patch #7287
[mldonkey.git] / tools / zoggy /
1 (**************************************************************************)
2 (* Cameleon *)
3 (* *)
4 (* Copyright (C) 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
5 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
6 (* *)
7 (* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
8 (* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
9 (* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *)
10 (* any later version. *)
11 (* *)
12 (* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
13 (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
15 (* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
16 (* *)
17 (* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
18 (* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
19 (* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
20 (* 02111-1307 USA *)
21 (* *)
22 (* Contact: *)
23 (**************************************************************************)
25 (* $Id$ *)
28 #load "pa_extend.cmo";;
30 #load "q_MLast.cmo";;
32 (** Code generation from Zoggy input *)
34 open Zog_types
36 exception Field_error of string
38 (* BEGIN CDK *)
40 let anonymous_name_counter = ref 0
42 let gen_anonynous_name ele =
43 if = "_" && ele.children <> [] then begin
44 incr anonymous_name_counter;
45 <- Printf.sprintf "_anonymous_container_%d"
46 !anonymous_name_counter;
47 end
49 (* END CDK *)
51 module Zoggy(Syntax : Camlp4.Sig.Camlp4Syntax) =
52 struct
53 open Camlp4.PreCast
55 include Syntax
56 (* open Ast *)
58 let parse_string loc =
59 function
60 "false" ->
62 let loc =
64 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
65 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
69 <:expr@loc< False >>
70 | "true" ->
72 let loc =
74 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
75 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
79 <:expr@loc< True >>
81 | str ->
82 try
83 (* let strm = Stream.of_string str in *)
84 Gram.parse_string expr loc str
86 Pcaml.expr_reloc
87 (fun _ -> Lexing.dummy_pos, Lexing.dummy_pos)
88 Lexing.dummy_pos
91 with
92 e ->
93 Printf.eprintf "Error in \"%s\"\n" str; flush stderr;
94 let (e, loc) =
95 match e with
96 | Loc.Exc_located (loc, e) -> e, loc
97 | e -> e, loc
99 Loc.raise loc e
101 (** parsing a prop value *)
102 let parse_prop_value prop =
103 (* let loc = fst prop.prop_value_loc + 1, snd prop.prop_value_loc - 1 in *)
104 parse_string prop.prop_value_loc prop.prop_value
106 let ast_of_class_info loc cl =
107 let (_, _, _, fonc) = Zog_types.get_class_info cl in parse_string loc fonc
109 (** Return the value of a property kind in a list of properties. *)
110 let ast_of_prop_value loc props kind =
112 let p = List.find (fun p -> p.prop_kind = kind) props in
113 parse_prop_value p
114 with
115 Not_found ->
117 let loc =
119 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
120 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
124 <:expr@loc< "" >>
126 let get_prop_label ele prop =
127 match prop.prop_kind with
128 | Function -> ""
129 | Expand -> "expand"
130 | Fill -> "fill"
131 | Padding -> "padding"
132 | Width -> "width"
133 | Height -> "height"
134 | Border_width -> "border_width"
135 | Title -> "title"
136 | Allow_shrink -> "allow_shrink"
137 | Allow_grow -> "allow_grow"
138 | Auto_shrink -> "auto_shrink"
139 | X_pos -> "x"
140 | Y_pos -> "y"
141 | PLabel -> "label"
142 | Group -> "group"
143 | Orientation -> "orientation"
144 | Toolbar_style -> "style"
145 | Toolbar_space_size -> "space_size"
146 | Toolbar_space_style -> "space_style"
147 | Tooltips -> "tooltips"
148 | Button_relief_style -> "button_relief"
149 | Spacing -> "spacing"
150 | Homogeneous -> "homogeneous"
151 | Button_box_style -> "layout"
152 | Child_width -> "child_width"
153 | Child_height -> "child_height"
