patch #8112
[mldonkey.git] / src / daemon / driver /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open Int64ops
21 open Printf2
22 open Md4
23 open Options
24 open BasicSocket
25 open TcpBufferedSocket
26 open Ip_set
28 open GuiTypes
30 open CommonDownloads
31 open CommonResult
32 open CommonMessages
33 open CommonGlobals
34 open CommonShared
35 open CommonSearch
36 open CommonClient
37 open CommonServer
38 open CommonNetwork
39 open CommonTypes
40 open CommonFile
41 open CommonComplexOptions
42 open CommonOptions
43 open CommonUserDb
44 open CommonInteractive
45 open CommonEvent
46 open UpnpClient
48 open DriverInteractive
50 open Gettext
51 open Autoconf
53 module VB = VerificationBitmap
55 let log_prefix = "[dCmd]"
57 let lprintf_nl fmt =
58 lprintf_nl2 log_prefix fmt
60 let lprintf_n fmt =
61 lprintf2 log_prefix fmt
63 let _s x = _s "DriverCommands" x
64 let _b x = _b "DriverCommands" x
66 type command_links_data = {
67 filename : string;
68 filesize : int64;
69 fileid : Md4.t;
72 let to_cancel = ref []
74 let files_to_cancel o =
75 let buf = o.conn_buf in
76 Printf.bprintf buf (_b "Files to be cancelled:\n");
77 List.iter (fun file ->
78 file_print file o
79 ) !to_cancel;
80 "Type 'confirm yes/no' to cancel them"
82 let execute_command arg_list output cmd args =
83 if !verbose then
84 lprintf_nl "execute command %S %s" cmd (String.concat " " ( (Printf.sprintf "%S") args));
85 let buf = output.conn_buf in
86 try
87 let rec iter list =
88 match list with
89 [] ->
90 Gettext.buftext buf no_such_command cmd
91 | (command, _, arg_kind, help) :: tail ->
92 if command = cmd then begin
93 if !verbose_user_commands && not (user2_is_admin output.conn_user.ui_user) then
94 lprintf_nl "user %s issued command %s%s"
95 output.conn_user.ui_user.user_name
96 cmd
97 (if args = [] then "" else ", args " ^ String.concat " " args);
98 Buffer.add_string buf (
99 match arg_kind, args with
100 Arg_none f, [] -> f output
101 | Arg_multiple f, _ -> f args output
102 | Arg_one f, [arg] -> f arg output
103 | Arg_two f, [a1;a2] -> f a1 a2 output
104 | Arg_three f, [a1;a2;a3] -> f a1 a2 a3 output
105 | _ -> bad_number_of_args command help
108 else
109 iter tail
111 iter arg_list
112 with Not_found -> ()
114 let list_options_html o list =
115 let buf = o.conn_buf in
116 if !!html_mods_use_js_helptext then
117 html_mods_table_header buf "upstatsTable" "upstats" [
118 ( Str, "srh", "Option name", "Name (Help=mouseOver)" ) ;
119 ( Str, "srh", "Option value", "Value (press ENTER to save)" ) ;
120 ( Str, "srh", "Option default", "Default" );
121 ( Str, "srh", "Option type", "Type" );
123 else
124 html_mods_table_header buf "voTable" "vo" [
125 ( Str, "srh", "Option name", "Name" ) ;
126 ( Str, "srh", "Option value", "Value (press ENTER to save)" ) ;
127 ( Str, "srh", "Option default", "Default" ) ;
128 ( Str, "srh", "Option type", "Type" );
129 ( Str, "srh", "Option description", "Help" ) ];
131 html_mods_cntr_init ();
133 List.iter (fun o ->
134 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"" (html_mods_cntr ());
136 if !!html_mods_use_js_helptext then
137 Printf.bprintf buf " onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);setTimeout('popLayer(\\\\\'%s\\\\\')',%d);setTimeout('hideLayer()',%d);return true;\\\" onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);hideLayer();setTimeout('hideLayer()',%d)\\\"\\>"
138 (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\\<br\\>" (Http_server.html_real_escaped o.option_help)) !!html_mods_js_tooltips_wait !!html_mods_js_tooltips_timeout !!html_mods_js_tooltips_wait
139 else
140 Printf.bprintf buf "\\>";
142 if String.contains o.option_value '\n' then
143 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>
144 \\<a href=\\\"\\\"\\>%s\\</a\\>
145 \\<form action=\\\"submit\\\" target=\\\"$S\\\" onsubmit=\\\"javascript: {setTimeout('window.location.replace(window.location.href)',500);}\\\"\\>
146 \\<input type=hidden name=setoption value=q\\>\\<input type=hidden name=option value=%s\\>\\</td\\>
147 \\<td\\>\\<textarea name=value rows=5 cols=20 wrap=virtual\\>%s\\</textarea\\>
148 \\<input type=submit value=Modify\\>"
149 (String2.upp_initial o.option_name) o.option_name o.option_name o.option_value
150 else
151 begin
152 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>
153 \\<a href=\\\"\\\"\\>%s\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
154 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>\\<form action=\\\"submit\\\" target=\\\"$S\\\" onsubmit=\\\"javascript: {setTimeout('window.location.replace(window.location.href)',500);}\\\"\\>
155 \\<input type=hidden name=setoption value=q\\>\\<input type=hidden name=option value=%s\\>"
156 (String2.upp_initial o.option_name) o.option_name o.option_name;
158 if o.option_value = "true" || o.option_value = "false" then
159 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<select style=\\\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px;\\\"
160 name=\\\"value\\\" onchange=\\\"this.form.submit()\\\"\\>
161 \\<option selected\\>%s\\<option\\>%s\\</select\\>"
162 o.option_value (if o.option_value="true" then "false" else "true")
163 else
164 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<input style=\\\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px;\\\"
165 type=text name=value onchange=\\\"track_changed(this)\\\" size=20 value=\\\"%s\\\"\\>"
166 o.option_value;
167 end;
168 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</td\\>\\</form\\>\\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>" (shorten o.option_default 40);
169 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>"
170 ((if o.option_restart then Printf.sprintf "restart " else "") ^
171 (if o.option_internal then Printf.sprintf "internal " else "") ^
172 (if o.option_public then Printf.sprintf "public " else ""));
173 if not !!html_mods_use_js_helptext then
174 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>" (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\\<br\\>" o.option_help);
175 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>"
177 )list;
178 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>"
181 let list_options oo list =
182 let buf = oo.conn_buf in
183 if oo.conn_output = HTML then
184 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<table border=0\\>";
185 List.iter (fun o ->
186 if String.contains o.option_value '\n' then begin
187 if oo.conn_output = HTML then
188 Printf.bprintf buf "
189 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>\\<form action=\\\"submit\\\" $S\\>
190 \\<input type=hidden name=setoption value=q\\>
191 \\<input type=hidden name=option value=%s\\> %s \\</td\\>\\<td\\>
192 \\<textarea name=value rows=10 cols=70 wrap=virtual\\>
194 \\</textarea\\>
195 \\<input type=submit value=Modify\\>
196 \\</td\\>\\</tr\\>
197 \\</form\\>
198 " o.option_name o.option_name o.option_value
200 else
201 if oo.conn_output = HTML then
202 Printf.bprintf buf "
203 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>\\<form action=\\\"submit\\\" $S\\>
204 \\<input type=hidden name=setoption value=q\\>
205 \\<input type=hidden name=option value=%s\\> %s \\</td\\>\\<td\\>
206 \\<input type=text name=value onchange=\\\"track_changed(this)\\\" size=40 value=\\\"%s\\\"\\>
207 \\</td\\>\\</tr\\>
208 \\</form\\>
209 " o.option_name o.option_name o.option_value
210 else
211 Printf.bprintf buf "$b%s$n = $r%s$n\n" o.option_name o.option_value)
212 list;
213 if oo.conn_output = HTML then
214 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>"
216 let list_calendar o list =
217 let buf = o.conn_buf in
218 if o.conn_output = HTML then begin
219 html_mods_table_header buf "web_infoTable" "vo" [
220 ( Str, "srh", "Weekdays", "Weekdays" ) ;
221 ( Str, "srh", "Hours", "Hours" ) ;
222 ( Str, "srh", "Command", "Command" ) ] ;
223 html_mods_cntr_init ();
224 List.iter (fun (wdays, hours, command) ->
225 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr ());
226 let wdays_string = ref "" in
227 let hours_string = ref "" in
228 List.iter (fun day ->
229 if !wdays_string = "" then
230 wdays_string := string_of_int day
231 else
232 wdays_string := Printf.sprintf "%s %s" !wdays_string (string_of_int day)) wdays;
233 List.iter (fun hour ->
234 if !hours_string = "" then
235 hours_string := string_of_int hour
236 else
237 hours_string := Printf.sprintf "%s %s" !hours_string (string_of_int hour)) hours;
238 Printf.bprintf buf "
239 \\<td title=\\\"%s\\\" class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
240 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>" command !wdays_string !hours_string;
241 Printf.bprintf buf "
242 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
243 \\</tr\\>" command
244 ) list;
245 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>"
247 else begin
248 Printf.bprintf buf "weekdays / hours / command :\n";
249 List.iter (fun (wdays, hours, command) ->
250 let wdays_string = ref "" in
251 let hours_string = ref "" in
252 List.iter (fun day ->
253 if !wdays_string = "" then
254 wdays_string := string_of_int day
255 else
256 wdays_string := Printf.sprintf "%s %s" !wdays_string (string_of_int day)) wdays;
257 List.iter (fun hour ->
258 if !hours_string = "" then
259 hours_string := string_of_int hour
260 else
261 hours_string := Printf.sprintf "%s %s" !hours_string (string_of_int hour)) hours;
262 Printf.bprintf buf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" !wdays_string !hours_string command
263 )list
266 (*** Note: don't add _s to all command description as it is already done here *)
268 let register_commands section list =
269 register_commands
270 (List2.tail_map
271 (fun (cmd, action, desc) -> (cmd, section, action, _s desc)) list)
274 (*************************************************************************)
275 (* *)
276 (* Driver/General *)
277 (* *)
278 (*************************************************************************)
281 let _ =
282 register_commands "Driver/General"
285 "dump_heap", Arg_none (fun o ->
286 (* Gc.dump_heap (); *)
287 "heap dumped"
288 ), ":\t\t\t\tdump heap for debug";
290 "alias", Arg_multiple ( fun args o ->
291 let out = ref "" in
292 if List.length args = 0 then begin
293 out := "List of aliases\n\n";
294 List.iter (
295 fun (a,b) ->
296 out := !out ^ a ^ " -> " ^ b ^ "\n"
297 ) !!alias_commands;
299 else begin
300 match args with
301 [] | [_] -> out := "Too few arguments"
302 | al::def ->
303 (try
304 let old_def = List.assoc al !!alias_commands in
305 out := "removing " ^ al ^ " -> " ^ old_def ^ "\n";
306 alias_commands =:= List.remove_assoc al !!alias_commands;
307 with _ -> ());
309 let definition = String.concat " " def in
310 alias_commands =:= (al,definition) :: !!alias_commands;
311 out := !out ^ "Alias added";
312 end;
314 !out
315 ), ":\t\t\t\t\t$badd a command alias\n"
316 ^"\t\t\t\t\tfor example: \"alias ca cancel all\" makes an alias\n"
317 ^"\t\t\t\t\t\"ca\" performing \"cancel all\"\n"
318 ^"\t\t\t\t\tto substitute an alias just make a new one\n"
319 ^"\t\t\t\t\tfor example: \"alias ca vd\"$n";
322 "unalias", Arg_one (
323 fun arg o ->
324 (try
325 let old_def = List.assoc arg !!alias_commands in
326 alias_commands =:= List.remove_assoc arg !!alias_commands;
327 "removing " ^ arg ^ " -> " ^ old_def
328 with _ -> "Alias not found");
330 ), ":\t\t\t\t$bdelete a command alias\n"
331 ^"\t\t\t\t\texample: \"unalias ca\"$n";
333 "q", Arg_none (fun o ->
334 raise CommonTypes.CommandCloseSocket
335 ), ":\t\t\t\t\t$bclose telnet$n";
337 "logout", Arg_none (fun o ->
338 let buf = o.conn_buf in
339 if o.conn_output = HTML then begin
340 if has_empty_password o.conn_user.ui_user then
341 print_command_result o "logout not required, your password is empty!"
342 else begin
343 if use_html_mods o then begin
344 html_mods_table_header buf "helpTable" "results" [];
345 Buffer.add_string buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-1\\\"\\>";
346 html_mods_td buf [("", "sr", "Are you sure?"); ];
347 Buffer.add_string buf "\\</tr\\>\\<tr class=\\\"dl-1\\\"\\>";
348 html_mods_td buf [("", "sr", "\\<div align=\\\"center\\\"\\>\\<a href=\\\"logout\\\" target=\\\"_parent\\\"\\>yes\\</a\\>\\</div\\>"); ];
349 Buffer.add_string buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
350 end else
351 Printf.bprintf buf "Are you sure? \\<a href=\\\"logout\\\" target=\\\"_parent\\\"\\>yes\\</a\\>"
353 end else
354 raise CommonTypes.CommandCloseSocket;
356 ), ":\t\t\tlogout interface";
358 "kill", Arg_none (fun o ->
359 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
360 begin
361 CommonInteractive.clean_exit 0;
362 _s "exit"
364 else
365 _s "You are not allowed to kill MLDonkey"
366 ), ":\t\t\t\t\t$bsave and kill the server$n";
368 "urladd", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
369 let (kind, url, period) = match args with
370 | [kind; url; period] -> kind, url, int_of_string period
371 | [kind; url] -> kind, url, 0
372 | _ -> failwith "Bad number of arguments"
374 web_infos_add kind period url;
375 (match web_infos_find url with
376 | None -> ()
377 | Some w -> CommonWeb.load_url true w);
378 "url added to web_infos. downloading now"
379 ), "<kind> <url> [<period>] :\tload this file from the web\n"
380 ^"\t\t\t\t\tkind is either server.met (if the downloaded file is a server.met)\n"
381 ^"\t\t\t\t\tperiod is the period between updates (in hours, default 0 = only loaded at startup)";
383 "urlremove", Arg_one (fun url o ->
384 match web_infos_find url with
385 | None -> "URL does not exists in web_infos"
386 | Some w -> web_infos_remove w.url;
387 "removed URL from web_infos"
388 ), "<url> :\t\t\tremove URL from web_infos";
390 "force_web_infos", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
391 (match args with
392 | [] -> CommonWeb.load_web_infos false true;
393 "requesting all web_infos files"
394 | args -> let list = ref [] in
395 List.iter (fun arg ->
396 Hashtbl.iter (fun key w ->
397 if w.kind = arg || w.url = arg then begin
398 CommonWeb.load_url false w;
399 list := arg :: !list
401 ) web_infos_table) args;
402 if !list = [] then
403 Printf.sprintf "found no web_infos entries for %s" (String.concat " " args)
404 else
405 Printf.sprintf "requesting web_infos %s" (String.concat " " !list))
406 ), "[<list of kind|URL>] :\tre-download web_infos, leave empty to re-download all";
408 "recover_temp", Arg_none (fun o ->
409 networks_iter (fun r ->
411 CommonNetwork.network_recover_temp r
412 with _ -> ()
414 let buf = o.conn_buf in
415 if o.conn_output = HTML then
416 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
417 ("", "srh", "Recover temp finished"); ]
418 else
419 Printf.bprintf buf "Recover temp finished";
420 _s ""
421 ), ":\t\t\t\trecover lost files from temp directory";
423 "vc", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
424 let buf = o.conn_buf in
425 if args = ["all"] then begin
426 if use_html_mods o then html_mods_table_header buf "vcTable" "vc" ([
427 ( Num, "srh ac", "Client number", "Num" ) ;
428 ( Str, "srh", "Network", "Network" ) ;
429 ( Str, "srh", "IP address", "IP address" ) ;
430 ] @ (if () then [( Str, "srh", "Country Code/Name", "CC" )] else []) @ [
431 ( Str, "srh", "Client name", "Client name" ) ;
432 ( Str, "srh", "Client brand", "CB" ) ;
433 ( Str, "srh", "Client release", "CR" ) ;
435 (if !!emule_mods_count then [( Str, "srh", "eMule MOD", "EM" )] else [])
437 ( Str, "srh", "Client file queue", "Q" ) ;
438 ( Num, "srh ar", "Total UL bytes to this client for all files", "tUL" ) ;
439 ( Num, "srh ar br", "Total DL bytes from this client for all files", "tDL" ) ;
440 ( Num, "srh ar", "Session UL bytes to this client for all files", "sUL" ) ;
441 ( Num, "srh ar", "Session DL bytes from this client for all files", "sDL" )]);
443 html_mods_cntr_init ();
444 let all_clients_list = clients_get_all () in
445 List.iter (fun num ->
446 let c = client_find num in
447 let i = client_info c in
448 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"
449 title=\\\"Add as friend\\\"
450 onClick=\\\"parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=friend_add+%d'\\\"
451 onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\"
452 onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\"\\>"
453 (html_mods_cntr ()) num;
454 client_print c o;
455 if use_html_mods o then
456 html_mods_td buf ([
457 (client_software i.client_software i.client_os, "sr", client_software_short i.client_software i.client_os);
458 ("", "sr", i.client_release);
460 (if !!emule_mods_count then [("", "sr", i.client_emulemod)] else [])
462 ("", "sr", Printf.sprintf "%d" (List.length i.client_file_queue));
463 ("", "sr ar", (size_of_int64 i.client_total_uploaded));
464 ("", "sr ar br", (size_of_int64 i.client_total_downloaded));
465 ("", "sr ar", (size_of_int64 i.client_session_uploaded));
466 ("", "sr ar", (size_of_int64 i.client_session_downloaded))]);
467 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>"
468 else Printf.bprintf buf "\n";
469 ) all_clients_list;
470 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
472 else
473 List.iter (fun num ->
474 let num = int_of_string num in
475 let c = client_find num in
476 try client_print_info c o with e -> print_command_result o (Printexc2.to_string e);
477 ) args;
479 ), "<num|all> :\t\t\t\tview client (use arg 'all' for all clients)";
481 "version", Arg_none (fun o ->
482 print_command_result o (CommonGlobals.version ());
484 ), ":\t\t\t\tprint mldonkey version";
486 "uptime", Arg_none (fun o ->
487 print_command_result o (log_time () ^ "- up " ^
488 Date.time_to_string (last_time () - start_time) "verbose");
490 ), ":\t\t\t\tcore uptime";
492 "sysinfo", Arg_none (fun o ->
493 let buf = o.conn_buf in
494 ignore(buildinfo (o.conn_output = HTML) buf);
495 if o.conn_output = HTML then Printf.bprintf buf "\\<P\\>";
496 ignore(runinfo (o.conn_output = HTML) buf o);
497 if o.conn_output = HTML then Printf.bprintf buf "\\<P\\>";
498 ignore(portinfo (o.conn_output = HTML) buf);
499 if o.conn_output = HTML then Printf.bprintf buf "\\<P\\>";
500 ignore(diskinfo (o.conn_output = HTML) buf);
502 ), ":\t\t\t\tprint mldonkey core build, runtime and disk information";
504 "buildinfo", Arg_none (fun o ->
505 let buf = o.conn_buf in
506 ignore(buildinfo (o.conn_output = HTML) buf);
508 ), ":\t\t\t\tprint mldonkey core build information";
510 "runinfo", Arg_none (fun o ->
511 let buf = o.conn_buf in
512 ignore(runinfo (o.conn_output = HTML) buf o);
514 ), ":\t\t\t\tprint mldonkey runtime information";
516 "portinfo", Arg_none (fun o ->
517 let buf = o.conn_buf in
518 ignore(portinfo (o.conn_output = HTML) buf);
520 ), ":\t\t\t\tprint mldonkey port usage information";
522 "diskinfo", Arg_none (fun o ->
523 let buf = o.conn_buf in
524 ignore(diskinfo (o.conn_output = HTML) buf);
526 ), ":\t\t\t\tprint mldonkey disk information";
528 "activity", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
529 let arg = int_of_string arg in
530 let buf = o.conn_buf in
531 let activity_begin = last_time () - arg * 60 in
532 Fifo.iter (fun a ->
533 if a.activity_begin > activity_begin then begin
534 Printf.bprintf buf "%s: activity =\n" (BasicSocket.string_of_date a.activity_begin);
535 Printf.bprintf buf " servers: edonkey %03d/%03d\n"
536 a.activity_server_edonkey_successful_connections
537 a.activity_server_edonkey_connections;
538 Printf.bprintf buf " clients: overnet %03d/%03d edonkey %03d/%03d\n"
539 a.activity_client_overnet_successful_connections
540 a.activity_client_overnet_connections
541 a.activity_client_edonkey_successful_connections
542 a.activity_client_edonkey_connections;
543 Printf.bprintf buf " indirect: overnet %03d edonkey %03d\n"
544 a.activity_client_overnet_indirect_connections
545 a.activity_client_edonkey_indirect_connections;
547 ) activities;
549 ), "<minutes> :\t\t\tprint activity in the last <minutes> minutes";
551 "clear_message_log", Arg_none (fun o ->
552 Fifo.clear chat_message_fifo;
553 Printf.sprintf "Chat messages cleared"
554 ), ":\t\t\t\tclear chat message buffer";
556 "message_log", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
557 let buf = o.conn_buf in
558 html_mods_cntr_init ();
560 (match args with
561 [arg] ->
562 let refresh_delay = int_of_string arg in
563 if use_html_mods o && refresh_delay > 1 then
564 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<meta http-equiv=\\\"refresh\\\" content=\\\"%d\\\"\\>"
565 refresh_delay;
566 | _ -> ());
568 (* rely on GC? *)
570 while (Fifo.length chat_message_fifo) > !!html_mods_max_messages do
571 ignore (Fifo.take chat_message_fifo)
572 done;
574 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"messages\\\"\\>";
576 last_message_log := last_time();
577 Printf.bprintf buf "%d logged messages\n" (Fifo.length chat_message_fifo);
579 if Fifo.length chat_message_fifo > 0 then
580 begin
582 if use_html_mods o then
583 html_mods_table_header buf "serversTable" "servers" [
584 ( Str, "srh", "Timestamp", "Time" ) ;
585 ( Str, "srh", "IP address", "IP address" ) ;
586 ( Num, "srh", "Client number", "Num" ) ;
587 ( Str, "srh", "Client name", "Client name" ) ;
588 ( Str, "srh", "Message text", "Message" ) ] ;
590 List.iter (fun (t,i,num,n,s) ->
591 if use_html_mods o then begin
592 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>"
593 (html_mods_cntr ());
594 html_mods_td buf [
595 ("", "sr", Date.simple (BasicSocket.date_of_int t));
596 ("", "sr", i);
597 ("", "sr", Printf.sprintf "%d" num);
598 ("", "sr", n);
599 ("", "srw", (if String.length s > 11 && String.sub s 0 11 = "data:image/" then
600 "\\<img src=\\\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\\\">"
601 else String.escaped s)) ];
602 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>"
604 else
605 Printf.bprintf buf "\n%s [client #%d] %s(%s): %s\n"
606 (Date.simple (BasicSocket.date_of_int t)) num n i s;
607 ) (List.rev (Fifo.to_list chat_message_fifo));
608 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf
609 "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\</div\\>";
