Patch for Bug #227013 - /boot not mounted
[moblin-image-creator.eeepc.git] / libs /
1 #!/usr/bin/python -tt
2 # vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4
4 # Copyright (c) 2007 Intel Corporation
6 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
8 # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
12 # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
13 # for more details.
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16 # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
17 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19 # This file contains utility functions which do not need to be inside any of
20 # our current classes
22 import exceptions
23 import fcntl
24 import gettext
25 import gobject
26 import os
27 import re
28 import select
29 import stat
30 import subprocess
31 import sys
32 import tempfile
33 import shutil
34 import time
36 import mic_cfg
38 _ = gettext.lgettext
40 # this is for the copySourcesListFile() function
41 src_regex = None
42 CONFIG_DIR = os.path.expanduser("~/.image-creator")
43 if not os.path.isdir(CONFIG_DIR):
44 print _("~/.image-creator/ directory did not exist. Creating")
45 os.makedirs(CONFIG_DIR)
47 sources_regex_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, "sources_cfg"))
48 if os.path.isfile(sources_regex_file):
49 f = open(sources_regex_file, "r")
50 mirrorSelectionLine = f.readline()
51 f.close()
52 global_dict = {}
53 execfile(sources_regex_file, global_dict)
54 if mirrorSelectionLine.find("=") != -1:
55 mirrorToUse = mirrorSelectionLine.split('=')[1]
56 mirrorToUse = mirrorToUse[1:-2]
57 if mirrorToUse != "no_mirror":
58 if mirrorToUse in global_dict:
59 src_regex = global_dict[mirrorToUse]
60 else:
61 if 'sources_regex' in global_dict:
62 src_regex = global_dict['sources_regex']
63 else:
64 if 'sources_regex' in global_dict:
65 src_regex = global_dict['sources_regex']
66 else:
67 print _("Creating sample %s file") % sources_regex_file
68 out_file = open(sources_regex_file, 'w')
69 print >> out_file, """#!/usr/bin/python
71 # If you have a local mirror of the Ubuntu and/or APT repositories,
72 # then this configuration file will be useful to you.
74 # This file is used when copying the files that will go into
75 # /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ It consists of a list, which contains a search
76 # regular expression and a replacement string. When copying the files into the
77 # /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ , of the projects and targets, a search and replace
78 # will be performed.
80 sources_regex = [
81 # source_archive, local mirror of source archive
83 # Edit the following and uncomment them to enable use of a local mirror server.
84 # NOTE: The trailing space is important in the strings!!!!
87 # (r' ', 'http://<PATH_TO_YOUR_LOCAL_MIRROR_OF_MOBLIN_ORG/ '),
89 ]"""
90 out_file.close()
92 # Make sure the file and directory are owned by the user if it is currently
93 # owned by root.
94 userid = int(mic_cfg.config.get("userinfo", "userid"))
95 groupid = int(mic_cfg.config.get("userinfo", "groupid"))
96 for filename in [ CONFIG_DIR, sources_regex_file ]:
97 stat_val = os.stat(filename)
98 st_uid = stat_val[stat.ST_UID]
99 st_gid = stat_val[stat.ST_GID]
100 do_chmod = False
101 if st_uid == 0 and userid != 0:
102 do_chmod = True
103 elif st_gid == 0 and groupid != 0:
104 do_chmod = True
105 if do_chmod:
106 os.chown(filename, userid, groupid)
108 def main():
109 # Add something to exercise this code
110 print _("USB devices: %s") % get_current_udisks()
112 def areWeRoot():
113 """Figure out if we are running as root"""
114 sudo = int(mic_cfg.config.get('userinfo', 'sudo'))
115 userid = int(mic_cfg.config.get('userinfo', 'userid'))
116 if sudo == 0 and userid != 0:
117 return False
118 return True
120 def get_current_udisks():
121 usb_devices = []
122 dirname = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath('/sys/bus/scsi'))
123 work_list = getUsbDirTree(dirname)
124 usb_list = [ x for x in work_list if'usb', x) ]
125 for filename in usb_list:
126 device_dir = os.path.join('/sys/devices', filename)
127 if os.path.isdir(device_dir):
128 for device_file in os.listdir(device_dir):
129 full_path = os.path.join(device_dir, device_file)
130 result ='^block:(?P<dev>.*)', device_file)
131 if result:
132 usb_dev = os.path.join('/dev','dev'))
133 if os.path.exists(usb_dev):
134 usb_devices.append(usb_dev)
135 return usb_devices
137 def getUsbDirTree(dirname):
138 file_set = set()
139 for filename in os.listdir(dirname):
140 full_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