154 | Child_ipadx -> "child_ipadx"
155 | Child_ipady -> "child_ipady"
156 | Label_xalign -> "label_xalign"
157 | Label_yalign -> "label_yalign"
158 | Shadow_type ->
159 begin match ele.classe with
160 Arrow -> "shadow"
161 | _ -> "shadow_type"
163 | Obey_child -> "obey_child"
164 | Ratio -> "ratio"
165 | Hscrollbar_policy -> "hpolicy"
166 | Vscrollbar_policy -> "vpolicy"
167 | Handle_position -> "handle_position"
168 | Snap_edge -> "snap_edge"
169 | Column_titles -> "titles"
170 | Show_titles -> "titles_show"
171 | X_align -> "xalign"
172 | Y_align -> "yalign"
173 | X_pad -> "xpad"
174 | Y_pad -> "ypad"
175 | PText -> "text"
176 | Line_wrap -> "line_wrap"
177 | Tab_pos -> "tab_pos"
178 | Show_tabs -> "show_tabs"
179 | Homogeneous_tabs -> "homogeneous_tabs"
180 | Show_border -> "show_border"
181 | Scrollable -> "scrollable"
182 | Tab_border -> "tab_border"
183 | Popup -> "popup"
184 | SBUpdate_policy -> "update_policy"
185 | Visibility -> "visibility"
186 | Editable -> "editable"
187 | Use_arrows -> "use_arrows"
188 | Case_sensitive -> "case_sensitive"
189 | Word_wrap -> "word_wrap"
190 | Column_number -> "columns"
191 | Draw_indicator -> "draw_indicator"
192 | Active -> "active"
193 | Placement -> "placement"
194 | Selection_mode -> "selection_mode"
195 | Justification -> "justify"
196 | Max_length -> "max_length"
197 | View_mode -> "view_mode"
198 | View_lines -> "view_lines"
199 | Handle_size -> "handle_size"
200 | Modal -> "modal"
201 | Tab_label -> ""
202 | Accel_group_name | Accel_modifier | Accel_flags | Accel_keysym |
203 Show_toggle | Show_indicator | Right_justify ->
205 | Arrow_type -> "kind"
206 | Calendar_options -> "options"
207 | Popdown_strings -> "popdown_strings"
208 | Value_in_list -> "value_in_list"
209 | Ok_if_empty -> "ok_if_empty"
210 | Update_policy -> "update_policy"
212 | PPixmap_file | PPixmap_data | PPixmap_code -> ""
214 (** Remove blanks (space, tabs, \r and \n) from a string. *)
215 let remove_blanks s =
216 let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
217 let f c =
218 match c with
219 ' ' | '\n' | '\t' | '\r' -> ()
220 | _ ->
221 Buffer.add_char buf c
223 String.iter f s;
224 Buffer.contents buf
226 (** Indicate whether a property param must be printed.*)
227 let must_gen prop =
229 let (_, _, values_kind, _) = Zog_types.get_prop_info prop.prop_kind in
230 match values_kind with
231 Bool -> true
232 | PosInt ->
233 begin try int_of_string prop.prop_value >= 0 with
234 _ -> (remove_blanks prop.prop_value) <> ""
236 | Float -> (remove_blanks prop.prop_value) <> ""
237 | Code | Code_list -> (remove_blanks prop.prop_value) <> ""
238 | Enum [] -> false
239 | Enum ((s, _) :: _) -> true
240 | Enum_list [] -> false
241 | Enum_list ((s, _) :: _) -> true
242 | Keysym ->
243 let v_no_blank = remove_blanks prop.prop_value in v_no_blank <> ""
244 with
245 Failure s -> prerr_endline s; false
247 let field_error_string f =
248 match List.find (fun (x, _, _, _) -> x = f) with
249 (_, n, _, _) -> n
251 let ast_of_creation_options_code (loc:Loc.t) ele f =
253 let loc =
255 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
256 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
261 let g f prop =
262 match prop.prop_kind with
263 Function | Tab_label | Expand | Fill | Padding -> f
264 | Accel_modifier | Accel_group_name | Accel_flags | Accel_keysym | Show_toggle |
265 Show_indicator | Right_justify ->
267 | PPixmap_file ->
268 if must_gen prop then
269 let v = parse_prop_value prop in
270 <:expr< $f$ (GDraw.pixmap_from_xpm ~file : $v$ ()) >>
271 else
272 raise (Field_error (field_error_string PPixmap_file))
273 | PPixmap_data ->
274 if must_gen prop then
275 let v = parse_prop_value prop in
276 <:expr< $f$ (GDraw.pixmap_from_xpm_d ~data : $v$ ()) >>
277 else