611 end;
614 ), ":\t\t\t\tmessage_log [refresh delay in seconds]";
616 "message", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
617 let buf = o.conn_buf in
618 match args with
619 n :: msglist ->
620 let msg = List.fold_left (fun a1 a2 ->
621 a1 ^ a2 ^ " "
622 ) "" msglist in
623 let cnum = int_of_string n in
624 let c = client_find cnum in
625 let g = client_info c in
626 client_say c msg;
627 log_chat_message "FROM ME" cnum ("TO: " ^ g.client_name) msg;
628 Printf.sprintf "Sending msg to client #%d: %s" cnum msg;
629 | _ ->
630 if use_html_mods o then begin
632 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\"\\>
633 \\<!--
634 function submitMessageForm() {
635 var formID = document.getElementById(\\\"msgForm\\\")
636 var regExp = new RegExp (' ', 'gi') ;
637 var msgTextOut = formID.msgText.value.replace(regExp, '+');
638 parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=message+'+formID.clientNum.value+\\\"+\\\"+msgTextOut;
639 formID.msgText.value=\\\"\\\";
641 //--\\>
642 \\</script\\>";
644 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<iframe id=\\\"msgWindow\\\" name=\\\"msgWindow\\\" height=\\\"80%%\\\"
645 width=\\\"100%%\\\" scrolling=yes src=\\\"submit?q=message_log+20\\\"\\>\\</iframe\\>";
647 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<form style=\\\"margin: 0px;\\\" name=\\\"msgForm\\\" id=\\\"msgForm\\\" action=\\\"javascript:submitMessageForm();\\\"\\>";
648 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<table width=100%% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0\\>\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
649 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<select style=\\\"font-family: verdana;
650 font-size: 12px; width: 150px;\\\" id=\\\"clientNum\\\" name=\\\"clientNum\\\" \\>";
652 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<option value=\\\"1\\\"\\>Client/Friend list\n";
654 let found_nums = ref [] in
655 let fifo_list = Fifo.to_list chat_message_fifo in
656 let fifo_list = List.rev fifo_list in
657 let found_select = ref 0 in
658 List.iter (fun (t,i,num,n,s) ->
659 if not (List.mem num !found_nums) then begin
661 found_nums := num :: !found_nums;
662 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<option value=\\\"%d\\\" %s\\>%d:%s\n"
664 (if !found_select=0 then "selected" else "";)
665 num (try
666 let c = client_find num in
667 let g = client_info c in
668 g.client_name
669 with _ -> "unknown/expired");
670 found_select := 1;
672 ) fifo_list;
673 List.iter (fun c ->
674 let g = client_info c in
675 if not (List.mem g.client_num !found_nums) then begin
676 found_nums := g.client_num :: !found_nums;
677 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<option value=\\\"%d\\\"\\>%d:%s\n"
678 g.client_num g.client_num g.client_name;
680 ) !!friends;
682 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</select\\>\\</td\\>";
683 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td width=100%%\\>\\<input style=\\\"width: 99%%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;\\\"
684 type=text id=\\\"msgText\\\" name=\\\"msgText\\\" size=50 \\>\\</td\\>";
685 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td\\>\\<input style=\\\"font-family: verdana;
686 font-size: 12px;\\\" type=submit value=\\\"Send\\\"\\>\\</td\\>\\</form\\>";
687 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<form style=\\\"margin: 0px;\\\" id=\\\"refresh\\\" name=\\\"refresh\\\"
688 action=\\\"javascript:msgWindow.location.reload();\\\"\\>
689 \\<td\\>\\<input style=\\\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;\\\" type=submit
690 Value=\\\"Refresh\\\"\\>\\</td\\>\\</form\\>";
691 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<form style=\\\"margin: 0px;\\\" id=\\\"clear\\\" name=\\\"clear\\\"
692 action=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='submit?q=clear_message_log'\\\"\\>
693 \\<td\\>\\<input style=\\\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;\\\" type=submit
694 Value=\\\"Clear\\\"\\>\\</td\\>\\</form\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>";
697 else
698 _s "Usage: message <client num> <msg>\n";
700 ), "<client num> <msg> :\t\tsend a message to a client";
702 "calendar_add", Arg_two (fun hour action o ->
703 let buf = o.conn_buf in
704 calendar =:= ([0;1;2;3;4;5;6], [int_of_string hour], action)
705 :: !!calendar;
706 if use_html_mods o then
707 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
708 ("", "srh", "action added"); ]
709 else
710 Printf.bprintf buf "action added";
711 _s ""
712 ), "<hour> \"<command>\" :\tadd a command to be executed every day";
714 "vcal", Arg_none (fun o ->
715 let buf = o.conn_buf in
716 if use_html_mods o then begin
717 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"vo\\\"\\>
718 \\<table class=main cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
719 if !!calendar = [] then
720 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
721 ("", "srh", "no jobs defined"); ]
722 else
723 list_calendar o !!calendar;
724 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\<P\\>";
725 print_option_help o calendar
727 else
728 if List.length !!calendar = 0 then
729 Printf.bprintf buf "no jobs defined"
730 else
731 list_calendar o !!calendar;
733 ), ":\t\t\t\t\tprint calendar";
737 (*************************************************************************)
738 (* *)
739 (* Driver/Servers *)
740 (* *)
741 (*************************************************************************)
743 let _ =
744 register_commands "Driver/Servers"
747 "vm", Arg_none (fun o ->
748 let buf = o.conn_buf in
749 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf
750 "\\<div class=\\\"servers\\\"\\>\\<table align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
751 CommonInteractive.print_connected_servers o;
752 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
753 ""), ":\t\t\t\t\t$blist connected servers$n";
755 "vma", Arg_none (fun o ->
756 let buf = o.conn_buf in
757 html_mods_cntr_init ();
758 let nb_servers = ref 0 in
759 if use_html_mods o then server_print_html_header buf "";
760 Intmap.iter (fun _ s ->
762 server_print s o;
763 incr nb_servers;
764 with e ->
765 lprintf "Exception %s in server_print\n"
766 (Printexc2.to_string e);
767 ) !!servers;
768 if use_html_mods o then begin
769 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
770 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
771 ("", "srh", Printf.sprintf "Servers: %d known" !nb_servers); ]
773 else
774 Printf.bprintf buf "Servers: %d known\n" !nb_servers;
775 if Autoconf.donkey = "yes" && not !!enable_servers then
776 begin
777 if use_html_mods o then begin
778 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=servers\\>";
779 html_mods_table_one_row buf "upstatsTable" "upstats" [
780 ("", "srh", ("You disabled server usage, therefore you are not" ^
781 " able to connect ED2K servers. " ^
782 "To use servers again 'set enable_servers true'")); ]
784 else
785 Buffer.add_string buf ("You disabled server usage, therefore you are not" ^
786 " able to connect ED2K servers.\n" ^
787 "To use servers again 'set enable_servers true'\n");
788 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\</div\\>"
789 end;
790 ""), ":\t\t\t\t\tlist all known servers";
792 "rem", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
793 let counter = ref 0 in
794 match args with
795 ["all"] ->
796 Intmap.iter ( fun _ s ->
797 server_remove s;
798 incr counter
799 ) !!servers;
800 Printf.sprintf (_b "Removed all %d servers") !counter
801 | ["blocked"] ->
802 Intmap.iter ( fun _ s ->
803 if server_blocked s then
804 begin
805 server_remove s;
806 incr counter
808 ) !!servers;
809 Printf.sprintf (_b "Removed %d blocked servers") !counter
810 | ["disc"] ->
811 Intmap.iter (fun _ s ->
812 match server_state s with
813 NotConnected _ ->
814 begin
815 server_remove s;
816 incr counter
818 | _ -> ()) !!servers;
819 Printf.sprintf (_b "Removed %d disconnected servers") !counter
820 | _ ->
821 List.iter (fun num ->
822 let num = int_of_string num in
823 let s = server_find num in
824 server_remove s
825 ) args;
826 Printf.sprintf (_b"%d servers removed") (List.length args)
827 ), "<server numbers|all|blocked|disc> :\tremove server(s) ('all'/'blocked'/'disc' = all/IP blocked/disconnected servers)";
829 "server_banner", Arg_one (fun num o ->
830 let num = int_of_string num in
831 let s = server_find num in
832 (match server_state s with
833 NotConnected _ -> ()
834 | _ -> server_banner s o);
836 ), "<num> :\t\t\tprint banner of connected server <num>";
838 "server_shares", Arg_one (fun num o ->
839 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
840 let s = server_find (int_of_string num) in
841 (match server_state s with
842 Connected _ -> let list = ref [] in
843 List.iter (fun f ->
844 match file_shared f with
845 None -> ()
846 | Some sh -> list := (as_shared_impl sh) :: !list)
847 (server_published s);
848 print_upstats o !list (Some s)
849 | _ -> ()
851 else print_command_result o "You are not allowed to use this command";
852 _s ""
853 ), "<num> :\t\t\tshow list of files published on server <num>";
855 "c", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
856 let buf = o.conn_buf in
857 match args with
858 [] ->
859 networks_iter network_connect_servers;
860 if o.conn_output = HTML then
861 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
862 ("", "srh", "Connecting more servers"); ]
863 else
864 Printf.bprintf buf "connecting more servers";
867 | _ ->
868 List.iter (fun num ->
869 let num = int_of_string num in
870 let s = server_find num in
871 server_connect s
872 ) args;
873 if o.conn_output = HTML then
874 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
875 ("", "srh", "Connecting more servers"); ]
876 else
877 Printf.bprintf buf "connecting server";
880 ), "[<num>] :\t\t\t\tconnect to more servers (or to server <num>)";
882 "x", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
883 let counter = ref 0 in
884 let is_connected state =
885 match state with
886 | Connecting
887 | Connected _
888 | Connected_initiating -> true
889 | _ -> false
891 let print_result v =
892 print_command_result o
893 (Printf.sprintf (_b "Disconnected %d server%s") !counter (Printf2.print_plural_s !counter))
895 match args with
896 | ["all"] ->
897 Intmap.iter ( fun _ s ->
898 if is_connected (server_state s) then begin
899 server_disconnect s;
900 incr counter
902 ) !!servers;
903 print_result !counter;
905 | _ ->
906 List.iter (fun num ->
907 let num = int_of_string num in
908 let s = server_find num in
909 if is_connected (server_state s) then begin
910 server_disconnect s;
911 incr counter
913 ) args;
914 print_result !counter;
916 ), "<server numbers|all> :\t\tdisconnect from server(s)";
920 (*************************************************************************)
921 (* *)
922 (* Driver/Friends *)
923 (* *)
924 (*************************************************************************)
926 let _ =
927 register_commands "Driver/Friends"
930 "vfr", Arg_none (fun o ->
931 List.iter (fun c ->
932 client_print c o) !!friends;
934 ), ":\t\t\t\t\tview friends";
936 "gfr", Arg_one (fun num o ->
937 let num = int_of_string num in
938 let c = client_find num in
939 client_browse c true;
940 _s "client browse"
941 ), "<client num> :\t\t\task friend files";
943 "friend_add", Arg_one (fun num o ->
944 let num = int_of_string num in
945 let c = client_find num in
946 friend_add c;
947 _s "Added friend"
948 ), "<client num> :\t\tadd client <client num> to friends";
950 "friend_remove", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
951 if args = ["all"] then begin
952 List.iter (fun c ->
953 friend_remove c
954 ) !!friends;
955 _s "Removed all friends"
956 end else begin
957 List.iter (fun num ->
958 let num = int_of_string num in
959 let c = client_find num in
960 friend_remove c;
961 ) args;
962 Printf.sprintf (_b "%d friends removed") (List.length args)
964 ), "<client numbers|all> :\tremove friend (use arg 'all' for all friends)";
966 "friends", Arg_none (fun o ->
967 let buf = o.conn_buf in
969 if use_html_mods o then begin
970 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"friends\\\"\\>\\<table class=main cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>
971 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>
972 \\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%%\\>\\<tr\\>
973 \\<td class=downloaded width=100%%\\>\\</td\\>
974 \\<td nowrap class=fbig\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.reload()\\\"\\>Refresh\\</a\\> \\</td\\>
975 \\<td nowrap class=fbig\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:
976 { parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=friend_remove+all';
977 setTimeout('window.location.reload()',1000);
978 }\\\"\\>Remove All\\</a\\>
979 \\</td\\>
980 \\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig pr\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript: {
981 var getip = prompt('Friend IP [port] ie: 4662',' 4662')
982 var reg = new RegExp (' ', 'gi') ;
983 var outstr = getip.replace(reg, '+');
984 parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=afr+' + outstr;
985 setTimeout('window.location.reload()',1000);
986 }\\\"\\>Add by IP\\</a\\>
987 \\</td\\>
988 \\</tr\\>\\</table\\>
989 \\</td\\>\\</tr\\>
990 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
991 html_mods_table_header buf "friendsTable" "friends" [
992 ( Num, "srh", "Client number", "Num" ) ;
993 ( Str, "srh", "Remove", "Remove" ) ;
994 ( Str, "srh", "Network", "Network" ) ;
995 ( Str, "srh", "Name", "Name" ) ;
996 ( Str, "srh", "State", "State" ) ] ;
997 end;
998 html_mods_cntr_init ();
999 List.iter (fun c ->
1000 let i = client_info c in
1001 let n = network_find_by_num i.client_network in
1002 if use_html_mods o then
1003 begin
1005 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"
1006 onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\"
1007 onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\"\\>"
1008 (html_mods_cntr ());
1010 Printf.bprintf buf "
1011 \\<td title=\\\"Client number\\\"
1012 onClick=\\\"location.href='submit?q=files+%d'\\\"
1013 class=\\\"srb\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>
1014 \\<td title=\\\"Remove friend\\\"
1015 onClick=\\\"parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=friend_remove+%d'\\\"
1016 class=\\\"srb\\\"\\>Remove\\</td\\>
1017 \\<td title=\\\"Network\\\" class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
1018 \\<td title=\\\"Name (click to view files)\\\"
1019 onClick=\\\"location.href='submit?q=files+%d'\\\"
1020 class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
1021 \\<td title=\\\"Click to view files\\\"
1022 onClick=\\\"location.href='submit?q=files+%d'\\\"
1023 class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
1024 \\</tr\\>"
1025 i.client_num
1026 i.client_num
1027 i.client_num
1028 n.network_name
1029 i.client_num
1030 i.client_name
1031 i.client_num
1033 (let rs = try client_files c with _ -> [] in
1034 if (List.length rs) > 0 then Printf.sprintf "%d Files Listed" (List.length rs)
1035 else string_of_connection_state (client_state c) )
1039 else
1040 Printf.bprintf buf "[%s %d] %s" n.network_name
1041 i.client_num i.client_name
1042 ) !!friends;
1044 if use_html_mods o then
1045 Printf.bprintf buf " \\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\<tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
1048 ), ":\t\t\t\tdisplay all friends";
1050 "files", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
1051 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1052 let n = int_of_string arg in
1053 List.iter (fun c ->
1054 if client_num c = n then begin
1055 let rs = client_files c in
1057 let rs = List2.tail_map (fun (s, rs) ->
1058 let r = IndexedResults.get_result rs in
1059 rs, r, 1
1060 ) rs in
1061 o.conn_user.ui_last_results <- [];
1062 DriverInteractive.print_results 0 buf o rs;
1066 ) !!friends;
1067 ""), "<client num> :\t\t\tprint files from friend <client num>";
1072 (*************************************************************************)
1073 (* *)
1074 (* Driver/Network *)
1075 (* *)
1076 (*************************************************************************)
1078 let _ =
1079 register_commands "Driver/Network"
1082 "nu", Arg_one (fun num o ->
1083 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then begin
1084 let num = int_of_string num in
1086 if num > 0 then (* we want to disable upload for a short time *)
1087 let num = min !CommonGlobals.upload_credit num in
1088 CommonGlobals.has_upload := !CommonGlobals.has_upload + num;
1089 CommonGlobals.upload_credit := !CommonGlobals.upload_credit - num;
1090 else
1092 if num < 0 && !CommonGlobals.has_upload > 0 then begin
1093 (* we want to restart upload probably *)
1094 let num = - num in
1095 let num = min num !CommonGlobals.has_upload in
1096 CommonGlobals.has_upload := !CommonGlobals.has_upload - num;
1097 CommonGlobals.upload_credit := !CommonGlobals.upload_credit + num;
1098 end;
1099 if !CommonGlobals.has_upload > 0 then clear_upload_slots ();
1100 print_command_result o
1101 (Printf.sprintf "upload disabled for %d minutes (remaining credits %d)"
1102 !CommonGlobals.has_upload !CommonGlobals.upload_credit)
1103 end else
1104 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to disable upload"; ""
1105 ), "<m> :\t\t\t\tdisable upload during <m> minutes, queue all files";
1107 "vu", Arg_none (fun o ->
1108 Printf.sprintf
1109 "Upload credits : %d minutes\nUpload disabled for %d minutes"
1110 !CommonGlobals.upload_credit !CommonGlobals.has_upload;
1112 ), ":\t\t\t\t\tview upload credits";
1114 "bw_stats", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1115 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1116 if use_html_mods o then
1117 begin
1118 display_bw_stats := true;
1119 let refresh_delay = ref !!html_mods_bw_refresh_delay in
1120 if args <> [] then begin
1121 let newrd = int_of_string (List.hd args) in
1122 if newrd > 1 then refresh_delay := newrd;
1123 end;
1125 let dlkbs =
1126 (( (float_of_int !udp_download_rate) +. (float_of_int !control_download_rate)) /. 1024.0) in
1127 let ulkbs =
1128 (( (float_of_int !udp_upload_rate) +. (float_of_int !control_upload_rate)) /. 1024.0) in
1130 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</head\\>\\<body\\>\\<div class=\\\"bw_stats\\\"\\>";
1131 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<table class=\\\"bw_stats\\\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>\\<tr\\>";
1132 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td\\>\\<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>\\<tr\\>";
1134 html_mods_td buf [
1135 ("Download KB/s (UDP|TCP), total", "bu bbig bbig1 bb4", Printf.sprintf "Down: %.1f KB/s (%d|%d), %s"
1136 dlkbs !udp_download_rate !control_download_rate (size_of_int64 !download_counter));
1137 ("Upload KB/s (UDP|TCP), total", "bu bbig bbig1 bb4", Printf.sprintf "Up: %.1f KB/s (%d|%d), %s"
1138 ulkbs !udp_upload_rate !control_upload_rate (size_of_int64 !upload_counter));
1139 ("Total shared files/bytes", "bu bbig bbig1 bb4", Printf.sprintf "Shared(%d): %s"
1140 !nshared_files (size_of_int64 !nshared_bytes));
1141 ("Bandwidth (Up|Down), open connections (max_opened_connections)", "bu bbig bbig1 bb3",
1142 Printf.sprintf "DL %d KB/s, UL %d KB/s, Conn: %d (%d)"
1143 !!max_hard_download_rate !!max_hard_upload_rate (nb_sockets ()) !!max_opened_connections) ];
1145 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
1147 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\"\\>window.parent.document.title='(D:%.1f) (U:%.1f) | %s | %s'\\</script\\>"
1148 dlkbs ulkbs o.conn_user.ui_user.user_name (CommonGlobals.version ())
1150 else
1151 DriverInteractive.print_bw_stats buf;
1153 ), ":\t\t\t\tprint current bandwidth stats";
1155 "bw_toggle", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1156 let change_bw () =
1157 let ul_bkp = !!max_hard_upload_rate_2 in
1158 let dl_bkp = !!max_hard_download_rate_2 in
1159 let max_conn = !!max_opened_connections_2 in
1160 max_hard_upload_rate_2 =:= !!max_hard_upload_rate;
1161 max_hard_download_rate_2 =:= !!max_hard_download_rate;
1162 max_opened_connections_2 =:= !!max_opened_connections;
1163 max_hard_upload_rate =:= ul_bkp;
1164 max_hard_download_rate =:= dl_bkp;
1165 max_opened_connections =:= max_conn;
1167 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then begin
1169 match ( String.lowercase args) with
1170 | ["high"] ->
1171 if !!max_opened_connections < !!max_opened_connections_2 then
1172 change_bw ()
1173 | ["low"] ->
1174 if !!max_opened_connections > !!max_opened_connections_2 then
1175 change_bw ()
1176 | _ -> change_bw ()
1178 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf
1179 "new upload rate: %d | new download rate: %d | new max opened connections: %d"
1180 !!max_hard_upload_rate !!max_hard_download_rate !!max_opened_connections)
1182 else
1183 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to toggle bandwidth";
1185 ), "[<high|low>]:\t\t\ttoggle between the two rate and opened connection sets, high/low depend on option max_open_connections*";
1187 "costats", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1188 let filter cs =
1189 match ( String.lowercase args) with
1190 | [] -> cs.country_total_upload <> 0L || cs.country_total_download <> 0L
1191 | ["all"] -> true
1192 | args ->
1193 let match_star = Str.regexp "\\*" in
1194 let regexp = Str.regexp ("^\\("
1195 ^ (List.fold_left (fun acc a -> acc
1196 ^ (if acc <> "" then "\\|" else "")
1197 ^ (Str.global_replace match_star ".*" a)) "" args)
1198 ^ "\\)$") in
1199 let check_string s =
1200 Str.string_match regexp (String.lowercase s) 0 in
1201 check_string cs.country_code ||
1202 check_string cs.country_name ||
1203 check_string cs.country_continent
1205 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1206 if use_html_mods o then
1207 begin
