patch #7303
[mldonkey.git] / src / utils / cdk /
1 (*
2 * Ocaml-Gd. An interface to the Gd library for generating simple images
3 * Based on Shawn Wagner's OCamlGD 0.7.0. with some mods from GD4O
4 * Copyright (C) 2002 Shawn Wagner
5 * Copyright (C) 2003 Matthew C. Gushee
6 * Copyright (C) 2005 beedauchon
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23 exception Too_many_colors
24 exception Color_not_found
25 exception Image_creation_failed
26 exception Not_supported
27 exception Illegal_state of string
29 let _ = Callback.register_exception "gdopen failed" Image_creation_failed
30 let _ = Callback.register_exception "gd type not supported" Not_supported
32 type t (* Image type *)
33 type c = int (* Color type *)
34 type font (* Font type *)
36 class virtual color =
37 object
38 method virtual red_part: int
39 method virtual green_part: int
40 method virtual blue_part: int
41 method virtual code: int
42 end
44 class virtual color_allocator =
45 object
46 method virtual create: red:int -> green:int -> blue:int -> color
47 method virtual closest: red:int -> green:int -> blue:int -> color
48 method virtual closest_hwb: red:int -> green:int -> blue:int -> color
49 method virtual resolve: red:int -> green:int -> blue:int -> color
50 method virtual exact: red:int -> green:int -> blue:int -> color
51 method virtual find: red:int -> green:int -> blue:int -> color
52 method virtual white: color
53 method virtual black: color
54 method virtual blue: color
55 method virtual green: color
56 method virtual red: color
57 method virtual get_transparent: color
58 method virtual set_transparent: color -> unit
59 method virtual transparent: unit -> int
60 end
62 class virtual image =
63 object
64 method virtual colors: color_allocator
65 method virtual line: x1:int -> y1:int -> x2:int -> y2:int -> color -> unit
66 method virtual dashed_line: x1:int -> y1:int -> x2:int -> y2:int -> color -> unit
67 method virtual rectangle: x1:int -> y1:int -> x2:int -> y2:int -> color -> unit
68 method virtual filled_rectangle: x1:int -> y1:int -> x2:int -> y2:int -> color -> unit
69 method virtual arc: cx:int -> cy:int -> w:int -> h:int -> s:int -> e:int -> color -> unit
70 method virtual arc_fill: cx:int -> cy:int -> w:int -> h:int -> s:int -> e:int -> color -> style:int -> unit
71 method virtual border_fill: x:int -> y:int -> border:color -> fill:color -> unit
72 method virtual fill: x:int -> y:int -> color -> unit
73 method virtual save_as_png: string -> unit
74 method virtual save_as_jpeg: ?quality:int -> string -> unit
75 method virtual out_as_png: out_channel -> unit
76 method virtual out_as_jpeg: ?quality:int -> out_channel -> unit
77 method virtual set_pixel: x:int -> y:int -> color -> unit
78 method virtual get_pixel: x:int -> y:int -> color
79 method virtual width: int
80 method virtual height: int
81 method virtual in_range: x:int -> y:int -> bool
82 method virtual letter: font:font -> x:int -> y:int -> c:char -> color -> unit
83 method virtual letter_up: font:font -> x:int -> y:int -> c:char -> color -> unit
84 method virtual string: font:font -> x:int -> y:int -> s:string -> color -> unit
85 method virtual string_up: font:font -> x:int -> y:int -> s:string -> color -> unit
86 end
88 (* Private interface routines. *)
89 (* Create an image *)
90 external do_image_create: int -> int -> t = "ml_image_create"
91 external do_image_open_png: string -> t = "ml_image_open_png"
92 external do_image_open_jpeg: string -> t = "ml_image_open_jpeg"
94 (* Drawing functions *)
95 external do_set_pixel: t -> int -> int -> int -> unit = "ml_set_pixel"
97 external do_get_pixel: t -> int -> int -> int = "ml_get_pixel"
