patch 7593
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / direct_connect /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 open Int64ops
20 open Printf2
21 open Md4
23 open CommonFile
24 open CommonOptions
25 open CommonSearch
26 open CommonResult
27 open BasicSocket
28 open TcpBufferedSocket
29 open CommonGlobals
30 open CommonTypes
31 open CommonClient
32 open CommonComplexOptions
33 open GuiProto
34 open Options
35 open CommonUser
36 open CommonRoom
37 open CommonTypes
38 open CommonShared
39 open CommonServer
40 open CommonUploads
41 open CommonInteractive
42 open CommonNetwork
44 open DcTypes
45 open DcOptions
47 let log_prefix = "[dcGlo]"
49 let lprintf_nl fmt =
50 lprintf_nl2 log_prefix fmt
52 exception Found_client of DcTypes.client
53 exception Found_server of DcTypes.server
54 exception Found_file of DcTypes.file
55 exception Found_user of DcTypes.user
56 exception Wrong_file_size of Int64.t * Int64.t
57 exception BreakIter
59 let network = new_network "DC" "Direct Connect"
61 NetworkHasServers;
62 (*NetworkHasRooms;*)
63 NetworkHasChat;
64 NetworkHasSearch;
65 NetworkHasUpload;
68 let connection_manager = network.network_connection_manager
70 let (server_ops : server CommonServer.server_ops) =
71 CommonServer.new_server_ops network
73 let (user_ops : user CommonUser.user_ops) =
74 CommonUser.new_user_ops network
76 let (file_ops : file CommonFile.file_ops) =
77 CommonFile.new_file_ops network
79 let (client_ops : client CommonClient.client_ops) =
80 CommonClient.new_client_ops network
82 let (shared_ops : CommonUploads.shared_file CommonShared.shared_ops) =
83 CommonShared.new_shared_ops network
85 let once_create_filelist = ref false (* filelist creation one time on start *)
86 let once_connect_to_servers = ref false (* autoconnection done to servers on start *)
88 let file_disk_name file = file_disk_name (as_file file.file_file)
89 let dc_tcp_listen_sock = ref (None : TcpServerSocket.t option)
90 let dc_udp_sock = ref (None : UdpSocket.t option)
91 (*let nservers = ref 0 *) (* connected servers count *)
92 let connected_servers = ref ([]: server list) (* list of connected servers (servers that have sent $Hello to us)*)
93 let servers_by_ip : (string , server) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
94 let users_by_name = Hashtbl.create 113
95 let current_files = ref ([]: file list)
96 let dc_files_by_unchecked_hash : (string , file) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 47
97 let dc_files_by_key = Hashtbl.create 47
98 let dc_tiger_computing = ref false
99 let dc_get_nchunks size = Int64.to_int (size // CommonUploads.tiger_block_size) + 1
100 let dc_shared_files_by_fullname : (string , dc_shared_file) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 30
101 let dc_shared_files_by_codedname : (string , dc_shared_file) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 30
102 let dc_shared_files_by_hash : (string , dc_shared_file) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 30
103 let dc_result_info : (int , dc_result) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 30
104 let dc_results_by_file : ((string * string * int64), CommonTypes.result) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 30
105 let dc_files_to_hash = ref ([] : dc_shared_file list)
106 let dc_last_manual_search = ref 0.
107 let dc_last_autosearch = ref (None : option)
108 let dc_last_autosearch_time = ref 0.
109 let dc_total_uploaded = ref
110 (*let current_open_slots = ref 0*)
111 (*let clients_by_name = Hashtbl.create 113*)
112 let clients_list = ref ([] : client list)
113 let dc_hublist = ref ([] : dc_hub list) (* list for DC servers *)
114 let temp_nick = ref "unknown"
115 let temp_nick_num = ref 0 (* this is used to name temporary users always with different name *)
116 let used_slots = ref 0
117 let dc_download_preread = ref 128 (* max (int64_kbyte-1) atm. Used to make simple check of file corruption *)
118 let dc_config_files_loaded = ref false
119 let char5 = char_of_int 5 (* /005 *)
120 let char13 = char_of_int 13 (* \r *)
121 let char32 = char_of_int 32 (* "space" *)
122 let char38 = char_of_int 38 (* & *)
123 let char39 = char_of_int 39 (* ' *)
124 let char42 = char_of_int 42 (* * *)
125 let char43 = char_of_int 43 (* + *)
126 let char58 = char_of_int 58 (* : *)
127 let char60 = char_of_int 60 (* < *)
128 let char62 = char_of_int 62 (* > *)
129 let char92 = char_of_int 92 (* slash \ *)
130 let char129 = char_of_int 129 (* extended ASCII *)
131 let char154 = char_of_int 154 (* extended ASCII *)
132 let char160 = char_of_int 160 (* extended ASCII *)