278 raise (Field_error (field_error_string PPixmap_data))
279 | PPixmap_code ->
280 if must_gen prop then
281 let v = parse_prop_value prop in
282 <:expr< $f$ $v$ >>
283 else
284 raise (Field_error (field_error_string PPixmap_code))
285 | _ ->
286 if must_gen prop then
287 let v = parse_prop_value prop in
288 <:expr< $f$ ~ $get_prop_label ele prop$ : $v$ >>
289 else f
291 List.fold_left g f ele.props
293 let ast_of_pack_options_code loc f ele =
294 let g f prop =
295 match prop.prop_kind with
296 Expand | Fill | Padding ->
297 if must_gen prop then
299 let loc =
301 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
302 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
306 let v = parse_prop_value prop in
307 <:expr< $f$ ~ $get_prop_label ele prop$ : $v$ >>
308 else f
309 | _ -> f
311 List.fold_left g f ele.props
313 let ast_of_pack_code loc parent ele f =
315 let pack_met = Zog_types.pack_method_of_ele parent ele in
316 match pack_met with
317 No_pack -> f
318 | Insert_page ->
319 let g =
321 let loc =
323 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst parent.name_loc } ,
324 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd parent.name_loc }
328 <:expr< $$ >>
330 let loc1 = loc in
332 let loc =
334 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
335 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
339 <:expr<
340 $f$ ~packing:
341 (fun w ->
342 $g$ # append_page
343 ~tab_label:
344 (GMisc.label
345 ~text:$ast_of_prop_value loc1 ele.props Tab_label$ ())
346 #coerce w)
348 | _ ->
349 let g =
350 (* let loc = parent.name_loc in *)
351 (* FIXME
352 let loc =
354 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst parent.name_loc } ,
355 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd parent.name_loc }
359 <:expr< $$ >>
361 let loc1 = loc in
363 let loc =
365 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
366 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
370 let p x = <:expr< $f$ ~packing: $x$ >> in
371 match pack_met with
372 Pack -> p (ast_of_pack_options_code loc1 <:expr< $g$ # pack >> ele)
373 | Add -> p <:expr< $g$ # add >>
374 | Add1 -> p <:expr< $g$ # add1 >>
375 | Add2 -> p <:expr< $g$ # add2 >>
376 | Add_with_viewport -> p <:expr< $g$ # add_with_viewport >>
377 | Set_submenu -> p <:expr< $g$ # set_submenu >>
378 | Insert_page | No_pack -> f
379 with
380 Failure s ->
382 let loc =
384 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
385 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
389 prerr_endline s;
390 <:expr< $f$ failed >>
392 let ast_of_custom_pack_code loc parent ele ce =
394 let pack_met = Zog_types.pack_method_of_ele parent ele in
395 match pack_met with
396 No_pack -> ce
397 | Insert_page ->
399 let g =
400 (* FIXME
401 let loc =
403 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst parent.name_loc } ,
404 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd parent.name_loc }
408 <:expr< $$>>
410 let n =
411 (* FIXME
412 let loc =
414 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst ele.name_loc } ,
415 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd ele.name_loc }
419 <:expr< $$ >>
421 let loc1 = loc in
423 let loc =
425 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
426 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
431 <:class_expr<
432 let _ = $g$ # append_page
433 ~tab_label:
434 (GMisc.label
435 ~text:$ast_of_prop_value loc1 ele.props
436 Tab_label$ ())
437 #coerce $n$#coerce in
438 $ce$
440 | _ ->
442 let g =
443 (* FIXME
444 let loc =
446 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst parent.name_loc } ,
447 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd parent.name_loc }
451 <:expr< $$ >>
453 let loc1 = loc in
455 let loc =
457 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
