OnTextChangedEdit (object sender, EventArgs e)
1617 if (process_textchanged_event == false)
1618 return;
1620 OnTextChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
1622 int item = FindStringCaseInsensitive (textbox_ctrl.Text);
1624 if (item == -1)
1625 return;
1628 // I don't think we should hilight, and setting the top item does weirdness
1629 // when there is no scrollbar
1631 if (listbox_ctrl != null) {
1632 listbox_ctrl.SetTopItem (item);
1633 listbox_ctrl.HighlightedIndex = item;
1636 base.Text = textbox_ctrl.Text;
1639 internal void SetControlText (string s)
1641 process_textchanged_event = false;
1642 textbox_ctrl.Text = s;
1643 process_textchanged_event = true;
1646 void UpdateComboBoxBounds ()
1648 if (requested_height == -1)
1649 return;
1651 // Save the requested height since set bounds can destroy it
1652 int save_height = requested_height;
1653 SetBounds (bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, requested_height, BoundsSpecified.Height);
1654 requested_height = save_height;
1657 private void UpdatedItems ()
1659 if (listbox_ctrl != null) {
1660 listbox_ctrl.UpdateLastVisibleItem ();
1661 listbox_ctrl.CalcListBoxArea ();
1662 listbox_ctrl.Refresh ();
1666 #endregion Private Methods
1668 [ListBindableAttribute (false)]
1669 public class ObjectCollection : IList, ICollection, IEnumerable
1672 private ComboBox owner;
1673 internal ArrayList object_items = new ArrayList ();
1675 public ObjectCollection (ComboBox owner)
1677 this.owner = owner;
1680 #region Public Properties
1681 public int Count {
1682 get { return object_items.Count; }
1685 public bool IsReadOnly {
1686 get { return false; }
1689 [Browsable (false)]
1690 [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
1691 public virtual object this [int index] {
1692 get {
1693 if (index < 0 || index >= Count)
1694 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index");
1696 return object_items[index];
1698 set {
1699 if (index < 0 || index >= Count)
1700 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index");
1701 if (value == null)
1702 throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
1704 object_items[index] = value;
1705 if (owner.listbox_ctrl != null)
1706 owner.listbox_ctrl.InvalidateItem (index);
1707 if (index == owner.SelectedIndex) {
1708 if (owner.textbox_ctrl == null)
1709 owner.Refresh ();
1710 else
1711 owner.textbox_ctrl.SelectedText = value.ToString ();
1716 bool ICollection.IsSynchronized {
1717 get { return false; }
1720 object ICollection.SyncRoot {
1721 get { return this; }
1724 bool IList.IsFixedSize {
1725 get { return false; }
1728 #endregion Public Properties
1730 #region Public Methods
1731 public int Add (object item)
1733 int idx;
1735 idx = AddItem (item);
1736 owner.UpdatedItems ();
1737 return idx;
1740 public void AddRange (object[] items)
1742 if (items == null)
1743 throw new ArgumentNullException ("items");
1745 foreach (object mi in items)
1746 AddItem (mi);
1748 owner.UpdatedItems ();
1751 public void Clear ()
1753 owner.selected_index = -1;
1754 object_items.Clear ();
1755 owner.UpdatedItems ();
1756 owner.Refresh ();
1759 public bool Contains (object value)
1761 if (value == null)
1762 throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
1764 return object_items.Contains (value);
1767 public void CopyTo (object[] dest, int arrayIndex)
1769 object_items.CopyTo (dest, arrayIndex);
1772 void ICollection.CopyTo (Array dest, int index)
1774 object_items.CopyTo (dest, index);
1777 public IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
1779 return object_items.GetEnumerator ();
1782 int IList.Add (object item)
1784 return Add (item);
1787 public int IndexOf (object value)
1789 if (value == null)
1790 throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
1792 return object_items.IndexOf (value);
1795 public void Insert (int index, object item)
1797 if (index < 0 || index > Count)
1798 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index");
1799 if (item == null)
1800 throw new ArgumentNullException ("item");
1802 owner.BeginUpdate ();
1804 if (owner.Sorted)
1805 AddItem (item);
1806 else
1807 object_items.Insert (index, item);
1809 owner.EndUpdate (); // Calls UpdatedItems