133 let char165 = char_of_int 165 (* extended ASCII *)
134 let empty_string = ""
135 let int64_kbyte = Int64.of_int 1024
136 let int64_mbyte = Int64.mul int64_kbyte int64_kbyte
137 let int64_gbyte = Int64.mul int64_mbyte int64_kbyte
138 let int64_64kbytes = Int64.mul int64_kbyte (Int64.of_int 64)
139 let random_port = ( 60000) + 1025
140 let mylist_ext = ".DcLst"
141 let bz2_ext = ".bz2"
142 let xml_ext = ".xml"
143 let mylistxmlbz2_ext = xml_ext ^ bz2_ext
144 let mylist = "MyList" ^ mylist_ext
145 let mylistxmlbz2 = "files" ^ mylistxmlbz2_ext
146 let directconnect_directory = "direct_connect"
147 let filelist_directory = Filename.concat directconnect_directory "filelists"
148 let last_share_size = ref 0
150 (* These are the $Supports commands that MLDonkey understands at the moment *)
151 let mldonkey_dc_hub_supports = {
152 nogetinfo = true; (* Hub doesn't need to receive a $GetINFO from a client to send out $MyINFO *)
153 nohello = true; (* Client doesn't need either $Hello or $NickList to be sent *)
154 userip2 = false; (* Support for v2 of the $UserIP command *)
155 usercommand = false; (* Support for $UserCommand, which is a standard way of adding hub-specific shortcuts to the client *)
156 tthsearch = true;
157 opplus = false;
158 feed = false;
159 mcto = false;
160 hubtopic = true;
163 let mldonkey_dc_client_supports = {
164 bzlist = false; (* Support for a bzip2 compressed file list *)
165 minislots = true; (* Support for the concept of a "mini-slot" *) (* off not supported *)
166 getzblock = false; (* Instead of $Get and $Send, use $GetZBlock *)
167 xmlbzlist = true; (* Support for UTF-8 XML file lists, includes also support for $UGetBlock *)
168 adcget = true; (* Support for $ADCGET, a file retrieval command backported from the ADC draft *)
169 tthl = false; (* Support for the "tthl" namespace for $ADCGET *)
170 tthf = true; (* Support for the retrieving a file by its TTH through $ADCGET *)
171 zlig = false; (* Support for compressing the stream of data sent by $ADCGET with the ZLib library *)
172 clientid = false; (* Support for the $ClientID command *)
173 chunk = false; (* Extension by Valknut that allows retrieval of sections of a file through a modified $Get syntax *)
174 gettestzblock = false; (* Support for compressed transfers with commands $GetTestZBlock and $Sending *)
175 getcid = false;
177 (* DC++ 0674 Supports to hubs: UserCommand NoGetINFO NoHello UserIP2 TTHSearch GetZBlock *)
178 (* DC++ 0674 Supports to clients: MiniSlots XmlBZList ADCGet TTHL TTHF GetZBlock ZLIG *)
179 (* Verlihub supports: OpPlus NoGetINFO NoHello UserIP2 *)
181 let init_myinfo = {
182 dest = empty_string;
183 nick = empty_string;
184 description = empty_string;
185 client_brand = empty_string;
186 version = empty_string;
187 mode = 'P';
188 hubs = (0 , 0 , 0);
189 slots = 0;
190 conn_speed = empty_string;
191 open_upload_slot = 0;
192 flag = 1;
193 sharesize =;
194 email = empty_string;
195 bwlimit = 0;
198 (* FUNCTIONS *)
199 let set_server_state s state =
200 set_server_state (as_server s.server_server) state
201 (*let set_room_state s state =
202 set_room_state (as_room s.server_room) state *)
203 let server_num s = server_num (as_server s.server_server)
204 let file_num s = file_num (as_file s.file_file)
205 let server_state s = server_state (as_server s.server_server)
206 let file_state s = file_state (as_file s.file_file)
207 let server_must_update s = server_must_update (as_server s.server_server)
208 let file_must_update s = file_must_update (as_file s.file_file)
210 let dc_new_shared_dir dirname = {
211 shared_dirname = dirname;
212 shared_files = [];
213 shared_dirs = [];
216 let dc_shared_tree = dc_new_shared_dir ""
218 (* Copy from CommonUploads... *)
219 let rec dc_add_shared_file node dcsh dir_list =
220 match dir_list with
221 [] -> assert false
222 | [filename] ->
223 node.shared_files <- dcsh :: node.shared_files
224 | dirname :: dir_tail ->
225 let node =
227 List.assoc dirname node.shared_dirs
228 with _ ->
229 let new_node = dc_new_shared_dir dirname in
230 node.shared_dirs <- (dirname, new_node) :: node.shared_dirs;
231 new_node
233 dc_add_shared_file node dcsh dir_tail
235 let open_slots () = !!dc_open_slots
236 let current_slots () = open_slots () - !used_slots
238 let dc_remove_uploader () =
239 if !used_slots < 1 then begin
240 used_slots := 0;
241 if !verbose_upload then lprintf_nl "Slot internal counting error: already 0"
242 end else begin
243 decr used_slots;
244 if !verbose_upload then lprintf_nl "Decreased used slots to (%d)" !used_slots