458 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
462 let r =
463 match pack_met with
464 Pack -> ast_of_pack_options_code loc1 <:expr< $g$ # pack >> ele
465 | Add -> <:expr< $g$ # add >>
466 | Add1 -> <:expr< $g$ # add1 >>
467 | Add2 -> <:expr< $g$ # add2 >>
468 | Add_with_viewport -> <:expr< $g$ # add_with_viewport >>
469 | Set_submenu -> <:expr< $g$ # set_submenu >>
470 | Insert_page | No_pack -> g
472 let n =
473 (* FIXME
474 let loc =
476 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst ele.name_loc } ,
477 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd ele.name_loc }
481 <:expr< $$ >>
483 <:class_expr< let _ = $r$ $n$ # coerce in $ce$ >>
484 with
485 Failure s ->
487 let loc =
489 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
490 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
494 prerr_endline s;
495 <:class_expr< let _ = failed in $ce$ >>
497 (** The accel_group variable name for the given Menubar ele. *)
498 let accel_group_name ele =
499 let accel_group_v = Zog_types.get_prop_value ele.props Accel_group_name in
500 let name =
501 match remove_blanks accel_group_v with
502 "" -> "accel_" ^
503 | s -> s
505 name
507 (** Output the OCaml for the given menu_item (or check or radio)
508 and its optional submenu, to perform after creation initializations
509 like adding accelerators and fixing some properties. *)
510 let rec ast_of_post_menu_item_creation_code loc accel_name ele ce =
511 let keysym_v = Zog_types.get_prop_value ele.props Accel_keysym in
512 let ce =
513 List.fold_right (ast_of_post_menu_creation_code loc accel_name)
514 ele.children ce
516 match remove_blanks keysym_v with
517 "" -> ce
518 | v ->
519 let modifier =
520 match
521 remove_blanks (Zog_types.get_prop_value ele.props Accel_modifier)
522 with
523 "" ->
525 let loc =
527 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
528 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
532 <:expr< [] >>
533 | s -> parse_string loc s
535 let flags =
536 match
537 remove_blanks (Zog_types.get_prop_value ele.props Accel_flags)
538 with
539 "" ->
541 let loc =
543 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
544 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
548 <:expr< [] >>
549 | s -> parse_string loc s
551 let loc1 = loc in
553 let loc =
555 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
556 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
560 <:class_expr<
561 let _ =
562 $$ #add_accelerator ~group: $lid:accel_name$
563 ~modi: $modifier$ ~flags: $flags$ $parse_string loc1 v$
565 $ce$ >>
567 and ast_of_post_menu_creation_code loc accel_name ele ce =
568 match ele.classe with
569 Menu ->
570 let ce =
571 List.fold_right (ast_of_post_menu_item_creation_code loc accel_name)
572 ele.children ce
575 let loc =
577 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
578 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
582 <:class_expr<
583 let _ = $$ #set_accel_group $lid:accel_name$ in $ce$ >>
584 | _ -> ce
586 (** Output the OCaml for the given element which must be a Menubar. *)
587 let ast_of_post_menubar_creation_code ?win loc ele ce =
588 match ele.classe with
589 Menubar ->
590 let acc_name = accel_group_name ele in
591 let ce =
592 List.fold_right (ast_of_post_menu_item_creation_code loc acc_name)
593 ele.children ce
595 let ce2 =
597 match win with
598 None -> ce
599 | Some w ->
601 let loc =
603 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
604 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
608 <:class_expr<
609 let _ = $lid:w$#add_accel_group $lid:acc_name$ in $ce$
614 let loc =
616 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
617 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
621 <:class_expr<
622 let $lid:acc_name$ = GtkData.AccelGroup.create () in
623 $ce2$
626 | _ -> ce
