patch #6959
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / direct_connect /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 open Int64ops
20 open Printf2
21 open Md4
23 open CommonFile
24 open CommonOptions
25 open CommonResult
26 open BasicSocket
27 open CommonGlobals
28 open CommonTypes
29 open CommonComplexOptions
30 open Options
31 open CommonTypes
32 open CommonShared
33 open CommonUploads
34 open CommonNetwork
36 open DcTypes
37 open DcOptions
38 open DcComplexOptions
39 open DcGlobals
41 let log_prefix = "[dcSh]"
43 let lprintf_nl fmt =
44 lprintf_nl2 log_prefix fmt
46 (* Share files tabs *)
47 let rec buf_tabs buf n =
48 if n > 0 then begin
49 Buffer.add_char buf '\t';
50 buf_tabs buf (n-1)
51 end
53 (* Create list of shared files *)
54 let make_mylist () =
55 let buf = Buffer.create 1000 in
56 let rec iter ntabs node =
57 let dirname = node.shared_dirname in
58 let ntabs =
59 if dirname = "" then ntabs else begin
60 buf_tabs buf ntabs;
61 let dir = dirname in
62 Printf.bprintf buf "%s\r\n" dir;
63 ntabs+1
64 end
66 List.iter (fun dcsh ->
67 buf_tabs buf ntabs;
68 let fname = Filename2.basename dcsh.dc_shared_codedname in
69 Printf.bprintf buf "%s|%Ld\r\n" fname dcsh.dc_shared_size
70 ) node.shared_files;
71 List.iter (fun (_, node) ->
72 iter ntabs node
73 ) node.shared_dirs
75 iter 0 dc_shared_tree;
76 Buffer.contents buf
78 (* Create mylist of shared files in xml-format *)
79 let make_xml_mylist () =
80 let buf = Buffer.create 1000 in
81 Printf.bprintf buf "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\r\n";
82 Printf.bprintf buf "<FileListing Version=\"1\" CID=\"1,0,2,3,4,5,6\" Base=\"/\" Generator=\"MLDC-%s\">\r\n" Autoconf.current_version;
83 let rec iter ntabs node =
84 let dirname = node.shared_dirname in
85 let ntabs =
86 if dirname = "" then ntabs else begin
87 buf_tabs buf ntabs;
88 let dir = dirname in
89 (* Escape some special XML characters that may appear in the dirname *)
90 let dir = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "'") "&apos;" dir in
91 let dir = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "&") "&amp;" dir in
92 Printf.bprintf buf "<Directory Name=\"%s\">\r\n" dir;
93 ntabs+1
94 end
96 List.iter (fun dcsh ->
97 buf_tabs buf ntabs;
98 let fname = Filename2.basename dcsh.dc_shared_codedname in
99 (* Escape some special XML characters that may appear in the filename *)
100 let fname = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "'") "&apos;" fname in
101 let fname = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "&") "&amp;" fname in
102 Printf.bprintf buf "<File Name=\"%s\" Size=\"%Ld\" TTH=\"%s\"/>\r\n" fname
103 dcsh.dc_shared_size dcsh.dc_shared_tiger_root
104 ) node.shared_files;
105 List.iter (fun (_, node) ->
106 iter ntabs node;
107 buf_tabs buf ntabs;
108 Printf.bprintf buf "</Directory>\r\n"
109 ) node.shared_dirs
111 iter 0 dc_shared_tree;
112 Printf.bprintf buf "</FileListing>";
115 let file_to_che3_to_string filename =
116 let buf = Buffer.create 8192 in
117 let file_fd = Unix32.create_ro filename in
118 let flen = Unix32.getsize64 file_fd in
119 let slen = 4096 in
120 (try
121 let rec read pos =
122 let rlen =
123 let rem = Int64.sub flen pos in (* *)
124 if rem > Int64.of_int slen then slen else Int64.to_int rem
126 let npos = Int64.add pos (Int64.of_int rlen) in
127 let str = String.create slen in
128 file_fd pos str 0 rlen;
129 Buffer.add_string buf str;
130 if npos < flen then read npos
132 read;
133 Unix32.close file_fd;
134 Che3.decompress (Buffer.contents buf)
135 with e ->
136 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
137 lprintf_nl "Exception (%s) in (file_to_che3_to_string)" (Printexc2.to_string e);
138 raise e )
140 (* Compress string to Che3 and write to file *)
141 let string_to_che3_to_file str filename =
142 (try
143 let s = Che3.compress (Charset.convert Charset.UTF_8 Charset.CP1252 str) in
144 let wlen = 4096 in
145 (*let str = String.create slen in*)
146 let slen = String.length s in
147 let file_fd = Unix32.create_rw filename in
148 let rec write pos =
