patch #7247
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / fasttrack /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23 SENDING REQUEST: GET FastTrack:// HTTP/1.1\013\nHost:\013\nUser-Agent: MLDonkey 2.4-1\013\nRange: bytes=0-262143\013\n\013\n
24 Asking 00000000000000000000000000000000 For Range 0-262143
25 Disconnected from source
28 ascii: [
29 HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented
30 X-Kazaa-Username: rcb(13)
31 X-Kazaa-Network: KaZaA(13)
32 X-Kazaa-IP:
33 X-Kazaa-SupernodeIP:
37 ascii:[
38 HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
39 Retry-After: 284(13)
40 X-Kazaa-Username: johnl(13)
41 X-Kazaa-Network: KaZaA(13)
42 X-Kazaa-IP:
43 X-Kazaa-SupernodeIP:
46 ascii:[
47 HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content(13)
48 Content-Range: bytes 3145728-3407871/6128453(13)
49 Content-Length: 262144(13)
50 Accept-Ranges: bytes(13)
51 Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 22:28:38 GMT(13)
52 Server: KazaaClient Nov 3 2002 20:29:03(13)
53 Connection: close(13)
54 Last-Modified: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 19:58:52 GMT(13)
55 X-Kazaa-Username: defaultuser(13)
56 X-Kazaa-Network: KaZaA(13)
57 X-Kazaa-IP:
58 X-Kazaa-SupernodeIP:
59 X-KazaaTag: 4=A solas con mi corazon(13)
60 X-KazaaTag: 6=Rosa(13)
61 X-KazaaTag: 8=Rosa(13)
62 X-KazaaTag: 14=Pop(13)
63 X-KazaaTag: 1=2002(13)
64 X-KazaaTag: 26=
65 X-KazaaTag: 10=es(13)
66 X-KazaaTag: 12=1(186) album - 29-04-2002(13)
67 X-KazaaTag: 5=386(13)
68 X-KazaaTag: 21=128(13)
69 X-KazaaTag: 3==qyWzRb1Qvnk4mtaBytIM1iHQuK8=(13)
70 Content-Type: audio/mpeg(13)
71 (13)]
73 HTTP/1.1206 Partial Content(13)
74 Content-Range: bytes 0-262143/3937679(13)
75 Content-Length: 262144(13)
76 Accept-Ranges: bytes(13)
77 Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 22:18:12 GMT(13)
78 Server: KazaaClient Nov 3 2002 20:29:03(13)
79 Connection: close(13)
80 Last-Modified: Mon, 05 May 2003 04:14:57 GMT(13)
81 X-Kazaa-Username: shaz2003(13)
82 X-Kazaa-Network: KaZaA(13)
83 X-Kazaa-IP:
84 X-Kazaa-SupernodeIP:
85 X-KazaaTag: 5=246(13)
86 X-KazaaTag: 21=128(13)
87 X-KazaaTag: 4=Fighter(13)
88 X-KazaaTag: 6=Christina Aguliera(13)
89 X-KazaaTag: 8=Stripped(13)
90 X-KazaaTag: 14=Other(13)
91 X-KazaaTag: 1=2002(13)
92 X-KazaaTag: 26=© christinas_eyedol 2002(13)
93 X-KazaaTag: 12=album version, stripped, fighter, real, christina, aguilera(13)
94 X-KazaaTag: 10=en(13)
95 X-KazaaTag: 18=Video Clip(13)
96 X-KazaaTag: 28=div3(13)
97 X-KazaaTag: 17=24(13)
98 X-KazaaTag: 9=241229701(13)
99 X-KazaaTag: 24=
100 X-KazaaTag: 3==kd8c6QgrXm0wvCYl5Uo0Aa9C7qg=(13)
101 Content-Type: audio/mpeg(13)
107 open Options
108 open Queues
109 open Printf2
110 open Md4
111 open BasicSocket
112 open TcpBufferedSocket
114 open AnyEndian
116 open CommonOptions
117 open CommonSearch
118 open CommonServer
119 open CommonComplexOptions
120 open CommonFile
121 open CommonDownloads
122 open CommonTypes
123 open CommonGlobals
125 open FasttrackNetwork
126 open FasttrackTypes
127 open FasttrackGlobals
128 open FasttrackOptions
129 open FasttrackProtocol
130 open FasttrackComplexOptions
131 open FasttrackProto
133 (*************************************************************************)