247 let dc_insert_uploader () =
248 if !used_slots >= open_slots () then begin
249 used_slots := open_slots ();
250 if !verbose_upload then lprintf_nl "Slot internal counting error: already at maximum"
251 end else begin
252 incr used_slots;
253 if !verbose_upload then lprintf_nl "Increased used slots to (%d)" !used_slots
254 end
256 let dc_can_upload () =
257 if !used_slots >= open_slots () then false else true
259 let counts_as_minislot size = size < int64_64kbytes
261 let is_even_to_hundreds x = (x > 0) && ((x mod 100) = 0)
263 let is_even_to_tenths x = (x > 0) && ((x mod 10) = 0)
265 let is_even_to_twos x = (x > 0) && ((x mod 2) = 0)
267 let is_valid_tiger_hash hash =
268 if String.length hash = 39 then begin
269 if (String.contains hash char32) || (String.contains hash char92) ||
270 (String.contains hash '/') then false
271 else true
272 end else false
274 let find_sockets_client sock =
275 (try
276 List.iter (fun c ->
277 (match c.client_sock with
278 | Connection csock -> if csock == sock then raise (Found_client c)
279 | _ -> () )
280 ) !clients_list;
281 None
282 with
283 | Found_client c -> Some c
284 | _ -> None )
286 (* set our nick for hubs from .ini or global *)
287 let local_login () =
288 if !!login = "" then !!CommonOptions.global_login else !!login
290 (* Shorten string to some maximum length *)
291 let shorten_string s length =
292 if length < String.length s then
294 let n = Charset.utf8_nth s length in
295 String.sub s 0 n
296 with
297 _ -> s (* relies on bounds checking! FIXME? *)
298 else s
300 (* Replace one string to another string from string *)
301 let dc_replace_str_to_str s find_str to_str =
302 if find_str = to_str then failwith "dc_replace_str_to_str find_str = to_str";
303 let flen = String.length find_str in
304 let str = ref "" in
305 let rest = ref "" in
306 let index = ref 0 in
307 let rec replace s =
308 let ok =
309 (try
310 index := String2.search_from s 0 find_str
311 with
312 | Not_found -> index := -1 );
313 if (!index = -1) then begin
314 str := !str ^ s; true
315 end else begin
316 str := !str ^ String2.before s !index ^ to_str;
317 rest := String2.after s (!index+flen);
318 false
321 if not ok then replace !rest
322 else !str
324 replace s
326 (* Strip all unnecessary characters from string (CHECK not perfect) *)
327 let clean_string str =
328 (* DC++ static const char* badChars = "$|.[]()-_+"; *)
329 let s = ref "" in
330 let batch = ref "" in
331 let last_was_space = ref false in
332 let add_to_s () =
333 if (String.length !batch) > 2 then begin
334 s := !s ^ !batch;
335 true
336 end else false
338 String.iter (fun c ->
339 (match c with (* TODO 1..9 *)
340 | c when ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) ||
341 ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) ||
342 ((c >= char129) && (c <= char154)) ||
343 ((c >= char160) && (c <= char165)) ||
344 ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) ->
345 last_was_space := false;
346 batch := !batch ^ String2.of_char c
347 | ' ' | '.' | '-' | '_' ->
348 if !last_was_space then ()
349 else begin
350 if add_to_s () then s := !s ^ String2.of_char char32;
351 batch := "";
352 last_was_space := true;
354 | _ -> () )
355 ) str;
356 ignore (add_to_s ());
359 (* Create temporary nickname for client connection *)
360 let create_temp_nick () =
361 let s = "Unknown" ^ (string_of_int !temp_nick_num) in
362 if !temp_nick_num == max_int then temp_nick_num := 0
363 else temp_nick_num := succ !temp_nick_num;
366 (* Add user to server and vice versa *)
367 let add_user_to_server u s =
368 if not (List.memq s u.user_servers) then u.user_servers <- s :: u.user_servers; (* add server to users list *)
369 if not (List.memq u s.server_users) then begin
370 s.server_users <- u :: s.server_users; (* add user to servers list *)
371 server_new_user (as_server s.server_server) (as_user u.user_user);
374 (* Add new user to hubs userlist *)
375 (* PROBLEM ? There can possibly be users from different servers with same names, *)
376 (* and atm. this is not checked in any way. So if on different servers *)
377 (* has users with same name, they are hereafter treated as one *)
378 let new_user server name =
379 let u =
380 (try
381 Hashtbl.find users_by_name name
382 with _ ->
383 let rec user = {
384 user_nick = name;
385 user_ip = Ip.addr_of_ip Ip.null;
386 user_servers = [];
387 user_clients = [];
388 user_user = user_impl;
389 user_uploaded =;
390 user_downloaded =;
391 user_link = empty_string;
392 user_myinfo = init_myinfo;
393 user_data = 0.0;
394 user_type = Normal;