149 let len =
150 if (pos + wlen) > slen then slen-pos
151 else wlen
153 let npos = pos + len in
154 Unix32.write file_fd (Int64.of_int pos) s pos len;
155 if npos < slen then write npos
157 write 0;
158 Unix32.close file_fd;
160 with e ->
161 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
162 lprintf_nl "Exception (%s) in (string_to_che3_to_file)" (Printexc2.to_string e) )
164 (* Open bz2 file and return opened data in buffer *)
165 let file_to_bz2_to_buffer filename =
166 let buf = Buffer.create 8192 in
167 let ic = Bzip2.open_in filename in
168 (try
169 (*let rec getchar () =
170 ignore (Bzip2.input_char ic);
171 incr count;
172 getchar ()
173 in getchar ();*)
174 let rec decompress () =
175 let str = String.create 4096 in
176 let n = Bzip2.input ic str 0 (String.length str) in
177 if n = 0 then ()
178 else begin
179 (*let ss = (String.sub str 0 n) in*)
180 Buffer.add_string buf (String.sub str 0 n);
181 (*lprintf_nl "(%s)" ss;*)
182 decompress ()
185 decompress ();
186 Bzip2.close_in ic;
187 (*lprintf_nl "Size of bz2 buffer: %d" (Buffer.length buf);*)
189 with
190 | e ->
191 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
192 lprintf_nl "Exception (%s) in (file_to_bz2_to_buffer)" (Printexc2.to_string e);
193 Bzip2.close_in ic;
194 raise e )
196 (* Compress buffer to bz2 and save to file *)
197 let buffer_to_bz2_to_file buf filename =
198 (try
199 let slen = 4096 in
200 (*let str = String.create slen in*)
201 let blen = Buffer.length buf in
202 let oc = Bzip2.open_out filename in
203 let rec compress pos =
204 let len =
205 if (pos + slen) > blen then blen-pos
206 else slen
208 let npos = pos + len in
209 let str = Buffer.sub buf pos len in
210 Bzip2.output oc str 0 len;
211 if npos < blen then compress npos
212 in compress 0;
213 Bzip2.close_out oc;
215 with e ->
216 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
217 lprintf_nl "Exception (%s) in (buffer_to_bz2_to_file)" (Printexc2.to_string e) )
219 (* Create xml and mylist filelist *)
220 let create_filelist () =
221 buffer_to_bz2_to_file (make_xml_mylist () ) (Filename.concat directconnect_directory mylistxmlbz2);
222 if !verbose_upload then lprintf_nl "Created mylist.xml file";
223 string_to_che3_to_file (make_mylist () ) (Filename.concat directconnect_directory mylist);
224 if !verbose_upload then lprintf_nl "Created mylist file";
227 (*let dc_share_file dcsh = ()*)
228 (* let magic =
229 match Magic.M.magic_fileinfo dcsh.dc_shared_fullname false with
230 None -> None
231 | Some magic -> Some (HashMagic.merge files_magic magic)
232 in *)
233 (*let fd = Unix32.create_ro dcsh.dc_shared_fullname in
234 let info, index = CommonUploads.new_info dcsh.dc_shared_fullname dcsh.dc_shared_size in *)
236 let rec impl = {
237 impl_shared_update = 1;
238 impl_shared_fullname = dcsh.dc_shared_fullname;
239 impl_shared_codedname = dcsh.dc_shared_codedname;
240 impl_shared_size = dcsh.dc_shared_size;
241 impl_shared_id = Md4.null;
242 impl_shared_num = 0;
243 impl_shared_uploaded =;
244 impl_shared_ops = shared_ops;
245 impl_shared_val = 0;
246 impl_shared_requests = 0;
247 impl_shared_magic = magic;
249 and sh = {
250 shared_info = index;
251 shared_codedname = dcsh.dc_shared_codedname;
252 shared_fd = fd;
253 shared_format = CommonMultimedia.get_info dcsh.dc_shared_fullname;
254 shared_impl = impl;
255 shared_uids_wanted = [];
256 } in
257 update_shared_num impl *)
258 (*Hashtbl.add shareds_by_id info.shared_id sh;*)
259 (*List.iter (fun uid -> add_by_uid uid sh) info.shared_uids;*)
260 (*SharedFilesIndex.add sh.shared_info;*)
261 (* add_shared_file shared_tree sh (String2.split dcsh.dc_shared_codedname '/');
262 shared_counter := !shared_counter ++ dcsh.dc_shared_size *)
264 (* Compute (at most) one TigerTree chunk from unhashed shared files *)
265 let dc_check_hashed_files () =
266 let module M = CommonHasher in
267 if not !dc_tiger_computing then begin
268 (match !dc_files_to_hash with
269 | [] -> ()
270 | dcsh :: files ->
271 (try
272 if not (Sys.file_exists dcsh.dc_shared_fullname) then raise Not_found;