134 (* *)
135 (* *)
136 (* *)
138 (* *)
139 (* *)
140 (* *)
141 (*************************************************************************)
143 type t = UDP | TCP
145 type cnx = {
146 time : int;
147 ip1 : string;
148 port1 : int;
149 ip2 : string;
150 port2 : int;
151 packets_in : Buffer.t;
152 packets_out : Buffer.t;
154 let connections = Hashtbl.create 13
156 let rec parse_packets pos s ciphers =
157 let len = String.length s - pos in
158 if len > 0 then
159 let size = TcpMessages.packet_size ciphers s pos len in
160 match size with
161 None -> ()
162 | Some size ->
163 if len >= size then
164 let msg = String.sub s pos size in
165 let addr, t = TcpMessages.parse ciphers msg in
166 lprintf "MESSAGE: %s\n %s\n"
167 (TcpMessages.string_of_path addr)
168 (TcpMessages.to_string t);
169 parse_packets (pos+size) s ciphers
170 else
171 lprintf "Packet too short\n"
173 let parse_netname start_pos s ciphers =
174 let len = String.length s in
175 let rec iter pos =
176 if pos < len then
177 if s.[pos] = '\000' then begin
178 let netname = String.sub s start_pos (pos-start_pos) in
179 lprintf "netname: [%s]\n" (String.escaped netname);
181 (* test_xinu s (pos+1) len 0x51L; *)
182 parse_packets (pos+1) s ciphers
183 end else
184 iter (pos+1)
185 else failwith "End of name not found"
187 iter (start_pos)
189 let get_xinu s pos xtype =
190 match xtype with
191 0 ->
192 let msg_lo = get_uint8 s (pos+1) in
193 let msg_hi = get_uint8 s (pos+2) in
194 let len_hi = get_uint8 s (pos+3) in
195 let len_lo = get_uint8 s (pos+4) in
196 (msg_hi lsl 8) lor msg_lo, (len_hi lsl 8) lor len_lo
197 | 1 ->
198 let msg_hi = get_uint8 s (pos+1) in
199 let len_hi = get_uint8 s (pos+2) in
200 let msg_lo = get_uint8 s (pos+3) in
201 let len_lo = get_uint8 s (pos+4) in
202 (msg_hi lsl 8) lor msg_lo, (len_hi lsl 8) lor len_lo
203 | _ ->
204 let msg_hi = get_uint8 s (pos+1) in
205 let len_lo = get_uint8 s (pos+2) in
206 let len_hi = get_uint8 s (pos+3) in
207 let msg_lo = get_uint8 s (pos+4) in
208 (msg_hi lsl 8) lor msg_lo, (len_hi lsl 8) lor len_lo
210 let rec check_xinu s pos len depth =
211 if depth > 5 then depth else
212 if pos >= len then depth else
213 match int_of_char s.[pos] with
214 0x50 | 0x52 -> check_xinu s (pos+1) len (depth + 1)
215 | 0x4b ->
216 if pos + 5 < len then
218 let msg_type0, len0 = get_xinu s pos 0 in
219 let msg_type1, len1 = get_xinu s pos 1 in
220 let msg_type2, len2 = get_xinu s pos 2 in
222 let check0 = check_xinu s (pos + 5 + len0) len (depth+1) in
223 let check1 = check_xinu s (pos + 5 + len1) len (depth+1) in
224 let check2 = check_xinu s (pos + 5 + len2) len (depth+1) in
226 max check0 (max check1 check2)
227 else depth
228 | _ -> -10
230 let parse (s_out : string) (s_in : string) =
231 let parsed = ref false in
232 if String.length s_in > 12 && String.length s_out > 12 then begin
233 let ciphers = {
234 in_cipher = create_cipher ();
235 out_cipher = create_cipher ();
236 in_xinu = 0x51L;
237 out_xinu = 0x51L;
238 } in
239 begin
242 get_cipher_from_packet s_out 4 ciphers.out_cipher;
243 init_cipher ciphers.out_cipher;
245 get_cipher_from_packet s_in 0 ciphers.in_cipher;
246 init_cipher ciphers.in_cipher;