628 let rec ast_of_ele_creations ?win loc parent_opt previous_opt ele ce =
629 let ce = ast_of_post_menubar_creation_code ?win loc ele ce in
630 let ce =
631 let rec iter prev ce =
632 function
633 [] -> ce
634 | e :: q ->
635 let ce = iter (Some e) ce q in
636 ast_of_ele_creations ?win loc (Some ele) prev e ce
638 iter None ce ele.children
640 let e =
641 if ele.classe = Custom_box then ast_of_prop_value loc ele.props Function
642 else
643 let f = ast_of_class_info ele.name_loc ele.classe in
644 let f = ast_of_creation_options_code loc ele f in
645 let f =
646 match ele.classe, previous_opt with
647 Radio_menu_item, Some e when e.classe = Radio_menu_item ->
649 let loc =
651 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
652 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
656 <:expr< $f$ ~group: $$ #group >>
657 | _ -> f
659 match parent_opt with
660 None -> f
661 | Some parent -> ast_of_pack_code loc parent ele f
663 let ce =
664 if ele.classe = Custom_box then
665 match parent_opt with
666 None -> ce
667 | Some parent -> ast_of_custom_pack_code loc parent ele ce
668 else ce
670 (* BEGIN CDK *)
671 gen_anonynous_name ele;
672 if = "_" then
674 let loc =
676 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
677 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
681 <:class_expr< let _ = $e$ () in $ce$ >>
682 else
683 (* END CDK *)
684 let n =
685 (* FIXME
686 let loc =
688 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst ele.name_loc } ,
689 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd ele.name_loc }
693 <:patt< $$ >>
696 let loc =
698 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
699 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
703 <:class_expr< let $n$ = $e$ () in $ce$ >>
705 let rec ast_of_ele_methods loc ele =
706 let cil =
707 if ele.classe = Menubar then
708 let accel_name = accel_group_name ele in
710 let loc =
712 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
713 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
717 [ <:class_str_item< method $accel_name$ = $lid:accel_name$ >> ]
718 else []
720 (* BEGIN CDK *)
721 gen_anonynous_name ele;
722 let cil = if[0] <> '_' then
723 let n =
724 (* FIXME
725 let loc =
727 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst ele.name_loc } ,
728 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd ele.name_loc }
732 <:expr< $$ >>
735 let loc =
737 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
738 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
742 <:class_str_item< method $$ = $n$ >> :: cil else cil in
743 (* END CDK *)
744 List.fold_left (fun cil ele -> cil @ ast_of_ele_methods loc ele) cil
745 ele.children
747 let rec ast_of_ele_vals loc ele =
748 let cil =
749 if ele.classe = Menubar then
750 let accel_name = accel_group_name ele in
752 let loc =
754 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
755 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
759 [ <:class_str_item< value $accel_name$ = $lid:accel_name$ >> ]
760 else []
762 (* BEGIN CDK *)
763 gen_anonynous_name ele;
764 let n =
765 (* FIXME
766 let loc =
768 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst ele.name_loc } ,
769 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd ele.name_loc }
773 <:expr< $$ >>
775 let cil = if[0] <> '_' then
777 let loc =
779 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
780 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
784 <:class_str_item< value $$ = $n$ >> :: cil
785 else cil
787 (* END CDK *)
788 List.fold_left (fun cil ele -> cil @ ast_of_ele_vals loc ele) cil
789 ele.children
791 let ast_of_entity loc entity =
792 let ce =
793 let cil =
794 match entity.en_ele with
795 None -> []
796 | Some e ->
797 let cil = ast_of_ele_vals loc e @ ast_of_ele_methods loc e in
