patch #7303
[mldonkey.git] / src / utils / cdk /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open Printf2
21 open Unix
23 let tryopen openf closef filename f =
24 let descr = openf filename in
25 let result =
26 try
27 f descr
28 with e ->
29 (try closef descr with _ -> ());
30 raise e in
31 closef descr;
32 result
34 let exn_drop f x = try f x with _ -> ()
35 let with_remove fn f = tryopen (fun fn -> fn) (fun fn -> exn_drop Sys.remove fn) fn f
37 let tryopen_read fn f = tryopen open_in close_in fn f
38 let tryopen_write fn f = tryopen open_out close_out fn f
39 let tryopen_read_bin fn f = tryopen open_in_bin close_in fn f
40 let tryopen_write_bin fn f = tryopen open_out_bin close_out fn f
41 let tryopen_read_gen fn flags perm f =
42 tryopen (open_in_gen flags perm) close_in fn f
43 let tryopen_write_gen fn flags perm f =
44 tryopen (open_out_gen flags perm) close_out fn f
45 let tryopen_openfile fn flags perm f =
46 tryopen (fun fn -> Unix.openfile fn flags perm) Unix.close fn f
47 let tryopen_dir dir f = tryopen opendir closedir dir f
48 let tryopen_read_zip fn f = tryopen Zip.open_in Zip.close_in fn f
49 let tryopen_write_zip fn f = tryopen Zip.open_out Zip.close_out fn f
50 let tryopen_read_tar fn f =
51 tryopen Tar.open_in Tar.close_in fn f
52 let tryopen_write_tar ?compress fn f =
53 tryopen (Tar.open_out ?compress) Tar.close_out fn f
54 let tryopen_read_gzip fn f =
55 tryopen Gzip.open_in Gzip.close_in fn f
56 let tryopen_write_gzip ?level fn f =
57 tryopen (Gzip.open_out ?level) Gzip.close_out fn f
58 let tryopen_umask temp_umask f =
59 (* Unix.umask is not implemented on MinGW *)
60 let safe_umask umask = try Unix.umask umask with Invalid_argument _ -> 0 in
61 tryopen safe_umask (fun oldumask -> ignore(safe_umask oldumask)) temp_umask f
63 let list_directory filename =
64 let list = ref [] in
65 tryopen_dir filename (fun dir ->
66 try
67 while true do
68 let file = readdir dir in
69 if file <> "." && file <> ".." &&
70 not (file = ".DS_Store" || String2.check_prefix file "._" ||
71 file = "Thumbs.db" || file = "desktop.ini") then
72 list := file :: !list
73 done
74 with End_of_file -> ());
75 !list
77 let iter_directory f dirname =
78 tryopen_dir dirname (fun dir ->
79 try
80 while true do
81 let file = readdir dir in
82 if file <> "." && file <> ".." then
83 f (Filename.concat dirname file)
84 done
85 with End_of_file -> ())
87 let is_directory filename =
88 try let s = Unix.LargeFile.stat filename in s.LargeFile.st_kind = S_DIR with _ -> false
90 let is_link filename =
91 try let s = Unix.LargeFile.lstat filename in s.LargeFile.st_kind = S_LNK with _ -> false
93 let chmod f o =
94 try
95 Unix.chmod f o
96 with e ->
97 lprintf_nl "warning: chmod failed on %s: %s" f (Printexc2.to_string e)
99 let rec safe_mkdir ?(mode = 0o775) dir =
100 if Sys.file_exists dir then begin
101 if not (is_directory dir) then
102 failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s already exists but is not a directory" dir)
104 else
105 if is_link dir then
107 tryopen_dir dir ignore
108 with
109 | Unix.Unix_error (EACCES, _, _) ->
110 lprintf_nl "access denied for directory %s" dir;
111 exit 73
112 | Unix.Unix_error (ENOENT, _, _) ->
113 lprintf_nl "directory %s not found, orphaned link?" dir;
114 exit 73
115 | e ->
116 lprintf_nl "error %s for directory %s" (Printexc2.to_string e) dir;
117 exit 73
118 else
119 let predir = Filename.dirname dir in
120 if predir <> dir then safe_mkdir predir;
122 Unix.mkdir dir mode
123 with
124 Unix.Unix_error (EEXIST, _, _) -> ()
125 | e -> lprintf_nl "error %s for directory %s" (Printexc2.to_string e) dir; exit 73
127 (* same as in *)
128 let rec really_write fd s pos len =
129 if len = 0 then begin
130 (* lprintf "really_write 0 BYTES !!!!!!!!!\n"; *)
131 raise End_of_file
132 end else
133 let nwrite = Unix.write fd s pos len in
134 if nwrite = 0 then raise End_of_file else
135 if nwrite < len then
136 really_write fd s (pos + nwrite) (len - nwrite)
138 let rec really_read fd s pos len =
139 let nread = fd s pos len in
140 if nread = 0 then raise End_of_file else
141 if nread < len then
142 really_read fd s (pos + nread) (len - nread)
144 let copy oldname newname =
145 tryopen_read_bin oldname (fun ic ->
146 let stats =
