Upgraded Rails and RSpec
[monkeycharger.git] / vendor / rails / activesupport / test / dependencies_test.rb
1 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/abstract_unit'
2 require 'pp'
4 module ModuleWithMissing
5   mattr_accessor :missing_count
6   def self.const_missing(name)
7     self.missing_count += 1
8     name
9   end
10 end
12 module ModuleWithConstant
13   InheritedConstant = "Hello"
14 end
16 class DependenciesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
17   def teardown
18     Dependencies.clear
19   end
21   def with_loading(*from)
22     old_mechanism, Dependencies.mechanism = Dependencies.mechanism, :load
23     dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
24     prior_load_paths = Dependencies.load_paths
25     Dependencies.load_paths = from.collect { |f| "#{dir}/#{f}" }
26     yield
27   ensure
28     Dependencies.load_paths = prior_load_paths
29     Dependencies.mechanism = old_mechanism
30     Dependencies.explicitly_unloadable_constants = []
31   end
33   def test_tracking_loaded_files
34     require_dependency(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/dependencies/service_one")
35     require_dependency(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/dependencies/service_two")
36     assert_equal 2, Dependencies.loaded.size
37   end
39   def test_tracking_identical_loaded_files
40     require_dependency(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/dependencies/service_one")
41     require_dependency(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/dependencies/service_one")
42     assert_equal 1, Dependencies.loaded.size
43   end
45   def test_missing_dependency_raises_missing_source_file
46     assert_raises(MissingSourceFile) { require_dependency("missing_service") }
47   end
49   def test_missing_association_raises_nothing
50     assert_nothing_raised { require_association("missing_model") }
51   end
53   def test_dependency_which_raises_exception_isnt_added_to_loaded_set
54     with_loading do
55       filename = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/dependencies/raises_exception"
56       $raises_exception_load_count = 0
58       5.times do |count|
59         begin
60           require_dependency filename
61           flunk 'should have loaded dependencies/raises_exception which raises an exception'
62         rescue Exception => e
63           assert_equal 'Loading me failed, so do not add to loaded or history.', e.message
64         end
65         assert_equal count + 1, $raises_exception_load_count
67         assert !Dependencies.loaded.include?(filename)
68         assert !Dependencies.history.include?(filename)
69       end
70     end
71   end
73   def test_warnings_should_be_enabled_on_first_load
74     with_loading 'dependencies' do
75       old_warnings, Dependencies.warnings_on_first_load = Dependencies.warnings_on_first_load, true
77       filename = "check_warnings"
78       expanded = File.expand_path("test/dependencies/#{filename}")
79       $check_warnings_load_count = 0
81       assert !Dependencies.loaded.include?(expanded)
82       assert !Dependencies.history.include?(expanded)
84       silence_warnings { require_dependency filename }
85       assert_equal 1, $check_warnings_load_count
86       assert_equal true, $checked_verbose, 'On first load warnings should be enabled.'
88       assert Dependencies.loaded.include?(expanded)
89       Dependencies.clear
90       assert !Dependencies.loaded.include?(expanded)
91       assert Dependencies.history.include?(expanded)
93       silence_warnings { require_dependency filename }
94       assert_equal 2, $check_warnings_load_count
95       assert_equal nil, $checked_verbose, 'After first load warnings should be left alone.'
97       assert Dependencies.loaded.include?(expanded)
98       Dependencies.clear
99       assert !Dependencies.loaded.include?(expanded)
100       assert Dependencies.history.include?(expanded)
102       enable_warnings { require_dependency filename }
103       assert_equal 3, $check_warnings_load_count
104       assert_equal true, $checked_verbose, 'After first load warnings should be left alone.'
