Updating Math.Round and MathF.Round to be IEEE compliant so that the intrinsic and...
[mono-project.git] / mcs / .gitignore
1 *.mdb
2 *.exe
3 *.dll
4 *.pidb
5 *.userprefs
6 *_test.dll.config
7 *_test.xml
8 *.o
9 *.resources
10 TestResult-*.log
11 TestResult-*.xml
12 TestResult*.xml
13 .dep_dirs-*
14 apidiff/*
15 csprojdiff/*
16 errors/*.log
17 errors/dummy.xml
18 class/RabbitMQ.Client/docs/specs/autogenerated-api-0-8.cs
19 class/RabbitMQ.Client/docs/specs/autogenerated-api-0-9.cs
20 class/RabbitMQ.Client/docs/specs/autogenerated-api-qpid-0-8.cs
21 class/System.Web.Mvc/System.Web.Mvc/Resources/MvcResources.resources
22 class/System.Web.Mvc2/System.Web.Mvc/Resources/MvcResources.resources
23 XmlWriter
24 obj-net_4_x*
25 obj-bare
26 obj-plainweb
27 obj-Facades
28 obj-plaincore
29 obj-plaindesign
30 obj-plainservice
31 obj-secxml
32 obj-mcs-net_4_x
33 obj-legacy