patch #7372
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / soulseek /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open Printf2
21 open CommonDownloads.Basic
22 open CommonInteractive
23 open SlskComplexOptions
24 open CommonOptions
25 open BasicSocket
26 open TcpBufferedSocket
27 open CommonSearch
28 open SlskProtocol
29 open CommonResult
30 open CommonGlobals
31 open CommonTypes
32 open CommonClient
33 open CommonComplexOptions
34 open GuiProto
35 open Options
36 open CommonFile
37 open CommonUser
38 open CommonRoom
39 open CommonTypes
40 open CommonShared
41 open CommonServer
42 open SlskTypes
43 open SlskOptions
44 open SlskGlobals
45 open SlskProtocol
47 let requests = ref 0
50 let listen () = ()
52 let disconnect_peer c reason =
53 match c.client_peer_sock with
54 NoConnection -> ()
55 | ConnectionWaiting token ->
56 cancel_token token;
57 c.client_peer_sock <- NoConnection
58 | Connection sock ->
59 lprintf "DISCONNECTED FROM PEER"; lprint_newline ();
60 close sock reason;
61 c.client_peer_sock <- NoConnection;
62 c.client_requests <- []
64 let disconnect_result c sock =
65 lprintf "DISCONNECTED FROM RESULT"; lprint_newline ();
66 close sock Closed_by_user;
67 c.client_result_socks <- List2.removeq sock c.client_result_socks
69 module Download = CommonDownloads.Basic.Make(struct
71 type c = client
72 type f = file
74 let file file = as_file file.file_file
75 let client client = as_client client.client_client
77 let client_disconnected d =
78 lprintf "DISCONNECTED FROM SOURCE"; lprint_newline ();
79 let c = d.download_client in
80 c.client_downloads <- List2.removeq d c.client_downloads
83 let download_finished d =
84 let file = d.download_file in
85 if List.memq file !current_files then begin
86 current_files := List2.removeq file !current_files;
87 old_files =:= (file_best_name (as_file file.file_file),
88 file_size file) :: !!old_files;
89 List.iter (fun c ->
90 c.client_files <- List.remove_assoc file c.client_files
91 ) file.file_clients
92 end
94 end)
96 let connect_download c file req =
97 try
98 match c.client_addr with
99 None -> ()
100 | Some (ip,port) ->
101 let token = add_pending_connection connection_manager (fun token ->
102 connection_try c.client_connection_control;
103 let sock = connect token "client download"
104 (Ip.to_inet_addr ip) port
105 (fun _ _ -> ())
107 let d = Download.new_download sock c file 1 in
108 set_reader sock (Download.download_reader d);
109 set_client_state c (Connected_downloading (file_num file));
110 init_download_connection sock file (local_login()) req
111 d.download_pos;
116 with e ->
117 lprintf "Exception %s while connecting to client"
118 (Printexc2.to_string e);
119 lprint_newline ()
121 let client_to_client c t sock =
122 if !verbose_msg_clients then begin
123 lprintf "MESSAGE FROM PEER"; lprint_newline ();
124 C2C.print t;
125 lprint_newline ();
126 end;
128 match t with
129 | C2C.FileSearchResultReq t ->
130 begin
131 let module SR = C2C.FileSearchResult in
132 let u = new_user t.SR.user in
134 let q = List.assoc !SlskGlobals.searches in
135 List.iter (fun file ->
137 let basename = Filename2.basename file.C2C.file_name in
138 let r = new_result basename file.C2C.file_size in
139 add_result_source r u file.C2C.file_name;
140 search_add_result true q r
141 with e ->
142 lprintf "Exception %s for file %s"
143 (Printexc2.to_string e) file.C2C.file_name;
144 lprint_newline ();
145 ) t.SR.files;
147 with Not_found ->
148 lprintf "******* NO SEARCH ASSOCIATED WITH %d ******"
149; lprint_newline ();
152 | C2C.TransferRequestReq (false, req_id, file_name, size) ->
153 (* Someone wants to upload to us !! *)
154 begin
156 let file = Hashtbl.find files_by_key (String.lowercase file_name) in
158 lprintf "File Found"; lprint_newline ();
159 if size <> file_size file then begin
160 lprintf "Bad file size"; lprint_newline ();
161 raise Exit
162 end;
163 if file_state file = FileDownloading then begin
164 client_send sock (C2C.TransferOKReplyReq (req_id,
165 file_size file));
166 connect_download c file req_id
168 end else begin
169 incr requests;