106       assert Dependencies.loaded.include?(expanded)
107     end
108   end
110   def test_mutual_dependencies_dont_infinite_loop
111     with_loading 'dependencies' do
112       $mutual_dependencies_count = 0
113       assert_nothing_raised { require_dependency 'mutual_one' }
114       assert_equal 2, $mutual_dependencies_count
116       Dependencies.clear
118       $mutual_dependencies_count = 0
119       assert_nothing_raised { require_dependency 'mutual_two' }
120       assert_equal 2, $mutual_dependencies_count
121     end
122   end
124   def test_as_load_path
125     assert_equal '', DependenciesTest.as_load_path
126   end
128   def test_module_loading
129     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
130       assert_kind_of Module, A
131       assert_kind_of Class, A::B
132       assert_kind_of Class, A::C::D
133       assert_kind_of Class, A::C::E::F
134     end
135   end
137   def test_non_existing_const_raises_name_error
138     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
139       assert_raises(NameError) { DoesNotExist }
140       assert_raises(NameError) { NoModule::DoesNotExist }
141       assert_raises(NameError) { A::DoesNotExist }
142       assert_raises(NameError) { A::B::DoesNotExist }
143     end
144   end
146   def test_directories_manifest_as_modules_unless_const_defined
147     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
148       assert_kind_of Module, ModuleFolder
149       Object.send! :remove_const, :ModuleFolder
150     end
151   end
153   def test_module_with_nested_class
154     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
155       assert_kind_of Class, ModuleFolder::NestedClass
156       Object.send! :remove_const, :ModuleFolder
157     end
158   end
160   def test_module_with_nested_inline_class
161     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
162       assert_kind_of Class, ModuleFolder::InlineClass
163       Object.send! :remove_const, :ModuleFolder
164     end
165   end
167   def test_directories_may_manifest_as_nested_classes
168     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
169       assert_kind_of Class, ClassFolder
170       Object.send! :remove_const, :ClassFolder
171     end
172   end
174   def test_class_with_nested_class
175     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
176       assert_kind_of Class, ClassFolder::NestedClass
177       Object.send! :remove_const, :ClassFolder
178     end
179   end
181   def test_class_with_nested_inline_class
182     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
183       assert_kind_of Class, ClassFolder::InlineClass
184       Object.send! :remove_const, :ClassFolder
185     end
186   end
188   def test_class_with_nested_inline_subclass_of_parent
189     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
190       assert_kind_of Class, ClassFolder::ClassFolderSubclass
191       assert_kind_of Class, ClassFolder
192       assert_equal 'indeed', ClassFolder::ClassFolderSubclass::ConstantInClassFolder
193       Object.send! :remove_const, :ClassFolder
194     end
195   end
197   def test_nested_class_can_access_sibling
198     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
199       sibling = ModuleFolder::NestedClass.class_eval "NestedSibling"
200       assert defined?(ModuleFolder::NestedSibling)
201       assert_equal ModuleFolder::NestedSibling, sibling
202       Object.send! :remove_const, :ModuleFolder
203     end
204   end
206   def failing_test_access_thru_and_upwards_fails
207     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
208       assert ! defined?(ModuleFolder)
209       assert_raises(NameError) { ModuleFolder::Object }
210       assert_raises(NameError) { ModuleFolder::NestedClass::Object }
211       Object.send! :remove_const, :ModuleFolder
212     end
213   end
215   def test_non_existing_const_raises_name_error_with_fully_qualified_name
216     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
217       begin
218         A::DoesNotExist.nil?
219         flunk "No raise!!"
220       rescue NameError => e
221         assert_equal "uninitialized constant A::DoesNotExist", e.message
222       end
223       begin
224         A::B::DoesNotExist.nil?
225         flunk "No raise!!"
226       rescue NameError => e
227         assert_equal "uninitialized constant A::B::DoesNotExist", e.message
228       end
229     end
230   end
232   def test_smart_name_error_strings
233     begin
234       Object.module_eval "ImaginaryObject"
235       flunk "No raise!!"