1812 public void Remove (object value)
1814 if (value == null)
1815 return;
1817 if (IndexOf (value) == owner.SelectedIndex)
1818 owner.SelectedIndex = -1;
1820 RemoveAt (IndexOf (value));
1823 public void RemoveAt (int index)
1825 if (index < 0 || index >= Count)
1826 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index");
1828 if (index == owner.SelectedIndex)
1829 owner.SelectedIndex = -1;
1831 object_items.RemoveAt (index);
1832 owner.UpdatedItems ();
1834 #endregion Public Methods
1836 #region Private Methods
1837 private int AddItem (object item)
1839 if (item == null)
1840 throw new ArgumentNullException ("item");
1842 if (owner.Sorted) {
1843 int index = 0;
1844 foreach (object o in object_items) {
1845 if (String.Compare (item.ToString (), o.ToString ()) < 0) {
1846 object_items.Insert (index, item);
1847 return index;
1849 index++;
1852 object_items.Add (item);
1853 return object_items.Count - 1;
1856 internal void AddRange (IList items)
1858 foreach (object mi in items)
1859 AddItem (mi);
1861 owner.UpdatedItems ();
1864 internal void Sort ()
1866 object_items.Sort ();
1869 #endregion Private Methods
1872 internal class ComboTextBox : TextBox {
1874 private ComboBox owner;
1876 public ComboTextBox (ComboBox owner)
1878 this.owner = owner;
1879 ShowSelection = false;
1882 internal void SetSelectable (bool selectable)
1884 SetStyle (ControlStyles.Selectable, selectable);
1887 internal void ActivateCaret (bool active)
1889 if (active)
1890 document.CaretHasFocus ();
1891 else
1892 document.CaretLostFocus ();
1895 #if NET_2_0
1896 internal override void OnTextUpdate ()
1898 base.OnTextUpdate ();
1899 owner.OnTextUpdate (EventArgs.Empty);
1901 #endif
1903 protected override void OnGotFocus (EventArgs e)
1905 owner.Select (false, true);
1908 protected override void OnLostFocus (EventArgs e)
1910 owner.Select (false, true);
1913 public override bool Focused {
1914 get {
1915 return owner.Focused;
1919 internal override bool ActivateOnShow { get { return false; } }
1922 internal class ComboListBox : Control
1924 private ComboBox owner;
1925 private VScrollBarLB vscrollbar_ctrl;
1926 private int top_item; /* First item that we show the in the current page */
1927 private int last_item; /* Last visible item */
1928 internal int page_size; /* Number of listbox items per page */
1929 private Rectangle textarea_drawable; /* Rectangle of the drawable text area */
1931 internal enum ItemNavigation
1933 First,
1934 Last,
1935 Next,
1936 Previous,
1937 NextPage,
1938 PreviousPage,
1941 class VScrollBarLB : VScrollBar
1943 public VScrollBarLB ()
1947 internal override bool InternalCapture {
1948 get { return Capture; }
1949 set { }
1952 public void FireMouseDown (MouseEventArgs e)
1954 if (!Visible)
1955 return;
1957 e = TranslateEvent (e);
1958 OnMouseDown (e);
1961 public void FireMouseUp (MouseEventArgs e)
1963 if (!Visible)
1964 return;
1966 e = TranslateEvent (e);
1967 OnMouseUp (e);
1970 public void FireMouseMove (MouseEventArgs e)
1972 if (!Visible)
1973 return;
1975 e = TranslateEvent (e);
1976 OnMouseMove (e);
1979 MouseEventArgs TranslateEvent (MouseEventArgs e)
1981 Point loc = PointToClient (Control.MousePosition);
1982 return new MouseEventArgs (e.Button, e.Clicks, loc.X, loc.Y, e.Delta);
1986 public ComboListBox (ComboBox owner)
1988 this.owner = owner;
1989 top_item = 0;
1990 last_item = 0;
1991 page_size = 0;
1993 MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler (OnMouseWheelCLB);
1995 SetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
1996 SetStyle (ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw | ControlStyles.Opaque, true);
1998 this.is_visible = false;
2000 if (owner.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
2001 InternalBorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
2002 else
2003 InternalBorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
2006 protected override CreateParams CreateParams
2008 get {
2009 CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
2010 if (owner == null || owner.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
2011 return cp;
2013 cp.Style ^= (int)WindowStyles.WS_CHILD;
2014 cp.Style ^= (int)WindowStyles.WS_VISIBLE;
2015 cp.Style |= (int)WindowStyles.WS_POPUP;