1208 let u1 = BasicSocket.last_time () - !CommonStats.start_time in
1209 let u2 = (CommonStats.guptime () + u1) in
1210 let t1 = Printf.sprintf "Session uptime: %s" (Date.time_to_string u1 "verbose") in
1211 let t2 = Printf.sprintf "Total uptime: %s" (Date.time_to_string u2 "verbose") in
1212 html_mods_big_header_start buf "shares" [t1;t2];
1214 html_mods_table_header buf ~total:"1" "sharesTable" "shares" [
1215 ( Str, "srh", "Country name", "Country" ) ;
1216 ( Str, "srh", "Country code", "Code" ) ;
1217 ( Str, "srh", "Continent", "Con" ) ;
1218 ( Num, "srh ar", "Session uploaded", "sUl" ) ;
1219 ( Num, "srh ar", "Session downloaded", "sDl" ) ;
1220 ( Num, "srh ar", "Session seen", "sSe" ) ;
1221 ( Num, "srh ar", "Total uploaded", "tUl" ) ;
1222 ( Num, "srh ar", "Total downloaded", "tDl" ) ;
1223 ( Num, "srh ar", "Total seen", "tSe" ) ;
1225 html_mods_cntr_init ();
1226 let csu = ref 0L in
1227 let csd = ref 0L in
1228 let css = ref 0L in
1229 let ctu = ref 0L in
1230 let ctd = ref 0L in
1231 let cts = ref 0L in
1232 List.iter (fun cs ->
1233 if filter cs then begin
1234 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr ());
1235 html_mods_td buf [
1236 ("", "sr", cs.country_name);
1237 (cs.country_code, "sr", CommonPictures.flag_html cs.country_code);
1238 ("", "sr", cs.country_continent);
1239 ("", "sr ar", size_of_int64 cs.country_session_upload);
1240 ("", "sr ar", size_of_int64 cs.country_session_download);
1241 ("", "sr ar", Printf.sprintf "%Ld" cs.country_session_seen);
1242 ("", "sr ar", size_of_int64 cs.country_total_upload);
1243 ("", "sr ar", size_of_int64 cs.country_total_download);
1244 ("", "sr ar", Printf.sprintf "%Ld" cs.country_total_seen);
1246 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\n";
1247 csu := !csu ++ cs.country_session_upload;
1248 csd := !csd ++ cs.country_session_download;
1249 css := !css ++ cs.country_session_seen;
1250 ctu := !ctu ++ cs.country_total_upload;
1251 ctd := !ctd ++ cs.country_total_download;
1252 cts := !cts ++ cs.country_total_seen;
1254 ) (List.sort (fun c1 c2 -> compare c1.country_code c2.country_code) !!CommonStats.country_stats);
1255 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr ());
1257 html_mods_td buf [ (* Display totals *)
1258 ("", "sr total", "Total");
1259 ("", "sr total", "");
1260 ("", "sr total", "");
1261 ("", "sr ar total", size_of_int64 !csu);
1262 ("", "sr ar total", size_of_int64 !csd);
1263 ("", "sr ar total", Printf.sprintf "%Ld" !css);
1264 ("", "sr ar total", size_of_int64 !ctu);
1265 ("", "sr ar total", size_of_int64 !ctd);
1266 ("", "sr ar total", Printf.sprintf "%Ld" !cts);
1268 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\n"
1270 else
1271 begin
1272 let list = ref [] in
1273 List.iter (fun cs ->
1274 if filter cs then list := [|
1275 cs.country_name;
1276 cs.country_code;
1277 cs.country_continent;
1278 size_of_int64 cs.country_session_upload;
1279 size_of_int64 cs.country_session_download;
1280 Printf.sprintf "%Ld" cs.country_session_seen;
1281 size_of_int64 cs.country_total_upload;
1282 size_of_int64 cs.country_total_download;
1283 Printf.sprintf "%Ld" cs.country_total_seen;
1284 |] :: !list
1285 ) (List.sort (fun c1 c2 -> compare c1.country_code c2.country_code) !!CommonStats.country_stats);
1286 print_table_text buf
1288 Align_Left; Align_Left; Align_Left; Align_Right; Align_Right; Align_Right; Align_Right; Align_Right; Align_Right |]
1290 "Country";
1291 "Code";
1292 "Con";
1293 "sUL";
1294 "sDL";
1295 "sSeen";
1296 "tUL";
1297 "tDL";
1298 "tSeen";
1299 |] (List.rev !list)
1300 end;
1301 _s ""), "[<all|regex>]:\t\t\tdisplay country based transfer statistics for countries with data transfered,\n\t\t\t\t\tuse arg 'all' for all countries seen\n\t\t\t\t\tor * as wildcard for country name, code and continent";
1303 "countries", Arg_none (fun o ->
1304 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1305 if use_html_mods o then
1306 begin
1307 html_mods_table_header buf "sharesTable" "shares" [
1308 ( Num, "srh ar", "Number", "Num" ) ;
1309 ( Str, "srh", "Country code", "Code" ) ;
1310 ( Str, "srh", "Country name", "Country" ) ;
1311 ( Str, "srh", "Continent code", "Con" ) ;
1312 ( Str, "srh", "Continent name", "Continent" ) ;
1314 html_mods_cntr_init ();
1315 Array.iteri (fun i _ ->
1316 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr ());
1317 html_mods_td buf [
1318 ("", "sr ar", Printf.sprintf "%d" i);
1319 (Geoip.country_code_array.(i), "sr", CommonPictures.flag_html (String.lowercase Geoip.country_code_array.(i)));
1320 ("", "sr", Geoip.country_name_array.(i));
1321 ("", "sr", Geoip.country_continent_code_array.(i));
1322 ("", "sr", Geoip.country_continent_name_array.(i));
1324 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\n"
1325 ) Geoip.country_code_array;
1326 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\n";
1328 else
1329 begin
1330 let list = ref [] in
1331 Array.iteri (fun i _ ->
1332 list := [|
1333 Printf.sprintf "%d" i;
1334 Geoip.country_code_array.(i);
1335 Geoip.country_name_array.(i);
1336 Geoip.country_continent_code_array.(i);
1337 Geoip.country_continent_name_array.(i);
1338 |] :: !list
1339 ) Geoip.country_code_array;
1340 print_table_text buf
1342 Align_Right; Align_Left; Align_Left; Align_Left; Align_Left |]
1344 "Num";
1345 "Country";
1346 "Code";
1347 "Con";
1348 "Continent";
1349 |] (List.rev !list)
1350 end;
1351 _s ""), ":\t\t\t\tdisplay country database";
1353 "reset_costats", Arg_none (fun o ->
1354 CommonStats.country_reset ();
1355 print_command_result o (_s "country statistics resetted");
1356 _s ""), ":\t\t\t\treset country based transfer statistics and save statistics.ini";
1358 "stats", Arg_none (fun o ->
1359 CommonInteractive.network_display_stats o;
1360 if use_html_mods o then
1361 print_gdstats o;
1362 _s ""), ":\t\t\t\t\tdisplay transfer statistics";
1364 "gdstats", Arg_none (fun o ->
1365 if Autoconf.has_gd then
1366 if use_html_mods o then
1367 print_gdstats o
1368 else
1369 print_command_result o (_s "Only available on HTML interface")
1370 else
1371 print_command_result o (_s "Gd support was not compiled");
1372 _s ""), ":\t\t\t\tdisplay graphical transfer statistics";
1374 "gdremove", Arg_none (fun o ->
1375 if Autoconf.has_gd then
1376 begin
1377 DriverGraphics.G.really_remove_files ();
1378 print_command_result o (_s "Gd files were removed")
1380 else
1381 print_command_result o (_s "Gd support was not compiled");
1382 _s ""), ":\t\t\t\tremove graphical transfer statistics files";
1384 "!", Arg_multiple (fun arg o ->
1385 if !!allow_any_command then
1386 match arg with
1387 c :: args ->
1388 let cmd = try List.assoc c !!allowed_commands with Not_found -> c in
1389 (try
1390 let pipe_out, pipe_in = Unix.pipe () in
1391 let pid = Unix.create_process cmd
1392 (Array.of_list (Filename2.basename c :: args))
1393 Unix.stdin pipe_in pipe_in in
1394 Unix.close pipe_in;
1395 (* can't close pipe_out in the already forked+executed process... *)
1396 let output = Buffer.create 1024 in
1397 let buffersize = 1024 in
1398 let buffer = String.create buffersize in
1399 (try
1400 while true do
1401 let nread = pipe_out buffer 0 buffersize in
1402 if nread = 0 then raise End_of_file;
1403 Buffer.add_substring output buffer 0 nread
1404 done
1405 with
1406 | End_of_file -> ()
1407 | Unix.Unix_error (code, f, arg) ->
1408 lprintf_nl "%s failed%s: %s" f (if arg = "" then "" else " on " ^ arg) (Unix.error_message code));
1409 (try Unix.close pipe_out with _ -> ());
1410 let _pid, status = Unix.waitpid [] pid in
1411 Printf.sprintf (_b "%s\n---------------- %s")
1412 (Buffer.contents output)
1413 (match status with
1414 | Unix.WEXITED exitcode ->
1415 Printf.sprintf "Exited with code %d" exitcode
1416 | Unix.WSIGNALED signal ->
1417 Printf.sprintf "Was killed by signal %d" signal
1418 | Unix.WSTOPPED signal -> (* does it matter for us ? *)
1419 Printf.sprintf "Was stopped by signal %d" signal)
1421 with Unix.Unix_error (code, f, arg) ->
1422 Printf.sprintf "%s failed%s: %s" f (if arg = "" then "" else " on " ^ arg) (Unix.error_message code))
1423 | [] -> _s "no command given"
1424 else
1425 match arg with
1426 [arg] ->
1427 (try
1428 let cmd = List.assoc arg !!allowed_commands in
1429 let tmp = Filename2.temp_file "com" ".out" in
1430 let ret = Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "%s > %s"
1431 cmd tmp) in
1432 let output = File.to_string tmp in
1433 Sys.remove tmp;
1434 Printf.sprintf (_b "%s\n---------------- Exited with code %d") output ret
1435 with e -> "For arbitrary commands, you must set 'allowed_any_command'")
1436 | [] ->
1437 _s "no command given"
1438 | _ -> "For arbitrary commands, you must set 'allowed_any_command'"
1439 ), "<cmd> :\t\t\t\tstart command <cmd>\n\t\t\t\t\tmust be allowed in 'allowed_commands' option or by 'allow_any_command' if arguments";
1444 (*************************************************************************)
1445 (* *)
1446 (* Driver/Networks *)
1447 (* *)
1448 (*************************************************************************)
1450 let _ =
1451 register_commands "Driver/Networks"
1454 "networks", Arg_none (fun o ->
1455 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1456 print_network_modules buf o;
1458 ) , ":\t\t\t\tprint all networks";
1460 "enable", Arg_one (fun num o ->
1461 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
1462 begin
1463 let n = network_find_by_num (int_of_string num) in
1464 network_enable n;
1465 print_command_result o "network enabled"
1467 else
1468 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to enable networks";
1469 _s ""
1470 ) , "<num> :\t\t\t\tenable a particular network";
1472 "disable", Arg_one (fun num o ->
1473 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
1474 begin
1475 let n = network_find_by_num (int_of_string num) in
1476 network_disable n;
1477 print_command_result o "network disabled"
1479 else
1480 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to disable networks";
1481 _s ""
1482 ) , "<num> :\t\t\t\tdisable a particular network";
1484 "discover_ip", Arg_none (fun o ->
1485 CommonGlobals.discover_ip true;
1486 print_command_result o "discover ip started";
1488 ) , ":\t\t\t\tstart IP discovery";
1490 "force_porttest", Arg_none (fun o ->
1491 networks_iter (fun n ->
1492 match network_porttest_result n with
1493 | PorttestNotAvailable -> ()
1494 | _ -> network_porttest_start n;
1496 if use_html_mods o then
1497 print_command_result o "porttest started, use command
1498 \\<u\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='submit?q=porttest'\\\"\\>porttest\\</a\\>\\</u\\> to see results"
1499 else
1500 print_command_result o "porttest started, use command 'porttest' to see results";
1502 ) , ":\t\t\tforce start network porttest";
1504 "porttest", Arg_none (fun o ->
1505 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1506 let age time = Date.time_to_string (BasicSocket.last_time () - time) "verbose" in
1507 let list = ref [] in
1508 let put_list e = list := e :: !list in
1509 networks_iter (fun n ->
1510 match network_porttest_result n with
1511 | PorttestNotAvailable ->
1512 put_list (n.network_name , "Porttest not available")
1513 | PorttestNotStarted ->
1514 put_list (n.network_name , "Porttest started");
1515 network_porttest_start n
1516 | PorttestInProgress time ->
1517 put_list (n.network_name , Printf.sprintf "Porttest in progress, started %s ago" (age time))
1518 | PorttestResult (time, s) ->
1519 put_list (n.network_name , Printf.sprintf "Porttest finished %s ago \n%s" (age time) s)
1521 if use_html_mods o then begin
1522 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"shares\\\"\\>\\<table class=main cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>
1523 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>\\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%%\\>
1524 \\<tr\\>\\<td class=downloaded width=100%%\\>\\</td\\>
1525 \\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig\\\"\\>
1526 \\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='submit?q=force_porttest'\\\"\\>Restart porttest\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
1527 \\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig pr\\\"\\>
1528 \\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.reload()\\\"\\>Refresh results\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
1529 \\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
1530 html_mods_table_header buf "sharesTable" "shares" [
1531 ( Str, "srh", "Network", "Network" ) ;
1532 ( Str, "srh", "Result", "Result" ) ]
1533 end;
1534 html_mods_cntr_init ();
1535 List.iter (fun (net, result) ->
1536 if use_html_mods o then
1537 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>\\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>\\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>"
1538 (html_mods_cntr ()) net (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\\<br\\>" result)
1539 else
1540 Printf.bprintf buf "----- %s: -----\n%s\n\n" net result;
1541 ) !list;
1542 if use_html_mods o then
1543 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>"
1544 else
1545 Printf.bprintf buf "\n\nuse command 'porttest' again to refresh the results \nuse command 'force_porttest' to force a new porttest";
1547 ) , ":\t\t\t\tprint network porttest results";
1551 (*************************************************************************)
1552 (* *)
1553 (* Driver/Searches *)
1554 (* *)
1555 (*************************************************************************)
1557 let _ =
1558 register_commands "Driver/Searches"
1561 "forget", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1562 let user = o.conn_user in
1563 begin
1564 match args with
1565 ["all"] ->
1566 List.iter (fun s ->
1567 CommonSearch.search_forget user (CommonSearch.search_find s.search_num);
1568 ) user.ui_user_searches
1569 | [] ->
1570 begin
1571 match user.ui_user_searches with
1572 [] -> ()
1573 | s :: _ ->
1574 CommonSearch.search_forget user
1575 (CommonSearch.search_find s.search_num);
1578 | _ ->
1579 List.iter (fun arg ->
1580 let num = int_of_string arg in
1581 CommonSearch.search_forget user (CommonSearch.search_find num)
1582 ) args;
1583 end;
1585 ), "<num1> <num2> ... :\t\tforget searches <num1> <num2> ...";
1587 "vr", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1588 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1589 let user = o.conn_user in
1590 match args with
1591 num :: _ ->
1592 List.iter (fun num ->
1593 let num = int_of_string num in
1594 let s = search_find num in
1595 DriverInteractive.print_search buf s o) args;
1597 | [] ->
1598 begin
1599 match user.ui_user_searches with
1600 [] ->
1601 if o.conn_output = HTML then
1602 html_mods_table_one_row buf "searchTable" "search" [
1603 ("", "srh", "No search to print"); ]
1604 else
1605 Printf.bprintf buf "No search to print";
1607 | s :: _ ->
1608 DriverInteractive.print_search buf s o;
1610 end;
1611 ), "[<num>] :\t\t\t\t$bview results of a search$n";
1613 "s", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1614 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1615 let user = o.conn_user in
1616 let query, net = CommonSearch.search_of_args args in
1617 ignore (CommonInteractive.start_search user
1618 (let module G = GuiTypes in
1619 { G.search_num = 0;
1620 G.search_query = query;
1621 G.search_max_hits = 10000;
1622 G.search_type = RemoteSearch;
1623 G.search_network = net;
1624 }) buf);
1626 ), "<query> :\t\t\t\t$bsearch for files on all networks$n\n\n\tWith special args:\n\t-network <netname>\n\t-minsize <size>\n\t-maxsize <size>\n\t-media <Video|Audio|...>\n\t-Video\n\t-Audio\n\t-format <format>\n\t-title <word in title>\n\t-album <word in album>\n\t-artist <word in artist>\n\t-field <field> <fieldvalue>\n\t-not <word>\n\t-and <word>\n\t-or <word>\n";
1628 "ls", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1629 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1630 let user = o.conn_user in
1631 let query, net = CommonSearch.search_of_args args in
1632 ignore (CommonInteractive.start_search user
1633 (let module G = GuiTypes in
1634 { G.search_num = 0;
1635 G.search_query = query;
1636 G.search_max_hits = 10000;
1637 G.search_type = LocalSearch;
1638 G.search_network = net;
1639 }) buf);
1641 ), "<query> :\t\t\t\tsearch for files locally\n\n\tWith special args:\n\t-network <netname>\n\t-minsize <size>\n\t-maxsize <size>\n\t-media <Video|Audio|...>\n\t-Video\n\t-Audio\n\t-format <format>\n\t-title <word in title>\n\t-album <word in album>\n\t-artist <word in artist>\n\t-field <field> <fieldvalue>\n\t-not <word>\n\t-and <word>\n\t-or <word>\n";
1643 "vs", Arg_none (fun o ->
1644 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1645 let user = o.conn_user in
1646 let num_searches = List.length user.ui_user_searches in
1647 if num_searches < 1 then
1648 if o.conn_output = HTML then
1649 html_mods_table_one_row buf "searchTable" "search" [
1650 ("", "srh", "No search yet"); ]
1651 else
1652 Printf.bprintf buf "No search yet"
1653 else begin
1654 if o.conn_output = HTML then
1655 Printf.bprintf buf "Searching %d queries\n" (
1656 List.length user.ui_user_searches);
1657 List.iter (fun s ->
1658 Printf.bprintf buf "%s[%-5d]%s %s %s (found %d)\n"
1659 (if o.conn_output = HTML then
1660 Printf.sprintf "\\<a href=\\\"submit\\?q=forget\\+%d\\\" target=fstatus\\>[Forget]\\</a\\> \\<a href=\\\"submit\\?q=vr\\+%d\\\"\\>" s.search_num s.search_num
1661 else "")
1662 s.search_num
1663 s.search_string
1664 (if o.conn_output = HTML then "\\</a\\>" else "")
1665 (if s.search_waiting = 0 then _s "done" else
1666 string_of_int s.search_waiting)
1667 s.search_nresults
1668 ) (List.sort (fun f1 f2 -> compare f1.search_num f2.search_num)
1669 user.ui_user_searches)
1670 end;
1672 ), ":\t\t\t\t\tview all queries";
1674 "view_custom_queries", Arg_none (fun o ->
1675 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1676 if o.conn_output <> HTML then
1677 Printf.bprintf buf "%d custom queries defined\n"
1678 (List.length (customized_queries ()));
1679 let custom_commands = ref [] in
1680 List.iter (fun (name, q) ->
1681 if o.conn_output = HTML then
1682 begin
1683 if use_html_mods o then
1684 custom_commands := !custom_commands @ [ ( "bu bbig",
1685 name,
1686 Printf.sprintf "mSub('output','custom=%s')" (Url.encode name),
1687 name ) ; ]
1688 else
1689 Printf.bprintf buf
1690 "\\<a href=\\\"submit\\?custom=%s\\\" $O\\> %s \\</a\\>\n"
1691 (Url.encode name) name;
1693 else
1695 Printf.bprintf buf "[%s]\n" name
1696 ) (customized_queries ());
1698 if use_html_mods o then
1699 html_mods_commands buf "commandsTable" "commands" (!custom_commands @ [
1700 ("bu bbig", "Visit FileHeaven",
1701 "parent.frames[_getFrameByName('output')].location.href=''", "FileHeaven");
1702 ("bu bbig", "Visit FileDonkey",
1703 "parent.frames[_getFrameByName('output')].location.href=''", "FileDonkey");
1704 ("bu bbig", "Visit Bitzi",
1705 "parent.frames[_getFrameByName('output')].location.href=''", "Bitzi");
1706 ("bu bbig", "Visit eMugle",
1707 "parent.frames[_getFrameByName('output')].location.href=''", "eMugle");
1710 ), ":\t\t\tview custom queries";
1712 "d", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1713 List.iter (fun arg ->
1714 CommonInteractive.download_file o arg) args;
1716 ), "<num> :\t\t\t\t$bfile to download$n";
1718 "force_download", Arg_none (fun o ->
1719 if !forceable_download = [] then
1720 begin
1721 let output = (if o.conn_output = HTML then begin
1722 let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
1723 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"cs\\\"\\>";
1724 html_mods_table_header buf "dllinkTable" "results" [];
1725 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr\\>";
1726 html_mods_td buf [ ("", "srh", "No download to force"); ];
1727 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\</div\\>";
1728 Buffer.contents buf
1730 else begin
1731 Printf.sprintf "No download to force"
1732 end) in
1733 _s output
1735 else
1736 begin
1737 let r = List.hd !forceable_download in
1738 CommonNetwork.networks_iter (fun n ->
1739 ignore (network_download n r o.conn_user.ui_user o.conn_user.ui_user.user_default_group));
1741 let output = (if o.conn_output = HTML then begin
1742 let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
1743 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"cs\\\"\\>";
1744 html_mods_table_header buf "dllinkTable" "results" [];
1745 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr\\>";
1746 html_mods_td buf [ ("", "srh", "Forced start of "); ];
1747 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\<tr class=\\\"dl-1\\\"\\>";
1748 html_mods_td buf [ ("", "sr", (List.hd r.result_names)); ];
1749 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\</div\\>";
1750 Buffer.contents buf
1752 else begin
1753 Printf.sprintf "Forced start of : %s" (List.hd r.result_names)
1754 end) in
1755 _s output
1756 end;
1757 ), ":\t\t\tforce download of an already downloaded file";
1761 (*************************************************************************)
1762 (* *)
1763 (* Driver/Options *)
1764 (* *)
1765 (*************************************************************************)
1767 let _ =
1768 register_commands "Driver/Options"
1771 "set", Arg_two (fun name value o ->
1772 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then begin
1775 let gui_type, ip, port =
1776 match o.conn_info with
1777 | None -> None, None, None
1778 | Some (gui_type, (ip, port)) -> Some gui_type, Some ip, Some port
1780 CommonInteractive.set_fully_qualified_options name value
1781 ~user:(Some o.conn_user.ui_user.user_name)
1782 ~ip:ip ~port:port ~gui_type:gui_type ();
1783 Printf.sprintf "option %s value changed" name
1784 with _ ->
1785 Options.set_simple_option downloads_ini name value;
1786 Printf.sprintf "option %s value changed" name
1787 with
1788 | Not_found -> Printf.sprintf "Option %s does not exist" name
1789 | e -> Printf.sprintf "Error %s" (Printexc2.to_string e)