236     rescue NameError => e
237       assert e.message.include?("uninitialized constant ImaginaryObject")
238     end
239   end
241   def test_loadable_constants_for_path_should_handle_empty_autoloads
242     assert_equal [], Dependencies.loadable_constants_for_path('hello')
243   end
245   def test_loadable_constants_for_path_should_handle_relative_paths
246     fake_root = 'dependencies'
247     relative_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/dependencies'
248     ['', '/'].each do |suffix|
249       with_loading fake_root + suffix do
250         assert_equal ["A::B"], Dependencies.loadable_constants_for_path(relative_root + '/a/b')
251       end
252     end
253   end
255   def test_loadable_constants_for_path_should_provide_all_results
256     fake_root = '/usr/apps/backpack'
257     with_loading fake_root, fake_root + '/lib' do
258       root = Dependencies.load_paths.first
259       assert_equal ["Lib::A::B", "A::B"], Dependencies.loadable_constants_for_path(root + '/lib/a/b')
260     end
261   end
263   def test_loadable_constants_for_path_should_uniq_results
264     fake_root = '/usr/apps/backpack/lib'
265     with_loading fake_root, fake_root + '/' do
266       root = Dependencies.load_paths.first
267       assert_equal ["A::B"], Dependencies.loadable_constants_for_path(root + '/a/b')
268     end
269   end
271   def test_loadable_constants_with_load_path_without_trailing_slash
272     path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/autoloading_fixtures/class_folder/inline_class.rb'
273     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures/class/' do
274       assert_equal [], Dependencies.loadable_constants_for_path(path)
275     end
276   end
278   def test_qualified_const_defined
279     assert Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("Object")
280     assert Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("::Object")
281     assert Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("::Object::Kernel")
282     assert Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("::Object::Dependencies")
283     assert Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("::Test::Unit::TestCase")
284   end
286   def test_qualified_const_defined_should_not_call_method_missing
287     ModuleWithMissing.missing_count = 0
288     assert ! Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("ModuleWithMissing::A")
289     assert_equal 0, ModuleWithMissing.missing_count
290     assert ! Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("ModuleWithMissing::A::B")
291     assert_equal 0, ModuleWithMissing.missing_count
292   end
294   def test_autoloaded?
295     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
296       assert ! Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder")
297       assert ! Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder::NestedClass")
299       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?(ModuleFolder)
301       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder")
302       assert ! Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder::NestedClass")
304       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?(ModuleFolder::NestedClass)
306       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder")
307       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder::NestedClass")
309       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?("::ModuleFolder")
310       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?(:ModuleFolder)
312       # Anonymous modules aren't autoloaded.
313       assert !Dependencies.autoloaded?(Module.new)
315       nil_name = Module.new
316       def nil_name.name() nil end
317       assert !Dependencies.autoloaded?(nil_name)
319       Object.class_eval { remove_const :ModuleFolder }
320     end
321   end
323   def test_qualified_name_for
324     assert_equal "A", Dependencies.qualified_name_for(Object, :A)
325     assert_equal "A", Dependencies.qualified_name_for(:Object, :A)
326     assert_equal "A", Dependencies.qualified_name_for("Object", :A)
327     assert_equal "A", Dependencies.qualified_name_for("::Object", :A)
328     assert_equal "A", Dependencies.qualified_name_for("::Kernel", :A)
330     assert_equal "Dependencies::A", Dependencies.qualified_name_for(:Dependencies, :A)
331     assert_equal "Dependencies::A", Dependencies.qualified_name_for(Dependencies, :A)
332   end
334   def test_file_search
335     with_loading 'dependencies' do
336       root = Dependencies.load_paths.first
337       assert_equal nil, Dependencies.search_for_file('service_three')
338       assert_equal nil, Dependencies.search_for_file('service_three.rb')
339       assert_equal root + '/service_one.rb', Dependencies.search_for_file('service_one')
340       assert_equal root + '/service_one.rb', Dependencies.search_for_file('service_one.rb')
341     end
342   end
344   def test_file_search_uses_first_in_load_path
345     with_loading 'dependencies', 'autoloading_fixtures' do
346       deps, autoload = Dependencies.load_paths
347       assert_match %r/dependencies/, deps
348       assert_match %r/autoloading_fixtures/, autoload
350       assert_equal deps + '/conflict.rb', Dependencies.search_for_file('conflict')
351     end
352     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures', 'dependencies' do
353       autoload, deps = Dependencies.load_paths
354       assert_match %r/dependencies/, deps