395 user_state = UserIdle;
396 user_messages = [];
397 user_read_messages = 0;
398 } and user_impl = {
399 dummy_user_impl with
400 impl_user_ops = user_ops;
401 impl_user_val = user;
402 } in
403 Hashtbl.add users_by_name name user;
404 user_add user_impl;
405 (*lprintf_nl "New user: %s" user.user_nick;*)
406 user )
408 ignore (match server with
409 | Some s -> add_user_to_server u s
410 | None -> () );
413 (* Check if user has some of my nicks = is me *)
414 let has_my_nick u =
415 let rec iter slist =
416 (match slist with
417 | first :: tail ->
418 if first.server_last_nick = u.user_nick then true
419 else iter tail
420 | [] -> false )
421 in iter !connected_servers
423 (* Find user by name *)
424 let search_user_by_name nick =
426 Hashtbl.find users_by_name nick
427 with _ -> raise Not_found
429 (* Remove server from users serverlist *)
430 let remove_server_from_user s u =
431 if (List.memq s u.user_servers) then begin
432 u.user_servers <- List2.removeq s u.user_servers (* remove server from user *)
435 (* Remove user from servers userlist *)
436 let remove_user_from_server u s =
437 if (List.memq u s.server_users) then begin
438 s.server_users <- List2.removeq u s.server_users (* remove user frim server *)
441 (* Remove user from servers userlist and if not any pending downloads, from Hashtbl userlist also *)
442 let remove_user s u =
443 remove_user_from_server u s;
444 remove_server_from_user s u;
445 if (List.length u.user_servers < 1) then begin
446 if u.user_clients = [] then begin (* if user has no clients *)
447 Hashtbl.remove users_by_name u.user_nick;
448 u.user_messages <- [];
449 u.user_read_messages <- 0;
450 end(* else begin
451 lprintf_nl "User (%s) has clients, not removed" u.user_nick
452 end*)
455 (* Is user active ? *)
456 let user_active u =
457 u.user_myinfo.mode = 'A'
459 (* Check is filelist downloading from this user already on queue or loaded *)
460 let filelist_already_downloading u =
461 (try
462 List.iter (fun cl ->
463 (match cl.client_state with
464 | DcDownloadListWaiting | DcDownloadListConnecting _ | DcDownloadList _ -> raise BreakIter
465 | _ -> () )
466 ) u.user_clients;
467 false
468 with _ -> true )
470 (* true if user has new messages *)
471 let user_has_new_messages user = (List.length user.user_messages) > user.user_read_messages
473 (* file impl for uploading clients *)
474 let new_upfile dcsh fd =
475 let filename,directory =
476 (match dcsh with
477 | Some dcsh ->
478 Filename.basename dcsh.dc_shared_fullname, Filename.dirname dcsh.dc_shared_fullname
479 | None ->
480 let filename = Unix32.filename fd in
481 Filename.basename filename, Filename.dirname filename )
483 let rec file = {
484 file_file = impl;
485 file_unchecked_tiger_root = "";
486 file_directory = directory;
487 file_name = filename;
488 file_clients = [];
489 file_search = None;
490 (*file_tiger_array = [||];*)
491 file_autosearch_count = 0;
492 } and impl = {
493 (dummy_file_impl ()) with
494 impl_file_fd = Some fd;
495 impl_file_size = Unix32.getsize64 fd;
496 impl_file_downloaded =;
497 impl_file_received =;
498 impl_file_val = file;
499 impl_file_ops = file_ops;
500 impl_file_age = last_time ();
501 impl_file_best_name = filename;
502 } in
503 file
505 (* Return existing file or create new one *)
506 let new_file tiger_root (directory:string) (filename:string) (file_size:int64) =
507 (try
508 let f = Hashtbl.find dc_files_by_unchecked_hash tiger_root in
509 if !verbose_download then
510 lprintf_nl "File with hash exists: (%s) (%s) (%s)" tiger_root f.file_directory f.file_name;
512 with _ ->
513 let key = (directory, filename, file_size) in
514 (try
515 let f = Hashtbl.find dc_files_by_key key in (* Then try to find by key (dir,name,size) *)
516 if !verbose_download then lprintf_nl "File exists: (%s) (%s)" f.file_directory f.file_name;
518 with _ ->
519 let temp_filename =
520 (match tiger_root with
521 | "" -> Printf.sprintf "DC_%s_%s" directory filename
522 | _ -> Printf.sprintf "DC_%s" tiger_root)
524 let fullname = CommonFile.concat_file !!temp_directory temp_filename in
525 let temp_file = Unix32.create_rw fullname in
526 let current_size =
527 (try
528 Unix32.getsize fullname
529 with e ->
530 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
531 lprintf_nl "Exception (%s) in current_size of (%s)" (Printexc2.to_string e) fullname;
532 )
534 let rec file = {
535 file_file = impl;
536 file_unchecked_tiger_root = tiger_root;
537 file_directory = directory;
538 file_name = filename;
539 file_clients = [];
540 file_search = None;
541 (*file_tiger_array = [||];*)