1791 else
1792 _s "You are not allowed to change options"
1793 ), "<option_name> <option_value> :\t$bchange option value$n";
1795 "save", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1796 if !allow_saving_ini_files then begin
1797 match args with
1798 ["options"] -> DriverInteractive.save_config (); _s "options saved"
1799 | ["sources"] -> CommonComplexOptions.save_sources (); _s "sources saved"
1800 | ["backup"] -> CommonComplexOptions.backup_options (); _s "backup saved"
1801 | ["all"] ->
1802 DriverInteractive.save_config ();
1803 CommonComplexOptions.save_sources ();
1804 CommonComplexOptions.backup_options ();
1805 _s "options, sources and backup saved"
1806 | _ -> DriverInteractive.save_config ();
1807 CommonComplexOptions.save_sources (); _s "options and sources saved"
1808 end else _s "base directory full, ini file saving disabled until core shutdown"
1809 ), "[<options|sources|backup>] :\tsave options and/or sources or backup (empty for options and sources)";
1811 "vo", Arg_none (fun o ->
1812 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1813 if use_html_mods o then begin
1815 if !!html_mods_use_js_helptext then
1816 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div id=\\\"object1\\\" style=\\\"position:absolute; background-color:#FFFFDD;color:black;border-color:black;border-width:20px;font-size:8pt; visibility:visible; left:25px; top:-100px; z-index:+1\\\" onmouseover=\\\"overdiv=1;\\\" onmouseout=\\\"overdiv=0; setTimeout(\\\'hideLayer()\\\',1000)\\\"\\>\\&nbsp;\\</div\\>";
1818 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"friends\\\"\\>\\<table class=main cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>
1819 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>
1820 \\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%%\\>\\<tr\\>
1821 \\<td class=downloaded width=100%%\\>\\</td\\>
1822 \\<td nowrap title=\\\"Show shares Tab (also related for incoming directory)\\\" class=\\\"fbig fbigpad\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='submit?q=shares'\\\"\\>Shares\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
1824 \\<td nowrap title=\\\"Show Web_infos Tab where you can add/remove automatic downloads like serverlists\\\" class=\\\"fbig fbigpad\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='submit?q=vwi'\\\"\\>Web infos\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
1825 \\<td nowrap title=\\\"Show Calendar Tab, there are information about automatically jobs\\\" class=\\\"fbig fbigpad\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='submit?q=vcal'\\\"\\>Calendar\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
1826 \\<td nowrap title=\\\"Change to simple Webinterface without html_mods\\\" class=\\\"fbig fbigpad\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='submit?q=html_mods'\\\"\\>Toggle html_mods\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
1827 \\<td nowrap title=\\\"voo\\\" class=\\\"fbig pr fbigpad\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='submit?q=voo+1'\\\"\\>Full Options\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
1828 \\</tr\\>\\</table\\>
1829 \\</td\\>\\</tr\\>
1830 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>"
1831 (if (user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user) then
1832 "\\<td nowrap title=\\\"Show users Tab where you can add/remove Users\\\" class=\\\"fbig fbigpad\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='submit?q=users'\\\"\\>Users\\</a\\>\\</td\\>"
1833 else "");
1835 list_options_html o (
1837 (* replaced strings_of_option_html by strings_of_option *)
1838 strings_of_option max_hard_upload_rate;
1839 strings_of_option max_hard_download_rate;
1840 strings_of_option telnet_port;
1841 strings_of_option gui_port;
1842 strings_of_option http_port;
1843 strings_of_option global_login;
1844 strings_of_option allowed_ips;
1845 strings_of_option set_client_ip;
1846 strings_of_option force_client_ip;
1847 strings_of_option discover_ip;
1848 ] );
1850 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>\\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%%\\>\\<tr\\>\\<td class=downloaded width=100%%\\>\\</td\\>
1851 \\<td nowrap title=\\\"Toggle option helptext from javascript popup to html table\\\" class=\\\"fbig fbigb pr fbigpad\\\"\\>
1852 \\<a onclick=\\\"javascript: {parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=set+html_mods_use_js_helptext+%s'; setTimeout('window.location.replace(window.location.href)',1000);return true;}\\\"\\>toggle js_helptext\\</a\\>
1853 \\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\</br\\>" (if !!html_mods_use_js_helptext then "false" else "true");
1855 html_mods_table_one_row buf "downloaderTable" "downloaders" [
1856 ("", "srh", "!! press ENTER to send changes to core !!"); ]
1860 else
1861 list_options o (
1863 strings_of_option max_hard_upload_rate;
1864 strings_of_option max_hard_download_rate;
1865 strings_of_option telnet_port;
1866 strings_of_option gui_port;
1867 strings_of_option http_port;
1868 strings_of_option global_login;
1869 strings_of_option allowed_ips;
1870 strings_of_option set_client_ip;
1871 strings_of_option force_client_ip;
1872 strings_of_option discover_ip;
1876 "\nUse '$rvoo$n' for all options"
1877 ), ":\t\t\t\t\t$bdisplay options$n";
1882 "voo", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1883 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1884 let put fmt = Printf.bprintf buf fmt in
1885 let changed_list = List.sort (fun d1 d2 -> compare d1 d2) (List.filter (fun o ->
1886 o.option_value <> o.option_default && not (String2.starts_with o.option_name "enable_")
1887 ) (CommonInteractive.all_simple_options ())) in
1888 if use_html_mods o then begin
1890 put "\\<script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\"\\>
1891 \\<!--
1892 function pluginSubmit() {
1893 var formID = document.getElementById(\\\"pluginForm\\\");
1894 var v = formID.plugin.value;
1895 location.href='submit?q=voo+'+v;
1897 function submitHtmlModsStyle() {
1898 var formID = document.getElementById(\\\"htmlModsStyleForm\\\");
1899 var v = formID.modsStyle.value;
1900 if (\\\"0123456789.\\\".indexOf(v) == -1)
1901 { parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=html_theme+\\\"'+v+'\\\"';} else
1902 { parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=html_mods_style+'+v;}
1904 //--\\>
1905 \\</script\\>";
1907 let button ~title ~cls ~cmd content = put "\\<td nowrap title=\\\"%s\\\" class=\\\"%s\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='submit?q=%s';setTimeout('window.location.replace(window.location.href)',500)\\\"\\>%s\\</a\\>\\</td\\>" title cls cmd content
1910 let select name options =
1911 put "\\<select id=\\\"%s\\\" name=\\\"%s\\\"
1912 style=\\\"padding: 0px; font-size: 10px; font-family: verdana\\\" onchange=\\\"this.form.submit()\\\"\\>" name name;
1913 List.iter (fun (n,v) ->
1914 put "\\<option value=\\\"%s\\\"\\>%s\\</option\\>\n" n v;
1915 ) options;
1916 put "\\</select\\>"
1919 let tabnumber = ref 0 in
1920 let mtabs = ref 1 in
1922 if !!html_mods_use_js_helptext then
1923 put "\\<div id=\\\"object1\\\" style=\\\"position:absolute; background-color:#FFFFDD;color:black;border-color:black;border-width:20px;font-size:8pt; visibility:visible; left:25px; top:-100px; z-index:+1\\\" onmouseover=\\\"overdiv=1;\\\" onmouseout=\\\"overdiv=0; setTimeout(\\\'hideLayer()\\\',1000)\\\"\\>\\&nbsp;\\</div\\>";
1925 put "\\<div class=\\\"vo\\\"\\>";
1926 put "\\<table class=main cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>";
1927 put "\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
1928 put "\\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class='hcenter'\\>\\<tr\\>";
1930 List.iter (fun (s,title) ->
1931 incr tabnumber; incr mtabs;
1932 button ~title ~cls:"fbig" ~cmd:(Printf.sprintf "voo+%d" !tabnumber) s
1933 ) [ ("Client", "Client related options & Up/Download limitations ") ;
1934 ("Ports", "Interface ports, each Network port is stored in Network plugin options") ;
1935 ("html", "Show Webinterface related options") ;
1936 ("Delays", "Delays & timeouts") ;
1937 ("Files", "File related options") ;
1938 ("Mail", "eMail information options") ;
1939 ("Net", "activate/deaktivate Networks, some TCP/IP & IP blocking options") ;
1940 ("Misc", "miscellaneous") ;
1941 ("changed", "Show changed options") ];
1943 button ~title:"Show all options" ~cls:"fbig" ~cmd:"voo" "All";
1944 put "\\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig pr\\\"\\>
1945 \\<form style=\\\"margin: 0px;\\\" name=\\\"pluginForm\\\" id=\\\"pluginForm\\\"
1946 action=\\\"javascript:pluginSubmit();\\\"\\>";
1948 let options =
1949 let netlist =
1950 (fun s -> incr tabnumber; s,!tabnumber)
1951 (CommonInteractive.all_active_network_opfile_network_names ())
1953 let duplist = ref [] in
1954 (fun (s,t) ->
1955 let name = if List.memq s !duplist then s^"+" else s in
1956 duplist := name :: !duplist;
1957 string_of_int t, name
1958 ) (List.sort (fun (s1,_) (s2,_) -> compare s1 s2) netlist);
1961 select "plugin" (("0","Plugins") :: options);
1963 put "\\</form\\>\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>";
1964 put "\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>";
1965 put "\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
1967 list_options_html o (
1968 match args with
1969 | [] | _ :: _ :: _ ->
1970 CommonInteractive.all_simple_options ()
1972 | ["changed"] ->
1973 changed_list
1975 | [arg] ->
1977 let tab = int_of_string arg in
1978 match tab with
1979 1 ->
1981 strings_of_option global_login;
1982 strings_of_option set_client_ip;
1983 strings_of_option force_client_ip;
1984 strings_of_option discover_ip;
1985 strings_of_option max_upload_slots;
1986 strings_of_option max_release_slots;
1987 strings_of_option dynamic_slots;
1988 strings_of_option max_hard_upload_rate;
1989 strings_of_option max_hard_download_rate;
1990 strings_of_option max_opened_connections;
1991 strings_of_option max_hard_upload_rate_2;
1992 strings_of_option max_hard_download_rate_2;
1993 strings_of_option max_opened_connections_2;
1994 strings_of_option max_indirect_connections;
1995 strings_of_option max_connections_per_second;
1996 strings_of_option max_concurrent_downloads;
1999 | 2 ->
2001 strings_of_option gui_bind_addr;
2002 strings_of_option telnet_bind_addr;
2003 strings_of_option http_bind_addr;
2004 strings_of_option client_bind_addr;
2005 strings_of_option gui_port;
2006 strings_of_option telnet_port;
2007 strings_of_option http_port;
2008 strings_of_option http_realm;
2009 strings_of_option allowed_ips;
2011 | 3 ->
2013 strings_of_option html_mods_use_relative_availability;
2014 strings_of_option html_mods_human_readable;
2015 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_network;
2016 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_active_sources;
2017 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_age;
2018 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_user;
2019 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_group;
2020 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_last;
2021 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_prio;
2022 strings_of_option html_mods_show_pending;
2023 strings_of_option html_mods_load_message_file;
2024 strings_of_option html_mods_max_messages;
2025 strings_of_option html_mods_bw_refresh_delay;
2026 strings_of_option html_frame_border;
2027 strings_of_option html_checkbox_vd_file_list;
2028 strings_of_option html_checkbox_search_file_list;
2029 strings_of_option commands_frame_height;
2030 strings_of_option html_vd_barheight;
2031 strings_of_option html_vd_chunk_graph;
2032 strings_of_option html_vd_chunk_graph_style;
2033 strings_of_option html_vd_chunk_graph_max_width;
2034 strings_of_option display_downloaded_results;
2035 strings_of_option vd_reload_delay;
2036 strings_of_option html_use_gzip;
2037 strings_of_option html_flags;
2038 strings_of_option html_mods_use_js_tooltips;
2039 strings_of_option html_mods_js_tooltips_wait;
2040 strings_of_option html_mods_js_tooltips_timeout;
2041 strings_of_option html_mods_use_js_helptext;
2042 ] @ (if Autoconf.has_gd then
2043 [strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx;] else []) @
2044 (if Autoconf.has_gd_jpg && Autoconf.has_gd_png
2045 then [strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_png;] else []) @
2046 (if Autoconf.has_gd then [
2047 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_remove;
2048 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_split;
2049 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_stack;
2050 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_fill;
2051 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_flip;
2052 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_mean;
2053 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_transparent;
2054 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_h;
2055 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_h_intervall;
2056 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_h_dynamic;
2057 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_h_grid_time;
2058 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_subgrid;
2059 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_x_size;
2060 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_y_size;
2061 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag;
2062 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_use_source;
2063 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_source;
2064 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_png;
2065 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_enable_title;
2066 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_title;
2067 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_title_x_pos;
2068 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_title_y_pos;
2069 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_dl_x_pos;
2070 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_dl_y_pos;
2071 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_ul_x_pos;
2072 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_ul_y_pos;
2073 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_x_size;
2074 strings_of_option html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_y_size;
2075 ] else [])
2076 | 4 ->
2078 strings_of_option save_options_delay;
2079 strings_of_option update_gui_delay;
2080 strings_of_option server_connection_timeout;
2081 strings_of_option compaction_delay;
2082 strings_of_option min_reask_delay;
2083 strings_of_option buffer_writes;
2084 strings_of_option buffer_writes_delay;
2085 strings_of_option buffer_writes_threshold;
2087 | 5 ->
2089 strings_of_option previewer;
2090 strings_of_option temp_directory;
2091 strings_of_option filenames_utf8;
2092 strings_of_option share_scan_interval;
2093 strings_of_option hdd_temp_minfree;
2094 strings_of_option hdd_temp_stop_core;
2095 strings_of_option hdd_coredir_minfree;
2096 strings_of_option hdd_coredir_stop_core;
2097 strings_of_option hdd_send_warning_interval;
2098 strings_of_option file_started_cmd;
2099 strings_of_option file_completed_cmd;
2100 strings_of_option allow_browse_share;
2101 strings_of_option auto_commit;
2102 strings_of_option pause_new_downloads;
2103 strings_of_option release_new_downloads;
2104 strings_of_option create_file_mode;
2105 strings_of_option create_dir_mode;
2106 strings_of_option create_file_sparse;
2107 strings_of_option log_file;
2108 strings_of_option log_file_size;
2109 strings_of_option log_size;
2111 | 6 ->
2113 strings_of_option mail;
2114 strings_of_option smtp_port;
2115 strings_of_option smtp_server;
2116 strings_of_option smtp_login;
2117 strings_of_option smtp_password;
2118 strings_of_option add_mail_brackets;
2119 strings_of_option filename_in_subject;
2120 strings_of_option url_in_mail;
2122 | 7 ->
2123 ( (if Autoconf.donkey = "yes" then [(strings_of_option enable_overnet)] else [])
2126 (if Autoconf.donkey = "yes" then [(strings_of_option enable_kademlia)] else [])
2129 (if Autoconf.donkey = "yes" then [(strings_of_option enable_donkey)] else [])
2132 (if Autoconf.bittorrent = "yes" then [(strings_of_option enable_bittorrent)] else [])
2135 (if Autoconf.fasttrack = "yes" then [(strings_of_option enable_fasttrack)] else [])
2138 (if Autoconf.opennapster = "yes" then [(strings_of_option enable_opennap)] else [])
2141 (if Autoconf.soulseek = "yes" then [(strings_of_option enable_soulseek)] else [])
2144 (if Autoconf.gnutella = "yes" then [(strings_of_option enable_gnutella)] else [])
2147 (if Autoconf.gnutella2 = "yes" then [(strings_of_option enable_gnutella2)] else [])
2150 (if Autoconf.direct_connect = "yes" then [(strings_of_option enable_directconnect)] else [])
2153 (if Autoconf.openft = "yes" then [(strings_of_option enable_openft)] else [])
2156 (if Autoconf.filetp = "yes" then [(strings_of_option enable_fileTP)] else [])
2159 (if Autoconf.upnp_natpmp then [(strings_of_option upnp_port_forwarding)] else [])
2162 (if Autoconf.upnp_natpmp then [(strings_of_option clear_upnp_port_at_exit)] else [])
2164 strings_of_option tcpip_packet_size;
2165 strings_of_option mtu_packet_size;
2166 strings_of_option minimal_packet_size;
2167 strings_of_option ip_blocking;
2168 strings_of_option ip_blocking_descriptions;
2169 strings_of_option ip_blocking_countries;
2170 strings_of_option ip_blocking_countries_block;
2172 | 8 ->
2174 strings_of_option term_ansi;
2175 strings_of_option run_as_user;
2176 strings_of_option run_as_useruid;
2177 strings_of_option messages_filter;
2178 strings_of_option comments_filter;
2179 strings_of_option max_displayed_results;
2180 strings_of_option max_name_len;
2181 strings_of_option max_result_name_len;
2182 strings_of_option max_filenames;
2183 strings_of_option max_client_name_len;
2184 strings_of_option emule_mods_count;
2185 strings_of_option emule_mods_showall;
2186 strings_of_option backup_options_format;
2187 strings_of_option backup_options_delay;
2188 strings_of_option backup_options_generations;
2189 strings_of_option small_files_slot_limit;
2191 | 9 ->
2192 changed_list
2194 | _ ->
2195 let v = CommonInteractive.some_simple_options (tab - !mtabs) in
2196 List.sort (fun d1 d2 -> compare d1 d2) v;
2197 with _ ->
2198 let v = CommonInteractive.parse_simple_options args in
2199 List.sort (fun d1 d2 -> compare d1 d2) v;
2203 put "\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>";
2204 put "\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
2206 put "\\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class='hcenter'\\>\\<tr\\>";
2208 button ~title:"Show shares Tab (also related for incoming directory)" ~cls:"fbig fbigb" ~cmd:"shares" "Shares";
2209 if (user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user) then
2210 button ~title:"Show users Tab where you can add/remove Users" ~cls:"fbig fbigb" ~cmd:"users" "Users";
2212 button ~title:"Show Web_infos Tab where you can add/remove automatic downloads like serverlists" ~cls:"fbig fbigb" ~cmd:"vwi" "Web infos";
2213 button ~title:"Show Calendar Tab, there are information about automatically jobs" ~cls:"fbig fbigb" ~cmd:"vcal" "Calendar";
2214 put "\\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig fbigb pr\\\"\\>
2215 \\<form style=\\\"margin: 0px;\\\" name=\\\"htmlModsStyleForm\\\" id=\\\"htmlModsStyleForm\\\"
2216 action=\\\"javascript:submitHtmlModsStyle();\\\"\\>";
2218 let options =
2219 ("0", "style/theme")
2221 Array.to_list (Array.mapi (fun i style -> string_of_int i, style.style_name) CommonMessages.styles)
2223 if Sys.file_exists html_themes_dir then begin
2224 let list = Unix2.list_directory html_themes_dir in
2225 List.fold_left (fun acc d ->
2226 if Unix2.is_directory (Filename.concat html_themes_dir d) then
2227 let sd = (if String.length d > 11 then String.sub d 0 11 else d) in
2228 (d,sd) :: acc
2229 else
2231 ) [] (List.sort (fun d1 d2 -> compare d1 d2) list);
2233 else []
2236 select "modsStyle" options;
2238 put "\\</form\\>\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>";
2239 put "\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>";
2240 put "\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
2241 put "\\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class='hcenter'\\>\\<tr\\>";
2242 button ~title:"Change to simple Webinterface without html_mods" ~cls:"fbig fbigb fbigpad" ~cmd:"html_mods" "toggle html_mods";
2243 put "\\<td nowrap title=\\\"Toggle option helptext from javascript popup to html table\\\" class=\\\"fbig fbigb pr fbigpad\\\"\\>
2244 \\<a onclick=\\\"javascript: {parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=set+html_mods_use_js_helptext+%s'; setTimeout('window.location.replace(window.location.href)',1000);return true;}\\\"\\>toggle js_helptext\\</a\\>" (if !!html_mods_use_js_helptext then "false" else "true");
2245 put "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\</br\\>";
2247 html_mods_table_one_row buf "downloaderTable" "downloaders" [
2248 ("", "srh", "!! press ENTER to send changes to core !!"); ];
2251 else begin
2252 match args with
2253 | [] | _ :: _ :: _ -> list_options o (CommonInteractive.all_simple_options ())
2254 | ["9"] | ["changed"] -> list_options o changed_list
2255 | [_] -> list_options o (CommonInteractive.parse_simple_options args);
2256 end;
2258 ), "[<option>|changed]:\t\t\tprint options (use * as wildcard), 'changed' prints all changed options, leave empty to print all options";
2260 "vwi", Arg_none (fun o ->
2261 let buf = o.conn_buf in
2262 if use_html_mods o then begin
2263 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"shares\\\"\\>\\<table class=main cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>
2264 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>
2265 \\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width='100%%'\\>\\<tr\\>
2266 \\<td class=downloaded width='100%%'\\>\\</td\\>
