patch #7303
[mldonkey.git] / src / utils / net /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open Printf2
23 type command =
24 | Message of string
25 | Command of string
28 module Vt100 = struct
30 (* permet de manipuler le terminal *)
32 let width = ref 80
33 let height = ref 24
35 let cx = ref 0
36 let cy = ref 0
38 let in_update = ref false
40 let gotoxy x y =
41 if not !in_update then begin
42 cx := x;
43 cy := y
44 end;
45 Printf2.lprintf "\027[%d;%dH" (y+1) (x+1)
47 let stdvid () = print_string "\027[m" (* "]" *);;
49 let revvid () = print_string "\027[7m"
51 let clrscr () = print_string "\027[2J"
53 let vtflush () = flush stdout
55 (* begin_update / end_update : *)
56 (* Sert uniquement à sauvegarder la position du curseur. *)
57 (* N'assure pas d'exclusion mutuelle pour l'accès à l'écran. *)
59 let begin_update () = in_update := true
60 let end_update () = gotoxy !cx !cy; in_update := false
62 let beep () = print_char '\007'; flush stdout
64 end
66 open Vt100
67 open Printf
69 type etat = {
70 mutable durty_line : bool ; (* la ligne courante est-elle a jour ? *)
71 mutable durty_info : bool ; (* le bandeau d'info est-il a jour ? *)
72 mutable ligne : string ; (* ligne courante *)
73 mutable pos : int ; (* position dans cette ligne *)
74 mutable trailer : string list;
75 mutable header : string list;
78 (* initialisatino de l'etat *)
79 let etat = { ligne = ""; pos = 0; trailer = [];
80 header = [];
81 durty_line = true ; durty_info = true }
83 (* ajoute les espaces a la fin de la chaine s pour atteindre la taille w *)
84 let align w s =
85 let l = String.length s in
86 if l < w then s^String.make (w-l) ' ' else String.sub s 0 w
88 let prompt = ref "> "
89 let off = ref (String.length !prompt)
92 type control =
93 | CHANGE_LINE of string * int
94 (* Commande générique *)
95 | COMMAND of string
96 (* message en entree *)
97 | MES_IN of string
98 (* message recu d'un canal *)
99 | MES_OUT of string (* canal * message *)
100 (* message d'information (resultat d'une commande...) *)
101 | INFO of string
103 let reader = ref (fun _ -> ())
104 let set_reader f = reader := f
106 (* met a jour la ligne *)
107 let change_line () =
108 gotoxy 0 (!height - 1);
109 print_string (!prompt^align (!width - !off) etat.ligne);
110 gotoxy (!off + etat.pos) (!height - 1);
111 flush stdout ;
112 etat.durty_line <- false
114 (* meet a jour le bandeau d'info *)
115 let change_info () =
116 revvid ();
117 let rec iter i list =
118 match list with
119 [] -> ()
120 | line :: tail ->
121 gotoxy 0 i;
122 print_string (align !width line);
123 iter (i+1) tail
125 iter 0 etat.header;
126 let rec iter i list =
127 match list with
128 [] -> ()
129 | line :: tail ->
130 gotoxy 0 (!height - i - 1);
131 print_string (align !width line);
132 iter (i-1) tail
134 iter (List.length etat.trailer) etat.trailer;
135 stdvid () ;
136 etat.durty_info <- false
138 (* ajoute une ligne au-dessus du bandeau *)
139 let print_line s =
140 gotoxy 0 (!height - (List.length etat.trailer) -1) ;
141 print_string (align !width s);
142 gotoxy 0 (!height-1) ;
143 print_newline ();
144 etat.durty_line <- true ;
145 etat.durty_info <- true
148 let set_prompt p = prompt := p; off := String.length p
150 let set_header lines =
151 etat.header <- lines;
152 etat.durty_info <- true;
153 change_info ()
155 let set_trailer lines =
156 etat.trailer <- lines;
157 etat.durty_info <- true;
158 change_info ()
163 module Output = struct
166 (* recoit les commandes l'affichage, il y a un mutex pour qu'il