2016 cp.ExStyle |= (int) WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | (int) WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOPMOST;
2017 return cp;
2021 protected override void Select (bool directed, bool forward)
2023 // Do nothing, we never want to be selected
2026 internal override bool InternalCapture {
2027 get {
2028 return Capture;
2031 set {
2035 internal override bool ActivateOnShow { get { return false; } }
2036 #region Private Methods
2038 // Calcs the listbox area
2039 internal void CalcListBoxArea ()
2041 int width, height;
2042 bool show_scrollbar = false;
2044 if (owner.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple) {
2045 Rectangle area = owner.listbox_area;
2046 width = area.Width;
2047 height = area.Height;
2049 else { // DropDown or DropDownList
2051 width = owner.DropDownWidth;
2052 int count = (owner.Items.Count <= owner.MaxDropDownItems) ? owner.Items.Count : owner.MaxDropDownItems;
2054 if (owner.DrawMode == DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable) {
2055 height = 0;
2056 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
2057 height += owner.GetItemHeight (i);
2060 } else {
2061 #if NET_2_0
2062 height = owner.DropDownHeight;
2063 #else
2064 height = owner.ItemHeight * count;
2065 #endif
2069 page_size = height / owner.ItemHeight;
2071 if (owner.Items.Count <= owner.MaxDropDownItems) {
2072 if (vscrollbar_ctrl != null)
2073 vscrollbar_ctrl.Visible = false;
2074 } else {
2075 /* Need vertical scrollbar */
2076 if (vscrollbar_ctrl == null) {
2077 vscrollbar_ctrl = new VScrollBarLB ();
2078 vscrollbar_ctrl.Minimum = 0;
2079 vscrollbar_ctrl.SmallChange = 1;
2080 vscrollbar_ctrl.LargeChange = 1;
2081 vscrollbar_ctrl.Maximum = 0;
2082 vscrollbar_ctrl.ValueChanged += new EventHandler (VerticalScrollEvent);
2083 Controls.AddImplicit (vscrollbar_ctrl);
2086 vscrollbar_ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Right;
2088 vscrollbar_ctrl.Maximum = owner.Items.Count - 2;
2089 int large = (owner.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple ? page_size : owner.maxdrop_items) - 1;
2090 if (large < 0)
2091 large = 0;
2092 vscrollbar_ctrl.LargeChange = large;
2093 show_scrollbar = vscrollbar_ctrl.Visible = true;
2095 int hli = HighlightedIndex;
2096 if (hli > 0) {
2097 hli = Math.Min (hli, vscrollbar_ctrl.Maximum);
2098 vscrollbar_ctrl.Value = hli;
2102 Size = new Size (width, height);
2103 textarea_drawable = ClientRectangle;
2104 textarea_drawable.Width = width;
2105 textarea_drawable.Height = height;
2107 if (vscrollbar_ctrl != null && show_scrollbar)
2108 textarea_drawable.Width -= vscrollbar_ctrl.Width;
2110 last_item = LastVisibleItem ();
2113 private void Draw (Rectangle clip, Graphics dc)
2115 dc.FillRectangle (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (owner.BackColor), clip);
2117 if (owner.Items.Count > 0) {
2119 for (int i = top_item; i <= last_item; i++) {
2120 Rectangle item_rect = GetItemDisplayRectangle (i, top_item);
2122 if (!clip.IntersectsWith (item_rect))
2123 continue;
2125 DrawItemState state = DrawItemState.None;
2127 if (i == HighlightedIndex) {
2128 state |= DrawItemState.Selected;
2130 if (owner.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList) {
2131 state |= DrawItemState.Focus;
2135 owner.OnDrawItem (new DrawItemEventArgs (dc, owner.Font, item_rect,
2136 i, state, owner.ForeColor, owner.BackColor));
2141 int highlighted_index = -1;
2143 public int HighlightedIndex {
2144 get { return highlighted_index; }
2145 set {
2146 if (highlighted_index == value)
2147 return;
2149 if (highlighted_index != -1 && highlighted_index < this.owner.Items.Count)
2150 Invalidate (GetItemDisplayRectangle (highlighted_index, top_item));
2151 highlighted_index = value;
2152 if (highlighted_index != -1)
2153 Invalidate (GetItemDisplayRectangle (highlighted_index, top_item));
2157 private Rectangle GetItemDisplayRectangle (int index, int top_index)
2159 if (index < 0 || index >= owner.Items.Count)
2160 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("GetItemRectangle index out of range.");
2162 Rectangle item_rect = new Rectangle ();
2163 int height = owner.GetItemHeight (index);
2165 item_rect.X = 0;