2267 \\<td nowrap title=\\\"force downloading all web_infos files\\\" class=\\\"fbig\\\"\\>
2268 \\<a onclick=\\\"javascript: {parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=force_web_infos';}\\\"\\>Re-download all\\</a\\>
2269 \\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig pr\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript: {
2270 var getdir = prompt('Input: <kind> <URL> [<period>]','server.met URL')
2271 parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=urladd+' + encodeURIComponent(getdir);
2272 setTimeout('window.location.reload()',1000);
2273 }\\\"\\>Add URL\\</a\\>
2274 \\</td\\>
2275 \\</tr\\>\\</table\\>
2276 \\</td\\>\\</tr\\>
2277 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
2279 if Hashtbl.length web_infos_table = 0 then
2280 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
2281 ("", "srh", "no jobs defined"); ]
2282 else begin
2284 html_mods_table_header buf "web_infoTable" "vo" [
2285 ( Str, "srh ac", "Click to remove URL", "Remove" ) ;
2286 ( Str, "srh", "Download now", "DL" ) ;
2287 ( Str, "srh", "Filetype", "Type" ) ;
2288 ( Num, "srh", "Interval in hours", "Interval" ) ;
2289 ( Str, "srh", "URL", "URL" ) ;
2290 ( Str, "srh", "URL state", "State" ) ;
2293 html_mods_cntr_init ();
2294 Hashtbl.iter (fun key w ->
2295 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr ());
2296 Printf.bprintf buf "
2297 \\<td title=\\\"Click to remove URL\\\"
2298 onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\"
2299 onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\"
2300 onClick=\\\'javascript:{
2301 parent.fstatus.location.href=\\\"submit?q=urlremove+\\\\\\\"%s\\\\\\\"\\\"
2302 setTimeout(\\\"window.location.reload()\\\",1000);}'
2303 class=\\\"srb\\\"\\>Remove\\</td\\>" (Url.encode w.url);
2304 Printf.bprintf buf "
2305 \\<td title=\\\"Download now\\\"
2306 onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\"
2307 onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\"
2308 onClick=\\\'javascript:{
2309 parent.fstatus.location.href=\\\"submit?q=force_web_infos+\\\\\\\"%s\\\\\\\"\\\";}'
2310 class=\\\"srb\\\"\\>DL\\</td\\>" (Url.encode w.url);
2311 Printf.bprintf buf "
2312 \\<td title=\\\"%s\\\" class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
2313 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>" w.url w.kind w.period;
2314 Printf.bprintf buf "
2315 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>" w.url;
2316 Printf.bprintf buf "
2317 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
2318 \\</tr\\>" (string_of_web_infos_state w.state);
2319 ) web_infos_table;
2320 end;
2321 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\<tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\<P\\>";
2323 html_mods_table_header buf "web_infoTable" "vo" [
2324 ( Str, "srh", "Web kind", "Kind" );
2325 ( Str, "srh", "Description", "Type" ) ];
2327 html_mods_cntr_init ();
2328 List.iter (fun (kind, data) ->
2329 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr ());
2330 Printf.bprintf buf "
2331 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
2332 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>" kind data.description
2333 ) !CommonWeb.file_kinds;
2335 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\<tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\<P\\>";
2336 print_option_help o web_infos
2339 else
2340 begin
2341 Printf.bprintf buf "kind / period / url / state :\n";
2342 Hashtbl.iter (fun key w ->
2343 Printf.bprintf buf "%s ; %d ; %s; %s\n"
2344 w.kind w.period w.url (string_of_web_infos_state w.state)
2345 ) web_infos_table;
2346 Printf.bprintf buf "\nAllowed values for kind:\n";
2347 List.iter (fun (kind, data) ->
2348 Printf.bprintf buf "%s - %s\n" kind data.description
2349 ) !CommonWeb.file_kinds
2350 end;
2352 ), ":\t\t\t\t\tprint web_infos options";
2354 "options", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
2355 let buf = o.conn_buf in
2356 match args with
2357 [] ->
2358 Printf.bprintf buf "Available sections for options: \n";
2360 List.iter (fun s ->
2361 Printf.bprintf buf " $b%s$n\n" (section_name s);
2362 ) (sections downloads_ini);
2364 networks_iter (fun r ->
2365 List.iter (fun file ->
2366 List.iter (fun s ->
2367 Printf.bprintf buf " $b%s::%s$n\n"
2368 r.network_name
2369 (section_name s);
2370 ) (sections file)
2371 ) r.network_config_file
2373 "\n\nUse 'options section' to see options in this section"
2375 | ss ->
2377 let print_section name prefix (s: options_section) =
2378 if List.mem name ss then
2379 Printf.bprintf buf "Options in section $b%s$n:\n" name;
2380 List.iter (fun o ->
2381 Printf.bprintf buf " %s [$r%s%s$n]= $b%s$n\n"
2382 (if o.option_desc = "" then
2383 o.option_name else o.option_desc)
2384 prefix o.option_name o.option_value
2385 ) (strings_of_section_options "" s)
2387 List.iter (fun s ->
2388 print_section (section_name s) "" s
2389 ) (sections downloads_ini);
2391 networks_iter (fun r ->
2392 List.iter (fun file ->
2393 List.iter (fun s ->
2394 print_section
2395 (Printf.sprintf "%s::%s" r.network_name
2396 (section_name s)) (r.network_shortname ^ "-") s
2397 ) (sections file)
2398 ) r.network_config_file
2401 "\nUse '$rset option \"value\"$n' to change a value where options is
2402 the name between []"
2403 ), ":\t\t\t\t$bprint options values by section$n";
2407 (*************************************************************************)
2408 (* *)
2409 (* Driver/Sharing *)
2410 (* *)
2411 (*************************************************************************)
2413 let _ =
2414 register_commands "Driver/Sharing"
2417 "reshare", Arg_none (fun o ->
2418 let buf = o.conn_buf in
2419 shared_check_files ();
2420 if o.conn_output = HTML then
2421 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
2422 ("", "srh", "Reshare check done"); ]
2423 else
2424 Printf.bprintf buf "Reshare check done";
2425 _s ""
2426 ), ":\t\t\t\tcheck shared files for removal";
2428 "debug_disk", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
2429 let buf = o.conn_buf in
2430 let print_i64o = function
2431 | None -> "Unknown"
2432 | Some v -> Printf.sprintf "%Ld" v in
2433 let print_io = function
2434 | None -> "Unknown"
2435 | Some v -> Printf.sprintf "%d" v in
2436 Printf.bprintf buf "working on dir %s\n" arg;
2437 Printf.bprintf buf "bsize %s\n" (print_i64o (Unix32.bsize arg));
2438 Printf.bprintf buf "blocks %s\n" (print_i64o (Unix32.blocks arg));
2439 Printf.bprintf buf "bfree %s\n" (print_i64o (Unix32.bfree arg));
2440 Printf.bprintf buf "bavail %s\n" (print_i64o (Unix32.bavail arg));
2441 Printf.bprintf buf "fnamelen %s\n" (print_io (Unix32.fnamelen arg));
2442 Printf.bprintf buf "filesystem %s\n" (Unix32.filesystem arg);
2443 let print_i64o_amount = function
2444 | None -> "Unknown"
2445 | Some v -> Printf.sprintf "%Ld - %s" v (size_of_int64 v) in
2446 Printf.bprintf buf "disktotal %s\n" (print_i64o_amount (Unix32.disktotal arg));
2447 Printf.bprintf buf "diskfree %s\n" (print_i64o_amount (Unix32.diskfree arg));
2448 Printf.bprintf buf "diskused %s\n" (print_i64o_amount (Unix32.diskused arg));
2449 let print_percento = function
2450 | None -> "Unknown"
2451 | Some p -> Printf.sprintf "%d%%" p in
2452 Printf.bprintf buf "percentused %s\n" (print_percento (Unix32.percentused arg));
2453 Printf.bprintf buf "percentfree %s\n" (print_percento (Unix32.percentfree arg));
2454 let stat = Unix.LargeFile.stat arg in
2455 Printf.bprintf buf "\nstat_device %d\n" stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_dev;
2456 Printf.bprintf buf "stat_inode %d\n" stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_ino;
2458 _s ""
2459 ), "debug command (example: disk .)";
2461 "debug_dir", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
2462 let buf = o.conn_buf in
2463 let filelist = Unix2.list_directory arg in
2464 Printf.bprintf buf "%d entries in dir %s\n" (List.length filelist) arg;
2465 List.iter (fun file ->
2466 Printf.bprintf buf "%s\n %s\nMime %s\n\n"
2467 file
2468 (match Magic.M.magic_fileinfo (Filename.concat arg file) false with
2469 None -> "unknown"
2470 | Some fileinfo -> fileinfo)
2471 (match Magic.M.magic_fileinfo (Filename.concat arg file) true with
2472 None -> "unknown"
2473 | Some fileinfo -> fileinfo)
2474 ) filelist;
2475 _s ""
2476 ), "debug command (example: disk .)";
2478 "debug_fileinfo", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
2479 let buf = o.conn_buf in
2480 (try
2481 let module U = Unix.LargeFile in
2482 let s = U.stat arg in
2483 Printf.bprintf buf "st_dev %d\n" s.U.st_dev;
2484 Printf.bprintf buf "st_ino %d\n" s.U.st_ino;
2485 Printf.bprintf buf "st_uid %d\n" s.U.st_uid;
2486 Printf.bprintf buf "st_gid %d\n" s.U.st_gid;
2487 Printf.bprintf buf "st_size %Ld\n" s.U.st_size;
2488 Printf.bprintf buf "st_atime %s\n" (Date.to_full_string s.U.st_atime);
2489 Printf.bprintf buf "st_mtime %s\n" (Date.to_full_string s.U.st_mtime);
2490 Printf.bprintf buf "st_ctime %s\n" (Date.to_full_string s.U.st_ctime);
2491 let user,group = Unix32.owner arg in
2492 Printf.bprintf buf "username %s\n" user;
2493 Printf.bprintf buf "groupname %s\n" group;
2494 with e -> Printf.bprintf buf "Error %s when opening %s\n" (Printexc2.to_string e) arg);
2495 _s ""
2496 ), "debug command (example: file .)";
2498 "debug_rlimit", Arg_none (fun o ->
2499 let buf = o.conn_buf in
2500 let cpu = Unix2.ml_getrlimit Unix2.RLIMIT_CPU in
2501 let fsize = Unix2.ml_getrlimit Unix2.RLIMIT_FSIZE in
2502 let data = Unix2.ml_getrlimit Unix2.RLIMIT_DATA in
2503 let stack = Unix2.ml_getrlimit Unix2.RLIMIT_STACK in
2504 let core = Unix2.ml_getrlimit Unix2.RLIMIT_CORE in
2505 let rss = Unix2.ml_getrlimit Unix2.RLIMIT_RSS in
2506 let nprof = Unix2.ml_getrlimit Unix2.RLIMIT_NPROF in
2507 let nofile = Unix2.ml_getrlimit Unix2.RLIMIT_NOFILE in
2508 let memlock = Unix2.ml_getrlimit Unix2.RLIMIT_MEMLOCK in
2509 let rlimit_as = Unix2.ml_getrlimit Unix2.RLIMIT_AS in
2510 Printf.bprintf buf "cpu %d %d\n" cpu.Unix2.rlim_cur cpu.Unix2.rlim_max;
2511 Printf.bprintf buf "fsize %d %d\n" fsize.Unix2.rlim_cur fsize.Unix2.rlim_max;
2512 Printf.bprintf buf "data %d %d\n" data.Unix2.rlim_cur data.Unix2.rlim_max;
2513 Printf.bprintf buf "stack %d %d\n" stack.Unix2.rlim_cur stack.Unix2.rlim_max;
2514 Printf.bprintf buf "core %d %d\n" core.Unix2.rlim_cur core.Unix2.rlim_max;
2515 Printf.bprintf buf "rss %d %d\n" rss.Unix2.rlim_cur rss.Unix2.rlim_max;
2516 Printf.bprintf buf "nprof %d %d\n" nprof.Unix2.rlim_cur nprof.Unix2.rlim_max;
2517 Printf.bprintf buf "nofile %d %d\n" nofile.Unix2.rlim_cur nofile.Unix2.rlim_max;
2518 Printf.bprintf buf "memlock %d %d\n" memlock.Unix2.rlim_cur memlock.Unix2.rlim_max;
2519 Printf.bprintf buf "as %d %d\n" rlimit_as.Unix2.rlim_cur rlimit_as.Unix2.rlim_max;
2520 _s ""
2521 ), "debug command";
2523 "shares", Arg_none (fun o ->
2524 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then begin
2525 let buf = o.conn_buf in
2527 if use_html_mods o then begin
2528 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"shares\\\"\\>\\<table class=main cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>
2529 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>
2530 \\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width='100%%'\\>\\<tr\\>
2531 \\<td class=downloaded width=100%%\\>\\</td\\>
2532 \\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig pr\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript: {
2533 var getdir = prompt('Input: <priority#> <directory> [<strategy>] (surround dir with quotes if necessary)','0 /home/mldonkey/share')
2534 parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=share+' + encodeURIComponent(getdir);
2535 setTimeout('window.location.reload()',1000);
2536 }\\\"\\>Add Share\\</a\\>
2537 \\</td\\>
2538 \\</tr\\>\\</table\\>
2539 \\</td\\>\\</tr\\>
2540 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
2542 html_mods_table_header buf "sharesTable" "shares" [
2543 ( Str, "srh ac", "Click to unshare directory", "Unshare" ) ;
2544 ( Num, "srh ar", "Priority", "P" ) ;
2545 ( Str, "srh", "Directory", "Directory" ) ;
2546 ( Str, "srh", "Strategy", "Strategy" ) ;
2547 ( Num, "srh ar", "HDD used", "used" ) ;
2548 ( Num, "srh ar", "HDD free", "free" ) ;
2549 ( Num, "srh ar", "% free", "% free" ) ;
2550 ( Str, "srh", "Filesystem", "FS" ) ];
2552 html_mods_cntr_init ();
2553 List.iter (fun shared_dir ->
2554 let dir = shared_dir.shdir_dirname in
2555 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>
2556 \\<td title=\\\"Click to unshare this directory\\\"
2557 onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\"
2558 onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\"
2559 onClick=\\\'javascript:{
2560 parent.fstatus.location.href=\\\"submit?q=unshare+\\\\\\\"%s\\\\\\\"\\\"
2561 setTimeout(\\\"window.location.reload()\\\",1000);}'
2562 class=\\\"srb\\\"\\>Unshare\\</td\\>
2563 \\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>
2564 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
2565 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
2566 \\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
2567 \\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
2568 \\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
2569 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>"
2570 (html_mods_cntr ())
2571 (Url.encode dir)
2572 shared_dir.shdir_priority
2574 shared_dir.shdir_strategy
2575 (match Unix32.diskused dir with
2576 | None -> "---"
2577 | Some du -> size_of_int64 du)
2578 (match Unix32.diskfree dir with
2579 | None -> "---"
2580 | Some df -> size_of_int64 df)
2581 (match Unix32.percentfree dir with
2582 | None -> "---"
2583 | Some p -> Printf.sprintf "%d%%" p)
2584 (Unix32.filesystem dir);
2586 !!shared_directories;
2588 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\<tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\<P\\>";
2589 print_option_help o shared_directories;
2590 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<P\\>";
2592 html_mods_big_header_start buf "sharesTable" ["Share strategies"];
2593 html_mods_table_header buf "sharesTable" "shares" [
2594 ( Str, "srh", "Name", "Name" ) ;
2595 ( Str, "srh", "Incoming", "Incoming" ) ;
2596 ( Str, "srh", "Directories", "Directories" ) ;
2597 ( Str, "srh", "Recursive", "Recursive" ) ;
2598 ( Num, "srh", "Minsize", "Minsize" ) ;
2599 ( Num, "srh", "Maxsize", "Maxsize" ) ;
2600 ( Str, "srh", "Extensions", "Extensions" ) ];
2602 html_mods_cntr_init ();
2604 let int64_print v =
2605 if v = Int64.max_int then "unlimited" else Int64ops.int64_to_human_readable v in
2607 List.iter (fun (s,t) ->
2608 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr ());
2609 html_mods_td buf [
2610 ("", "sr", s);
2611 ("", "sr", string_of_bool t.sharing_incoming);
2612 ("", "sr", string_of_bool t.sharing_directories);
2613 ("", "sr", string_of_bool t.sharing_recursive);
2614 ("", "sr", (int64_print t.sharing_minsize));
2615 ("", "sr", (int64_print t.sharing_maxsize));
2616 ("", "sr", (String.concat " " t.sharing_extensions));
2618 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\n"
2619 ) !!sharing_strategies;
2622 else
2623 begin
2625 Printf.bprintf buf "Shared directories:\n";
2626 List.iter (fun sd ->
2627 Printf.bprintf buf " %d %s %s\n"
2628 sd.shdir_priority sd.shdir_dirname sd.shdir_strategy)
2629 !!shared_directories;
2631 end;
2634 else
2635 _s "You are not allowed to list shared directories"
2636 ), ":\t\t\t\tprint shared directories";
2638 "share", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
2639 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then begin
2640 let (prio, arg, strategy) = match args with
2641 | [prio; arg; strategy] -> int_of_string prio, arg, strategy
2642 | [prio; arg] -> int_of_string prio, arg, "only_directory"
2643 | [arg] -> 0, arg, "only_directory"
2644 | _ -> failwith "Bad number of arguments"
2647 let shdir = {
2648 shdir_dirname = arg;
2649 shdir_priority = prio;
2650 shdir_networks = [];
2651 shdir_strategy = strategy;
2652 } in
2654 if Unix2.is_directory arg then
2655 begin
2657 let d = List.find (fun d -> d.shdir_dirname = arg) !!shared_directories in
2658 let old_prio = d.shdir_priority in
2659 d.shdir_priority <- prio;
2660 Printf.sprintf "prio of %s changed from %d to %d"
2661 d.shdir_dirname old_prio d.shdir_priority
2662 with Not_found ->
2663 shared_directories =:= shdir :: !!shared_directories;
2664 shared_add_directory shdir;
2665 Printf.sprintf "directory %s added%s"
2666 shdir.shdir_dirname
2667 (if shdir.shdir_priority <> 0 then
2668 Printf.sprintf " with prio %d" shdir.shdir_priority
2669 else "")
2671 else
2672 "no such directory"
2674 else
2675 _s "You are not allowed to share directories"
2676 ), "<priority> <dir> [<strategy>] :\tshare directory <dir> with <priority> [and sharing strategy <strategy>]";
2678 "unshare", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
2680 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then begin
2681 let found = ref false in
2682 shared_directories =:= List.filter (fun sd ->
2683 let diff = sd.shdir_dirname <> arg in
2684 if not diff then begin
2685 found := true;
2686 shared_iter (fun s ->
2687 let impl = as_shared_impl s in
2688 if (Filename.dirname impl.impl_shared_fullname) = arg
2689 then shared_unshare s
2691 end;
2692 diff
2693 ) !!shared_directories;
2694 if !found then begin
2695 CommonShared.shared_check_files ();
2696 _s "directory removed"
2697 end else
2698 _s "directory already unshared"
2700 else
2701 _s "You are not allowed to unshare directories"
2702 ), "<dir> :\t\t\t\tunshare directory <dir>";
2704 "upstats", Arg_none (fun o ->
2705 if not (user2_can_view_uploads o.conn_user.ui_user) then
2706 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to see upload statistics"
2707 else
2708 begin
2709 let list = ref [] in
2710 shared_iter (fun s ->
2711 let impl = as_shared_impl s in
2712 list := impl :: !list
2714 print_upstats o !list None;
2715 end;
2716 _s ""
2717 ), ":\t\t\t\tstatistics on upload";
2719 "links", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
2720 let buf = o.conn_buf in
2721 if not (user2_can_view_uploads o.conn_user.ui_user) then
2722 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to see shared files list"
2723 else begin
2725 let list = Hashtbl.create !shared_counter in
2727 let compute_shares () =
2728 shared_iter (fun s ->
2729 let impl = as_shared_impl s in
2731 ignore (Hashtbl.find list impl.impl_shared_id)
2732 with Not_found ->
2733 Hashtbl.add list impl.impl_shared_id {
2734 filename = impl.impl_shared_codedname;
2735 filesize = impl.impl_shared_size;
2736 fileid = impl.impl_shared_id;
2740 let compute_downloads () =
2741 List.iter (fun f ->
2743 ignore (Hashtbl.find list f.file_md4)
2744 with Not_found ->
2745 Hashtbl.add list f.file_md4 {
2746 filename = f.file_name;
2747 filesize = f.file_size;
2748 fileid = f.file_md4;
2749 }) (List2.tail_map file_info
2750 (user2_filter_files !!files o.conn_user.ui_user))
2753 let list =
2754 List.sort ( fun f1 f2 ->
2756 (Filename.basename f1.filename)
2757 (Filename.basename f2.filename)
2759 (match args with
2760 | ["downloading"] -> compute_downloads (); Hashtbl2.to_list list
2761 | ["shared"] -> compute_shares (); Hashtbl2.to_list list
2762 | _ -> compute_shares (); compute_downloads (); Hashtbl2.to_list list)
2765 List.iter (fun f ->
2766 if (f.fileid <> Md4.null) then
2767 Printf.bprintf buf "%s\n" (file_print_ed2k_link
2768 (Filename.basename f.filename) f.filesize f.fileid);
2769 ) list;
2770 end;
2771 "Done"
2772 ), "[downloading|shared|empty for all]: list links of shared files";
2774 "uploaders", Arg_none (fun o ->
2775 let buf = o.conn_buf in
2777 if not (user2_can_view_uploads o.conn_user.ui_user) then
2778 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to see uploaders list"
2779 else begin
2781 let nuploaders = Intmap.length !uploaders in
2782 if use_html_mods o then
2783 begin
2784 html_mods_cntr_init ();
2785 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"uploaders\\\"\\>";
2786 html_mods_table_one_row buf "uploadersTable" "uploaders" [
2787 ("", "srh", Printf.sprintf "Total upload slots: %d (%d) | Pending slots: %d\n" nuploaders
2788 (Fifo.length CommonUploads.upload_clients)
2789 (Intmap.length !CommonUploads.pending_slots_map)); ];
2790 if nuploaders > 0 then
2792 begin
2794 html_mods_table_header buf "uploadersTable" "uploaders" ([
2795 ( Num, "srh ac", "Client number", "Num" ) ;
2796 ( Str, "srh", "Network", "Network" ) ;
2797 ( Str, "srh", "Connection type [I]ndirect [D]irect", "C" ) ;
2798 ( Str, "srh", "Client name", "Client name" ) ;
2799 ( Str, "srh", "Secure User Identification [N]one, [P]assed, [F]ailed", "S" ) ;
2800 ( Str, "srh", "IP address", "IP address" ) ;
2801 ] @ (if () then [( Str, "srh", "Country Code/Name", "CC" )] else []) @ [
2802 ( Str, "srh", "Connected time (minutes)", "CT" ) ;
2803 ( Str, "srh", "Client brand", "CB" ) ;
2804 ( Str, "srh", "Client release", "CR" ) ;
2806 (if !!emule_mods_count then [( Str, "srh", "eMule MOD", "EM" )] else [])
2808 ( Num, "srh ar", "Total DL bytes from this client for all files", "tDL" ) ;
2809 ( Num, "srh ar", "Total UL bytes to this client for all files", "tUL" ) ;
2810 ( Num, "srh ar", "Session DL bytes from this client for all files", "sDL" ) ;
2811 ( Num, "srh ar", "Session UL bytes to this client for all files", "sUL" ) ;
2812 ( Str, "srh ar", "Slot kind", "Slot" ) ;
2813 ( Str, "srh", "Filename", "Filename" ) ]);
2815 List.iter (fun c ->
2817 let i = client_info c in
2818 if is_connected i.client_state then begin
2820 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"
2821 title=\\\"[%d] Add as friend (avg: %.1f KB/s)\\\"
2822 onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\"
2823 onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\"
2824 onClick=\\\"parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=friend_add+%d'\\\"\\>"
2825 (html_mods_cntr ()) (client_num c)
2826 (Int64.to_float i.client_session_uploaded /. 1024. /.