167 n'y ait qu'une seule instance a la fois, c'est un mutex sur l'ecran *)
168 let rec control c =
169 let info m = control (INFO m) in begin
170 (match c with
171 | CHANGE_LINE (s,i) ->
172 etat.ligne <- s;
173 etat.pos <- i;
174 etat.durty_line <- true
175 (* une commande est recue *)
176 | COMMAND (cmd) -> !reader (Command cmd)
178 let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string cmd in
180 (* on la parse *)
181 match Parser.cmd Lexer.cmd lexbuf with
182 | Help -> info ("ceci est l'aide")
183 | Join chan -> begin
185 let canal = List.assoc chan !chanmap in
186 etat.chan <- Some (chan, canal);
187 info (sprintf "connecte au canal '%s'" chan);
188 (* {| canal ALL } *)
189 with Not_found -> (* pas encore de recepteur pour ce canal *)
190 try (* on en cree un *)
191 let serveur = nsrecord.get_loc chan in
192 etat.chan <- Some (chan, create_channel chan serveur control) ;
193 info (sprintf "connecte au canal '%s'" chan)
194 with Not_found ->
195 info (sprintf "canal '%s' inexistant" chan)
197 | Create chan -> begin
198 let chan = String.sub cmd 7 (String.length cmd - 7) in
200 let _ = nsrecord.get_loc chan in
201 info (sprintf "canal '%s' deja existant" chan)
202 with Not_found ->
203 let serveur = create_server chan in
204 nsrecord.add_channel (chan,serveur);
205 info (sprintf "canal '%s' cree" chan);
206 control (COMMAND ("join "^chan)) (* on join le canal *)
208 | GetAll ->
209 List.iter (fun s -> info s) (nsrecord.get_all_chan ())
210 with Parsing.Parse_error ->
211 info ("mauvaise commande, taper aide pour la "^
212 "liste des commandes");
213 end *)
214 (* un message est recu depuis le clavier *)
215 | MES_IN m ->
216 !reader (Message m)
217 (* un message est recu depuis le gestionnaire du canal *)
218 | MES_OUT m -> (
219 (* c'est bien le canal actif, on l'affiche *)
220 print_line m
221 (* sinon, rien *)
223 (* un message d'info a afficher *)
224 | INFO m -> print_line ("$ "^m)
226 (* on met a jour ce qu'il faut *)
227 if etat.durty_info then change_info ();
228 if etat.durty_line then change_line ()
233 let output c = Output.control c
235 let print m = output (MES_OUT m)
237 (* input *)
238 module Input = struct
239 open String
240 type seq_state =
241 | NORMAL
242 | ESC
243 | SQUARE
244 | TILDE
246 type state = {
247 mutable history : string list ; (* l'historique des commandes *)
248 mutable curline : int ; (* la ligne visible *)
249 mutable nbline : int ; (* le nombre de lignes en tout *)
250 mutable line : string ; (* la ligne courante *)
251 mutable pos : int ; (* la position courante sur cette ligne *)
252 mutable seq : seq_state; (* l'etat pour les sequences de caracteres *)
255 (* initialisation de l'etat *)
256 let s = { history = []; curline = 0; nbline = 0 ;
257 line = ""; pos = 0; seq = NORMAL }
261 let init () =
262 let sock = TcpBufferedSocket.create "stdin" Unix.stdin
263 (fun _ _ -> ()) in
265 TcpBufferedSocket.set_reader sock (
266 fun sock nr ->
267 let change () = output (CHANGE_LINE (s.line,s.pos)) in
268 (* on lit un paquet de touches au clavier *)
269 let b = TcpBufferedSocket.buf sock in
270 let buf = String.sub b.TcpBufferedSocket.buf b.TcpBufferedSocket.pos nr in
271 TcpBufferedSocket.buf_used sock nr;
272 (* on les traite *)
273 for i = 0 to nr - 1 do
274 let c = buf.[i] in
275 match s.seq with
276 | NORMAL ->
277 begin match c with
278 | '\n' ->
279 let line = s.line in
280 (* est-ce une commande (debut par /) *)
281 if length line >= 2 && line.[0] = '/' && line.[1] <> '/' then
282 output (COMMAND
283 (sub (lowercase line) 1 (length line - 1)))