248 xor_ciphers ciphers.out_cipher ciphers.in_cipher;
249 init_cipher ciphers.out_cipher;
251 lprintf "HEADER OF CONNECTION: %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x - %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x\n"
252 (int_of_char s_out.[0])
253 (int_of_char s_out.[1])
254 (int_of_char s_out.[2])
255 (int_of_char s_out.[3])
257 (int_of_char s_out.[4])
258 (int_of_char s_out.[5])
259 (int_of_char s_out.[6])
260 (int_of_char s_out.[7])
263 begin
264 let s = String.create 8 in
265 cipher_packet_set ciphers.out_cipher s 0;
266 lprintf "OUT CIPHER: [%s]\n" (String.escaped s);
267 end;
269 begin
270 let s = String.create 8 in
271 cipher_packet_set ciphers.in_cipher s 0;
272 lprintf "IN CIPHER: [%s]\n" (String.escaped s);
273 end;
276 let len = String.length s_out in
277 let start_pos = 12 in
278 apply_cipher ciphers.out_cipher s_out start_pos (len-start_pos);
280 lprintf "Ciphered: [%s]\n" (String.escaped
281 (String.sub s_out start_pos (min (len - start_pos) 1000)));
285 let len = String.length s_in in
286 let start_pos = 8 in
287 apply_cipher ciphers.in_cipher s_in start_pos (len-start_pos);
289 lprintf "Ciphered: [%s]\n" (String.escaped
290 (String.sub s_in start_pos (min (len - start_pos) 1000)));
294 lprintf "---------------------------------------------->\n";
295 lprintf " HEADER[%s]\n" (String.escaped (String.sub s_out 0 4));
296 parse_netname 12 s_out { ciphers with
297 in_xinu = ciphers.out_xinu; in_cipher = ciphers.out_cipher };
298 lprintf "<----------------------------------------------\n";
299 parse_netname 8 s_in ciphers;
300 parsed := true;
303 dump_sub s (start_pos) (len - start_pos);
308 with e ->
309 lprintf "exception %s while parsing stream\n"
310 (Printexc2.to_string e) ;
311 lprintf " [%s]\n" (String.escaped
312 (String.sub s_in 0 (min 50 (String.length s_in))))
313 end;
314 cipher_free ciphers.in_cipher;
315 cipher_free ciphers.out_cipher;
316 end;
317 !parsed
319 let find_header s pos =
320 let rec iter s pos =
321 if s.[pos] = '\n' then
322 if s.[pos+1] = '\n' then pos+2
323 else
324 if s.[pos+1] = '\r' then
325 if s.[pos+2] = '\n' then pos+3
326 else iter s (pos+1)
327 else iter s (pos+1)
328 else
329 if s.[pos] = '\r' then
330 if s.[pos] = '\n' then
331 if s.[pos+1] = '\n' then pos+2
332 else
333 if s.[pos+1] = '\r' then
334 if s.[pos+2] = '\n' then pos+3
335 else iter s (pos+1)
336 else iter s (pos+1)
337 else
338 iter s (pos+1)
339 else iter s (pos+1)
341 let pos2 = iter s pos in
342 String.sub s pos (pos2 - pos)
344 let hescaped s =
345 String2.replace_char s '\r' ' ';s
347 let is_http_stream s =
348 String2.starts_with s "GET" ||
349 String2.starts_with s "POST" ||
350 String2.starts_with s "HTTP"
352 type packet =
353 UdpPacket of string * int * string * int * string
354 | TcpConnection of cnx
356 let packets = ref []
358 let print_packets () =
359 let packets = List.sort (fun (t1,_) (t2,_) -> compare t1 t2) !packets in
360 List.iter (fun (time, p) ->
361 match p with
362 UdpPacket (ip1, port1, ip2, port2, data) ->
363 lprintf "Time %d\n" time;
364 lprintf "UDP packet(%d) %s:%d -> %s:%d\n"
365 (String.length data) ip1 port1 ip2 port2;
366 let p = UdpMessages.parse data in