2827 float_of_int (max 1 ((last_time ()) - i.client_connect_time)))
2828 (client_num c);
2830 html_mods_td buf [
2831 ("", "sr", Printf.sprintf "%d" (client_num c)); ];
2833 let ips,cc,cn = string_of_kind_geo i.client_kind i.client_country_code in
2835 client_print_html c o;
2836 html_mods_td buf ([
2837 ("", "sr", (match i.client_sui_verified with
2838 | None -> "N"
2839 | Some b -> if b then "P" else "F"
2840 ));
2841 ("", "sr", ips);
2842 ] @ (if () then [(cn, "sr", CommonPictures.flag_html cc)] else []) @ [
2843 ("", "sr", Printf.sprintf "%d" (((last_time ()) - i.client_connect_time) / 60));
2844 (client_software i.client_software i.client_os, "sr", client_software_short i.client_software i.client_os);
2845 ("", "sr", i.client_release);
2847 (if !!emule_mods_count then [("", "sr", i.client_emulemod)] else [])
2849 ("", "sr ar", size_of_int64 i.client_total_downloaded);
2850 ("", "sr ar", size_of_int64 i.client_total_uploaded);
2851 ("", "sr ar", size_of_int64 i.client_session_downloaded);
2852 ("", "sr ar", size_of_int64 i.client_session_uploaded);
2853 (let text1, text2 =
2854 match client_slot c with
2855 | FriendSlot -> "Friend", "F"
2856 | ReleaseSlot -> "Release", "R"
2857 | SmallFileSlot -> "Small file", "S"
2858 | PrioSlot dir -> "Prio dir: " ^ dir, "P"
2859 | _ -> "", "" in text1, "sr ar", text2);
2860 ("", "sr", (match i.client_upload with
2861 Some f -> shorten f !!max_name_len
2862 | None -> "") ) ]);
2864 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>"
2866 with _ -> ()
2867 ) (List.sort
2868 (fun c1 c2 -> compare (client_num c1) (client_num c2))
2869 (Intmap.to_list !uploaders));
2870 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
2871 end;
2873 if !!html_mods_show_pending && Intmap.length !CommonUploads.pending_slots_map > 0 then
2875 begin
2876 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<br\\>\\<br\\>";
2877 html_mods_table_header buf "uploadersTable" "uploaders" ([
2878 ( Num, "srh ac", "Client number", "Num" ) ;
2879 ( Str, "srh", "Network", "Network" ) ;
2880 ( Str, "srh", "Connection type [I]ndirect [D]irect", "C" ) ;
2881 ( Str, "srh", "Client name", "Client name" ) ;
2882 ( Str, "srh", "Secure User Identification [N]one, [P]assed, [F]ailed", "S" ) ;
2883 ( Str, "srh", "IP address", "IP address" ) ;
2884 ] @ (if () then [( Str, "srh", "Country Code/Name", "CC" )] else []) @ [
2885 ( Str, "srh", "Client brand", "CB" ) ;
2886 ( Str, "srh", "Client release", "CR" ) ;
2888 (if !!emule_mods_count then [( Str, "srh", "eMule MOD", "EM" )] else [])
2890 ( Num, "srh ar", "Total DL bytes from this client for all files", "tDL" ) ;
2891 ( Num, "srh ar", "Total UL bytes to this client for all files", "tUL" ) ;
2892 ( Num, "srh ar", "Session DL bytes from this client for all files", "sDL" ) ;
2893 ( Num, "srh ar", "Session UL bytes to this client for all files", "sUL" ) ;
2894 ( Str, "srh", "Filename", "Filename" ) ]);
2896 Intmap.iter (fun cnum c ->
2899 let i = client_info c in
2900 let ips,cc,cn = string_of_kind_geo i.client_kind i.client_country_code in
2902 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"
2903 title=\\\"Add as Friend\\\" onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\" onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\"
2904 onClick=\\\"parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=friend_add+%d'\\\"\\>"
2905 (html_mods_cntr ()) cnum;
2907 html_mods_td buf [
2908 ("", "sr", Printf.sprintf "%d" (client_num c)); ];
2910 client_print_html c o;
2912 html_mods_td buf ([
2913 ("", "sr", (match i.client_sui_verified with
2914 | None -> "N"
2915 | Some b -> if b then "P" else "F"
2916 ));
2917 ("", "sr", ips);
2918 ] @ (if () then [(cn, "sr", CommonPictures.flag_html cc)] else []) @ [
2919 (client_software i.client_software i.client_os, "sr", client_software_short i.client_software i.client_os);
2920 ("", "sr", i.client_release);
2922 (if !!emule_mods_count then [("", "sr", i.client_emulemod )] else [])
2924 ("", "sr ar", size_of_int64 i.client_total_downloaded);
2925 ("", "sr ar", size_of_int64 i.client_total_uploaded);
2926 ("", "sr ar", size_of_int64 i.client_session_downloaded);
2927 ("", "sr ar", size_of_int64 i.client_session_uploaded);
2928 ("", "sr", (match i.client_upload with
2929 Some f -> shorten f !!max_name_len
2930 | None -> "") ) ]);
2932 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>";
2933 with _ -> ();
2935 ) !CommonUploads.pending_slots_map;
2936 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
2937 end;
2938 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</div\\>"
2940 else
2941 begin
2942 Intmap.iter (fun _ c ->
2944 let i = client_info c in
2945 client_print c o;
2946 Printf.bprintf buf "client: %s downloaded: %s uploaded: %s\n" i.client_software (Int64.to_string i.client_total_downloaded) (Int64.to_string i.client_total_uploaded);
2947 match i.client_upload with
2948 Some cu ->
2949 Printf.bprintf buf " filename: %s\n" cu
2950 | None -> ()
2951 with _ ->
2952 Printf.bprintf buf "no info on client %d\n" (client_num c )
2953 ) !uploaders;
2955 Printf.bprintf buf "Total upload slots: %d (%d) | Pending slots: %d\n" nuploaders
2956 (Fifo.length CommonUploads.upload_clients)
2957 (Intmap.length !CommonUploads.pending_slots_map);
2959 end;
2961 ), ":\t\t\t\tshow users currently uploading";
2966 (*************************************************************************)
2967 (* *)
2968 (* Driver/Downloads *)
2969 (* *)
2970 (*************************************************************************)
2972 let _ =
2973 let resume_alias s = s, Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
2974 if args = ["all"] && user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
2975 List.iter (fun file ->
2976 file_resume file (admin_user ())
2977 ) !!files
2978 else
2979 List.iter (fun num ->
2980 let num = int_of_string num in
2981 List.iter (fun file ->
2982 if (as_file_impl file).impl_file_num = num then
2983 file_resume file o.conn_user.ui_user
2984 ) !!files) args; ""
2985 ), "<num|all> :\t\t\tresume a paused download (use arg 'all' for all files)"
2987 register_commands "Driver/Downloads"
2990 "priority", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
2991 let buf = o.conn_buf in
2992 match args with
2993 p :: files ->
2994 let absolute, p = if String2.check_prefix p "=" then
2995 true, int_of_string (String2.after p 1)
2996 else false, int_of_string p in
2997 List.iter (fun arg ->
2999 let file = file_find (int_of_string arg) in
3000 let priority = if absolute then p
3001 else (file_priority file) + p in
3002 let priority = if priority < -100 then -100 else
3003 if priority > 100 then 100 else priority in
3004 set_file_priority file priority;
3005 Printf.bprintf buf "Setting priority of %s to %d\n"
3006 (file_best_name file) (file_priority file);
3007 with _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "No file number %s" arg)
3008 ) files;
3009 force_download_quotas ();
3010 _s "done"
3011 | [] -> "Bad number of args"
3013 ), "<priority> <files numbers> :\tchange file priorities";
3015 "download_order", Arg_two (fun num v o ->
3017 let file = file_find (int_of_string num) in
3018 (match v with
3019 | "linear" -> ignore (CommonFile.file_download_order file (Some CommonTypes.LinearStrategy))
3020 | _ -> ignore (CommonFile.file_download_order file (Some CommonTypes.AdvancedStrategy)));
3021 _s (Printf.sprintf "Changed download order of %s to %s"
3022 (file_best_name file) (file_print_download_order file))
3023 with e -> Printf.sprintf "Exception %s" (Printexc2.to_string e)
3024 ), "<file number> <random|linear> :\tchange download order of file blocks (default random, with first and last block first)";
3026 "confirm", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
3027 match String.lowercase arg with
3028 "yes" | "y" | "true" ->
3029 List.iter (fun file ->
3031 file_cancel file o.conn_user.ui_user
3032 with e ->
3033 lprintf "Exception %s in cancel file %d\n"
3034 (Printexc2.to_string e) (file_num file)
3035 ) !to_cancel;
3036 to_cancel := [];
3037 _s "Files cancelled"
3038 | "no" | "n" | "false" ->
3039 to_cancel := [];
3040 _s "cancel aborted"
3041 | "what" | "w" ->
3042 files_to_cancel o
3043 | _ -> failwith "Invalid argument"
3044 ), "<yes|no|what> :\t\t\tconfirm cancellation";
3046 "test_recover", Arg_one (fun num o ->
3048 let num = int_of_string num in
3049 let file = file_find num in
3050 let segments = CommonFile.recover_bytes file in
3051 let buf = o.conn_buf in
3052 Printf.bprintf buf "Segments:\n";
3053 let downloaded = ref zero in
3054 List.iter (fun (begin_pos, end_pos) ->
3055 Printf.bprintf buf " %Ld - %Ld\n" begin_pos end_pos;
3056 downloaded := !downloaded ++ (end_pos -- begin_pos);
3057 ) segments;
3058 Printf.sprintf "Downloaded: %Ld\n" !downloaded
3059 ), "<num> :\t\t\tprint the segments downloaded in file";
3062 "cancel", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
3064 let file_cancel num =
3065 if not (List.memq num !to_cancel) then
3066 to_cancel := num :: !to_cancel
3068 if args = ["all"] && user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
3069 List.iter (fun file ->
3070 file_cancel file
3071 ) !!files
3072 else
3073 List.iter (fun num ->
3074 let num = int_of_string num in
3075 List.iter (fun file ->
3076 if (as_file_impl file).impl_file_num = num then begin
3077 lprintf "TRY TO CANCEL FILE\n";
3078 file_cancel file
3080 ) !!files) args;
3081 files_to_cancel o
3082 ), "<num|all> :\t\t\tcancel download (use arg 'all' for all files)";
3084 "downloaders", Arg_none (fun o ->
3085 let buf = o.conn_buf in
3087 if use_html_mods o then
3088 html_mods_table_header buf "downloadersTable" "downloaders" ([
3089 ( Num, "srh ac", "Client number (click to add as friend)", "Num" ) ;
3090 ( Str, "srh", "Client state", "CS" ) ;
3091 ( Str, "srh", "Client name", "Name" ) ;
3092 ( Str, "srh", "Client brand", "CB" ) ;
3093 ( Str, "srh", "Client release", "CR" ) ;
3095 (if !!emule_mods_count then [( Str, "srh", "eMule MOD", "EM" )] else [])
3097 ( Str, "srh", "Overnet [T]rue, [F]alse", "O" ) ;
3098 ( Num, "srh ar", "Connected time (minutes)", "CT" ) ;
3099 ( Str, "srh", "Connection [I]ndirect, [D]irect", "C" ) ;
3100 ( Str, "srh", "Secure User Identification [N]one, [P]assed, [F]ailed", "S" ) ;
3101 ( Str, "srh", "IP address", "IP address" ) ;
3102 ] @ (if () then [( Str, "srh", "Country Code/Name", "CC" )] else []) @ [
3103 ( Num, "srh ar", "Total UL bytes to this client for all files", "tUL");
3104 ( Num, "srh ar", "Total DL bytes from this client for all files", "tDL");
3105 ( Num, "srh ar", "Session UL bytes to this client for all files", "sUL");
3106 ( Num, "srh ar", "Session DL bytes from this client for all files", "sDL");
3107 ( Str, "srh", "Filename", "Filename" ) ]);
3109 let counter = ref 0 in
3111 List.iter
3112 (fun file ->
3113 if (CommonFile.file_downloaders file o !counter) then counter := 0 else counter := 1;
3114 ) (user2_filter_files !!files o.conn_user.ui_user);
3116 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
3119 ) , ":\t\t\t\tdisplay downloaders list";
3121 "verify_chunks", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
3122 let buf = o.conn_buf in
3123 match args with
3124 [arg] ->
3125 let num = int_of_string arg in
3126 List.iter
3127 (fun file -> if (as_file_impl file).impl_file_num = num then
3128 begin
3129 Printf.bprintf buf "Verifying Chunks of file %d" num;
3130 file_check file;
3133 !!files;
3135 | _ -> ();
3136 _s "done"
3137 ), "<num> :\t\t\tverify chunks of file <num>";
3139 "pause", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
3140 let filter =
3141 match args with (* TODO richer condition language *)
3142 | ["where";"priority";(">"|"<" as op);n] ->
3143 let n = int_of_string n in
3144 let op = if op = ">" then (>) else (<) in
3145 (fun file -> op (file_priority file) n)
3146 | ["all"] -> (fun _ -> true)
3147 | l ->
3148 let l = int_of_string l in
3149 (fun file -> List.mem (file_num file) l)
3151 List.iter begin fun file ->
3152 if filter file then
3153 file_pause file o.conn_user.ui_user
3154 end !!files;
3156 ), "<num|all|where priority < prio> :\t\t\tpause a download (use arg 'all' for all files)";
3158 resume_alias "resume";
3159 resume_alias "unpause";
3160 resume_alias "continue";
3162 "release", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
3163 let num = int_of_string arg in
3164 let file = file_find num in
3165 let old_state = file_release file in
3166 set_file_release file (not (file_release file)) o.conn_user.ui_user;
3167 Printf.sprintf "%s, file: %s"
3168 (match old_state, file_release file with
3169 true, false -> "deactivated release state"
3170 | false, true -> "activated release state"
3171 | _ -> "unchanged status, enough rights?")