542 file_autosearch_count = 0;
543 } and impl = {
544 (dummy_file_impl ()) with
545 impl_file_fd = Some temp_file;
546 impl_file_size = file_size;
547 impl_file_downloaded = current_size;
548 impl_file_received = current_size;
549 impl_file_val = file;
550 impl_file_ops = file_ops;
551 impl_file_age = last_time ();
552 impl_file_best_name = filename;
553 } in
554 file_add impl FileNew; (* CommonInteractive.file_add *)
555 current_files := file :: !current_files;
556 if tiger_root <> empty_string then Hashtbl.add dc_files_by_unchecked_hash tiger_root file;
557 Hashtbl.add dc_files_by_key key file;
558 if !verbose_download then
559 lprintf_nl "New File:(%s) (%s) (%s) (%Ld)" tiger_root file.file_directory file.file_name file_size;
560 file
564 (* Some shortcuts to CommonFile... *)
565 let file_size file = file.file_file.impl_file_size
566 let file_downloaded file = file_downloaded (as_file file.file_file)
567 let file_age file = file.file_file.impl_file_age
568 let file_fd file = file_fd (as_file file.file_file)
570 (* Add new client, return client*)
571 let new_client () =
572 let rec c = {
573 client_client = impl;
574 client_sock = NoConnection;
575 client_name = None;
576 client_addr = None;
577 client_supports = None;
578 client_lock = "";
579 client_file = None; (* (file, filename) *)
580 client_state = DcIdle;
581 client_error = NoError;
582 client_error_count = 0;
583 client_preread_bytes_left = 0;
584 client_pos =;
585 client_endpos =; (* atm. upload end position *)
586 client_receiving =;
587 client_user = None;
588 client_connect_time = last_time ();
589 client_connection_control = new_connection_control ();
590 client_downloaded =;
591 client_uploaded =;
592 } and impl = {
593 dummy_client_impl with
594 impl_client_val = c;
595 impl_client_ops = client_ops;
596 impl_client_upload = None;
597 } in
598 (*lprintf_nl "New client"; *)
599 CommonClient.new_client impl;
600 clients_list := c :: !clients_list;
603 (* add client to file & vice versa *)
604 let add_client_to_file client file = (* TODO we never empty files clients list so implement some kind of size control *)
605 if not (List.memq client file.file_clients) then begin (* if client is not on file's contact list... *)
606 file.file_clients <- client :: file.file_clients; (* then add this new client to file contact list *)
607 client.client_file <- Some file;
608 (*file_add_source (as_file file.file_file) (as_client client.client_client)*) (* CommonFile.file_add_source *)
611 (* add client to user & vice versa *)
612 let add_client_to_user client user =
613 if not (List.memq client user.user_clients) then begin
614 user.user_clients <- user.user_clients @ [ client ]; (* add client to userlist *)
615 client.client_user <- Some user
618 (* New client to user with file *)
619 let new_client_to_user_with_file u f =
620 let c = new_client () in
621 c.client_name <- Some u.user_nick;
622 add_client_to_user c u;
623 add_client_to_file c f;
626 let client_type c =
627 client_type (as_client c.client_client)
629 (* Find clients by name, return list of all matching clients *)
630 (*let find_clients_by_name name =
631 let result = ref [] in
632 List.iter (fun c ->
633 (match c.client_user with
634 | Some u -> if u.user_nick = name then result := c :: !result; ()
635 | _ -> () )
636 ) !clients_list;
637 !result *)
639 (* Print client state to string *)
640 let client_state_to_string c =
641 let get_direction dir =
642 (match dir with
643 | Upload i -> Printf.sprintf "Upload %d" i
644 | Download i -> Printf.sprintf "Download %d" i )
646 (match c.client_state with
647 | DcIdle -> "DcIdle"
648 | DcDownloadWaiting _ -> "DcDownloadWaiting"
649 | DcDownloadConnecting _ -> "DcDownloadConnecting"
650 | DcDownloadListWaiting -> "DcDownloadListWaiting"
651 | DcDownloadListConnecting _ -> "DcDownloadListConnecting"
652 | DcConnectionStyle style ->
653 (match style with
654 | ClientActive dir -> Printf.sprintf "DcConnectionStyle ClientActive %s" (get_direction dir)
655 | MeActive dir -> Printf.sprintf "DcConnectionStyle MeActive %s" (get_direction dir) )
656 | DcDownload _ -> "DcDownload"
657 | DcDownloadList _ -> "DcDownloadList"
658 | DcUpload _ -> "DcUpload"
659 | DcUploadStarting _ -> "DcUploadStarting"
660 | DcUploadList _ -> "DcUploadList"
661 | DcUploadListStarting _ -> "DcUploadListStarting"
662 | DcUploadDoneWaitingForMore -> "DcUploadDoneWaitingForMore" )
664 (* Copy client data to another *)
665 let new_copy_client c =
667 (new_client ()) with
668 (*client_sock = c.client_sock;*)
669 client_name = c.client_name;
670 client_addr = c.client_addr;
