Upgraded Rails and RSpec
[monkeycharger.git] / vendor / plugins / rspec / rspec / lib / spec / runner / spec_parser.rb
1 module Spec
2   module Runner
3     # Parses a spec file and finds the nearest example for a given line number.
4     class SpecParser
5       def spec_name_for(io, line_number)
6         source  = io.read
7         behaviour, behaviour_line = behaviour_at_line(source, line_number)
8         example, example_line = example_at_line(source, line_number)
9         if behaviour && example && (behaviour_line < example_line)
10           "#{behaviour} #{example}"
11         elsif behaviour
12           behaviour
13         else
14           nil
15         end
16       end
18     protected
20       def behaviour_at_line(source, line_number)
21         find_above(source, line_number, /^\s*(context|describe)\s+(.*)\s+do/)
22       end
24       def example_at_line(source, line_number)
25         find_above(source, line_number, /^\s*(specify|it)\s+(.*)\s+do/)
26       end
28       # Returns the context/describe or specify/it name and the line number
29       def find_above(source, line_number, pattern)
30         lines_above_reversed(source, line_number).each_with_index do |line, n|
31           return [parse_description($2), line_number-n] if line =~ pattern
32         end
33         nil
34       end
36       def lines_above_reversed(source, line_number)
37         lines = source.split("\n")
38         lines[0...line_number].reverse
39       end
41       def parse_description(str)
42         return str[1..-2] if str =~ /^['"].*['"]$/
43         if matches = /^['"](.*)['"](,.*)?$/.match(str)
44           return ::Spec::Example::ExampleGroupDescription.generate_description(matches[1])
45         end
46         if matches = /^(.*)\s*,\s*['"](.*)['"](,.*)?$/.match(str)
47           return ::Spec::Example::ExampleGroupDescription.generate_description(matches[1], matches[2])
48         end
49         return str
50       end
51     end
52   end
53 end