3172 (shorten (file_best_name file) !!max_name_len)
3173 ), "<num> :\t\t\t\tchange release state of a download";
3175 "commit", Arg_none (fun o ->
3176 List.iter (fun file ->
3177 file_commit file
3178 ) !!done_files;
3179 let buf = o.conn_buf in
3180 if o.conn_output = HTML then
3181 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
3182 ("", "srh", "Committed"); ]
3183 else
3184 Printf.bprintf buf "Committed";
3186 ) , ":\t\t\t\t$bmove downloaded files to incoming directory$n";
3188 "vd", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
3189 let buf = o.conn_buf in
3190 let list = user2_filter_files !!files o.conn_user.ui_user in
3191 let filelist = List2.tail_map file_info list in
3192 match args with
3193 | ["queued"] ->
3194 let list = List.filter ( fun f -> f.file_state = FileQueued ) filelist in
3195 DriverInteractive.display_active_file_list buf o list;
3197 | ["paused"] ->
3198 let list = List.filter ( fun f -> f.file_state = FilePaused ) filelist in
3199 DriverInteractive.display_active_file_list buf o list;
3201 | ["downloading"] ->
3202 let list = List.filter ( fun f -> f.file_state = FileDownloading ) filelist in
3203 DriverInteractive.display_file_list buf o list;
3205 | [arg] ->
3206 let num = int_of_string arg in
3207 if o.conn_output = HTML then
3208 begin
3209 if use_html_mods o then
3210 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"sourcesTable al\\\"\\>\\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>
3211 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>
3212 \\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%%\\>\\<tr\\>
3213 \\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='files'\\\"\\>Display all files\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
3214 \\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig\\\"\\>\\<a onClick=\\\"javascript:parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=verify_chunks+%d'\\\"\\>Verify chunks\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
3215 \\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig\\\"\\>\\<a onClick=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='preview_download?q=%d'\\\"\\>Preview\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
3216 \\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig\\\"\\>\\<a onClick=\\\"javascript:window.location.href='submit?q=debug_get_download_prio+%d'\\\"\\>Debug\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
3217 \\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig pr\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript:window.location.reload()\\\"\\>Reload\\</a\\>\\</td\\>
3218 \\<td class=downloaded width=100%%\\>\\</td\\>
3219 \\</tr\\>\\</table\\>
3220 \\</td\\>\\</tr\\>
3221 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>" num num num
3222 else begin
3223 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<a href=\\\"files\\\"\\>Display all files\\</a\\> ";
3224 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<a href=\\\"submit?q=verify_chunks+%d\\\"\\>Verify chunks\\</a\\> " num;
3225 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<a href=\\\"submit?q=preview+%d\\\"\\>Preview\\</a\\> \n " num;
3227 end;
3228 List.iter
3229 (fun file -> if (as_file_impl file).impl_file_num = num then
3230 CommonFile.file_print file o)
3231 list;
3232 List.iter
3233 (fun file -> if (as_file_impl file).impl_file_num = num then
3234 CommonFile.file_print file o)
3235 !!done_files;
3237 | _ ->
3238 DriverInteractive.display_file_list buf o filelist;
3240 ), "[<num>|queued|paused|downloading] :\t$bview file info for download <num>, or lists of queued, paused or downloading files, or all downloads if no argument given$n";
3242 "preview", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
3244 let num = int_of_string arg in
3245 let file = file_find num in
3246 file_preview file;
3247 _s "done"
3248 ), "<file number> :\t\t\tstart previewer for file <file number>";
3250 "rename", Arg_two (fun arg new_name o ->
3251 let num = int_of_string arg in
3253 let file = file_find num in
3254 set_file_best_name file new_name "" 0;
3255 Printf.sprintf (_b "Download %d renamed to %s") num (file_best_name file)
3256 with e -> Printf.sprintf (_b "No file number %d, error %s") num (Printexc2.to_string e)
3257 ), "<num> \"<new name>\" :\t\tchange name of download <num> to <new name>";
3259 "filenames_variability", Arg_none (fun o ->
3260 let list = List2.tail_map file_info
3261 (user2_filter_files !!files o.conn_user.ui_user) in
3262 DriverInteractive.filenames_variability o list;
3263 _s "done"
3264 ), ":\t\t\ttell which files have several very different names";
3266 "dllink", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
3267 let url = String2.unsplit args ' ' in
3268 dllink_parse (o.conn_output = HTML) url o.conn_user.ui_user
3269 ), "<link> :\t\t\t\tdownload ed2k, sig2dat, torrent or other link";
3271 "dllinks", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
3272 let result = Buffer.create 100 in
3273 let file = File.to_string arg in
3274 let lines = String2.split_simplify file '\n' in
3275 List.iter (fun line ->
3276 Buffer.add_string result (dllink_parse (o.conn_output = HTML) line o.conn_user.ui_user);
3277 Buffer.add_string result (if o.conn_output = HTML then "\\<P\\>" else "\n")
3278 ) lines;
3279 (Buffer.contents result)
3280 ), "<file> :\t\t\tdownload all the links contained in the file";
3284 (*************************************************************************)
3285 (* *)
3286 (* Driver/Users *)
3287 (* *)
3288 (*************************************************************************)
3290 let _ =
3291 register_commands "Driver/Users" [
3293 "useradd", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
3294 let group_convert g =
3296 if String.lowercase g = "none" || g = "" then None
3297 else Some (user2_group_find g).group_name
3298 with Not_found -> None
3300 let (user, pass, group, cdir, mail, mdl) =
3301 match args with
3302 | [user; pass; group; cdir; mail; mdl] ->
3303 user, pass, (group_convert group), cdir, mail, (try int_of_string mdl with _ -> 0)
3304 | [user; pass; group; cdir; mail] -> user, pass, (group_convert group), cdir, mail, 0
3305 | [user; pass; group; cdir] -> user, pass, (group_convert group), cdir, "", 0
3306 | [user; pass; group] -> user, pass, (group_convert group), "", "", 0
3307 | [user; pass] -> user, pass, Some admin_group_name, "", "", 0
3308 | _ -> failwith "wrong parameters"
3310 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user
3311 || o.conn_user.ui_user.user_name = user then
3312 if user2_user_exists user then
3313 begin
3314 user2_user_set_password (user2_user_find user) pass;
3315 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Password of user %s changed" user)
3317 else
3318 begin
3319 match group with
3320 | None -> user2_user_add user (Md4.string pass)
3321 ~groups:[] ~default_group:None ~commit_dir:cdir ~mail:mail ~max_dl:mdl ();
3322 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s added" user)
3323 | Some g -> user2_user_add user (Md4.string pass)
3324 ~groups:[g] ~default_group:group ~commit_dir:cdir ~mail:mail ~max_dl:mdl ();
3325 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s added, group %s" user g)
3327 else
3328 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to add users";
3329 _s ""
3330 ), "<user> <passwd> [<group>] [<commit_dir>] [<mail>] [<max_downloads>]: add new mldonkey user/change user password";
3332 "userdel", Arg_one (fun user o ->
3333 if user <> o.conn_user.ui_user.user_name then
3334 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
3335 if user = (admin_user ()).user_name then
3336 print_command_result o "User 'admin' can not be removed"
3337 else
3339 let u = user2_user_find user in
3340 let n = user2_num_user_dls u in
3341 if n <> 0 then print_command_result o
3342 (Printf.sprintf "User %s has %d downloads, can not delete" user n)
3343 else
3344 user2_user_remove user;
3345 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s removed" user)
3346 with
3347 Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s does not exist" user)
3348 else
3349 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to remove users"
3350 else
3351 print_command_result o "You can not remove yourself";
3352 _s ""
3353 ), "<user> :\t\t\tremove a mldonkey user";
3355 "usergroupadd", Arg_two (fun user group o ->
3356 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
3357 begin
3359 let u = user2_user_find user in
3360 begin
3362 let g = user2_group_find group in
3363 if List.mem g u.user_groups then
3364 print_command_result o
3365 (Printf.sprintf "User %s already member of group %s" u.user_name g.group_name)
3366 else
3367 begin
3368 user2_user_add_group u g;
3369 print_command_result o
3370 (Printf.sprintf "Added group %s to user %s" g.group_name u.user_name)
3372 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Group %s does not exist" group)
3374 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s does not exist" user)
3376 else
3377 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to add groups to a user";
3378 _s ""
3379 ), "<user> <group> :\t\tadd a group to a mldonkey user";
3381 "usergroupdel", Arg_two (fun user group o ->
3382 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user
3383 || o.conn_user.ui_user.user_name = user then
3384 begin
3386 let u = user2_user_find user in
3387 begin
3389 let g = user2_group_find group in
3390 if not (List.mem g u.user_groups) then
3391 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s is not member of group %s" user group)
3392 else
3393 if Some g = u.user_default_group then
3394 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Group %s is default group of user %s, can not remove. Use command userdgroup to change default_group." group user)
3395 else
3396 begin
3397 let counter = ref 0 in
3398 List.iter (fun f ->
3399 if file_owner f = u && file_group f = Some g then
3400 begin
3401 incr counter;
3402 set_file_group f u.user_default_group
3404 ) !!files;
3405 user2_user_remove_group (user2_user_find user) (user2_group_find group);
3406 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Removed group %s from user %s%s"
3407 group user
3408 (if !counter = 0 then "" else Printf.sprintf ", changed file_group of %d file%s to default_group %s"
3409 !counter (Printf2.print_plural_s !counter) (user2_print_group u.user_default_group)))
3411 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Group %s does not exist" group)
3413 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s does not exist" user)
3416 else
3417 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to remove groups from a user";
3418 _s ""
3419 ), "<user> <group> :\t\tremove a group from a mldonkey user";
3421 "userdgroup", Arg_two (fun user group o ->
3422 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user
3423 || o.conn_user.ui_user.user_name = user then
3424 begin
3426 let u = user2_user_find user in
3427 begin
3429 let g = if String.lowercase group = "none" then None else Some (user2_group_find group) in
3430 let update_dgroup () =
3431 match g with
3432 None -> true
3433 | Some g1 when List.mem g1 u.user_groups -> true
3434 | _ -> false
3436 if update_dgroup () then
3437 begin
3438 user2_user_set_default_group u g;
3439 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Changed default group of user %s to group %s" u.user_name (user2_print_user_default_group u))
3441 else print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s is not member of group %s" u.user_name group)
3442 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Group %s does not exist" group)
3444 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s does not exist" user)
3446 else
3447 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to change default group";
3448 _s ""
3449 ), "<user> <group|None> :\tchange user default group";
3451 "passwd", Arg_one (fun passwd o ->
3452 begin
3454 let u = user2_user_find o.conn_user.ui_user.user_name in
3455 user2_user_set_password u passwd;
3456 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Password of user %s changed" u.user_name)
3457 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s does not exist" o.conn_user.ui_user.user_name)
3458 end;
3459 _s ""
3460 ), "<passwd> :\t\t\tchange own password";
3462 "usermail", Arg_two (fun user mail o ->
3463 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user
3464 || o.conn_user.ui_user.user_name = user then
3465 begin
3467 let u = user2_user_find user in
3468 user2_user_set_mail u mail;
3469 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s has new mail %s" user mail)
3470 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s does not exist" user)
3472 else print_command_result o "You are not allowed to change mail addresses";
3473 _s ""
3474 ), "<user> <mail> :\t\tchange user mail address";
3476 "userdls", Arg_two (fun user dls o ->
3477 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
3478 begin
3480 let u = user2_user_find user in
3481 user2_user_set_dls u (int_of_string dls);
3482 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s has now %s downloads allowed" user (user2_print_user_dls (user2_user_find user)))
3483 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s does not exist" user)
3485 else print_command_result o "You are not allowed to change this value";
3486 _s ""
3487 ), "<user> <num> :\t\t\tchange number of allowed concurrent downloads";
3489 "usercommit", Arg_two (fun user dir o ->
3490 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user
3491 || o.conn_user.ui_user.user_name = user then
3492 begin
3494 let u = user2_user_find user in
3495 user2_user_set_commit_dir u dir;
3496 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s has new commit dir %s" u.user_name u.user_commit_dir)
3497 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "User %s does not exist" user)
3499 else print_command_result o "You are not allowed to change this value";
3500 _s ""
3501 ), "<user> <dir> :\t\tchange user specific commit directory";
3503 "groupadd", Arg_two (fun group admin o ->
3504 let g_admin =
3506 bool_of_string admin
3507 with _ -> false
3509 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
3510 if user2_group_exists group then
3511 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Group %s already exists" group)
3512 else
3513 begin
3514 user2_group_add group g_admin;
3515 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Group %s added" group)
3517 else
3518 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to add a group";
3519 _s ""
3520 ), "<group> <admin: true|false> :\tadd new mldonkey group";
3522 "groupdel", Arg_one (fun group o ->
3523 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
3524 begin
3526 let g = user2_group_find group in
3527 let g_dls = user2_num_group_dls g in
3528 let g_mem = user2_num_group_members g in
3529 if g_dls <> 0 then
3530 print_command_result o
3531 (Printf.sprintf "Can not remove group %s, it has %d download%s"
3532 group g_dls (Printf2.print_plural_s g_dls))
3533 else
3534 if g_mem <> 0 then
3535 print_command_result o
3536 (Printf.sprintf "Can not remove group %s, it has %d member%s"
3537 group g_mem (Printf2.print_plural_s g_mem))
3538 else
3539 if g = admin_group () then
3540 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Can not remove system group %s" group)
3541 else
3542 begin
3543 user2_group_remove g;
3544 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Removed group %s" group)
3546 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Group %s does not exist" group)
3548 else
3549 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to remove users";
3550 _s ""
3551 ), "<group> :\t\t\tremove an unused mldonkey group";
3553 "groupadmin", Arg_two (fun group admin o ->
3554 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
3555 begin
3557 let g = user2_group_find group in
3558 if g = admin_group () then
3559 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Can not change state of system group %s" group)
3560 else
3561 begin
3562 user2_group_admin g (bool_of_string admin);
3563 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Changed admin status of group %s to %b" g.group_name g.group_admin)
3565 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf "Group %s does not exist" group)
3567 else
3568 print_command_result o "You are not allowed to change group admin status";
3569 _s ""
3570 ), "<group> <true|false> :\tchange group admin status";
3572 "users", Arg_none (fun o ->
3573 let buf = o.conn_buf in
3574 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then begin
3576 if use_html_mods o then begin
3577 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"shares\\\"\\>\\<table class=main cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>
3578 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>
3579 \\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%%\\>\\<tr\\>
3580 \\<td class=downloaded width=100%%\\>\\</td\\>
3581 \\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig pr\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript: {
3582 var getdir = prompt('Input: <user> <pass>','user pass <group> <commit_dir>')
3583 var reg = new RegExp (' ', 'gi') ;
3584 var outstr = getdir.replace(reg, '+');
3585 parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=useradd+' + outstr;
3586 setTimeout('window.location.reload()',1000);
3587 }\\\"\\>Add user\\</a\\>
3588 \\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
3590 html_mods_table_header buf "sharesTable" "shares" [
3591 ( Str, "srh ac", "Click to remove user", "Remove" ) ;
3592 ( Str, "srh", "Username", "User" ) ;
3593 ( Str, "srh ac", "Only member of admin groups have admin rights", "Admin" ) ;
3594 ( Str, "srh", "Member of groups", "Groups" ) ;
3595 ( Str, "srh", "Default group", "Default group" ) ;
3596 ( Str, "srh", "Mail address", "Email" ) ;
3597 ( Str, "srh", "Commit dir", "Commit dir" ) ;
3598 ( Num, "srh ar", "Download quota", "Max DLs" ) ;
3599 ( Num, "srh ar", "Download count", "DLs" ) ];
3601 html_mods_cntr_init ();
3602 user2_users_iter (fun user ->
3603 let u_dls = user2_num_user_dls user in
3604 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>"
3605 (html_mods_cntr ());
3606 if user <> (admin_user ()) && (u_dls = 0) then Printf.bprintf buf
3607 "\\<td title=\\\"Click to remove user\\\"
3608 onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\"
3609 onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\"
3610 onClick=\\\'javascript:{
3611 parent.fstatus.location.href=\\\"submit?q=userdel+\\\\\\\"%s\\\\\\\"\\\";
3612 setTimeout(\\\"window.location.reload()\\\",1000);}'
3613 class=\\\"srb\\\"\\>Remove\\</td\\>" user.user_name
3614 else Printf.bprintf buf
3615 "\\<td title=\\\"%s\\\"
3616 class=\\\"srb\\\"\\>------\\</td\\>"
3617 (if user.user_name = (admin_user ()).user_name then "Admin user can not be removed" else
3618 if u_dls <> 0 then Printf.sprintf "User has %d download%s" u_dls
3619 (Printf2.print_plural_s u_dls) else "");
3620 html_mods_td buf [
3621 ("", "sr", user.user_name);
3622 ("", "sr ac", Printf.sprintf "%b" (user2_is_admin user));
3623 ("Click to remove group", "sr",
3624 let buf1 = Buffer.create 100 in
3625 user2_user_groups_iter user (fun group ->
3626 if user2_default_group_matches_group user.user_default_group group then
3627 Printf.bprintf buf1 "%s " group.group_name
3628 else
3629 Printf.bprintf buf1
3630 "\\<a onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\"
3631 onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\"
3632 onClick=\\\'javascript:{
3633 parent.fstatus.location.href=\\\"submit?q=usergroupdel+\\\\\\\"%s\\\\\\\"+\\\\\\\"%s\\\\\\\"\\\";
3634 setTimeout(\\\"window.location.reload()\\\",1000);}'
3635 class=\\\"srb\\\"\\>%s\\</a\\> " user.user_name group.group_name group.group_name
3637 Buffer.contents buf1);
3638 ("", "sr", user2_print_user_default_group user);
3639 ("", "sr", user.user_mail);
3640 ("", "sr", user.user_commit_dir);
3641 ("", "sr ar", user2_print_user_dls user);
3642 ("", "sr ar", string_of_int u_dls)];
3644 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\<tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\<P\\>";
3645 print_option_help o userlist;
3646 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<P\\>";
3648 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"shares\\\"\\>\\<table class=main cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>
3649 \\<tr\\>\\<td\\>
3650 \\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%%\\>\\<tr\\>
3651 \\<td class=downloaded width=100%%\\>\\</td\\>
3652 \\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig pr\\\"\\>\\<a onclick=\\\"javascript: {
3653 var getdir = prompt('Input: <group> <admin: true|false>','group true')
3654 var reg = new RegExp (' ', 'gi') ;
3655 var outstr = getdir.replace(reg, '+');
3656 parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=groupadd+' + outstr;
3657 setTimeout('window.location.reload()',1000);
3658 }\\\"\\>Add group\\</a\\>
3659 \\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
3661 html_mods_table_header buf "sharesTable" "shares" [
3662 ( Str, "srh ac", "Click to remove group", "Remove" );
3663 ( Str, "srh", "Groupname", "Group" );
3664 ( Str, "srh ac", "Click to change status", "Admin" );
3665 ( Num, "srh ar", "Member count", "Mem" );
3666 ( Num, "srh ar", "Download count", "DLs" ) ];
3668 html_mods_cntr_init ();
3669 user2_groups_iter (fun group ->
3670 let g_dls = user2_num_group_dls group in
3671 let g_mem = user2_num_group_members group in
3672 let is_sys_group = group = admin_group () in
3673 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr ());
3674 if g_dls = 0 && g_mem = 0 && not is_sys_group then Printf.bprintf buf
3675 "\\<td title=\\\"Click to remove group\\\"
3676 onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\" onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\" onClick=\\\'javascript:{
3677 parent.fstatus.location.href=\\\"submit?q=groupdel+\\\\\\\"%s\\\\\\\"\\\";
3678 setTimeout(\\\"window.location.reload()\\\",1000);}'
3679 class=\\\"srb\\\"\\>Remove\\</td\\>" group.group_name
3680 else
3681 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td title=\\\"%s\\\" class=\\\"srb\\\"\\>------\\</td\\>"
3682 (if g_dls <> 0 then Printf.sprintf "Group is assigned to %d download%s"
3683 g_dls (Printf2.print_plural_s g_dls) else
3684 if g_mem <> 0 then Printf.sprintf "Group has %d member%s"
3685 g_mem (Printf2.print_plural_s g_mem) else
3686 if is_sys_group then "System group can not be removed" else "");
3688 html_mods_td buf [("", "sr", group.group_name)];
3690 if is_sys_group then
3691 html_mods_td buf [("System group, can not change state", "sr ac", Printf.sprintf "%b" group.group_admin)]
3692 else Printf.bprintf buf