355       assert_match %r/autoloading_fixtures/, autoload
357       assert_equal autoload + '/conflict.rb', Dependencies.search_for_file('conflict')
358     end
360   end
362   def test_custom_const_missing_should_work
363     Object.module_eval <<-end_eval
364       module ModuleWithCustomConstMissing
365         def self.const_missing(name)
366           const_set name, name.to_s.hash
367         end
369         module A
370         end
371       end
372     end_eval
374     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
375       assert_kind_of Integer, ::ModuleWithCustomConstMissing::B
376       assert_kind_of Module, ::ModuleWithCustomConstMissing::A
377       assert_kind_of String, ::ModuleWithCustomConstMissing::A::B
378     end
379   end
381   def test_const_missing_should_not_double_load
382     $counting_loaded_times = 0
383     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
384       require_dependency '././counting_loader'
385       assert_equal 1, $counting_loaded_times
386       assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Dependencies.load_missing_constant Object, :CountingLoader }
387       assert_equal 1, $counting_loaded_times
388     end
389   end
391   def test_const_missing_within_anonymous_module
392     $counting_loaded_times = 0
393     m = Module.new
394     m.module_eval "def a() CountingLoader; end"
395     extend m
396     kls = nil
397     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
398       kls = nil
399       assert_nothing_raised { kls = a }
400       assert_equal "CountingLoader", kls.name
401       assert_equal 1, $counting_loaded_times
403       assert_nothing_raised { kls = a }
404       assert_equal 1, $counting_loaded_times
405     end
406   end
408   def test_removal_from_tree_should_be_detected
409     with_loading 'dependencies' do
410       root = Dependencies.load_paths.first
411       c = ServiceOne
412       Dependencies.clear
413       assert ! defined?(ServiceOne)
414       begin
415         Dependencies.load_missing_constant(c, :FakeMissing)
416         flunk "Expected exception"
417       rescue ArgumentError => e
418         assert_match %r{ServiceOne has been removed from the module tree}i, e.message
419       end
420     end
421   end
423   def test_nested_load_error_isnt_rescued
424     with_loading 'dependencies' do
425       assert_raises(MissingSourceFile) do
426         RequiresNonexistent1
427       end
428     end
429   end
431   def test_load_once_paths_do_not_add_to_autoloaded_constants
432     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
433       Dependencies.load_once_paths = Dependencies.load_paths.dup
435       assert ! Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder")
436       assert ! Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder::NestedClass")
437       assert ! Dependencies.autoloaded?(ModuleFolder)
439       1 if ModuleFolder::NestedClass # 1 if to avoid warning
440       assert ! Dependencies.autoloaded?(ModuleFolder::NestedClass)
441     end
442   ensure
443     Object.class_eval { remove_const :ModuleFolder }
444     Dependencies.load_once_paths = []
445   end
447   def test_application_should_special_case_application_controller
448     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
449       require_dependency 'application'
450       assert_equal 10, ApplicationController
451       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?(:ApplicationController)
452     end
453   end
455   def test_const_missing_on_kernel_should_fallback_to_object
456     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
457       kls = Kernel::E
458       assert_equal "E", kls.name
459       assert_equal kls.object_id, Kernel::E.object_id
460     end
461   end
463   def test_preexisting_constants_are_not_marked_as_autoloaded
464     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
465       require_dependency 'e'
466       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?(:E)
467       Dependencies.clear
468     end
470     Object.const_set :E, Class.new
471     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
472       require_dependency 'e'
473       assert ! Dependencies.autoloaded?(:E), "E shouldn't be marked autoloaded!"
474       Dependencies.clear
475     end
477   ensure
478     Object.class_eval { remove_const :E }
479   end
481   def test_unloadable
482     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
483       Object.const_set :M, Module.new
484       M.unloadable
486       Dependencies.clear
487       assert ! defined?(M)
489       Object.const_set :M, Module.new
490       Dependencies.clear
491       assert ! defined?(M), "Dependencies should unload unloadable constants each time"
492     end
493   end
495   def test_unloadable_should_fail_with_anonymous_modules
496     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
497       m = Module.new
498       assert_raises(ArgumentError) { m.unloadable }
499     end
500   end
502   def test_unloadable_should_return_change_flag
503     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
504       Object.const_set :M, Module.new
505       assert_equal true, M.unloadable
506       assert_equal false, M.unloadable
507     end
508   end
510   def test_new_contants_in_without_constants
511     assert_equal [], (Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) { })
512     assert Dependencies.constant_watch_stack.empty?