99 external do_get_width: t -> int = "ml_get_width"
100 external do_get_height: t -> int = "ml_get_height"
102 external do_draw_line: t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
103 = "ml_image_line" "ml_image_line_native"
105 external do_draw_dline: t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
106 = "ml_image_dline" "ml_image_dline_native"
108 external do_draw_rect: t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
109 = "ml_image_rect" "ml_image_rect_native"
111 external do_draw_frect: t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
112 = "ml_image_frect" "ml_image_frect_native"
114 external do_draw_arc: t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
115 = "ml_image_arc" "ml_image_arc_native"
117 external do_draw_arc_fill: t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
118 = "ml_image_arc_fill" "ml_image_arc_fill_native"
120 external do_border_fill: t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
121 = "ml_image_border_fill" "ml_image_border_fill_native"
123 external do_fill: t -> int -> int -> int -> unit
124 = "ml_image_fill"
126 external do_save_png: t -> string -> unit = "ml_save_png"
127 external do_save_jpeg: t -> string -> int -> unit = "ml_save_jpeg"
129 external do_dump_png: t -> out_channel -> unit = "ml_dump_png"
130 external do_dump_jpeg: t -> out_channel -> int -> unit = "ml_dump_jpeg"
133 (* External functions related to colors *)
134 external do_color_create: t -> red:int -> green:int -> blue:int -> c
135 = "ml_image_color_alloc"
137 external do_find_closest: t -> red:int -> green:int -> blue:int -> c
138 = "ml_image_color_closest"
140 external do_find_closest_hwb: t -> red:int -> green:int -> blue:int -> c
141 = "ml_image_color_closest_hwb"
143 external do_find_exact: t -> red:int -> green:int -> blue:int -> c
144 = "ml_image_color_exact"
146 external do_resolve: t -> red:int -> green:int -> blue:int -> c
147 = "ml_image_color_resolve"
149 external do_green_part: t -> int -> int = "ml_image_green_part"
150 external do_red_part: t -> int -> int = "ml_image_red_part"
151 external do_blue_part: t -> int -> int = "ml_image_blue_part"
152 external do_get_transparent: t -> int = "ml_image_get_transparent"
153 external do_set_transparent: t -> int -> unit = "ml_image_set_transparent"
155 external do_get_font: int -> font = "ml_get_font"
157 external do_draw_char: t -> font -> int -> int -> char -> int -> unit
158 = "ml_image_char" "ml_image_char_native"
160 external do_draw_charu: t -> font -> int -> int -> char -> int -> unit
161 = "ml_image_charu" "ml_image_charu_native"
163 external do_draw_str: t -> font -> int -> int -> string -> int -> unit
164 = "ml_image_str" "ml_image_str_native"
166 external do_draw_stru: t -> font -> int -> int -> string -> int -> unit
167 = "ml_image_stru" "ml_image_stru_native"
169 external png_version : unit -> int32 = "ml_image_pngversion"
171 module Font =
172 struct
173 let tiny = do_get_font 0
174 let small = do_get_font 1
175 let medium = do_get_font 2
176 let large = do_get_font 3
177 let giant = do_get_font 4
181 (* Implementation classes *)
182 class gdColor im col =
183 object
184 inherit color
185 method code = col
186 method blue_part = do_blue_part im col
187 method red_part = do_red_part im col
188 method green_part = do_green_part im col
191 class gd_color_allocator im =
192 object (this)
193 inherit color_allocator
195 val mutable transparent_pcolor = true
197 method create ~red ~green ~blue =
198 let color = do_color_create im ~red ~green ~blue in
199 if color = -1 then raise Too_many_colors else new gdColor im color
