Unit test.
[monikop.git] / pokinom
1 #! /usr/bin/perl
2 use strict;
3 use warnings;
4 use Data::Dumper;
5 use File::Rsync;
6 use Thread 'async';
7 use threads::shared;
8 use Curses;
10 my @pokinom_banner = (
11 " _/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/",
12 " _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/ ",
13 " _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ ",
14 " _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ ",
15 "_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ ",
18 # Debug mode:
19 # 0 = clean UI; 1 = lots of scrolling junk; anything else = both (pipe to file)
20 my $debug = 0;
22 # Where to read local configuration:
23 my $pokinom_config = '~/monikop/pokinom.config';
25 ########################################
26 # Settings
27 ########################################
28 # Possible mount points. Must be unique in their tails after rightmost /.
29 my @possible_mount_points;
31 # Directory relative to a mount point where new data resides.
32 # Must agree with Monikop's setting.
33 my $path_under_mount_point;
35 # Directories of this name will be deleted.
36 # Must agree with Monikop's setting.
37 my $path_under_mount_point_backed_up;
39 # Directory name while being deleted by monikop.
40 # Must agree with Monikop's setting.
41 my $path_under_mount_point_being_deleted;
43 # Data sink.
44 my $destination;
46 # Credentials of the remote rsync server. String, or 0 if not used.
47 my $rsync_username;
48 my $rsync_password;
50 # Full path to rsync's raw log
51 my $rsync_log_prefix;
53 # Full path to a file to store list of rsync's incompletely transferred files in:
54 my $interrupted_prefix;
56 # Shut down when finished? (default); 1 = yes; 2 = stay on.
57 my $shut_down_when_done :shared;
59 # How to turn off
60 my $shut_down_action;
62 # Rsync's directory (relative to destination) for partially transferred files.
63 # Must agree with Monikop's setting.
64 my $rsync_partial_dir_name;
66 # Local changes to the above.
67 eval `cat $pokinom_config`;
69 # Places for running rsyncs to put their runtime info in
70 my %speeds :shared;
71 my %progress_ratios :shared;
72 my %done :shared;
74 sub debug_print { if ($debug) { print @_; } };
76 # Return sorted intersection of arrays which are supposed to have unique
77 # elements.
78 sub intersection {
79 my @intersection = ();
80 my %count = ();
81 my $element;
82 foreach $element (@_) { $count{$element}++ }
83 foreach $element (keys %count) {
84 push @intersection, $element if $count{$element} > 1;
86 sort @intersection;
89 # Write @content to a file with name $filename.
90 sub write_list {
91 my ($filename, @content) = @_;
92 open FILE, '>', $filename
93 or die "[" . $$ . "] open $filename failed: $!\n";
94 print FILE @content;
95 close FILE;
98 my %source_roots;
99 my %rsync_outfun;
100 my %rsync;
102 sub rsync_preparation_form {
103 my ($source) = @_;
104 $speeds{$source} = "-";
105 join ( '',
106 "\n",
107 ########## Capture rsync's status messages for use by UI
108 '$rsync_outfun{\'', $source, '\'} = sub {',
109 ' my ($outline, $outputchannel) = @_ ; ',
110 ' my ($speed) = $outline =~ /\d+\s+\d+%\s+(\S+)/; ',
111 ' my ($progress_ratio) = $outline =~ /.+to-check=(\d+\/\d+)\)$/; ',
112 ' if ($speed and $outputchannel eq \'out\') {',
113 ' $speeds{\'', $source, '\'} = $speed;',
114 ' } else {',
115 ' $speeds{\'', $source, '\'} = "-";',
116 ' };',
117 ' if ($progress_ratio and $outputchannel eq \'out\') {',
118 ' $progress_ratios{\'', $source, '\'} = $progress_ratio;',
119 ' } ;',
120 '};',
121 "\n",
122 ########## Run rsync
123 '$rsync{\'', $source, '\'} = File::Rsync->new; ',
124 ########## Return fodder for another eval
125 '$rsync_exec_form{\'', $source, '\'} = sub {',
126 ' \'$rsync{\\\'', $source, '\\\'}->exec(',
127 ' {',
128 ' src => \\\'', $source_roots{$source}, '/', $path_under_mount_point, '/\\\', ',
129 ' dest => \\\'' . $destination . '/\\\', ',
130 ' outfun => $rsync_outfun{\\\'', $source, '\\\'}, ',
131 ' progress => 1, debug => 0, verbose => 0, ',
132 ' filter => [\\\'merge,- ', $interrupted_prefix, $source, '\\\'], ',
133 ' literal => [\\\'--recursive\\\', \\\'--times\\\', ',
134 ' \\\'--partial-dir=', $rsync_partial_dir_name, '\\\', ',
135 ' \\\'--update\\\', ',
136 ' \\\'--prune-empty-dirs\\\', ',
137 ' \\\'--log-file-format=%i %b %n\\\', ',
138 ' , \\\'--log-file=', $rsync_log_prefix, $source, '\\\'] ',
139 ' }',
140 ' );\' ',
141 '};',
142 "\n",
145 sub act_on_keypress {
146 my ($pressed_key) = @_;
147 if ($pressed_key eq 267) { qx($shut_down_action); }
148 elsif ($pressed_key eq 273) { # F9
149 $shut_down_when_done = $shut_down_when_done ? 0 : 1; }
152 $ENV{USER} = $rsync_username if ($rsync_username);
153 $ENV{RSYNC_PASSWORD} = $rsync_password if ($rsync_password);
155 # Preparations done; sleeves up!