273 if Unix32.getsize dcsh.dc_shared_fullname <> dcsh.dc_shared_size then
274 raise (Wrong_file_size ((Unix32.getsize dcsh.dc_shared_fullname), dcsh.dc_shared_size));
276 dc_tiger_computing := true;
277 let end_pos = dcsh.dc_shared_pos ++ CommonUploads.tiger_block_size in
278 let end_pos = min end_pos dcsh.dc_shared_size in
279 let len = end_pos -- dcsh.dc_shared_pos in
280 (*lprintf_nl "Hashing chunk %d: %Ld-%Ld (%Ld) of %s"
281 dcsh.dc_shared_chunks dcsh.dc_shared_pos end_pos len dcsh.dc_shared_fullname;*)
283 M.compute_tiger dcsh.dc_shared_fullname dcsh.dc_shared_pos len
284 (fun job ->
285 if job.M.job_error then begin
286 lprintf_nl "Error prevent hashing/sharing %s" dcsh.dc_shared_fullname;
287 dc_files_to_hash := files;
288 end else begin
289 let new_tiger = job.M.job_result in
290 (*lprintf_nl " (%s)" (TigerTree.to_string new_tiger);*)
291 dcsh.dc_shared_tiger_list <- new_tiger :: dcsh.dc_shared_tiger_list;
292 dcsh.dc_shared_pos <- end_pos;
293 dcsh.dc_shared_chunks <- dcsh.dc_shared_chunks + 1;
295 if dcsh.dc_shared_chunks = dc_get_nchunks dcsh.dc_shared_size then begin
296 let array = Array.of_list (List.rev dcsh.dc_shared_tiger_list) in
297 let root = TigerTree.to_string (CommonUploads.tiger_of_array array) in
298 (*dcsh.dc_shared_tiger_array <- array;*)
299 dcsh.dc_shared_tiger_list <- [];
300 dcsh.dc_shared_tiger_root <- root;
301 (*if !verbose_upload then*) lprintf_nl "New shared file (%s) (%s)" root dcsh.dc_shared_fullname;
302 dc_files_to_hash := files;
303 Hashtbl.add dc_shared_files_by_hash root dcsh;
304 DcComplexOptions.dc_saved_shared_files =:= dcsh :: !!DcComplexOptions.dc_saved_shared_files;
306 end;
307 dc_tiger_computing := false
309 with
310 | Wrong_file_size (real,computed) ->
311 dc_files_to_hash := files;
312 if !verbose_upload || !verbose_unexpected_messages then
313 lprintf_nl "Computed filesize %Ld does not match physical filesize %Ld, %s not shared"
314 computed real dcsh.dc_shared_fullname
315 | e ->
316 dc_files_to_hash := files;
317 dc_tiger_computing := false;
318 if !verbose_upload || !verbose_unexpected_messages then
319 lprintf_nl "Exception %s prevents sharing of %s"
320 (Printexc2.to_string e) dcsh.dc_shared_fullname ) )
323 let dc_updatesharesize () =
324 let dc_sharesize = ref in
325 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ dcsh ->
326 dc_sharesize := !dc_sharesize ++ dcsh.dc_shared_size) dc_shared_files_by_codedname;
327 !dc_sharesize
329 let _ =
330 network.op_network_share <- (fun fullname codedname size -> (* this is called once/60s with all shared files *)
331 (try
332 let dcsh = Hashtbl.find dc_shared_files_by_fullname fullname in
333 if (dcsh.dc_shared_size = size) then begin (* if size is correct... *)
334 if dcsh.dc_shared_codedname <> codedname then begin (* if codedname is different *)
335 (*lprintf_nl " Changing codedname (%s) to (%s)" dcsh.dc_shared_codedname codedname;*)
336 let old_cname = dcsh.dc_shared_codedname in
337 Hashtbl.remove dc_shared_files_by_codedname old_cname;
338 dcsh.dc_shared_codedname <- codedname;
339 Hashtbl.add dc_shared_files_by_codedname codedname dcsh;
340 if !verbose_upload then lprintf_nl "Changed codedname from (%s) to (%s)" old_cname codedname;
342 end else raise Not_found (* create new shared *)
343 with _ ->
344 (* if file is moved it is recalculated *)
345 let dcsh = {
346 dc_shared_fullname = fullname;
347 dc_shared_codedname = codedname;
348 dc_shared_searchname = String.lowercase (List.nth (String2.splitn codedname '/' 1) 1);
349 dc_shared_size = size;
350 dc_shared_tiger_root = empty_string;
351 (*dc_shared_tiger_array = [||];*)
352 dc_shared_tiger_list = [];
353 dc_shared_pos =;
354 dc_shared_chunks = 0;
355 } in
356 (*lprintf_nl "New shared file (%s)" codedname;*)
357 Hashtbl.add dc_shared_files_by_fullname fullname dcsh;
358 Hashtbl.add dc_shared_files_by_codedname codedname dcsh;
359 dc_add_shared_file dc_shared_tree dcsh (String2.split codedname '/');
360 dc_files_to_hash := dcsh :: !dc_files_to_hash;
363 (*ignore (CommonUploads.add_shared fullname codedname size)*)