201 method closest ~red ~green ~blue =
202 let color = do_find_closest im ~red ~green ~blue in
203 if color = -1 then raise Color_not_found else new gdColor im color
205 method closest_hwb ~red ~green ~blue =
206 let color = do_find_closest_hwb im ~red ~green ~blue in
207 if color = -1 then raise Color_not_found else new gdColor im color
209 method exact ~red ~green ~blue =
210 let color = do_find_exact im ~red ~green ~blue in
211 if color = -1 then raise Color_not_found else new gdColor im color
213 method resolve ~red ~green ~blue =
214 let color = do_resolve im ~red ~green ~blue in
215 if color = -1 then raise Color_not_found else new gdColor im color
217 method find ~red ~green ~blue =
218 let color = do_find_exact im ~red ~green ~blue in
219 if color <> -1 then
220 new gdColor im color
221 else
222 let color = do_color_create im ~red ~blue ~green in
223 if color = -1 then raise Too_many_colors else new gdColor im color
225 method black = this#find ~red:0 ~blue:0 ~green:0
226 method white = this#find ~red:255 ~blue:255 ~green:255
227 method blue = this#find ~blue:255 ~red:0 ~green:0
228 method green = this#find ~green:255 ~red:0 ~blue:0
229 method red = this#find ~red:255 ~green:0 ~blue:0
230 method get_transparent =
231 let cindex = do_get_transparent im in
232 if cindex = -1 then raise Color_not_found
233 else new gdColor im cindex
234 method set_transparent color =
235 do_set_transparent im color#code
236 method transparent () =
237 if transparent_pcolor then 5
238 else raise (Illegal_state
239 "Transparent pseudocolor is disabled.")
242 class gdImage im =
243 object
244 inherit image
245 method private get_image = im
246 val c_a = new gd_color_allocator im
247 method colors = c_a
249 method line ~x1 ~y1 ~x2 ~y2 color =
250 do_draw_line im x1 y1 x2 y2 color#code
252 method dashed_line ~x1 ~y1 ~x2 ~y2 color =
253 do_draw_dline im x1 y1 x2 y2 color#code
255 method rectangle ~x1 ~y1 ~x2 ~y2 color =
256 do_draw_rect im x1 y1 x2 y2 color#code
258 method filled_rectangle ~x1 ~y1 ~x2 ~y2 color =
259 do_draw_frect im x1 y1 x2 y2 color#code
261 method arc ~cx ~cy ~w ~h ~s ~e color =
262 do_draw_arc im cx cy w h s e color#code
264 method arc_fill ~cx ~cy ~w ~h ~s ~e color ~style =
265 do_draw_arc_fill im cx cy w h s e color#code style
267 method border_fill ~x ~y ~border ~fill =
268 do_border_fill im x y (border#code) (fill#code)
270 method fill ~x ~y color =
271 do_fill im x y color#code
273 method letter ~font ~x ~y ~c color =
274 do_draw_char im font x y c color#code
276 method letter_up ~font ~x ~y ~c color =
277 do_draw_charu im font x y c color#code
279 method string ~font ~x ~y ~s color =
280 do_draw_str im font x y s color#code
282 method string_up ~font ~x ~y ~s color =
283 do_draw_stru im font x y s color#code
285 method save_as_png filename = do_save_png im filename
286 method save_as_jpeg ?(quality = -1) filename =
287 do_save_jpeg im filename quality
289 method out_as_png channel = do_dump_png im channel
290 method out_as_jpeg ?(quality = -1) channel =
291 do_dump_jpeg im channel quality
293 method set_pixel ~x ~y color =
294 do_set_pixel im x y color#code
296 method get_pixel ~x ~y =
297 new gdColor im (do_get_pixel im x y)
299 method width = do_get_width im
300 method height = do_get_height im
302 method in_range ~x ~y =
303 x >= 0 && x <= (do_get_width im) && y >= 0 && y <= (do_get_height im)
306 (* Image creation functions *)
307 let create ~(x:int) ~(y:int) =
308 new gdImage (do_image_create x y)
310 let open_png filename =
311 new gdImage (do_image_open_png filename)
313 let open_jpeg filename =
314 new gdImage (do_image_open_jpeg filename)