367 lprintf " %s\n" (UdpMessages.to_string p)
369 | TcpConnection cnx ->
372 let s1 = Buffer.contents cnx.packets_out in
373 let s2 = Buffer.contents cnx.packets_in in
375 if s1 <> "" || s2 <> "" then begin
377 if is_http_stream s1 || is_http_stream s2 then begin
379 lprintf "Time %d\n" time;
380 lprintf "\nCONNECTION %s:%d --> %s:%d\n"
381 cnx.ip1 cnx.port1 cnx.ip2 cnx.port2;
383 (if is_http_stream s1 then
384 let header = find_header s1 0 in
385 lprintf "HTTP connection: [%s]\n" (hescaped header));
386 (if is_http_stream s2 then
387 let header2 = find_header s2 0 in
388 lprintf "HTTP reply connection: [%s]\n" (hescaped header2));
391 end else begin
392 lprintf "Time %d\n" time;
393 lprintf "CONNECTION %s:%d --> %s:%d\n"
394 cnx.ip1 cnx.port1 cnx.ip2 cnx.port2;
396 lprintf "First direction....\n";
397 let parsed = parse
398 (Buffer.contents cnx.packets_out)
399 (Buffer.contents cnx.packets_in) in
400 if not parsed then begin
401 lprintf "Second direction....\n";
402 let _ = parse
403 (Buffer.contents cnx.packets_in)
404 (Buffer.contents cnx.packets_out) in
409 with
410 | e ->
411 lprintf "Exception %s\n" (Printexc2.to_string e)
412 ) packets
414 let commit () =
415 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ cnx ->
416 packets := (cnx.time, TcpConnection cnx) :: !packets
417 ) connections;
418 print_packets ()
420 let local_net = "129.104"
421 let time = ref 0
423 let new_packet (kind:t) (number:int) ip1 port1 ip2 port2 data =
424 if not (String2.starts_with ip1 local_net &&
425 String2.starts_with ip2 local_net) then
426 begin
427 incr time;
428 let time = !time in
429 match kind with
430 UDP ->
431 begin
433 packets := (time, UdpPacket (ip1,port1,ip2,port2,data)) :: !packets
434 (* lprintf "New packet:\n%s\n" (String.escaped data); *)
435 with e ->
436 (* lprintf "Could not parse UDP packet:\n"; *)
439 | TCP ->
441 (* if port1 = 1214 || port2 = 1214 then *)
442 let out_packet = (ip1, port1, ip2, port2) in
443 let in_packet = (ip2, port2, ip1, port1) in
446 let cnx = Hashtbl.find connections out_packet in
447 Buffer.add_string cnx.packets_out data;
449 with _ ->
451 let cnx = Hashtbl.find connections in_packet in
452 Buffer.add_string cnx.packets_in data
453 with _ ->
454 let cnx = {
455 time = time;
456 ip1 = ip1;
457 port1 = port1;
458 ip2 = ip2;
459 port2 = port2;
460 packets_out = Buffer.create 100;
461 packets_in = Buffer.create 100;
462 } in
463 Hashtbl.add connections out_packet cnx;
464 Buffer.add_string cnx.packets_out data
467 (*************************************************************************)
468 (* *)
469 (* *)
470 (* *)
472 (* *)
473 (* *)
474 (* *)
475 (*************************************************************************)
478 open Int64ops
479 open LittleEndian (* This is bad, since it is the contrary of the default
480 FT format, so we will forget it once, and our logs won't be readable
481 anymore... *)
483 type connection = {
484 c_ip : Ip.t;
485 c_port : int;
486 mutable c_time : int;
487 mutable c_ciphers : ciphers;
488 mutable c_pos : int;
489 mutable c_buf : string;
490 mutable c_parser : (connection -> unit);
491 mutable c_npackets : int;
494 let connections = Hashtbl.create 1000
496 let print c addr t =