2166 item_rect.Width = textarea_drawable.Width;
2167 if (owner.DrawMode == DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable) {
2168 item_rect.Y = 0;
2169 for (int i = top_index; i < index; i++)
2170 item_rect.Y += owner.GetItemHeight (i);
2171 } else
2172 item_rect.Y = height * (index - top_index);
2174 item_rect.Height = height;
2175 return item_rect;
2178 public void HideWindow ()
2180 if (owner.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
2181 return;
2183 Capture = false;
2184 Hide ();
2185 owner.DropDownListBoxFinished ();
2188 private int IndexFromPointDisplayRectangle (int x, int y)
2190 for (int i = top_item; i <= last_item; i++) {
2191 if (GetItemDisplayRectangle (i, top_item).Contains (x, y) == true)
2192 return i;
2195 return -1;
2198 public void InvalidateItem (int index)
2200 if (Visible)
2201 Invalidate (GetItemDisplayRectangle (index, top_item));
2204 private int LastVisibleItem ()
2206 Rectangle item_rect;
2207 int top_y = textarea_drawable.Y + textarea_drawable.Height;
2208 int i = 0;
2210 for (i = top_item; i < owner.Items.Count; i++) {
2211 item_rect = GetItemDisplayRectangle (i, top_item);
2212 if (item_rect.Y + item_rect.Height > top_y) {
2213 return i;
2216 return i - 1;
2219 public void SetTopItem (int item)
2221 if (top_item == item)
2222 return;
2223 top_item = item;
2224 UpdateLastVisibleItem ();
2225 Invalidate ();
2228 bool scrollbar_grabbed = false;
2230 bool InScrollBar {
2231 get {
2232 if (vscrollbar_ctrl == null || !vscrollbar_ctrl.is_visible)
2233 return false;
2235 return vscrollbar_ctrl.Bounds.Contains (PointToClient (Control.MousePosition));
2239 protected override void OnMouseDown (MouseEventArgs e)
2241 if (InScrollBar) {
2242 vscrollbar_ctrl.FireMouseDown (e);
2243 scrollbar_grabbed = true;
2247 protected override void OnMouseMove (MouseEventArgs e)
2249 if (owner.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
2250 return;
2252 if (scrollbar_grabbed || (!Capture && InScrollBar)) {
2253 vscrollbar_ctrl.FireMouseMove (e);
2254 return;
2257 Point pt = PointToClient (Control.MousePosition);
2258 int index = IndexFromPointDisplayRectangle (pt.X, pt.Y);
2260 if (index != -1)
2261 HighlightedIndex = index;
2264 protected override void OnMouseUp (MouseEventArgs e)
2266 int index = IndexFromPointDisplayRectangle (e.X, e.Y);
2268 if (scrollbar_grabbed) {
2269 vscrollbar_ctrl.FireMouseUp (e);
2270 scrollbar_grabbed = false;
2271 if (index != -1)
2272 HighlightedIndex = index;
2273 return;
2276 if (index == -1) {
2277 HideWindow ();
2278 return;
2281 owner.SelectedIndex = index;
2282 owner.OnSelectionChangeCommitted (new EventArgs ());
2283 HideWindow ();
2286 internal override void OnPaintInternal (PaintEventArgs pevent)
2288 Draw (pevent.ClipRectangle,pevent.Graphics);
2291 public bool ShowWindow ()
2293 if (owner.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple && owner.Items.Count == 0)
2294 return false;
2296 HighlightedIndex = owner.SelectedIndex;
2298 CalcListBoxArea ();
2299 Show ();
2301 Refresh ();
2302 owner.OnDropDown (EventArgs.Empty);
2303 return true;
2306 public void UpdateLastVisibleItem ()
2308 last_item = LastVisibleItem ();
2311 public void Scroll (int delta)
2313 if (delta == 0 || vscrollbar_ctrl == null || !vscrollbar_ctrl.Visible)
2314 return;
2316 int max = owner.Items.Count - page_size;
2318 int val = vscrollbar_ctrl.Value + delta;
2319 if (val > max)
2320 val = max;
2321 else if (val < vscrollbar_ctrl.Minimum)
2322 val = vscrollbar_ctrl.Minimum;
2323 vscrollbar_ctrl.Value = val;
2326 private void OnMouseWheelCLB (object sender, MouseEventArgs me)
2328 if (owner.Items.Count == 0)
2329 return;
2331 int lines = me.Delta / 120 * SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollLines;
2332 Scroll (-lines);
2335 // Value Changed
2336 private void VerticalScrollEvent (object sender, EventArgs e)
2338 if (top_item == vscrollbar_ctrl.Value)
2339 return;
2341 top_item = vscrollbar_ctrl.Value;
2342 UpdateLastVisibleItem ();
2343 Invalidate ();
2346 protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
2347 if (m.Msg == (int)Msg.WM_SETFOCUS) {
2348 if (m.WParam != IntPtr.Zero) {
2349 XplatUI.SetFocus(m.WParam);
2352 base.WndProc (ref m);
2355 #endregion Private Methods