157 # Find usable (i.e. mounted) sources
158 my @raw_mount_points = grep (s/\S+ on (.*) type .*/$1/, qx/mount/);
159 chomp @raw_mount_points;
160 my @sources = intersection @raw_mount_points, @possible_mount_points;
161 debug_print "SOURCES:\n";
162 debug_print @sources;
164 # Turn a path into a legal perl identifier:
165 sub make_key_from_path {
166 my $path = shift;
167 ($path) =~ s/\/?(.*)\/?/$1/g;
168 ($path) =~ s/\W/_/g;
169 $path;
172 map {
173 $source_roots{make_key_from_path $_} = $_
174 } @sources;
176 my %being_deleted_thread;
177 # Clean up sources if necessary
178 map {
179 my $p_i_d = $source_roots{$_} . '/' . $path_under_mount_point;
180 my $p_i_d_being_deleted = $source_roots{$_} . '/' . $path_under_mount_point_being_deleted;
181 $being_deleted_thread{$_} = async { qx(rm -rf $p_i_d_being_deleted 2> /dev/null); };
182 } keys %source_roots;
184 # This could be more sophisticated
185 print "Waiting for $destination to become reachable.\n";
186 sleep 10;
188 my %rsync_worker_thread;
189 my %rsync_exec_form;
191 # Set up and start things per source_root, in parallel:
192 map {
193 $progress_ratios{$_} = "?"; # Initialize for UI
194 $done{$_} = 0;
195 $rsync_worker_thread{$_} = async {
196 my $rsync_log_name = $rsync_log_prefix . $_;
197 debug_print 'rsync_preparation_form:' . rsync_preparation_form ($_). "\n";
198 eval rsync_preparation_form $_;
199 debug_print "EVAL RSYNC_PREPARATION_FORM $_: $@ \n";
200 my $complete_source = $source_roots{$_} . '/' . $path_under_mount_point;
201 my $complete_source_backed_up = $source_roots{$_} . '/' . $path_under_mount_point_backed_up;
202 my @interrupted = qx((cd $complete_source 2> /dev/null && find ./ -path *$rsync_partial_dir_name/*));
203 # Write exclusion list: don't transfer files Monikop gave up upon.
204 grep s/\.(.*\/)$rsync_partial_dir_name\/(.*)/$1$2/, @interrupted;
205 write_list $interrupted_prefix . $_, @interrupted;
206 debug_print "INTERRUPTED";
207 debug_print @interrupted;
208 if (-d $complete_source) {
209 if (eval ($rsync_exec_form{$_}() )) {
210 debug_print "EVAL RSYNC_EXEC_FORM (successful) $complete_source: $@ \n";
211 } else {
212 die "EVAL RSYNC_EXEC_FORM (failed) $complete_source: $@ \n";
215 $progress_ratios{$_} = "Wait";
216 $speeds{$_} = "-";
218 } keys %source_roots;
220 # Repeat rsync runs, this time sequentially, in order to get the newest of a file
221 # which may exist in multiple versions on different sources:
222 my $rsync_worker_thread = async {
223 map {
224 $rsync_worker_thread{$_}->join;
225 debug_print "JOINED $_\n";
226 } keys %source_roots;
227 map {
228 $progress_ratios{$_} = "?"; # Initialize for UI
229 $done{$_} = 0;
230 my $rsync_log_name = $rsync_log_prefix . $_;
231 eval rsync_preparation_form $_;
232 debug_print "EVAL RSYNC_PREPARATION_FORM $_: $@ \n";
233 my $complete_source = $source_roots{$_} . '/' . $path_under_mount_point;
234 my $complete_source_backed_up = $source_roots{$_} . '/' . $path_under_mount_point_backed_up;
235 my @interrupted = qx((cd $complete_source 2> /dev/null && find ./ -path *$rsync_partial_dir_name/*));
236 # Write exclusion list: don't transfer files Monikop gave up upon.