497 let module M = TcpMessages in
498 match t with
500 | M.SearchReq _
502 | M.SearchForwardReq _
504 | M.SearchForward2Req _
506 | M.ShareFileReq _
507 | M.UnshareFileReq _
509 -> lprintf "MESSAGE %d from %s:%d time:%d: %s\n %s\n\n"
510 c.c_npackets (Ip.to_string c.c_ip) c.c_port c.c_time
511 (TcpMessages.string_of_path addr)
512 (TcpMessages.to_string t)
516 -> ()
517 (* -> lprintf "MESSAGE %d from %s:%d time:%d: %s\n %s\n\n"
518 c.c_npackets (Ip.to_string c.c_ip) c.c_port c.c_time
519 (TcpMessages.string_of_path addr)
520 (TcpMessages.to_string t) *)
523 let parse_head c s pos =
524 let xtype = Int64.to_int (Int64.rem c.c_ciphers.in_xinu int64_3) in
526 begin
527 let msg_type0, len0 = get_xinu s pos 0 in
528 let msg_type1, len1 = get_xinu s pos 1 in
529 let msg_type2, len2 = get_xinu s pos 2 in
531 let len = String.length s in
532 let check0 = check_xinu s (pos + 5 + len0) len 0 in
533 let check1 = check_xinu s (pos + 5 + len1) len 0 in
534 let check2 = check_xinu s (pos + 5 + len2) len 0 in
536 lprintf " xinu: %d\n" xtype;
537 lprintf " 0 : opcode = %x len = %d [%d]\n" msg_type0 len0
538 check0;
539 lprintf " 1 : opcode = %x len = %d [%d]\n" msg_type1 len1
540 check1;
541 lprintf " 2 : opcode = %x len = %d [%d]\n" msg_type2 len2
542 check2;
543 end;
545 (* if c.c_npackets = 388 then 100, 1000 else *)
546 TcpMessages.get_xinu s pos xtype
548 let parse c s =
549 let module T = TcpMessages in
550 match int_of_char s.[0] with
551 0x50 -> T.DirectPacket, T.PingReq
552 | 0x52 -> T.DirectPacket, T.PongReq
553 | 0x4b ->
554 (* lprintf "We have got a real packet\n"; *)
555 let msg_type, size = parse_head c s 0 in
557 c.c_ciphers.in_xinu <- Int64.logxor c.c_ciphers.in_xinu
558 (Int64.logand
559 (Int64.lognot (Int64.of_int (size + msg_type)))
560 int64_ffffffff);
562 let msg_flags = (msg_type land 0xff00) lsr 8 in
563 let msg_type = msg_type land 0xff in
565 let pos, size, addr = match msg_flags with
566 | 0x80 ->
567 let source_ip = LittleEndian.get_ip s 5 in
568 let source_port = BigEndian.get_int16 s 9 in
569 let dest_ip = LittleEndian.get_ip s 11 in
570 let dest_port = BigEndian.get_int16 s 15 in
571 let hops = BigEndian.get_int8 s 17 in
573 let addr = {
574 T.unicast_source_ip = source_ip;
575 T.unicast_source_port = source_port;
576 T.unicast_dest_ip = dest_ip;
577 T.unicast_dest_port = dest_port;
578 T.unicast_hops = hops;
579 } in
581 5 + 13, size - 13, T.UnicastPacket addr
582 | 0xC0 ->
583 let source_ip = LittleEndian.get_ip s 5 in
584 let source_port = BigEndian.get_int16 s 9 in
585 let unknown = BigEndian.get_int16 s 11 in
586 let hops = BigEndian.get_int8 s 13 in
588 let addr = {
589 T.broadcast_source_ip = source_ip;
590 T.broadcast_source_port = source_port;
591 T.broadcast_unknown = unknown;
592 T.broadcast_hops = hops;
593 } in
595 5 + 9, size - 9, T.BroadcastPacket addr
596 | 0 ->
597 5, size, T.DirectPacket
598 | _ ->
599 lprintf " MESSAGE HAS UNKNOWN FLAG %x\n" msg_flags;
600 5, size, T.DirectPacket
602 let m = String.sub s pos size in
603 addr,
604 (try T.parse_packet msg_type m with e ->
605 lprintf "Exception in parse_packet\n"; raise e)
606 | n ->
607 lprintf "Packet not understood: %d\n" n;
608 dump s;
609 T.DirectPacket, T.UnknownMessageReq (n, s)