141 if os.path.islink(full_path):
142 file_set.add(os.path.realpath(full_path))
143 elif os.path.isdir(full_path):
144 file_set.update(getUsbDirTree(full_path))
145 else:
146 file_set.add(full_path)
147 return file_set
149 def umountAllInPath(dirname, directory_set = None):
150 """Unmount all mounts that are found underneath the dirname specified. On
151 error returns a set containing the list of directories that failed to
152 unmount"""
153 # Have to add a '/' on the end to prevent /foo/egg and /foo/egg2 being
154 # treated as if both were under /foo/egg
155 if directory_set == None:
156 directory_set = set()
157 our_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(dirname)) + os.sep
158 mounts = getMountInfo()
159 for mpoint in mounts:
160 fs_type=mounts[mpoint].fs_type
161 mpoint = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(mpoint)) + os.sep
162 if our_path == mpoint[:len(our_path)]:
163 # need save tmpfs to 'real' dir
164 if fs_type == 'tmpfs':
165 tmp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp('','pdk-', '/tmp')
166 os.rmdir(tmp_path)
167 shutil.copytree(mpoint, tmp_path)
168 result = umount(mpoint)
169 if not result:
170 directory_set.add(os.path.abspath(mpoint))
171 if fs_type == 'tmpfs':
172 shutil.rmtree(tmp_path)
173 elif fs_type == 'tmpfs':
174 os.rmdir(mpoint)
175 shutil.move(tmp_path, mpoint)
176 return directory_set
178 def umount(dirname):
179 """Helper function to un-mount a directory, returns back False if it failed
180 to unmount the directory"""
181 dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(dirname))
182 result = os.system("umount %s" % (dirname))
183 if result:
184 # umount failed, see if the directory is actually mounted, if it isn't
185 # then we think it is okay
186 mounts = getMountInfo()
187 if dirname in mounts:
188 return False
189 return True
191 def umount_device(device_file):
192 """umount a device if it is mounted"""
193 search_file = "%s " % os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(device_file))
194 mount_file = open('/proc/mounts', 'r')
195 for line in mount_file:
196 line = line.strip()
197 if line.find(search_file) == 0:
198 print _("Umounting: %s") % device_file
199 return umount(device_file)
200 return True
202 def getMountInfo():
203 """Function to parse the list of mounts and return back the data"""
204 output = {}
205 mounts_file = "/proc/mounts"
206 in_file = open(mounts_file, 'r')
207 for line in in_file:
208 line = line.strip()
209 mount_info = MountInfo(line)
210 output[mount_info.dirname] = mount_info
211 return output
213 def ismount(path):
214 """Function to see if a path is mounted, this is because os.path.ismount()
215 does not seem to detect --bind"""
216 path = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)))
217 output = []
218 cmd = "mount"
219 result = execCommand(cmd, quiet = True, output = output)
220 for line in output:
221 result ='(?P<dev>.*) on (?P<mnt_point>.*) type', line)
222 if result:
223 mnt_point ='mnt_point')
224 if mnt_point == path:
225 return True
226 return False
229 def setblocking(f, flag):
230 " set/clear blocking mode"
231 # get the file descriptor
232 fd = f.fileno()
233 # get the file's current flag settings
234 fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
235 if flag:
236 # clear non-blocking mode from flags
237 fl = fl & ~os.O_NONBLOCK
238 else:
239 # set non-blocking mode from flags
240 fl = fl | os.O_NONBLOCK
241 # update the file's flags
242 fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl)
244 def execCommand(cmd_line, quiet = False, output = None, callback = None):
245 if output == None and callback == None:
246 p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_line.split())
247 else:
248 p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_line.split(), stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, close_fds = True)
249 # To get the callbacks to work, we need to capture the output
250 if callback != None and output == None:
251 output = []
252 # Don't ever want the process waiting on stdin.
253 if output != None:
254 p.stdin.close()
255 # Make the stdout of the subprocess non-blocking, so that we won't
256 # ever hang waiting for it. This way our callback function should
257 # always keep being called.
258 setblocking(p.stdout, False)
259 # This is so that we can keep calling our callback
260 poll = select.poll()
261 if output != None:
262 poll.register(p.stdout, select.POLLIN)
263 out_buffer = ""
264 # As long as our subprocess returns None, then the subprocess is still
265 # running.