147 try Some (Unix.LargeFile.fstat (Unix.descr_of_in_channel ic)) with _ -> None
149 tryopen_write_bin newname (fun oc ->
150 (match stats with
151 | None -> ()
152 | Some stats ->
153 let descr = Unix.descr_of_out_channel oc in
154 (try Unix.fchown descr stats.Unix.LargeFile.st_uid stats.Unix.LargeFile.st_gid
155 with e -> lprintf_nl "copy: failed to preserve owner");
156 (try Unix.fchmod descr stats.Unix.LargeFile.st_perm
157 with e -> lprintf_nl "copy: failed to preserve mode"));
158 let buffer_len = 8192 in
159 let buffer = String.create buffer_len in
160 let rec copy_file () =
161 let n = input ic buffer 0 buffer_len in
162 if n = 0 then () else begin
163 output oc buffer 0 n;
164 copy_file ()
165 end in
166 copy_file ()))
168 let rename oldname newname =
169 if oldname <> newname then
170 try Unix.rename oldname newname with
171 Unix_error(EXDEV,_,_) ->
172 (* renaming is not enough, we must COPY *)
173 lprintf_nl "COPY %s TO %s" oldname newname;
174 let copied = ref false in
176 copy oldname newname;
177 copied := true;
178 Sys.remove oldname
179 with
180 e ->
181 if not !copied then
182 Sys.remove newname
184 external c_seek64 : Unix.file_descr -> int64 -> Unix.seek_command -> int64 =
185 "unix_lseek_64"
186 external c_getsize64 : string -> int64 = "ml_getsize64"
187 external c_getfdsize64 : Unix.file_descr -> int64 = "ml_getfdsize64"
188 (* c_ftruncate64 sets size, optionally using a sparse file *)
189 external c_ftruncate64 : Unix.file_descr -> int64 -> bool -> unit =
190 "mld_ftruncate_64"
191 external c_getdtablesize : unit -> int = "ml_getdtablesize"
192 external c_sizeofoff_t : unit -> int = "ml_sizeofoff_t"
194 external endianness : unit -> string = "ml_check_endianness"
196 let rec remove_all_directory dirname =
197 let files = list_directory dirname in
198 List.iter (fun file ->
199 let filename = Filename.concat dirname file in
200 if is_directory filename then
201 remove_all_directory filename
202 else
203 Sys.remove filename
204 ) files;
205 Unix.rmdir dirname
207 let random () =
208 let s = String.create 7 in
209 for i = 0 to 6 do
210 s.[i] <- char_of_int (97 + 26)
211 done;
214 let can_write_to_directory dirname =
215 let temp_file = Filename.concat dirname "tmp_" ^ random () ^ "_mld.tmp" in
216 let check () = with_remove temp_file (fun _ ->
217 tryopen_openfile temp_file [O_WRONLY; O_CREAT] 0o600 (fun fd ->
218 let test_string = "mldonkey accesstest - this file can be deleted\n" in
219 really_write fd test_string 0 (String.length test_string)))
222 check ()
223 with
224 | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EACCES, _, _) ->
225 lprintf_nl "can not create files in directory %s, check rights..." dirname;
226 exit 73
227 | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) ->
228 (try
229 safe_mkdir dirname;
230 check ()
231 with _ ->
232 lprintf_nl "%s does not exist and can not be created, exiting..." dirname;
233 exit 73)
234 | Unix.Unix_error (error, func, what) ->
235 lprintf_nl "%s(%s) : %s for directory %s" func what (error_message error) dirname;
236 exit 73
237 | e ->
238 lprintf_nl "%s for directory %s" (Printexc2.to_string e) dirname;
239 exit 73
241 (** The resource type to query or set with [getrlimit] or [setrlimit] *)
242 type rlimit_resource = RLIMIT_CPU (** CPU time in seconds *)
243 | RLIMIT_FSIZE (** Maximum file size *)
244 | RLIMIT_DATA (** Max data size *)
245 | RLIMIT_STACK (** Max stack size *)
246 | RLIMIT_CORE (** Max core file size *)
247 | RLIMIT_RSS (** Max resident set size *)
248 | RLIMIT_NPROF (** Max number of processes *)
249 | RLIMIT_NOFILE (** Max number of open files *)
250 | RLIMIT_MEMLOCK (** Max locked-in-memory address space *)
251 | RLIMIT_AS (** Address space limit *)
253 type rlimit = {
254 rlim_cur: int;
255 rlim_max: int
258 let dummy_rlimit = {
259 rlim_cur = -1;
260 rlim_max = -1
263 external getrlimit: rlimit_resource -> rlimit = "ml_getrlimit"
264 external setrlimit: rlimit_resource -> rlimit -> unit = "ml_setrlimit"
266 let ml_getrlimit resource =
268 getrlimit resource
269 with _ -> dummy_rlimit
271 let ml_setrlimit resource n =
272 let new_rlimit = {
273 rlim_cur = n;
274 rlim_max = n
275 } in
277 setrlimit resource new_rlimit
278 with _ -> ()
280 external fsync : Unix.file_descr -> unit = "ml_fsync"