patch #7303
[mldonkey.git] / src / utils / cdk /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21 open Autoconf
22 open Syslog
24 let syslog_oc = ref None
26 external format_int: string -> int -> string = "caml_format_int"
27 external format_int32: string -> int32 -> string = "caml_int32_format"
28 external format_nativeint: string -> nativeint -> string = "caml_nativeint_format"
29 external format_int64: string -> int64 -> string = "caml_int64_format"
30 external format_float: string -> float -> string = "caml_format_float"
32 let log_time () =
33 let t = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
34 let { Unix.tm_year = tm_year; Unix.tm_mon = tm_mon; Unix.tm_mday = tm_mday;
35 Unix.tm_hour = tm_hour; Unix.tm_min = tm_min; Unix.tm_sec = tm_sec } = t in
36 Printf.sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d " (tm_year+1900) (tm_mon+1) tm_mday tm_hour tm_min tm_sec
38 let bad_format fmt pos =
39 invalid_arg
40 ("printf: bad format " ^ String.sub fmt pos (String.length fmt - pos))
42 (* Format a string given a %s format, e.g. %40s or %-20s.
43 To do: ignore other flags (#, +, etc)? *)
45 let format_string format s =
46 let rec parse_format neg i =
47 if i >= String.length format then (0, neg) else
48 match String.unsafe_get format i with
49 | '1'..'9' ->
50 (int_of_string (String.sub format i (String.length format - i - 1)),
51 neg)
52 | '-' ->
53 parse_format true (succ i)
54 | _ ->
55 parse_format neg (succ i) in
56 let (p, neg) =
57 try parse_format false 1 with Failure _ -> bad_format format 0 in
58 if String.length s < p then begin
59 let res = String.make p ' ' in
60 if neg
61 then String.blit s 0 res 0 (String.length s)
62 else String.blit s 0 res (p - String.length s) (String.length s);
63 res
64 end else
67 (* Extract a %format from [fmt] between [start] and [stop] inclusive.
68 '*' in the format are replaced by integers taken from the [widths] list.
69 The function is somewhat optimized for the "no *" case. *)
71 let extract_format fmt start stop widths =
72 match widths with
73 | [] -> String.sub fmt start (stop - start + 1)
74 | _ ->
75 let b = Buffer.create (stop - start + 10) in
76 let rec fill_format i w =
77 if i > stop then Buffer.contents b else
78 match (String.unsafe_get fmt i, w) with
79 ('*', h::t) ->
80 Buffer.add_string b (string_of_int h); fill_format (succ i) t
81 | ('*', []) ->
82 bad_format fmt start (* should not happen *)
83 | (c, _) ->
84 Buffer.add_char b c; fill_format (succ i) w
85 in fill_format start (List.rev widths)
87 (* Decode a %format and act on it.
88 [fmt] is the printf format style, and [pos] points to a [%] character.
89 After consuming the appropriate number of arguments and formatting
90 them, one of the three continuations is called:
91 [cont_s] for outputting a string (args: string, next pos)
92 [cont_a] for performing a %a action (args: fn, arg, next pos)
93 [cont_t] for performing a %t action (args: fn, next pos)
94 "next pos" is the position in [fmt] of the first character following
95 the %format in [fmt]. *)
97 (* Note: here, rather than test explicitly against [String.length fmt]
98 to detect the end of the format, we use [String.unsafe_get] and
99 rely on the fact that we'll get a "nul" character if we access
100 one past the end of the string. These "nul" characters are then
101 caught by the [_ -> bad_format] clauses below.
102 Don't do this at home, kids. *)
104 let scan_format fmt pos cont_s cont_a cont_t =
105 let rec scan_flags widths i =
106 match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
107 | '*' ->
108 Obj.magic(fun w -> scan_flags (w :: widths) (succ i))
109 | '0'..'9' | '.' | '#' | '-' | ' ' | '+' -> scan_flags widths (succ i)
110 | _ -> scan_conv widths i
111 and scan_conv widths i =
112 match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
113 | '%' ->
114 cont_s "%" (succ i)
115 | 's' | 'S' as conv ->
116 Obj.magic (fun (s: string) ->
117 let s = if conv = 's' then s else "\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\"" in
118 if i = succ pos (* optimize for common case %s *)
119 then cont_s s (succ i)
120 else cont_s (format_string (extract_format fmt pos i widths) s)
121 (succ i))
122 | 'c' | 'C' as conv ->
123 Obj.magic (fun (c: char) ->
124 if conv = 'c'
125 then cont_s (String.make 1 c) (succ i)
126 else cont_s ("'" ^ Char.escaped c ^ "'") (succ i))
127 | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
128 Obj.magic(fun (n: int) ->
129 cont_s (format_int (extract_format fmt pos i widths) n) (succ i))
130 | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
131 Obj.magic(fun (f: float) ->
132 cont_s (format_float (extract_format fmt pos i widths) f) (succ i))
133 | 'b' | 'B' ->
134 Obj.magic(fun (b: bool) ->
135 cont_s (string_of_bool b) (succ i))
136 | 'a' ->
137 Obj.magic (fun printer arg ->
138 cont_a printer arg (succ i))