266 while p.poll() == None:
267 if output != None:
268 # Only do this if we are capturing output
269 result = poll.poll(10)
270 if result:
271 buf =
272 if buf != "":
273 out_buffer += buf
274 if not quiet:
275 sys.stdout.write(buf)
276 if callback:
277 callback(p)
278 if output != None:
279 # Have to scan for anything remaining in the subprocess stdout
280 # buffer
281 while True:
282 buf =
283 if buf == "":
284 break
285 out_buffer += buf
286 if not quiet:
287 sys.stdout.write(buf)
288 # Now we have to package up our output
289 for line in out_buffer.splitlines():
290 output.append(line)
291 result = p.returncode
292 return result
294 def execChrootCommand(path, cmd, output = None, callback = None):
295 if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'bin/bash')):
296 print >> sys.stderr, _("Incomplete jailroot at %s") % (path)
297 raise ValueError(_("Internal Error: Invalid buildroot at %s") % (path))
298 if output == None:
299 output = []
300 cmd_line = "/usr/sbin/chroot %s %s" % (path, cmd)
301 result = execCommand(cmd_line, output = output, callback = callback)
302 if result != 0:
303 print _("Error in chroot. Result: %s") % result
304 print _("Command was: %s") % cmd_line
305 sys.stdout.flush()
306 return result
308 def copySourcesListFile(sourcefile, destfile):
309 """The purpose of this function is allow the user to be able to point at a
310 local repository for some of the sources, rather than going out over the
311 Internet"""
312 in_file = open(sourcefile, 'r')
313 out_file = open(destfile, 'w')
314 for line in in_file:
315 line = line.strip()
316 if type(src_regex) == type([]):
317 for regex, sub in src_regex:
318 line = re.sub(regex, sub, line)
319 print >> out_file, line
320 in_file.close()
321 out_file.close()
323 def touchFile(filename):
324 """Work like the 'touch' command"""
325 if not os.path.exists(filename):
326 basedir = os.path.dirname(filename)
327 if not os.path.exists(basedir):
328 os.makedirs(basedir)
329 out_file = open(filename, 'w')
330 out_file.close()
331 os.utime(filename, None)
333 def rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None, callback = None, count = 0):
334 """Recursively delete a directory tree.
336 This function was copied from the library in Python 2.5.1. The
337 license for Python is GPL compatible so it is okay to use it. The reason
338 for creating a custom version of this is so that we can have a callback
339 function. This way our throbber won't die for long periods of time when
340 deleting a large directory tree.
342 If ignore_errors is set, errors are ignored; otherwise, if onerror
343 is set, it is called to handle the error with arguments (func,
344 path, exc_info) where func is os.listdir, os.remove, or os.rmdir;
345 path is the argument to that function that caused it to fail; and
346 exc_info is a tuple returned by sys.exc_info(). If ignore_errors
347 is false and onerror is None, an exception is raised.
349 if ignore_errors:
350 def onerror(*args):
351 pass
352 elif onerror is None:
353 def onerror(*args):
354 raise
355 names = []
356 try:
357 names = os.listdir(path)
358 except os.error, err:
359 onerror(os.listdir, path, sys.exc_info())
360 for name in names:
361 count += 1
362 # For every 200 files deleted, lets call our callback
363 if count % 200 == 0 and callback:
364 callback(None)
365 fullname = os.path.join(path, name)
366 try:
367 mode = os.lstat(fullname).st_mode
368 except os.error:
369 mode = 0
370 if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
371 rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror, callback = callback, count = count)
372 else:
373 try:
374 os.remove(fullname)
375 except os.error, err:
376 onerror(os.remove, fullname, sys.exc_info())
377 try:
378 os.rmdir(path)
379 except os.error:
380 onerror(os.rmdir, path, sys.exc_info())
382 def copy(src, dst, callback = None):
383 if callback:
384 timer = gobject.timeout_add(100, callback, None)
385 pid = os.fork()
386 if (pid == 0):
387 # child process
388 shutil.copy(src, dst)
389 os._exit(0)
390 while 1:
391 pid, exit_status = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)
392 if pid == 0:
393 callback(None)
394 time.sleep(0.1)
395 else:
396 gobject.source_remove(timer)
397 break
398 if exit_status:
399 # Something failed, try again without the fork
400 shutil.copy(src, dst)
401 else:
402 shutil.copy(src, dst)
404 def safeTextFileCopy(source_file, destination_file, force = False):
405 """Routine which attempts to safely copy a text file. This means that if
406 we have the destination file and it has our signature text in it, then we
407 will overwrite it. But if the signature text is not in the destination
408 file then we will not overwrite it"""
409 id_string = _("# ##-Created by Moblin Image Creator: if this line exists we will overwrite this file -##")
410 copyfile = False
411 if os.path.isfile(source_file):