798 match e.classe with
799 Window -> cil
800 | _ ->
801 let n =
802 (* FIXME
803 let loc =
805 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst e.name_loc } ,
806 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd e.name_loc }
810 <:expr< $$ >>
813 let loc =
815 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
816 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
820 let ci = <:class_str_item< method coerce = $n$ # coerce >> in
821 cil @ [ci]
824 let loc =
826 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
827 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
831 <:class_expr@loc< object (*$None$*) $list:cil$ end >>
833 let ce =
834 match entity.en_ele with
835 None -> ce
836 | Some ele ->
837 let win_opt =
838 match ele.classe with
839 Window -> Some
840 | _ -> None
842 ast_of_ele_creations ?win: win_opt loc None None ele ce
845 let loc =
847 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = fst loc } ,
848 { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = snd loc }
852 let ce =
853 List.fold_right (fun p ce -> <:class_expr< fun $lid:p$ -> $ce$ >>)
854 entity.en_params <:class_expr< fun () -> $ce$ >>
856 <:str_item@loc< class $lid:entity.en_name$ = $ce$ >>
858 (* Parser for Zoggy input (XML) *)
860 (* let gram = Grammar.create (Plexer.make ()) *)
861 (* let project = gram "project" *)
863 Gram.Entry.clear implem;;
865 let field_error s =
866 Printf.eprintf "Error: field %s is empty\n" s
868 let eoi : 'eoi Gram.Entry.t = "eoi"
869 let () =
870 Gram.extend (eoi : 'eoi Gram.Entry.t)
871 ((fun () ->
872 (None,
873 [ (None, None,
874 [ ([ Gram.Stoken
875 (((function | EOI -> true | _ -> false),
876 "EOI")) ],
877 (
878 (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (loc : Gram.Loc.t)
880 match __camlp4_0 with
881 | EOI -> (() : 'eoi)
882 | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
885 EXTEND Gram
886 (* GLOBAL: project; *)
887 GLOBAL: implem;
888 implem:
889 [ [ el = LIST0 entity ; eoi -> el, None ] ]
891 (* eoi: [[ EOI -> () ]]; *)
892 entity:
893 [ [ "<"; LIDENT "entity"; LIDENT "name"; "="; name = LIDENT;
894 pl = LIST0 [ x = LIDENT -> x ]; ">"; w = OPT widget; "</"; LIDENT "entity";
895 ">" ->
897 let entity = {en_name = name; en_params = pl; en_ele = w} in
899 (* let loc = ((fst loc).Lexing.pos_cnum, (snd loc).Lexing.pos_cnum) in *)
900 ast_of_entity loc entity
902 with Field_error m ->
903 field_error m;
904 exit 1
907 widget:
908 [ [ "<"; tag = LIDENT; LIDENT "name"; "="; (name, nloc) = ident;
909 proplist = LIST0 property; ">"; children = LIST0 widget;
910 (tag_end, loc_tend) = tag_end ->
911 if tag <> tag_end then
912 Loc.raise loc_tend
913 (Stream.Error ("</" ^ tag ^ "> expected"));
914 let proplist =
915 List.filter (fun (x, v, vloc) -> x <> "expanded" && x <> "in_interface") proplist
917 let proplist =
919 (fun (x, v, vloc) ->
920 {prop_kind = Zog_misc.property_kind_of_property_name x;
921 prop_value = Zog_misc.decode v;
922 prop_value_loc = vloc})
923 (* ((fst vloc).Lexing.pos_cnum, (snd vloc).Lexing.pos_cnum)}) *)
924 proplist
926 (* let nloc = ((fst loc).Lexing.pos_cnum, (snd loc).Lexing.pos_cnum) in *)
927 { name = name; name_loc = loc;
928 classe = Zog_misc.class_of_class_name tag;
929 props = proplist;
930 children = children;
931 expanded = false ;
932 } ] ]
934 tag_end:
935 [ [ "</"; tag = LIDENT; ">" -> tag, loc ] ]
937 property:
938 [ [ x = LIDENT; "="; (v, vloc) = string -> x, v, vloc
939 | "function"; "="; (v, vloc) = string -> "function", v, vloc ]
942 string:
943 [ [ v = STRING -> v, loc ] ]
945 ident:
947 [ v = LIDENT -> v, loc
948 | "_" -> "_", loc ]
955 module Id = struct
956 let version = "0"
957 let name = "Zoggy"
960 module M = Camlp4.Register.OCamlSyntaxExtension(Id)(Zoggy)
962 (* let _ = Pcaml.parse_implem := Grammar.Entry.parse project *)