284 else if line <> "" then
285 output (MES_IN line);
286 if line <> "" && ((s.nbline > 0 && List.hd s.history <> line)
287 || s.nbline = 0)
288 then begin
289 (* on ajoute la ligne a l'historique si ce n'est pas la meme
290 que la precedente et qu'elle n'est pas vide *)
291 s.history <- (s.line :: s.history);
292 s.nbline <- s.nbline + 1;
293 end;
294 (* reset *)
295 s.curline <- 0;
296 s.line <- "";
297 s.pos <- 0;
298 (* | c -> print_string (Char.escaped c); flush stdout*)
299 (* DEL *)
300 | '\008' | '\127' when s.pos > 0 ->
301 let l = length s.line in
302 s.line <- sub s.line 0 (s.pos-1) ^ sub s.line s.pos (l-s.pos) ;
303 s.pos <- s.pos - 1
304 (* DEL ou EOF *)
305 | '\008' | '\127' | '\004' -> ()
306 (* HOME *)
307 | '\001' -> s.pos <- 0
308 (* END *)
309 | '\005' -> s.pos <- String.length s.line
310 (* debut d'une sequence *)
311 | '\027' -> s.seq <- ESC
312 (* on ajoute le caractere a la ligne la ou l'on est *)
313 | c ->
314 s.line <- sub s.line 0 s.pos ^ (make 1 c) ^
315 sub s.line s.pos (length s.line - s.pos) ;
316 s.pos <- s.pos + 1
317 end;
318 change ()
319 | ESC ->
320 begin match c with
321 | '[' -> s.seq <- SQUARE
322 | _ -> s.seq <- NORMAL
324 | SQUARE ->
325 (* gotoxy 1 1;
326 printf "%d %d" s.curline s.nbline; *)
327 begin match c with
328 (* fleche droite *)
329 | 'C' when s.pos < String.length s.line ->
330 s.pos <- s.pos + 1;
331 (* fleche gauche *)
332 | 'D' when s.pos > 0 ->
333 s.pos <- s.pos - 1;
334 (* haut *)
335 | 'A' when s.curline = 0 && s.line <> "" && s.nbline > 0
336 && List.hd s.history <> s.line ->
337 (* on doit ajouter la ligne courante et il y en a
338 deja au moins une dans l'historique *)
339 s.history <- s.line :: s.history;
340 s.nbline <- s.nbline + 1;
341 s.line <- List.nth s.history 1;
342 s.curline <- 1 ;
343 s.pos <- length s.line
344 | 'A' when s.curline = 0 && s.line <> "" && s.nbline > 1 ->
345 (* on ne doit pas ajouter la ligne courante car c'est la
346 meme que la premiere ligne de l'historique et il y en a
347 deja au moins une dans l'historique *)
348 s.line <- List.nth s.history 1;
349 s.curline <- 1 ;
350 s.pos <- length s.line
351 | 'A' when s.curline = 0 && s.nbline > 0 ->
352 (* on ne doit pas ajouter la ligne courante *)
353 s.line <- List.nth s.history 0;
354 s.pos <- length s.line
355 | 'A' when s.curline < s.nbline - 1 ->
356 (* cas normal : on est en train de parcourir la liste *)
357 s.curline <- s.curline + 1;
358 s.line <- List.nth s.history s.curline;
359 s.pos <- length s.line
360 | 'A' when s.curline = s.nbline - 1 ->
361 (* on arrive en bout de liste *)
362 s.line <- List.nth s.history s.curline;
363 s.pos <- length s.line
364 (* bas *)
365 | 'B' when s.curline > 0 ->
366 (* on parcourt la liste dans l'autre sens *)
367 s.curline <- s.curline - 1;
368 s.line <- List.nth s.history s.curline;
369 s.pos <- length s.line
370 | 'B' (* curline = 0 *) ->
371 s.line <- "";
372 s.pos <- 0
373 (* home *)
374 | '1' | 'H' ->
375 s.pos <- 0;
376 if c = '1' then s.seq <- TILDE
377 (* end *)
378 | '4' | 'F' ->
379 s.pos <- length s.line;
380 if c = '4' then s.seq <- TILDE
381 (* DELETE *)
382 | '3' ->
383 let l = length s.line in
384 if s.pos < l then
385 s.line <- sub s.line 0 s.pos ^
386 sub s.line (s.pos+1) (l-s.pos-1) ;
387 s.seq <- TILDE
388 | _ -> ()
389 end;
390 if s.seq = SQUARE then s.seq <- NORMAL;
391 change ()
392 (* les sequences se terniment souvent pas un ~ qu'il faut faire
393 disparaitre *)
394 | TILDE ->
395 s.seq <- NORMAL
396 done)
400 let init () =
401 begin
402 try