671 client_supports = c.client_supports;
672 client_lock = c.client_lock;
673 client_file = c.client_file;
674 (*client_state = c.client_state;*)
675 client_pos = c.client_pos;
676 client_receiving = c.client_receiving;
677 client_user = c.client_user;
678 client_error = c.client_error;
679 client_error_count = c.client_error_count;
680 client_endpos = c.client_endpos;
681 client_connect_time = c.client_connect_time;
682 client_downloaded = c.client_downloaded;
683 client_uploaded = c.client_uploaded;
686 (* Get clients username *)
687 let clients_username client =
688 let name =
689 (match client.client_user with
690 | Some user -> user.user_nick
691 | _ -> "NO USER" )
692 in name
694 (* Remove clients files and all references from files to this client *)
695 let remove_client_from_clients_file c =
696 (match c.client_file with
697 | Some f ->
698 f.file_clients <- List2.removeq c f.file_clients;
699 c.client_file <- None
700 | None -> () )
702 (* Remove clients references from users *)
703 let remove_client c =
704 (match c.client_user with
705 | Some u ->
706 u.user_clients <- List2.removeq c u.user_clients
707 (*lprintf_nl "Removed one client from user %s clientlist" u.user_nick;*)
708 | None -> () );
709 c.client_user <- None;
710 remove_client_from_clients_file c;
711 clients_list := List2.removeq c !clients_list;
712 client_remove (as_client c.client_client);
715 (* Remove file from current filelist *)
716 let remove_file_from_filelist file =
717 (try
718 current_files := List2.removeq file !current_files;
719 with _ ->
720 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
721 lprintf_nl "Could not remove file from !current_files - %s" file.file_name )
723 (* Remove file from hashtbl dc_files_by_unchecked_hash *)
724 let remove_file_from_hashes file =
725 if file.file_unchecked_tiger_root <> empty_string then begin
726 (try
727 Hashtbl.remove dc_files_by_unchecked_hash file.file_unchecked_tiger_root;
728 with _ ->
729 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
730 lprintf_nl "Could not remove file from hashtable dc_files_unchecked_hash - %s" file.file_name )
733 (* Remove file from hashtab dc_files_by_key *)
734 let remove_file_from_files file =
735 (try
736 Hashtbl.remove dc_files_by_key (file.file_directory, file.file_name, file.file_file.impl_file_size);
737 with _ ->
738 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
739 lprintf_nl "Could not remove file from hashtable dc_files_by_key - %s" file.file_name )
741 (* remove all clients of file *)
742 let remove_files_clients file =
743 List.iter (fun c ->
744 remove_client c;
745 ) file.file_clients;
746 file.file_clients <- []
748 (* remove file from file list *)
749 let remove_file_with_clients file =
750 remove_files_clients file;
751 remove_file_from_hashes file;
752 remove_file_from_files file;
753 remove_file_from_filelist file
755 (* remove file from file list *)
756 let remove_file_not_clients file =
757 List.iter (fun c ->
758 c.client_file <- None;
759 ) file.file_clients;
760 file.file_clients <- [];
761 remove_file_from_hashes file;
762 remove_file_from_files file;
763 remove_file_from_filelist file
765 let set_client_state c state =
766 set_client_state (as_client c.client_client) state
768 let dc_set_client_disconnected c =
769 set_client_disconnected (as_client c.client_client)
771 let set_clients_upload c sh =
772 set_client_upload (as_client c.client_client) sh; (*(as_file c.client_file);*)
773 set_client_has_a_slot (as_client c.client_client) NormalSlot;
774 client_enter_upload_queue (as_client c.client_client)
776 (* Print closing reason to string *)
777 let closing_reason_to_text reason =
778 (match reason with
779 | Closed_for_error text -> Printf.sprintf "Error: Reason (%s)" text
780 | Closed_for_timeout -> "Timeout"
781 | Closed_for_lifetime -> "Lifetime"
782 | Closed_by_peer -> "By peer"
783 | Closed_by_user -> "By user (us - operation complete)"
784 | Closed_for_overflow -> "Overflow"
785 | Closed_connect_failed -> "Connect failed"
786 | Closed_for_exception _ -> "Exception" )
788 (* Can client start downloading *)
789 let is_client_waiting c =
790 (match c.client_state with (* check user clients states *)
791 | DcIdle | DcDownloadWaiting _ | DcDownloadListWaiting -> true
792 | DcUpload _ | DcUploadStarting _ | DcUploadListStarting _ | DcUploadList _
793 | DcDownloadListConnecting _ | DcDownloadConnecting _ | DcDownload _
794 | DcDownloadList _ | DcConnectionStyle _ | DcUploadDoneWaitingForMore -> false )
796 (* Can client start downloading clients file *)
