patch #7303
[mldonkey.git] / src / utils / cdk /
1 exception Error of string * string
3 let _ =
4 Callback.register_exception "Zlib.Error" (Error("",""))
6 type stream
8 type flush_command =
14 external deflate_init: int -> bool -> stream = "camlzip_deflateInit"
15 external deflate:
16 stream -> string -> int -> int -> string -> int -> int -> flush_command
17 -> bool * int * int
18 = "camlzip_deflate_bytecode" "camlzip_deflate"
19 external deflate_end: stream -> unit = "camlzip_deflateEnd"
21 external inflate_init: bool -> stream = "camlzip_inflateInit"
22 external inflate:
23 stream -> string -> int -> int -> string -> int -> int -> flush_command
24 -> bool * int * int
25 = "camlzip_inflate_bytecode" "camlzip_inflate"
26 external inflate_end: stream -> unit = "camlzip_inflateEnd"
28 external update_crc: int32 -> string -> int -> int -> int32
29 = "camlzip_update_crc32"
31 external zlib_version : unit -> string = "camlzip_zlibversion"
33 let zlib_version_num () =
34 begin
35 try
36 zlib_version ()
37 with e -> ""
38 end
40 let buffer_size = 1024
42 let compress ?(level = 6) ?(header = true) refill flush =
43 let inbuf = String.create buffer_size
44 and outbuf = String.create buffer_size in
45 let zs = deflate_init level header in
46 let rec compr inpos inavail =
47 if inavail = 0 then begin
48 let incount = refill inbuf in
49 if incount = 0 then compr_finish() else compr 0 incount
50 end else begin
51 let (_, used_in, used_out) =
52 deflate zs inbuf inpos inavail outbuf 0 buffer_size Z_NO_FLUSH in
53 flush outbuf used_out;
54 compr (inpos + used_in) (inavail - used_in)
55 end
56 and compr_finish () =
57 let (finished, _, used_out) =
58 deflate zs inbuf 0 0 outbuf 0 buffer_size Z_FINISH in
59 flush outbuf used_out;
60 if not finished then compr_finish()
62 compr 0 0;
63 deflate_end zs
65 let grow_buffer s =
66 let s' = String.create (2 * String.length s) in
67 String.blit s 0 s' 0 (String.length s);
70 let compress_string ?(level = 6) inbuf =
71 let zs = deflate_init level true in
72 let rec compr inpos outbuf outpos =
73 let inavail = String.length inbuf - inpos in
74 let outavail = String.length outbuf - outpos in
75 if outavail = 0
76 then compr inpos (grow_buffer outbuf) outpos
77 else begin
78 let (finished, used_in, used_out) =
79 deflate zs inbuf inpos inavail outbuf outpos outavail
80 (if inavail = 0 then Z_FINISH else Z_NO_FLUSH) in
81 if finished then
82 String.sub outbuf 0 (outpos + used_out)
83 else
84 compr (inpos + used_in) outbuf (outpos + used_out)
85 end in
86 let res = compr 0 (String.create (String.length inbuf)) 0 in
87 deflate_end zs;
88 res
90 (* header info from camlzip/gpl *)
91 let gzip_string ?(level = 6) inbuf =
92 if String.length inbuf <= 0 then "" else
93 begin
94 let zs = deflate_init level false in
95 let out_crc = ref in
96 let rec compr inpos outbuf outpos =
97 let inavail = String.length inbuf - inpos in
98 let outavail = String.length outbuf - outpos in
99 if outavail = 0
100 then compr inpos (grow_buffer outbuf) outpos
101 else begin
102 let (finished, used_in, used_out) =
103 deflate zs inbuf inpos inavail outbuf outpos outavail
104 (if inavail = 0 then Z_FINISH else Z_NO_FLUSH) in
105 out_crc := update_crc !out_crc inbuf inpos used_in;
106 if finished then
107 String.sub outbuf 0 (outpos + used_out)
108 else
109 compr (inpos + used_in) outbuf (outpos + used_out)
110 end in
111 let res = compr 0 (String.create (String.length inbuf)) 0 in
112 deflate_end zs;
113 let buf = Buffer.create (18 + String.length res) in
114 let write_int wbuf n =
115 Buffer.add_char wbuf (char_of_int n)
117 let write_int32 wbuf n =
118 let r = ref n in
119 for i = 1 to 4 do
120 Buffer.add_char wbuf (char_of_int (Int32.to_int (Int32.logand !r 0xffl)));
121 r := Int32.shift_right_logical !r 8
122 done
124 write_int buf 0x1F;
125 write_int buf 0x8B;
126 write_int buf 8;
127 write_int buf 0;
128 for i = 1 to 4 do write_int buf 0 done;
129 write_int buf 0;
130 write_int buf 0xFF;
131 Buffer.add_string buf res;
132 write_int32 buf !out_crc;
133 write_int32 buf (Int32.of_int (String.length inbuf));
134 Buffer.contents buf
137 let uncompress ?(header = true) refill flush =
138 let inbuf = String.create buffer_size
139 and outbuf = String.create buffer_size in
140 let zs = inflate_init header in
141 let rec uncompr inpos inavail =
142 if inavail = 0 then begin
143 let incount = refill inbuf in
144 if incount = 0 then uncompr_finish true else uncompr 0 incount
145 end else begin
146 let (finished, used_in, used_out) =
147 inflate zs inbuf inpos inavail outbuf 0 buffer_size Z_SYNC_FLUSH in
148 flush outbuf used_out;
149 if not finished then uncompr (inpos + used_in) (inavail - used_in)
151 and uncompr_finish first_finish =
152 (* Gotcha: if there is no header, inflate requires an extra "dummy" byte
153 after the compressed stream in order to complete decompression
154 and return finished = true. *)
155 let dummy_byte = if first_finish && not header then 1 else 0 in
156 let (finished, _, used_out) =
157 inflate zs inbuf 0 dummy_byte outbuf 0 buffer_size Z_SYNC_FLUSH in
158 flush outbuf used_out;
159 if not finished then uncompr_finish false
161 uncompr 0 0;
162 inflate_end zs
164 let uncompress_string2 inbuf =
165 let zs = inflate_init true in
166 let rec uncompr inpos outbuf outpos =
167 let inavail = String.length inbuf - inpos in
168 let outavail = String.length outbuf - outpos in
169 if outavail = 0
170 then uncompr inpos (grow_buffer outbuf) outpos
171 else begin
172 let (finished, used_in, used_out) =
173 inflate zs inbuf inpos inavail outbuf outpos outavail Z_SYNC_FLUSH in
174 if finished then
175 String.sub outbuf 0 (outpos + used_out)
176 else
177 uncompr (inpos + used_in) outbuf (outpos + used_out)
178 end in
179 let res = uncompr 0 (String.create (2 * String.length inbuf)) 0 in
180 inflate_end zs;
183 let uncompress_string s =
184 let buf = Buffer.create (2 * String.length s) in
185 let pos = ref 0 in
186 let len = String.length s in
187 uncompress ~header: true (fun b ->
188 let n = min (String.length b) (len - !pos) in
189 if n < 1 then 0 else begin
190 String.blit s !pos b 0 n;
191 pos := !pos + n;
192 n end
193 ) (fun s len -> Buffer.add_string buf (String.sub s 0 len));
194 Buffer.contents buf