3693 "\\<td title=\\\"Change admin status\\\"
3694 onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\" onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\" onClick=\\\'javascript:{
3695 parent.fstatus.location.href=\\\"submit?q=groupadmin+\\\\\\\"%s\\\\\\\"+\\\\\\\"%s\\\\\\\"\\\";
3696 setTimeout(\\\"window.location.reload()\\\",1000);}'
3697 class=\\\"sr ac\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>"
3698 group.group_name
3699 (if group.group_admin then "false" else "true")
3700 (if group.group_admin then "true" else "false");
3702 html_mods_td buf [
3703 ("", "sr ar", Printf.sprintf "%d" (user2_num_group_members group));
3704 ("", "sr ar", Printf.sprintf "%d" g_dls);
3707 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\<tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\<P\\>";
3708 print_option_help o grouplist;
3709 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<P\\>";
3711 Buffer.add_string buf "\\<div class=\\\"cs\\\"\\>";
3712 html_mods_table_header buf "helpTable" "results" [];
3713 Buffer.add_string buf "\\<tr\\>";
3714 html_mods_td buf [
3715 ("", "srh", "");
3716 ("", "srh", "Commands to manipulate user data");
3717 ("", "srh", ""); ];
3718 Buffer.add_string buf "\\</tr\\>";
3719 html_mods_cntr_init ();
3720 let list = Hashtbl2.to_list2 commands_by_kind in
3721 let list = List.sort (fun (s1,_) (s2,_) -> compare s1 s2) list in
3722 List.iter (fun (s,list) ->
3723 if s = "Driver/Users" then
3724 let list = List.sort (fun (s1,_) (s2,_) -> compare s1 s2) !list in
3725 List.iter (fun (cmd, help) ->
3726 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr ());
3727 html_mods_td buf [
3728 ("", "sr", "\\<a href=\\\"submit?q=" ^ cmd ^
3729 "\\\"\\>" ^ cmd ^ "\\</a\\>");
3730 ("", "srw", Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\\<br\\>" help);
3731 ("", "sr", "\\<a href=\\\"" ^ (String2.upp_initial cmd) ^
3732 "\\\"\\>wiki\\</a\\>"); ];
3733 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\n"
3734 ) list
3735 ) list
3737 else begin
3738 let list = ref [] in
3739 user2_users_iter (fun user -> list := [|
3740 user.user_name;
3741 Printf.sprintf "%b" (user2_is_admin user);
3742 (user2_print_user_groups " " user);
3743 (user2_print_user_default_group user);
3744 user.user_mail;
3745 user.user_commit_dir;
3746 (user2_print_user_dls user);
3747 (string_of_int (user2_num_user_dls user));
3748 |] :: !list );
3749 print_table_text buf
3751 Align_Left; Align_Left; Align_Left; Align_Left; Align_Left; Align_Left; Align_Right; Align_Right |]
3753 "User";
3754 "Admin";
3755 "Groups";
3756 "Dgroup";
3757 "Email";
3758 "Commit dir";
3759 "Max dls";
3760 "Dls";
3761 |] (List.rev !list);
3762 Printf.bprintf buf "\n";
3763 let list = ref [] in
3764 user2_groups_iter (fun group -> list := [|
3765 group.group_name;
3766 Printf.sprintf "%b" group.group_admin;
3767 (string_of_int (user2_num_group_members group));
3768 (string_of_int (user2_num_group_dls group));
3769 |] :: !list );
3770 print_table_text buf
3772 Align_Left; Align_Left; Align_Right; Align_Right |]
3774 "Group";
3775 "Admin";
3776 "Members";
3777 "Downloads";
3778 |] (List.rev !list);
3780 end else print_command_result o "You are not allowed to list users";
3781 _s ""
3782 ), ":\t\t\t\t\tprint users";
3784 "whoami", Arg_none (fun o ->
3785 print_command_result o o.conn_user.ui_user.user_name;
3786 _s ""
3787 ), ":\t\t\t\tprint logged-in user name";
3789 "groups", Arg_none (fun o ->
3790 print_command_result o (user2_print_user_groups " " o.conn_user.ui_user);
3791 _s ""
3792 ), ":\t\t\t\tprint groups of logged-in user";
3794 "dgroup", Arg_none (fun o ->
3795 print_command_result o (user2_print_user_default_group o.conn_user.ui_user);
3796 _s ""
3797 ), ":\t\t\t\tprint default group of logged-in user";
3799 "chgrp", Arg_two (fun group filenum o ->
3800 let num = int_of_string filenum in
3801 begin try
3802 let file = file_find num in
3803 if String.lowercase group = "none" then
3804 begin
3805 if user2_allow_file_admin file o.conn_user.ui_user then
3806 begin
3807 set_file_group file None;
3808 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf (_b "Changed group of download %d to %s") num group)
3810 else
3811 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf (_b "You are not allowed to change group of download %d to %s") num group)
3813 else
3814 begin
3816 let g = user2_group_find group in
3817 if user2_allow_file_admin file o.conn_user.ui_user &&
3818 List.mem g (file_owner file).user_groups then
3819 begin
3820 set_file_group file (Some g);
3821 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf (_b "Changed group of download %d to %s") num group)
3823 else
3824 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf (_b "You are not allowed to change group of download %d to %s") num group)
3825 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf (_b "Group %s not found") group)
3827 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf (_b "File %d not found") num)
3828 end;
3829 _s ""
3830 ), "<group> <num> :\t\t\tchange group of download <num> to <group>, use group = none for private file";
3832 "chown", Arg_two (fun user filenum o ->
3833 let num = int_of_string filenum in
3834 begin
3836 let file = file_find num in
3837 begin
3839 let u = user2_user_find user in
3840 if user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then
3841 begin
3842 set_file_owner file u;
3843 match file_group file with
3844 | None ->
3845 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf (_b "Changed owner of download %d to %s") num user)
3846 | Some g ->
3847 if List.mem g u.user_groups then
3848 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf (_b "Changed owner of download %d to %s") num user)
3849 else
3850 begin
3851 set_file_group file u.user_default_group;
3852 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf
3853 (_b "owner %s is not member of file_group %s, changing file_group to user_default_group %s")
3854 user g.group_name (user2_print_user_default_group u))
3857 else
3858 print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf (_b "You are not allowed to change owner of download %d to %s") num user)
3859 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf (_b "User %s not found") user)
3861 with Not_found -> print_command_result o (Printf.sprintf (_b "File %d not found") num)
3862 end;
3863 _s ""
3864 ), "<user> <num> :\t\t\tchange owner of download <num> to <user>";
3869 (*************************************************************************)
3870 (* *)
3871 (* Driver/Xpert *)
3872 (* *)
3873 (*************************************************************************)
3875 let _ =
3876 register_commands "Driver/Xpert"
3880 "debug_set_download_prio", Arg_two
3881 (fun arg priostring o ->
3882 let num = int_of_string arg in
3883 let file = file_find num in
3884 CommonSwarming.set_swarmer_chunk_priorities file priostring;
3885 "set prio"
3887 ), ":\t\t\t\t\tset block download priorities for a file. 0=never download, >0=download largest prio first";
3890 "debug_get_download_prio", Arg_one
3891 (fun arg o ->
3892 let buf = o.conn_buf in
3893 let pr fmt = Printf.bprintf buf fmt in
3894 let num = int_of_string arg in
3895 let file = file_find num in
3896 let swarmer = CommonSwarming.file_swarmer file in
3897 let prio = CommonSwarming.get_swarmer_block_priorities swarmer in
3898 let downloaded = CommonSwarming.get_swarmer_block_verified swarmer in
3899 pr "\\<code\\>";
3900 pr "priorities: ";
3901 String.iter (fun c ->
3902 let c = max 0 (min 9 (Char.code c)) in
3903 let c = Char.chr (c + Char.code '0') in
3904 Buffer.add_char buf c) prio;
3905 pr "\n";
3906 pr "downloaded: %s\n" (VB.to_string downloaded);
3908 Unix32.subfile_tree_map (file_fd file)
3909 begin fun fname start length current_length ->
3910 let stop = if length <> 0L then (start ++ length -- 1L) else start in
3911 let blockstart = try CommonSwarming.compute_block_num swarmer start with _ -> 0 in
3912 let blockend = try CommonSwarming.compute_block_num swarmer stop with _ -> 0 in
3913 pr "sf:%5Ld ef:%5Ld l:%Ld cl:%Ld > sc:%5d ec:%5d filename:%-30s \n"
3914 start
3915 stop
3916 length
3917 current_length
3918 blockstart
3919 blockend
3920 fname;
3921 (*make a chunk downloaded status string for a subfile*)
3922 (try
3923 for i = blockstart to blockend do
3924 Buffer.add_char buf (VB.state_to_char (VB.get downloaded i));
3925 done;
3926 pr "\n";
3927 with _ -> ())
3928 end;
3929 pr "\\</code\\>";
3931 ), ":\t\t\t\t\tget file block priorities for a file, and show subfile completion status";
3933 "set_subfile_prio", Arg_multiple
3934 (fun args o ->
3935 match args with
3936 | filenum :: priochar :: subfilestart :: q ->
3937 let filenum = int_of_string filenum in
3938 let priochar = int_of_string priochar in
3939 let subfilestart = int_of_string subfilestart in
3940 let subfileend =
3941 match q with
3942 | subfileend :: _ -> int_of_string subfileend
3943 | [] -> subfilestart
3945 let file = file_find filenum in
3946 let swarmer = CommonSwarming.file_swarmer file in
3948 let priostring =
3949 CommonSwarming.get_swarmer_chunk_priorities file in
3951 let subfile1 = Unix32.find_file_index (file_fd file) subfilestart in
3952 let subfile2 = Unix32.find_file_index (file_fd file) subfileend in
3953 let subfile_pos = function (_,y,_) -> y in
3954 let subfile_len = function (_,_,y) -> y in
3955 let start = subfile_pos subfile1 in
3956 let stop =
3957 subfile_pos subfile2 ++ subfile_len subfile2
3958 (* -- if subfile_len subfile2 > 0L then 1L else 0L *)
3961 Printf.bprintf buf "file %s\nstart %Ld stop %Ld prio %u\n"
3962 swarmer.CommonSwarming.s_filename start stop priochar;
3964 CommonSwarming.swarmer_set_interval swarmer (start,stop,priochar);
3965 (* show file *)
3966 (* execute_command !CommonNetwork.network_commands o "vd" [string_of_int filenum]; *)
3967 string_of_int priochar
3968 | _ -> bad_number_of_args "" ""
3969 ), "set_subfile_prio <download id> <prio> <1st subfile (0-based)> <optional last subfile>";
3971 "reload_messages", Arg_none (fun o ->
3972 CommonMessages.load_message_file ();
3973 "\\<script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\"\\>top.window.location.reload();\\</script\\>"
3974 ), ":\t\t\treload messages file";
3976 "log", Arg_none (fun o ->
3977 let buf = o.conn_buf in
3978 log_to_buffer buf;
3979 _s "------------- End of log"
3980 ), ":\t\t\t\t\tdump current log state to console";
3982 "ansi", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
3983 let b = bool_of_string arg in
3984 if b then begin
3985 o.conn_output <- ANSI;
3986 end else
3987 o.conn_output <- TEXT;
3988 _s "$rdone$n"
3989 ), ":\t\t\t\t\ttoggle ansi terminal (devel)";
3991 "term", Arg_two (fun w h o ->
3992 let w = int_of_string w in
3993 let h = int_of_string h in
3994 o.conn_width <- w;
3995 o.conn_height <- h;
3996 "set"),
3997 "<width> <height> :\t\t\tset terminal width and height (devel)";
3999 "stdout", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
4000 if (bool_of_string arg) then
4001 begin
4002 lprintf_nl "Enable logging to stdout...";
4003 log_to_file stdout;
4004 lprintf_nl "Logging to stdout..."
4006 else
4007 begin
4008 lprintf_nl "Disable logging to stdout...";
4009 close_log ();
4010 if !!log_file <> "" then
4011 begin
4012 let oc = open_out_gen [Open_creat; Open_wronly; Open_append] 0o644 !!log_file in
4013 log_to_file oc;
4014 lprintf_nl "Reopened %s" !!log_file
4016 end;
4017 Printf.sprintf (_b "log to stdout %s")
4018 (if (bool_of_string arg) then _s "enabled" else _s "disabled")
4019 ), "<true|false> :\t\t\treactivate log to stdout";
4021 "debug_client", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
4022 List.iter (fun arg ->
4023 let num = int_of_string arg in
4024 debug_clients := Intset.add num !debug_clients;
4025 (try let c = client_find num in client_debug c true with _ -> ())
4026 ) args;
4027 _s "done"
4028 ), "<client nums> :\t\tdebug message in communications with these clients";
4030 "debug_file", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
4031 List.iter (fun arg ->
4032 let num = int_of_string arg in
4033 let file = file_find num in
4034 Printf.bprintf o.conn_buf
4035 "File %d:\n%s" num
4036 (file_debug file);
4037 ) args;
4038 _s "done"
4039 ), "<client nums> :\t\tdebug file state";
4041 "clear_debug", Arg_none (fun o ->
4043 Intset.iter (fun num ->
4044 try let c = client_find num in
4045 client_debug c false with _ -> ()
4046 ) !debug_clients;
4047 debug_clients := Intset.empty;
4048 _s "done"
4049 ), ":\t\t\t\tclear the table of clients being debugged";
4051 "merge", Arg_two (fun f1 f2 o ->
4052 let file1 = file_find (int_of_string f1) in
4053 let file2 = file_find (int_of_string f2) in
4054 CommonSwarming.merge file1 file2;
4055 "The two files are now merged"
4056 ), "<num1> <num2> :\t\t\ttry to swarm downloads from file <num2> (secondary) to file <num1> (primary)";
4058 "open_log", Arg_none (fun o ->
4059 if !!log_file <> "" then
4060 begin
4061 let log = !!log_file in
4062 CommonOptions.log_file =:= log;
4063 Printf.sprintf "opened logfile %s" !!log_file
4065 else
4066 Printf.sprintf "works only if log_file is set"
4067 ), ":\t\t\t\tenable logging to file";
4069 "close_log", Arg_none (fun o ->
4070 lprintf_nl "Stopped logging...";
4071 close_log ();
4072 _s "log stopped"
4073 ), ":\t\t\t\tclose logging to file";
4075 "clear_log", Arg_none (fun o ->
4076 if !!log_file <> "" then
4077 begin
4078 close_log ();
4079 let oc = open_out_gen [Open_creat; Open_wronly; Open_trunc] 0o644 !!log_file in
4080 log_to_file oc;
4081 lprintf_nl "Cleared %s" !!log_file;
4082 Printf.sprintf "Logfile %s cleared" !!log_file
4084 else
4085 Printf.sprintf "works only if log_file is set"
4086 ), ":\t\t\t\tclear log_file";
4088 "html_mods", Arg_none (fun o ->
4089 if !!html_mods then
4090 begin
4091 html_mods =:= false;
4092 commands_frame_height =:= 140;
4094 else
4095 begin
4096 html_mods =:= true;
4097 html_mods_style =:= 0;
4098 commands_frame_height =:= CommonMessages.styles.(!!html_mods_style).frame_height;
4099 CommonMessages.colour_changer() ;
4100 end;
4102 "\\<script type='text/javascript'\\>top.window.location.replace('/');\\</script\\>"
4103 ), ":\t\t\t\ttoggle html_mods";
4106 "html_mods_style", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
4107 let buf = o.conn_buf in
4108 if args = [] then begin
4109 Array.iteri (fun i style ->
4110 Printf.bprintf buf "%d: %s\n" i style.style_name;
4111 ) CommonMessages.styles;
4114 else begin
4115 html_mods =:= true;
4116 html_mods_theme =:= "";
4117 let num = int_of_string (List.hd args) in
4119 html_mods_style =:=
4120 if num >= 0 && num < Array.length CommonMessages.styles then
4121 num else 0;
4122 commands_frame_height =:= CommonMessages.styles.(!!html_mods_style).frame_height;
4123 CommonMessages.colour_changer ();
4124 "\\<script type='text/javascript'\\>top.window.location.replace('/');\\</script\\>"
4127 ), ":\t\t\tselect html_mods_style <#>";
4129 "rss", Arg_none (fun o ->
4130 let buf = o.conn_buf in
4131 let module CW = CommonWeb in
4132 Hashtbl.iter (fun url feed ->
4133 let r = feed.CW.rss_value in
4134 if o.conn_output = HTML then begin
4135 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</pre\\>\\<div class=\\\"cs\\\"\\>";
4136 html_mods_table_header buf "rssTable" "results" [
4137 ( Str, "sr", "Content", "Content" ) ;
4138 ( Str, "sr", "MLDonkey Download", "Download" ) ];
4139 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr\\>";
4140 html_mods_td buf [
4141 (r.Rss.ch_title ^ " : " ^ url ^ (Printf.sprintf ", loaded %d hours ago" (((last_time ()) - feed.CW.rss_date) / 3600)), "srh", r.Rss.ch_title);
4142 ("", "srh", "") ];
4143 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>"
4145 else begin
4146 Printf.bprintf buf "%s:\n" url;
4147 Printf.bprintf buf " loaded %d hours ago\n" (feed.CW.rss_date / 3600);
4148 Printf.bprintf buf " title: %s\n" r.Rss.ch_title;
4149 end;
4150 html_mods_cntr_init ();
4151 List.iter (fun item ->
4152 match item.Rss.item_title, item.Rss.item_link with
4153 None, _
4154 | _, None -> ()
4155 | Some title, Some link ->
4156 if o.conn_output = HTML then begin
4157 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr ());
4158 html_mods_td buf [
4159 (title, "sr", "\\<a href=\\\"" ^ link ^ "\\\"\\>" ^ title ^ "\\</a\\>");
4160 (title, "sr",
4161 "\\<a href=\\\"submit?q=dllink+"
4162 ^ (Url.encode link)
4163 ^ "\\\"\\ title=\\\"\\dllink\\\"\\>dllink\\</a\\>"
4165 " \\<a href=\\\"submit?q=http+"
4166 ^ (Url.encode link)
4167 ^ "\\\"\\ title=\\\"\\http\\\"\\>http\\</a\\>"
4169 " \\<a href=\\\"submit?q=startbt+"
4170 ^ (Url.encode link)
4171 ^ "\\\"\\ title=\\\"\\startbt\\\"\\>startbt\\</a\\>"
4174 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>"
4176 else begin
4177 Printf.bprintf buf " %s\n" title;
4178 Printf.bprintf buf " > %s\n" link
4180 ) r.Rss.ch_items;
4181 if o.conn_output = HTML then
4182 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\</div\\>\\<pre\\>";
4183 ) CW.rss_feeds;
4187 ), ":\t\t\t\t\tprint RSS feeds";
4189 "html_theme", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
4190 let buf = o.conn_buf in
4191 if args = [] then begin
4192 Printf.bprintf buf "Usage: html_theme <theme name>\n";
4193 Printf.bprintf buf "To use internal theme: html_theme \\\"\\\"\n";
4194 Printf.bprintf buf "Current theme: %s\n\n" !!html_mods_theme;
4195 Printf.bprintf buf "Available themes:\n";
4196 if Sys.file_exists html_themes_dir then begin
4197 let list = Unix2.list_directory html_themes_dir in
4198 List.iter (fun d ->
4199 if Unix2.is_directory (Filename.concat html_themes_dir d) then
4200 Printf.bprintf buf "%s\n" d;
4201 ) (List.sort (fun d1 d2 -> compare d1 d2) list);
4202 end;
4205 else begin
4206 (* html_mods =:= true; *)
4207 html_mods_theme =:= List.hd args;
4208 "\\<script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\"\\>top.window.location.reload();\\</script\\>"
4211 ), "<theme> :\t\t\tselect html_theme";
4213 "mem_stats", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
4214 let buf = o.conn_buf in
4215 let level = match args with
4216 [] -> 0
4217 | n :: _ -> int_of_string n in
4218 Heap.print_memstats level buf (use_html_mods o);
4220 ), ":\t\t\t\tprint memory stats [<verbosity #num>]";
4222 "close_all_sockets", Arg_none (fun o ->
4223 BasicSocket.close_all ();
4224 _s "All sockets closed"
4225 ), ":\t\t\tclose all opened sockets";
4227 "use_poll", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
4228 let b = bool_of_string arg in
4229 BasicSocket.use_poll b;
4230 Printf.sprintf "poll: %s" (string_of_bool b)
4231 ), "<bool> :\t\t\tuse poll instead of select";
4233 "close_fds", Arg_none (fun o ->
4234 Unix32.close_all ();
4235 let buf = o.conn_buf in
4236 if o.conn_output = HTML then
4237 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
4238 ("", "srh", "All files closed"); ]
4239 else
4240 Printf.bprintf buf "All files closed";
4242 ), ":\t\t\t\tclose all files (use to free space on disk after remove)";
4244 "debug_socks", Arg_none (fun o ->
4245 BasicSocket.print_sockets o.conn_buf;
4246 _s "done"
4247 ), ":\t\t\t\tfor debugging only";
4249 "block_list", Arg_none (fun o ->
4250 let buf = o.conn_buf in
4251 if o.conn_output = HTML then
4252 List.iter (fun (tablename, l) ->
4253 html_mods_cntr_init ();
4254 html_mods_table_header buf ~total:"1" tablename "servers" [
4255 ( Str, "srh ac br", "Description (" ^ tablename ^ ")", "Description (" ^ tablename ^ ")") ;
4256 ( Num, "srh ar", "Hits", "Hits") ;
4257 ( Str, "srh ac", "Range", "Range")];
4258 let nhits =
4259 Ip_set.bl_fold_left (fun nhits br ->
4260 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>"
4261 (html_mods_cntr ());
4262 html_mods_td buf [
4263 ("Description", "sr br", br.Ip_set.blocking_description);
4264 ("Hits", "sr ar br", string_of_int br.Ip_set.blocking_hits);
4265 ("Range", "sr", Printf.sprintf "%s - %s"
4266 (Ip.to_string br.Ip_set.blocking_begin)
4267 (Ip.to_string br.Ip_set.blocking_end))];
4268 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>";
4269 (nhits + br.Ip_set.blocking_hits)
4270 ) 0 l
4271 and nranges = Ip_set.bl_length l in
4272 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>"
4273 (html_mods_cntr ());
4274 if nranges > 0 then
4275 html_mods_td buf [
4276 ("Total ranges", "sr br total", ("Total ranges " ^ string_of_int nranges));
4277 ("Hits", "sr ar br total", Printf.sprintf "%s" (string_of_int nhits));
4278 ("", "sr br total", "")]
4279 else begin
4280 html_mods_td buf [
4281 ("no " ^ tablename ^ " loaded", "sr", "no " ^ tablename ^ " loaded");
4282 ("", "sr", "");
4283 ("", "sr", "")];
4284 end;
4285 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\<P\\>";
4287 ("Web blocking list", !CommonBlocking.web_ip_blocking_list);
4288 ("Local blocking list", !CommonBlocking.ip_blocking_list)]
4289 else begin
4290 Printf.bprintf buf "Web blocking list\n";
4291 Ip_set.print_list buf !CommonBlocking.web_ip_blocking_list;
4292 Printf.bprintf buf "Local blocking list\n";
4293 Ip_set.print_list buf !CommonBlocking.ip_blocking_list;
4294 end;
4295 _s ""
4296 ), ":\t\t\t\tdisplay the list of blocked IP ranges that were hit";
4298 "block_test", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
4299 let ip = Ip.of_string arg in
4300 _s (match !Ip.banned (ip, None) with
4301 None -> "Not blocked"
4302 | Some reason ->
4303 Printf.sprintf "Blocked, %s\n" reason)
4304 ), "<ip> :\t\t\tcheck whether an IP is blocked";
4306 "debug_pictures", Arg_two (fun dir output o ->
4307 CommonPictures.compute_ocaml_code dir output;
4308 _s "done"
4309 ), ":\t\t\tfor debugging only";
4311 "debug_upnp", Arg_multiple ( fun args o ->
4312 match args with
4313 | ["init"] ->
4314 UpnpClient.init_maps ();
4316 | ["add"; intPort; extPort; isTcp; notes ] ->
4317 UpnpClient.maps_add_item 1 (int_of_string intPort) (int_of_string extPort) (int_of_string isTcp) notes;
4319 | ["start"] ->
4320 UpnpClient.job_start ();
4322 | ["remove"; intPort; extPort; isTcp; notes] ->
4323 UpnpClient.maps_remove_item 1 (int_of_string intPort) (int_of_string extPort) (int_of_string isTcp) notes;
4325 | ["clear"] ->
4326 UpnpClient.remove_all_maps 0 ;
4328 | ["stop"] ->
4329 UpnpClient.job_stop 0;
4331 | ["show"] | [] ->
4332 let buf = o.conn_buf in
4333 let maps = UpnpClient.maps_get () in
4334 Printf.bprintf buf "upnp port forwarding status:\n";
4335 List.iter (fun map ->
4336 let msg = UpnpClient.strings_port_map map in
4337 Printf.bprintf buf "%s\n" msg;
4338 ) maps;
4340 | _ -> ();
4342 _s "done"
4343 ), ":\t\t\t\t\t$debugging upnp\n"
4344 ^"\t\t\t\t\tfor example: \"add 4662 4662 1 ed_port\" add port forwarding intPort extPort isTcp notes\n"
4345 ^"\t\t\t\t\t\"remove 4662 4662 1 ed_port\" remove port forwarding intPort extPort isTcp notes\n"
4346 ^"\t\t\t\t\t\"clear\" clear all port forwarding\n"
4347 ^"\t\t\t\t\t\"show\" show all port forwarding info $n";