797 let is_client_blocking_downloading c =
798 (match c.client_state with
799 | DcIdle | DcUpload _ | DcUploadStarting _ | DcUploadListStarting _
800 | DcUploadList _ | DcDownloadWaiting _ | DcDownloadListWaiting
801 | DcUploadDoneWaitingForMore -> false
802 | DcDownloadListConnecting _ | DcDownloadConnecting _ | DcDownload _
803 | DcDownloadList _ | DcConnectionStyle _ -> true )
805 (* Check user, that has sent RevConnectToMe and we have sent ConnectToMe and we are waiting *)
806 let check_passive_user u =
807 (match u.user_state with
808 | UserPassiveUserInitiating time ->
809 if (current_time () -. time) > float_of_int !!client_timeout then begin
810 if !verbose_msg_clients then
811 lprintf_nl "Resetted passive user (%s) waiting state " u.user_nick;
812 u.user_state <- UserIdle;
814 | _ -> () )
816 (* Check all clients, that have sent RevConnectToMe and we have sent ConnectToMe and we are waiting *)
817 let check_all_passive_users () =
818 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ u ->
819 check_passive_user u
820 ) users_by_name
822 (* Check that user has no downloads and is not in conversation state *)
823 let can_user_start_downloading u =
824 (try
825 List.iter (fun c ->
826 if (is_client_blocking_downloading c) then raise BreakIter
827 ) u.user_clients;
828 (match u.user_state with (* check user state/timeouts *)
829 | UserIdle -> ()
830 | UserPassiveUserInitiating time -> (* passive users wait check *)
831 if (current_time () -. time) > float_of_int !!client_timeout then begin
832 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Resetted RevConnect Passive user waiting (%s)" u.user_nick;
833 u.user_state <- UserIdle;
834 end else raise BreakIter
835 | _ -> raise BreakIter );
836 true
837 with _ -> false )
839 (* Find a connected client by ip *)
840 (*let find_connected_client_by_ip ip port =
841 (try
842 List.iter (fun c ->
843 (match c.client_sock with
844 | Connection sock ->
845 (match c.client_addr with
846 | None -> failwith "Client connected but no ip address"
847 | Some (cip , cport) -> begin
848 lprintf_nl "Client match found: checking real ips";
849 let rip = Ip.to_string (TcpBufferedSocket.peer_ip sock) in
850 let rport = TcpBufferedSocket.peer_port sock in
851 lprintf_nl " From socket: rip= %s rport= %d" rip rport;
852 lprintf_nl " From c.client_addr: cip= %s cport= %d" (Ip.to_string cip) cport;
853 lprintf_nl " From ConnectToMe : ip = %s port = %d" (Ip.to_string ip) port;
854 if (Ip.equal cip ip) then raise (Found_client c)
855 end )
856 | _ -> () )
857 ) !clients_list;
858 raise Not_found
859 with
860 | Found_client c -> Some c
861 | Failure e -> lprintf_nl "In ( find_connected_client_by_ip): %s" e; None
862 | Not_found -> None ) *)
864 (* Find any client with known ip *)
865 (*let find_client_by_ip ip =
866 (try
867 List.iter (fun c ->
868 (match c.client_addr with
869 | None -> failwith "No ip on client!"
870 | Some (cip , _ ) ->
871 if (Ip.equal cip ip) then begin
872 (match c.client_user with
873 | Some u -> lprintf_nl " Found matching client from user %s with ip: %s" u.user_nick
874 (Ip.to_string cip); ()
875 | _ -> failwith "find_client_by_ip: No user in client !" );
876 raise (Found_client c)
877 end )
878 ) !clients_list;
879 raise Not_found
880 with
881 | Found_client c -> Some c
882 | Failure e -> lprintf_nl "In (find_client_by_ip): %s" e; None
883 | Not_found -> None ) *)
885 (* Add needed dc-info fields to result by number *)
886 let add_info_to_result r user tiger_root directory =
887 let result_info = {
888 user = user;
889 tth = tiger_root;
890 directory = directory;
891 } in
893 Hashtbl.find dc_result_info r.stored_result_num (* if result number exists in hashtable result_sources *)
894 (* return existing result's info (user & directory) *)
895 with _ ->
896 Hashtbl.add dc_result_info r.stored_result_num result_info; (* ...add the new result's info to hashtable *)
897 result_info
899 (* add new server/hub by address and port if not exist - return server/hub*)
900 let new_server addr ip port =
901 let ips = Ip.to_string ip in
903 Hashtbl.find servers_by_ip ips
904 with _ ->
905 let rec h = {
906 server_server = server_impl;
907 server_name = "<unknown>";
908 server_addr = addr;
909 server_ip = ip;
910 server_info = "";
911 server_supports = None;
912 server_connection_time = nan; (* Stands for ``not a number' *)
913 server_hub_state = Waiting;
914 server_connection_control = new_connection_control ();
915 server_sock = NoConnection;
916 server_autoconnect = false;
917 server_port = port;
918 server_last_nick = "";
919 server_search = None;