170 client_send sock (C2C.TransferFailedReplyReq (!requests,
171 "Not needed anymore"))
174 with e ->
175 lprintf "Exception %s for TransferRequestReq Upload %s:%Ld"
176 (Printexc2.to_string e) file_name size; lprint_newline ();
179 | C2C.SharedFileListReq files ->
180 List.iter (fun (dir, files) ->
181 List.iter (fun f ->
182 let r = new_result f.C2C.file_name f.C2C.file_size in
183 add_result_source r c.client_user (Filename.concat dir f.C2C.file_name);
184 client_new_file (as_client c.client_client) dir r
185 ) files
186 ) files
188 | C2C.TransferOKReplyReq (req, filesize) ->
189 begin
191 let file = List.assoc req c.client_requests in
192 c.client_requests <- List.remove_assoc req c.client_requests;
193 connect_download c file req
194 with
195 Not_found ->
196 lprintf "req %d not found !" req; lprint_newline ();
197 end
199 | C2C.TransferFailedReplyReq (req, reason) ->
200 begin
202 let file = List.assoc req c.client_requests in
203 c.client_requests <- List.remove_assoc req c.client_requests;
204 let reason = String.lowercase reason in
205 if reason = "queued" then
206 set_client_state c (Connected 0)
207 else
208 update_file_state (file.file_file) (FileAborted reason)
209 with
210 Not_found ->
211 lprintf "req %d not found !" req; lprint_newline ();
212 end
214 | _ ->
215 lprintf "Unused message from client:"; lprint_newline ();
216 SlskProtocol.C2C.print t;
217 lprint_newline ()
219 let connect_peer c token msgs =
220 if !verbose_msg_clients then begin
221 lprintf "CONNECT PEER"; lprint_newline ();
222 end;
223 match c.client_peer_sock with
224 Connection sock ->
225 List.iter (fun t -> client_send sock t) msgs
226 | ConnectionWaiting _ -> ()
227 | NoConnection ->
228 match c.client_addr with
229 None ->
230 if !verbose_msg_clients then begin
231 lprintf "NO ADDRESS FOR CLIENT"; lprint_newline ();
232 end;
233 List.iter (fun s ->
234 do_if_connected s.server_sock (fun sock ->
235 if !verbose_msg_servers then begin
236 lprintf "ASKING FOR CLIENT IP: %s" c.client_name;
237 lprint_newline ();
238 end;
239 server_send sock (C2S.GetPeerAddressReq c.client_name);
241 ) !connected_servers
243 | Some (ip,port) ->
244 let token =
245 add_pending_connection connection_manager (fun ctoken ->
246 c.client_peer_sock <- NoConnection;
248 if !verbose_msg_clients then begin
249 lprintf "CONNECTING"; lprint_newline ();
250 end;
251 connection_try c.client_connection_control;
252 let sock = connect ctoken "peer connect"
253 (Ip.to_inet_addr ip) port
254 (fun _ _ -> ())
256 set_closer sock (fun _ r -> disconnect_peer c r);
257 TcpBufferedSocket.set_read_controler sock download_control;
258 TcpBufferedSocket.set_write_controler sock upload_control;
259 set_rtimeout sock 30.;
260 TcpBufferedSocket.set_reader sock (
261 soulseek_handler C2C.parse (client_to_client c));
262 c.client_peer_sock <- Connection sock;
263 init_peer_connection sock (local_login ()) token;
264 List.iter (fun t -> client_send sock t) msgs
265 with e ->
266 lprintf "Exception %s while connecting to client\n"
267 (Printexc2.to_string e);
268 disconnect_peer c (Closed_for_exception e)
269 ) in
270 c.client_peer_sock <- ConnectionWaiting token
272 let connect_result c token =
273 match c.client_addr with
274 None -> ()
275 | Some (ip,port) ->
276 let ctoken = add_pending_connection connection_manager (fun ctoken ->
278 if !verbose_msg_clients then begin
279 lprintf "CONNECTING"; lprint_newline ();
280 end;
281 connection_try c.client_connection_control;
282 let sock = connect ctoken "peer connect"
283 (Ip.to_inet_addr ip) port
284 (fun _ _ -> ())
286 set_closer sock (fun _ _ -> disconnect_result c sock);
287 TcpBufferedSocket.set_read_controler sock download_control;
288 TcpBufferedSocket.set_write_controler sock upload_control;
289 set_rtimeout sock 30.;
290 TcpBufferedSocket.set_reader sock (
291 soulseek_handler C2C.parse (client_to_client c));
292 c.client_result_socks <- sock :: c.client_result_socks;
293 init_result_connection sock token
294 with e ->
295 lprintf "Exception %s while connecting to client"
296 (Printexc2.to_string e);
297 lprint_newline ()
298 ) in