237 grep s/\.(.*\/)$rsync_partial_dir_name\/(.*)/$1$2/, @interrupted;
238 write_list $interrupted_prefix . $_, @interrupted;
239 if (-d $complete_source) {
240 if (eval ($rsync_exec_form{$_}() )) {
241 debug_print "EVAL RSYNC_EXEC_FORM (successful) $complete_source: $@ \n";
242 qx(mv $complete_source $complete_source_backed_up);
243 } else {
244 die "EVAL RSYNC_EXEC_FORM (failed) $complete_source: $@ \n";
247 $progress_ratios{$_} = "Done";
248 $speeds{$_} = "-";
249 $done{$_} = 1;
250 unless ($debug) {
251 unlink $rsync_log_name;
252 unlink $interrupted_prefix . $_;
254 } keys %source_roots;
257 if ($debug == 1) {
258 # Let the workers toil.
259 sleep;
260 } else {
261 # Let the workers toil and talk to the user.
262 initscr();
263 cbreak();
264 noecho();
265 curs_set(0);
266 my $window_top = newwin(LINES() - 8, 79, 0, 0);
267 my $window_center = newwin(5, 79, LINES() - 8, 0);
268 my $window_bottom = newwin(3, 79, LINES() - 3, 0);
269 $window_bottom->keypad(1);
270 $window_bottom->nodelay(1);
271 start_color;
272 init_pair 1, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK;
273 init_pair 2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK;
274 init_pair 3, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK;
275 init_pair 4, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK;
276 my $MAGENTA = COLOR_PAIR(1);
277 my $RED = COLOR_PAIR(2);
278 my $CYAN = COLOR_PAIR(3);
279 my $YELLOW = COLOR_PAIR(4);
280 while (1) {
281 $window_top->attron($CYAN);
282 $window_top->box(0,0);
283 $window_top->addstr(0, 30, " P r o g r e s s ");
284 $window_top->attroff($CYAN);
285 my $sources_format = "%-25s%-18s%-8s";
286 $window_top->attron(A_BOLD);
287 $window_top->addstr(1, 12,
288 sprintf ($sources_format,
289 "Source Medium", "Speed", "To Do"));
290 $window_top->attroff(A_BOLD);
291 my $line_number = 2;
292 map {
293 my $source = $_;
294 $window_top->attron($CYAN);
295 $window_top->attron($RED) if $done{$source};
296 $window_top->addstr($line_number, 12,
297 sprintf($sources_format,
298 substr($source_roots{$source}, 0, 24),
299 substr($speeds{$source}, 0, 17),
300 substr($progress_ratios{$source}, -8, 8)));
301 ++ $line_number;
302 $window_top->addstr($line_number, 1,
303 sprintf($sources_format, "", "", "", ""));
304 $window_top->attroff($RED);
305 $window_top->attroff($CYAN);
306 } sort (keys %source_roots);
307 $line_number = 0;
308 map {
309 $window_center->addstr($line_number, 2, $_);
310 ++ $line_number;
311 } @pokinom_banner;
312 $window_center->move(0, 0);
314 $window_bottom->box(0,0);
315 $window_bottom->attron(A_BOLD);
316 $window_bottom->addstr(1, 3,
317 sprintf ("[F3]: Turn off now.%54s",
318 $shut_down_when_done ? "Turning off when done. [F9]: Stay on."
319 : "Staying on. [F9]: Turn off when done."));
320 $window_bottom->attroff(A_BOLD);
322 $window_top->refresh();
323 $window_bottom->refresh();
324 $window_center->refresh(); # Last window gets the cursor.
325 sleep 2;
326 act_on_keypress($window_bottom->getch());
327 if (! grep(/0/, values %done) && $shut_down_when_done) {
328 qx ($shut_down_action);
331 endwin();
334 # Tidy up. (Except we don't reach this.)
335 map {
336 $being_deleted_thread{$_}->join if $being_deleted_thread{$_};
337 } keys %source_roots;
339 $rsync_worker_thread->join if $rsync_worker_thread{$_};