412 if not os.path.isfile(destination_file) or force:
413 copyfile = True
414 else:
415 in_file = open(destination_file, 'r')
416 for line in in_file:
417 line = line.strip()
418 if'^' + id_string, line):
419 copyfile = True
420 break
421 in_file.close()
422 if copyfile:
423 in_file = open(source_file, 'r')
424 out_file = open(destination_file, 'w')
425 print >> out_file, id_string
426 for line in in_file:
427 out_file.write(line)
428 in_file.close()
429 out_file.close()
431 def mountList(mount_list, chroot_dir):
432 """Mount the items specified in the mount list. Return back a list of what
433 got mounted"""
434 # We want to keep a list of everything we mount, so that we can use it in
435 # the umount portion
436 mounted_list = []
437 mounts = getMountInfo()
438 for mnt_type, host_dirname, target_dirname, fs_type, device in mount_list:
439 # If didn't specify target_dirname then use the host_dirname path,
440 # but we have to remove the leading '/'
441 if not target_dirname and host_dirname:
442 target_dirname = re.sub(r'^' + os.sep, '', host_dirname)
443 # Do the --bind mount types
444 if mnt_type == "bind":
445 path = os.path.join(chroot_dir, target_dirname)
446 mounted_list.append(path)
447 if not os.path.isdir(path):
448 os.makedirs(path)
449 if not ismount(path) and os.path.isdir(host_dirname):
450 result = os.system('mount --bind %s %s' % (host_dirname, path))
451 if result != 0:
452 raise OSError(_("Internal error while attempting to bind mount /%s!") % (host_dirname))
453 # Mimic host mounts, if possible
454 elif mnt_type == 'host':
455 if host_dirname in mounts:
456 mount_info = mounts[host_dirname]
457 fs_type = mount_info.fs_type
458 device = mount_info.device
459 options = "-o %s" % mount_info.options
460 else:
461 options = ""
462 path = os.path.join(chroot_dir, target_dirname)
463 mounted_list.append(path)
464 if not os.path.isdir(path):
465 os.makedirs(path)
466 if not ismount(path):
467 cmd = 'mount %s -t %s %s %s' % (options, fs_type, device, path)
468 result = execCommand(cmd)
469 if result != 0:
470 raise OSError(_("Internal error while attempting to mount %s %s!") % (host_dirname, target_dirname))
471 return mounted_list
473 class MountInfo(object):
474 def __init__(self, mount_line):
475 """Input is in the form that is found in /etc/mtab (or /proc/mounts)"""
476 mount_line = mount_line.strip()
477 result = mount_line.split()
478 self.device = result[0]
479 self.dirname = result[1]
480 self.fs_type = result[2]
481 self.options = result[3]
482 def __str__(self):
483 return ("%s %s %s %s" % (self.device, self.dirname, self.fs_type, self.options))
484 def __repr__(self):
485 return "MountInfo('%s')" % self.__str__()
487 # An exception class for Image Creator
488 class ImageCreatorError(exceptions.Exception):
489 def __init__(self, args=None):
490 self.args = args
493 class ImageCreatorUmountError(ImageCreatorError):
494 def __init__(self, directory_set = set()):
495 self.directory_set = directory_set
497 def getAllProcesses():
498 """Return back a dictionary of all the currently running processes on the
499 system"""
500 processes = {}
501 dirname = "/proc"
502 for filename in sorted(os.listdir(dirname)):
503 full_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
504 if os.path.isdir(full_path) and'^[0-9]+$', filename):
505 pid = int(filename)
506 in_file = open(os.path.join(full_path, "status"))
507 for line in in_file:
508 line = line.strip()
509 result ='^ppid:\t(?P<ppid>.*)', line, re.I)
510 if result:
511 ppid = int('ppid'))
512 processes.setdefault(ppid, []).append(pid)
513 break
514 in_file.close()
515 return processes
517 def findChildren(pid, process_dict = None):
518 """Find all the children of PID (Process ID). Does not return back PID"""
519 output = []
520 if not process_dict:
521 process_dict = getAllProcesses()
522 if pid in process_dict:
523 for child_pid in process_dict[pid]:
524 output.append(child_pid)
525 output.extend(findChildren(child_pid, process_dict))
526 output.sort()
527 return output
529 def signalChildren(pid, send_signal, process_dict = None, parent_first = True):
530 """Send the signal 'send_signal' to the parent and all of its children
531 parent_first = Send the signal to the parent before signaling the
532 children"""
533 if not process_dict:
534 process_dict = getAllProcesses()
535 if pid in process_dict:
536 if parent_first:
537 print _("Sending signal: %s to PID: %s") % (send_signal, pid)
538 try:
539 os.kill(pid, send_signal)
540 except:
541 pass
542 for child_pid in process_dict[pid]:
543 signalChildren(child_pid, send_signal = send_signal,
544 process_dict = process_dict, parent_first = parent_first)
545 if not parent_first:
546 print _("Sending signal: %s to PID: %s") % (send_signal, pid)
547 try:
548 os.kill(pid, send_signal)
549 except:
550 pass
552 if '__main__' == __name__:
553 sys.exit(main())