513   end
515   def test_new_constants_in_with_a_single_constant
516     assert_equal ["Hello"], Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) {
517                               Object.const_set :Hello, 10
518                             }.map(&:to_s)
519     assert Dependencies.constant_watch_stack.empty?
520   ensure
521     Object.class_eval { remove_const :Hello }
522   end
524   def test_new_constants_in_with_nesting
525     outer = Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) do
526       Object.const_set :OuterBefore, 10
528       assert_equal ["Inner"], Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) {
529                                 Object.const_set :Inner, 20
530                               }.map(&:to_s)
532       Object.const_set :OuterAfter, 30
533     end
535     assert_equal ["OuterAfter", "OuterBefore"], outer.sort.map(&:to_s)
536     assert Dependencies.constant_watch_stack.empty?
537   ensure
538     %w(OuterBefore Inner OuterAfter).each do |name|
539       Object.class_eval { remove_const name if const_defined?(name) }
540     end
541   end
543   def test_new_constants_in_module
544     Object.const_set :M, Module.new
546     outer = Dependencies.new_constants_in(M) do
547       M.const_set :OuterBefore, 10
549       inner = Dependencies.new_constants_in(M) do
550         M.const_set :Inner, 20
551       end
552       assert_equal ["M::Inner"], inner
554       M.const_set :OuterAfter, 30
555     end
556     assert_equal ["M::OuterAfter", "M::OuterBefore"], outer.sort
557     assert Dependencies.constant_watch_stack.empty?
558   ensure
559     Object.class_eval { remove_const :M }
560   end
562   def test_new_constants_in_module_using_name
563     outer = Dependencies.new_constants_in(:M) do
564       Object.const_set :M, Module.new
565       M.const_set :OuterBefore, 10
567       inner = Dependencies.new_constants_in(:M) do
568         M.const_set :Inner, 20
569       end
570       assert_equal ["M::Inner"], inner
572       M.const_set :OuterAfter, 30
573     end
574     assert_equal ["M::OuterAfter", "M::OuterBefore"], outer.sort
575     assert Dependencies.constant_watch_stack.empty?
576   ensure
577     Object.class_eval { remove_const :M }
578   end
580   def test_new_constants_in_with_inherited_constants
581     m = Dependencies.new_constants_in(:Object) do
582       Object.class_eval { include ModuleWithConstant }
583     end
584     assert_equal [], m
585   end
587   def test_file_with_multiple_constants_and_require_dependency
588     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
589       assert ! defined?(MultipleConstantFile)
590       assert ! defined?(SiblingConstant)
592       require_dependency 'multiple_constant_file'
593       assert defined?(MultipleConstantFile)
594       assert defined?(SiblingConstant)
595       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?(:MultipleConstantFile)
596       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?(:SiblingConstant)
598       Dependencies.clear
600       assert ! defined?(MultipleConstantFile)
601       assert ! defined?(SiblingConstant)
602     end
603   end
605   def test_file_with_multiple_constants_and_auto_loading
606     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
607       assert ! defined?(MultipleConstantFile)
608       assert ! defined?(SiblingConstant)
610       assert_equal 10, MultipleConstantFile
612       assert defined?(MultipleConstantFile)
613       assert defined?(SiblingConstant)
614       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?(:MultipleConstantFile)
615       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?(:SiblingConstant)
617       Dependencies.clear
619       assert ! defined?(MultipleConstantFile)
620       assert ! defined?(SiblingConstant)
621     end
622   end
624   def test_nested_file_with_multiple_constants_and_require_dependency
625     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
626       assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::NestedClass)
627       assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::SiblingClass)
629       require_dependency 'class_folder/nested_class'
631       assert defined?(ClassFolder::NestedClass)
632       assert defined?(ClassFolder::SiblingClass)
633       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?("ClassFolder::NestedClass")
634       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?("ClassFolder::SiblingClass")
636       Dependencies.clear
638       assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::NestedClass)
639       assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::SiblingClass)
640     end
641   end
643   def test_nested_file_with_multiple_constants_and_auto_loading
644     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
645       assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::NestedClass)
646       assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::SiblingClass)
648       assert_kind_of Class, ClassFolder::NestedClass
650       assert defined?(ClassFolder::NestedClass)
651       assert defined?(ClassFolder::SiblingClass)
652       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?("ClassFolder::NestedClass")
653       assert Dependencies.autoloaded?("ClassFolder::SiblingClass")
655       Dependencies.clear
657       assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::NestedClass)
658       assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::SiblingClass)
659     end
660   end
662   def test_autoload_doesnt_shadow_no_method_error_with_relative_constant
663     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
664       assert !defined?(::RaisesNoMethodError), "::RaisesNoMethodError is defined but it hasn't been referenced yet!"