611 let packet_size c s pos len =
612 if len > 0 then begin
614 match int_of_char s.[pos] with
615 0x50 -> Some 1
616 | 0x52 -> Some 1
617 | 0x4b ->
618 (* lprintf "We have got a real packet\n"; *)
619 if len > 4 then
620 (* dump_sub s b.pos b.len; *)
621 let msg_type, size = parse_head c s pos in
623 Some (size + 5)
624 else None
626 | n ->
627 lprintf "Packet not understood: %d\n" n;
628 raise Exit
629 end else None
632 let rec parse_packets c =
633 let pos = c.c_pos in
634 let s = c.c_buf in
635 let len = String.length s - pos in
636 if len > 0 then
638 let size = TcpMessages.packet_size c.c_ciphers s pos len in
639 match size with
640 None -> ()
641 | Some size ->
642 if len >= size then begin
643 (* lprintf "size %d+%d/%d\n" pos size (String.length s); *)
644 let msg = String.sub s pos size in
645 let addr, t = TcpMessages.parse c.c_ciphers msg in
646 print c addr t;
649 if c.c_npackets >= 388 && c.c_time >= 97771248 then begin
650 lprintf "size %d\n" size;
651 if c.c_npackets = 390 then exit 0;
652 end; *)
653 c.c_npackets <- c.c_npackets + 1;
654 c.c_pos <- pos + size;
655 parse_packets c
656 end else ()
657 with _ -> ()
658 else begin
659 c.c_pos <- 0;
660 c.c_buf <- ""
663 let parse_netname c =
664 let start_pos = c.c_pos in
665 let s = c.c_buf in
666 let len = String.length s in
667 let rec iter pos =
668 if pos < len then
669 if s.[pos] = '\000' then begin
670 c.c_pos <- pos + 1;
671 c.c_parser <- parse_packets;
672 parse_packets c
673 end else
674 iter (pos+1)
676 iter start_pos
678 let received ip port time s =
679 (* lprintf "Received %s:%d at %d size %d\n"
680 (Ip.to_string ip) port time (String.length s); *)
681 let key = (ip, port) in
682 let c = try
683 Hashtbl.find connections key
684 with _ ->
685 let ciphers = {
686 in_cipher = create_cipher ();
687 out_cipher = create_cipher ();
688 in_xinu = 0x51L;
689 out_xinu = 0x51L;
690 } in
691 let c = {
692 c_ip = ip;
693 c_time = time;
694 c_port = port;
695 c_pos = 0;
696 c_buf = "";
697 c_parser = parse_netname;
698 c_ciphers = ciphers;
699 c_npackets = 0;
700 } in
701 Hashtbl.add connections key c;
704 c.c_buf <- c.c_buf ^ s;
705 c.c_time <- time;
706 c.c_parser c
708 let read_trace () =
709 let ic = open_in "ft_supernode.dump" in
710 let buffer_size = 52000 in
711 let s = String.create buffer_size in
712 let total = ref zero in
713 let rec iter pos =
714 let nread = input ic s pos (buffer_size - pos) in
715 if nread = 0 then begin
716 lprintf "closing...\n";
717 close_in ic
719 else
720 let len = pos + nread in
721 total := !total ++ Int64.of_int nread;
722 iter_log 0 len
724 and iter_log pos len =
725 if len > 13 then
726 let size = get_int s (pos + 10) in
727 let ip = LittleEndian.get_ip s pos in
728 let port = get_int16 s (pos+4) in
729 let time = get_int s (pos+6) in
730 let item_len = size + 14 in
731 if item_len <= len then
732 let p = String.sub s (pos+14) size in
733 received ip port time p;
734 iter_log (pos + item_len) (len - item_len)
735 else iter_read pos len
736 else iter_read pos len
738 and iter_read pos len =
739 if pos = 0 then iter len
740 else
741 begin
742 String.blit s pos s 0 len;
743 iter len
746 iter 0;
747 lprintf "Total %Ld\n" !total