139 | 't' ->
140 Obj.magic (fun printer ->
141 cont_t printer (succ i))
142 | 'l' ->
143 begin match String.unsafe_get fmt (succ i) with
144 | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
145 Obj.magic(fun (n: int32) ->
146 cont_s (format_int32 (extract_format fmt pos (succ i) widths) n)
147 (i + 2))
148 | _ ->
149 bad_format fmt pos
151 | 'n' ->
152 begin match String.unsafe_get fmt (succ i) with
153 | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
154 Obj.magic(fun (n: nativeint) ->
155 cont_s (format_nativeint
156 (extract_format fmt pos (succ i) widths)
158 (i + 2))
159 | _ ->
160 bad_format fmt pos
162 | 'L' ->
163 begin match String.unsafe_get fmt (succ i) with
164 | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
165 Obj.magic(fun (n: int64) ->
166 cont_s (format_int64 (extract_format fmt pos (succ i) widths) n)
167 (i + 2))
168 | _ ->
169 bad_format fmt pos
171 | _ ->
172 bad_format fmt pos
173 in scan_flags [] (pos + 1)
175 let cprintf kont fmt =
176 let fmt = (Obj.magic fmt : string) in
177 let len = String.length fmt in
178 let dest = Buffer.create (len + 16) in
179 let rec doprn i =
180 if i >= len then begin
181 let res = Buffer.contents dest in
182 Buffer.reset dest; (* just in case kprintf is partially applied *)
183 Obj.magic (kont res)
184 end else
185 match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
186 | '%' -> scan_format fmt i cont_s cont_a cont_t
187 | c -> Buffer.add_char dest c; doprn (succ i)
188 and cont_s s i =
189 Buffer.add_string dest s; doprn i
190 and cont_a printer arg i =
191 Buffer.add_string dest (printer () arg); doprn i
192 and cont_t printer i =
193 Buffer.add_string dest (printer ()); doprn i
194 in doprn 0
196 let lprintf_handler = ref (fun s time ->
197 Printf.printf "%sMessage [%s] discarded\n" time s;
200 let lprintf fmt =
201 cprintf (fun s -> try !lprintf_handler "" s with _ -> ())
202 (fmt : ('a,unit, unit) format )
204 let lprintf2 m fmt =
205 cprintf (fun s -> try !lprintf_handler (log_time ()) (m^" "^s) with _ -> ())
206 (fmt : ('a,unit, unit) format )
208 let lprintf_nl fmt =
209 cprintf (fun s -> try !lprintf_handler (log_time ()) (s^"\n") with _ -> ())
210 (fmt : ('a,unit, unit) format )
212 let lprintf_nl2 m fmt =
213 cprintf (fun s -> try !lprintf_handler (log_time ()) (m^" "^s^"\n") with _ -> ())
214 (fmt : ('a,unit, unit) format )
216 let lprint_newline () = lprintf "\n"
217 let lprint_char = lprintf "%c"
218 let lprint_int = lprintf "%d"
219 let lprint_string = lprintf "%s"
221 let set_lprintf_handler f =
222 lprintf_handler := f
224 let lprintf_max_size = ref 100
225 let lprintf_size = ref 0
226 let lprintf_fifo = Fifo.create ()
227 let lprintf_to_channel = ref true
229 let lprintf_output = ref (Some stderr)
230 let lprintf_original_output = ref None
232 let keep_console_output () =
233 match !lprintf_original_output with
234 Some c when c = stderr || c = stdout -> true
235 | _ -> false
237 let _ =
238 set_lprintf_handler (fun time s ->
239 (match !syslog_oc with
240 None -> ()
241 | Some oc -> Syslog.syslog oc `LOG_INFO s);
242 match !lprintf_output with
243 Some out when !lprintf_to_channel ->
244 Printf.fprintf out "%s" (time ^ s); flush out
245 | _ ->
246 if !lprintf_size >= !lprintf_max_size then
247 ignore (Fifo.take lprintf_fifo)
248 else
249 incr lprintf_size;
250 Fifo.put lprintf_fifo (time ^ s)
253 let detach () =
254 match !lprintf_output with
255 Some oc when oc == Pervasives.stdout -> lprintf_output := None
256 | _ -> ()
258 let close_log () =
259 lprintf_to_channel := false;
260 match !lprintf_output with
261 None -> ()
262 | Some oc ->
263 if oc != stderr && oc != stdout then
264 close_out oc;
265 lprintf_output := None
267 let log_to_file oc =
268 close_log ();
269 lprintf_output := Some oc;
270 lprintf_to_channel := true
272 let log_to_buffer buf =
274 while true do
275 let s = Fifo.take lprintf_fifo in
276 decr lprintf_size;
277 Buffer.add_string buf s
278 done
279 with _ -> ()
281 (* html_mods *)
283 let html_mods_commands buf n c l =
284 (* Name Class List *)
285 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"%s\\\"\\>\\<table id=\\\"%s\\\"
286 name=\\\"%s\\\" class=\\\"%s\\\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
287 width=\\\"100pc\\\"\\>\\<tbody\\>\\<tr\\>"
288 c n n c;
289 List.iter (fun (w,x,y,z) ->
290 (* Class Title Onclick Value *)
291 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td class=\\\"%s\\\"
292 title=\\\"%s\\\" onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this,'mOvr1');\\\" onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\"
293 onClick=\\\"%s\\\" \\>%s\\</td\\>"
294 w x y z;
295 ) l;
296 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\</tbody\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>"
299 html_mods_commands buf "commandsTable" "commands" [