403 width := int_of_string (Sys.getenv "COLUMNS");
404 height := int_of_string (Sys.getenv "LINES");
405 with _ ->
406 print_endline "$LINES/$COLUMNS not defined.";
407 print_endline "try 'export LINES COLUMNS'"
408 end;
411 (* mise en place des paramettres du terminal *)
412 let attr_save = Unix.tcgetattr Unix.stdin in
413 let restore () = Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSANOW attr_save in
414 at_exit restore;
415 let attr = Unix.tcgetattr Unix.stdin in
416 attr.Unix.c_icanon <- false;
417 attr.Unix.c_echo <- false;
418 attr.Unix.c_vmin <- 1;
419 Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSANOW attr;
420 Vt100.clrscr ();
421 Input.init ()
423 let update () = change_info (); flush stdout
426 let _ =
427 init ();
428 set_reader (fun cmd ->
429 match cmd with
430 Message m -> print m
431 | Command cmd -> print (sprintf "COMMAND %s" cmd)
433 set_trailer ["TRAILER"];
434 set_header ["HEADER"];
435 update ();
436 BasicSocket.loop ()
441 module ANSI = struct
443 let esc = "\027" (* 033 *)
444 let esc_CHAR = '\027'
446 (* Puts everything back to normal *)
448 let ansi_NORMAL = esc ^ "[2;37;0m"
450 let ansi_CLRSCR = esc ^ "[2J"
451 let ansi_CLREOL = esc ^ "[2K"
453 (* Non-color based font changes *)
455 let ansi_BOLD = esc ^ "[1m" (* Turn on bold mode *)
456 let ansi_BLINK = esc ^ "[5m"
457 (* Initialize blink mode *)
458 let ansi_UNDERLINE = esc ^ "[4m"
459 (* Initialize underscore mode *)
460 let ansi_REVERSE = esc ^ "[7m" (* Turns reverse video mode on *)
461 let ansi_HIGH_REVERSE = esc ^ "[1,7m" (* Hi intensity reverse video *)
463 (* Foreground Colors *)
465 let ansi_BLACK = esc ^ "[30m"
466 let ansi_RED = esc ^ "[31m"
467 let ansi_GREEN = esc ^ "[32m"
468 let ansi_YELLOW = esc ^ "[33m"
469 let ansi_BLUE = esc ^ "[34m"
470 let ansi_MAGENTA = esc ^ "[35m"
471 let ansi_CYAN = esc ^ "[36m"
472 let ansi_WHITE = esc ^ "[37m"
474 (* Hi Intensity Foreground Colors *)
476 let ansi_HIGH_RED = esc ^ "[1;31m"
477 let ansi_HIGH_GREEN = esc ^ "[1;32m"
478 let ansi_HIGH_YELLOW = esc ^ "[1;33m"
479 let ansi_HIGH_BLUE = esc ^ "[1;34m"
480 let ansi_HIGH_MAGENTA = esc ^ "[1;35m"
481 let ansi_HIGH_CYAN = esc ^ "[1;36m"
482 let ansi_HIGH_WHITE = esc ^ "[1;37m"
484 (* Background Colors *)
486 let ansi_BACKGROUND_BLACK = esc ^ "[40m"
487 let ansi_BACKGROUND_RED = esc ^ "[41m"
488 let ansi_BACKGROUND_GREEN = esc ^ "[42m"
489 let ansi_BACKGROUND_YELLOW = esc ^ "[43m"
490 let ansi_BACKGROUND_BLUE = esc ^ "[44m"
491 let ansi_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA = esc ^ "[45m"
492 let ansi_BACKGROUND_CYAN = esc ^ "[46m"
493 let ansi_BACKGROUND_WHITE = esc ^ "[47m"
495 (* High Intensity Background Colors *)
497 let ansi_HIGH_BACKGROUND_RED = esc ^ "[41;1m"
498 let ansi_HIGH_BACKGROUND_GREEN = esc ^ "[42;1m"
499 let ansi_HIGH_BACKGROUND_YELLOW = esc ^ "[43;1m"
500 let ansi_HIGH_BACKGROUND_BLUE = esc ^ "[44;1m"
501 let ansi_HIGH_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA = esc ^ "[45;1m"
502 let ansi_HIGH_BACKGROUND_CYAN = esc ^ "[46;1m"
503 let ansi_HIGH_BACKGROUND_WHITE = esc ^ "[47;1m"
509 external get_screen_size : Unix.file_descr -> bool = "ml_get_screen_size"
510 external screen_width : unit -> int = "ml_screen_width"
511 external screen_height : unit -> int = "ml_screen_height"
514 (* How do you get the size associated with a socket ? I have no book here,
515 I think we have to associate a pseudo-tty with the socket, but I don't
516 remember exactly... so, keep it simple. *)
519 let gotoxy x y = Printf.sprintf "\027[%d;%dH" (y+1) (x+1)