665       2.times do
666         assert_raise(NoMethodError) { RaisesNoMethodError }
667         assert !defined?(::RaisesNoMethodError), "::RaisesNoMethodError is defined but it should have failed!"
668       end
669     end
671   ensure
672     Object.class_eval { remove_const :RaisesNoMethodError if const_defined?(:RaisesNoMethodError) }
673   end
675   def test_autoload_doesnt_shadow_no_method_error_with_absolute_constant
676     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
677       assert !defined?(::RaisesNoMethodError), "::RaisesNoMethodError is defined but it hasn't been referenced yet!"
678       2.times do
679         assert_raise(NoMethodError) { ::RaisesNoMethodError }
680         assert !defined?(::RaisesNoMethodError), "::RaisesNoMethodError is defined but it should have failed!"
681       end
682     end
684   ensure
685     Object.class_eval { remove_const :RaisesNoMethodError if const_defined?(:RaisesNoMethodError) }
686   end
688   def test_autoload_doesnt_shadow_name_error
689     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
690       assert !defined?(::RaisesNameError), "::RaisesNameError is defined but it hasn't been referenced yet!"
691       2.times do
692         begin
693           ::RaisesNameError.object_id
694           flunk 'should have raised NameError when autoloaded file referenced FooBarBaz'
695         rescue NameError => e
696           assert_equal 'uninitialized constant RaisesNameError::FooBarBaz', e.message
697         end
698         assert !defined?(::RaisesNameError), "::RaisesNameError is defined but it should have failed!"
699       end
701       assert !defined?(RaisesNameError)
702       2.times do
703         assert_raise(NameError) { RaisesNameError }
704         assert !defined?(::RaisesNameError), "::RaisesNameError is defined but it should have failed!"
705       end
706     end
708   ensure
709     Object.class_eval { remove_const :RaisesNoMethodError if const_defined?(:RaisesNoMethodError) }
710   end
712   def test_remove_constant_handles_double_colon_at_start
713     Object.const_set 'DeleteMe', Module.new
714     DeleteMe.const_set 'OrMe', Module.new
715     Dependencies.remove_constant "::DeleteMe::OrMe"
716     assert ! defined?(DeleteMe::OrMe)
717     assert defined?(DeleteMe)
718     Dependencies.remove_constant "::DeleteMe"
719     assert ! defined?(DeleteMe)
720   end
722   def test_load_once_constants_should_not_be_unloaded
723     with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures' do
724       Dependencies.load_once_paths = Dependencies.load_paths
725       ::A.to_s
726       assert defined?(A)
727       Dependencies.clear
728       assert defined?(A)
729     end
730   ensure
731     Dependencies.load_once_paths = []
732     Object.class_eval { remove_const :A if const_defined?(:A) }
733   end
735   def test_load_once_paths_should_behave_when_recursively_loading
736     with_loading 'dependencies', 'autoloading_fixtures' do
737       Dependencies.load_once_paths = [Dependencies.load_paths.last]
738       assert !defined?(CrossSiteDependency)
739       assert_nothing_raised { CrossSiteDepender.nil? }
740       assert defined?(CrossSiteDependency)
741       assert !Dependencies.autoloaded?(CrossSiteDependency),
742         "CrossSiteDependency shouldn't be marked as autoloaded!"
743       Dependencies.clear
744       assert defined?(CrossSiteDependency),
745         "CrossSiteDependency shouldn't have been unloaded!"
746     end
747   ensure
748     Dependencies.load_once_paths = []
749   end