300 ( "bu bbig", "Extend search to more servers and view results", "mSub('output','vr');", "Extend search" ) ;
303 type sort_kind = Num (* numeric, parse size suffixes (kMGT) *) | Str (* plain string *)
305 let html_mods_table_header buf ?(total = "0") n c l =
306 (* Name Class List *)
307 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"%s\\\"\\>\\<table id=\\\"%s\\\" name=\\\"%s\\\" class=\\\"%s\\\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>"
308 c n n c;
309 if List.length l > 0 then begin
310 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr\\>";
311 List.iter (fun (w,x,y,z) ->
312 let sort = match w with Num -> "1" | Str -> "0" in
313 (* Sort Class Title Value *)
314 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td onClick=\\\"_tabSort(this,%s,%s);\\\" class=\\\"%s\\\" title=\\\"%s\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>"
315 sort total x y z;
316 ) l;
317 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>"
319 (* Add colspan functionality to html_mods_table_header *)
321 let html_mods_table_header_colspan buf ?(total="0") n c l =
322 (* Name Class List *)
323 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"%s\\\"\\>\\<table id=\\\"%s\\\" name=\\\"%s\\\" class=\\\"%s\\\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>\\<tr\\>"
324 c n n c;
325 List.iter (fun (v,w,x,y,z) ->
326 (* Sort Class Title Value *)
327 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td colspan=%s onClick=\\\"_tabSort(this,%s,%s);\\\" class=\\\"%s\\\" title=\\\"%s\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>"
328 v w total x y z;
329 ) l;
330 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>"
332 let html_mods_table_no_header buf n c l =
333 (* 1 row * n cols *)
334 (* Name Class List *)
335 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"%s\\\"\\>\\<table id=\\\"%s\\\" name=\\\"%s\\\" class=\\\"%s\\\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>\\<tr\\>"
336 c n n c;
337 List.iter (fun (t,c,d) ->
338 (* Title Class Value *)
339 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td class=\\\"%s\\\" %s\\>%s\\</td\\>"
340 c (if t <> "" then "title=\\\"" ^ t ^ "\\\"" else "") d;
341 ) l;
342 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>"
344 let html_mods_table_one_row buf n c l =
345 (* 1 row * n cols *)
346 (* Name Class List *)
347 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"%s\\\"\\>\\<table id=\\\"%s\\\" name=\\\"%s\\\" class=\\\"%s\\\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>\\<tr\\>"
348 c n n c;
349 List.iter (fun (t,c,d) ->
350 (* Title Class Value *)
351 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td class=\\\"%s\\\" %s\\>%s\\</td\\>"
352 c (if t <> "" then "title=\\\"" ^ t ^ "\\\"" else "") d;
353 ) l;
354 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>"
356 let html_mods_table_one_col buf n c l =
357 (* n rows * 1 col *)
358 (* Name Class List *)
359 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"%s\\\"\\>\\<table id=\\\"%s\\\" name=\\\"%s\\\" class=\\\"%s\\\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>\\<tr\\>"
360 c n n c;
361 List.iter (fun (t,c,d) ->
362 (* Title Class Value *)
363 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr\\>\\<td class=\\\"%s\\\" %s\\>%s\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>"
364 c (if t <> "" then "title=\\\"" ^ t ^ "\\\"" else "") d;
365 ) l;
366 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>"
368 let html_mods_td buf l =
369 (* List *)
370 List.iter (fun (t,c,d) ->
371 (* Title Class Value *)
372 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td class=\\\"%s\\\" %s\\>%s\\</td\\>"
373 c (if t <> "" then "title=\\\"" ^ t ^ "\\\"" else "") d;
377 let html_mods_big_header_start buf c l =
378 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"%s\\\"\\>\\<table class=main border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0\\>\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>" c;
379 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%%\\>\\<tr\\>";
380 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td width=100%%\\>\\</td\\>";
381 let len = List.length l in
382 let cnt = ref 0 in
383 List.iter (fun s ->
384 incr cnt;
385 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td nowrap class=\\\"fbig%s\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>" (if !cnt = len then " pr" else "") s;
386 ) l;
387 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>"
389 let html_mods_big_header_end buf =
390 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>"
392 let html_mods_counter = ref true
394 let html_mods_cntr () =
395 html_mods_counter := not !html_mods_counter;
396 if !html_mods_counter then 1 else 2
398 let html_mods_cntr_init () =
399 html_mods_counter := true
401 let print_plural_s v =
402 if v > 1 then "s" else ""