920 server_search_timeout = 0;
921 server_users = [];
922 server_topic = "";
923 server_messages = [];
924 server_read_messages = 0;
925 } and
926 server_impl = {
927 dummy_server_impl with
928 impl_server_val = h;
929 impl_server_ops = server_ops;
932 server_add server_impl;
933 Hashtbl.add servers_by_ip ips h;
936 (* Add server to connected servers *)
937 let add_connected_server s =
938 (*incr nservers;*)
939 if not (List.memq s !connected_servers) then
940 connected_servers := s :: !connected_servers
942 (* Remove servers contacts to users and from connected servers *)
943 let remove_connected_server s =
944 (*decr nservers;*)
945 connected_servers := List2.removeq s !connected_servers;
946 List.iter (fun u ->
947 remove_user s u
948 ) s.server_users;
949 s.server_hub_state <- Waiting;
950 s.server_search <- None;
951 s.server_users <- []
953 (* Remove server from known servers list *)
954 let server_remove s =
955 server_remove (as_server s.server_server);
956 Hashtbl.remove servers_by_ip (Ip.to_string s.server_ip)
957 (*decr nknown_servers;*)
958 (*servers_list := List2.removeq s !servers_list*)
960 (* Iter all servers in connected list *)
961 let dc_with_connected_servers f =
962 List.iter (fun s ->
964 ) !connected_servers
966 (* Return hub state text *)
967 let dc_hubstate_to_text s =
968 (match s.server_hub_state with
969 | Waiting -> "Not connected"
970 | User -> "User"
971 | Vipped -> "Vip"
972 | Opped -> "Op" )
974 (* Search server by ip and port *)
975 (*let search_server_by_addr addr port =
977 Hashtbl.find servers_by_addr (addr, port)
978 with _ ->
979 raise Not_found *)
981 (* add new result to results-hashtable - return the found or new result *)
982 let new_result user tiger_root (directory:string) (filename:string) (filesize:int64) =
983 let basename = Filename2.basename filename in
984 let key = (directory, basename, filesize) in
985 (*let r_username = "......" ^ user.user_nick in*)
986 (try
987 Hashtbl.find dc_results_by_file key (* if result with dir&name&size exists, return the found result *)
988 with _ -> (* otherwise... *)
989 let result_names =
990 if tiger_root <> "" then begin
991 let found =
992 (try
993 ignore (Hashtbl.find dc_shared_files_by_hash tiger_root);
994 true
995 with _ -> false )
997 if found then [filename;"ALREADY DOWNLOADED"]
998 else begin
999 let found =
1000 (try
1001 ignore (Hashtbl.find dc_files_by_unchecked_hash tiger_root);
1002 true
1003 with _ -> false )
1005 if found then [filename;"FILE DOWNLOADING..."]
1006 else [filename]
1008 end else [filename]
1010 let rec r = { (* add new result *)
1011 dummy_result with
1012 result_names = result_names;
1013 result_tags = [ {tag_name = Field_UNKNOWN user.user_nick; tag_value = String ""} ];
1014 result_size = filesize;
1015 result_source_network = network.network_num;
1016 } in
1017 let rs = update_result_num r in (* CommonResult.update_result_num, returns Commontypes.result *)
1018 Hashtbl.add dc_results_by_file key rs;
1019 rs )
1021 (*let hash_file () =
1022 let dcsh = List.hd !dc_shared_files in
1023 let info = CommonUploads.IndexedSharedFiles.get_result dcsh.dc_shared_shared.shared_info in
1024 if dcsh.dc_shared_chunk <> dc_get_nchunks info.shared_size then compute_tigertree_chunk dcsh*)
1027 (* Hashtbl.iter (fun n sh ->
1028 lprintf_nl "(%s)" sh.shared_codedname;
1029 let info = CommonUploads.IndexedSharedFiles.get_result sh.shared_info in
1030 lprintf_nl "(%s)" info.shared_fullname
1032 ) CommonUploads.shared_files*)
1035 /** We don't keep leaves for blocks smaller than this... */
1036 static const int64_t MIN_BLOCK_SIZE = 64*1024;
1038 (*CommonHasher.compute_tiger :
1039 string -> int64 -> int64 -> (Md4.TigerTree.t job -> unit) -> unit
1042 (* DC++ blocksize
1043 int64_t bl = 1024;
1044 while(bl * (int64_t)d->getTigerTree().getLeaves().size() < d->getTigerTree().getFileSize())
1045 bl *= 2;
1046 d->getTigerTree().setBlockSize(bl);
1047 d->getTigerTree().calcRoot();
1050 AdcCommand Download::getCommand(bool zlib, bool tthf) {
1051 AdcCommand cmd(AdcCommand::CMD_GET);
1052 if(isSet(FLAG_TREE_DOWNLOAD)) {
1053 cmd.addParam("tthl");
1054 } else if(isSet(FLAG_PARTIAL_LIST)) {
1055 cmd.addParam("list");
1056 } else {
1057 cmd.addParam("file");
1059 if(tthf && getTTH() != NULL) {
1060 cmd.addParam("TTH/" + getTTH()->toBase32());
1061 } else {
1062 cmd.addParam(Util::toAdcFile(getSource()));
1064 cmd.addParam(Util::toString(getPos()));
1065 cmd.addParam(Util::toString(getSize() - getPos()));
1067 if(zlib && getSize() != -1 && BOOLSETTING(COMPRESS_TRANSFERS)) {
1068 cmd.addParam("ZL1");