patch #7247
[mldonkey.git] / src / gtk2 / gui /
1 (* Copyright 2004 b8_bavard INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 (* Options of the Gui. *)
22 open Gettext
23 open Options
24 open CommonGlobals
25 open GraphTypes
27 module U = GuiUtf8
29 let _s x = _s "GuiOptions" x
30 let _b x = _b "GuiOptions" x
32 let define_option a b ?desc c d e =
33 match desc with
34 None -> define_option a b (_s c) d e
35 | Some desc -> define_option a b ~desc: (_s desc) (_s c) d e
36 let define_expert_option a b ?desc c d e =
37 match desc with
38 None -> define_expert_option a b (_s c) d e
39 | Some desc -> define_expert_option a b ~desc: (_s desc) (_s c) d e
41 module M = GuiMessages
42 module C = GuiColumns
44 let _ = Unix2.safe_mkdir GuiMessages.gui_config_dir
46 let gui_ini = create_options_file
47 (Filename.concat GuiMessages.gui_config_dir "mlgui.ini")
51 let tb_styles = [ "both", `BOTH ;
52 "both horizontal", `BOTH_HORIZ ;
53 "text", `TEXT ;
54 "icon", `ICONS ]
56 let tb_styles_rev = (fun (a,b) -> (b,a)) tb_styles
58 let string_to_tbstyle s =
59 try List.assoc (String.lowercase s) tb_styles
60 with Not_found -> `BOTH
62 let tbstyle_to_string st = List.assoc st tb_styles_rev
64 let value_to_tbstyle v =
65 match v with
66 StringValue s -> string_to_tbstyle s
67 | _ -> raise Not_found
69 let tbstyle_to_value (st:Gtk.Tags.toolbar_style) =
70 StringValue (tbstyle_to_string st)
72 let (tbstyle_option : Gtk.Tags.toolbar_style option_class) =
73 define_option_class "Toolbar"
74 value_to_tbstyle tbstyle_to_value
76 let graphtime_to_string gt =
77 match gt with
78 GraphHour -> "hour"
79 | GraphHalfDay -> "half_day"
80 | GraphDay -> "day"
81 | GraphWeek -> "week"
82 | GraphMonth -> "month"
83 | GraphYear -> "year"
84 | _ -> "quarter"
86 let string_to_graphtime s =
87 match s with
88 "hour" -> GraphHour
89 | "half_day" -> GraphHalfDay
90 | "day" -> GraphDay
91 | "week" -> GraphWeek
92 | "month" -> GraphMonth
93 | "year" -> GraphYear
94 | _ -> GraphQuarter
96 let value_to_graphtime v =
97 match v with
98 StringValue s -> string_to_graphtime s
99 | _ -> GraphQuarter
101 let graphtime_to_value (gt : graph_time) =
102 StringValue (graphtime_to_string gt)
104 let (graphtime_option : graph_time option_class) =
105 define_option_class "GraphTime"
106 value_to_graphtime graphtime_to_value
108 let time_option =
109 define_option_class "Time"
110 value_to_int int_to_value
112 let advanced_option =
113 define_option_class "Advanced"
114 value_to_bool bool_to_value
116 let password_option =
117 define_option_class "Password"
118 value_to_string string_to_value
120 let scale_option =
121 define_option_class "Scale"
122 value_to_float float_to_value
124 let main_section = file_section gui_ini ["Main"] "Main options"
125 let mlgui_section = file_section gui_ini ["MLgui"] "Options to control MLgui"
126 let mlgui_debug_section = file_section gui_ini ["MLguiDebug"] "Debug Options"
128 (*************************************************************************)
129 (*************************************************************************)
130 (*************************************************************************)
131 (* *)
132 (* Options displayed in the config panel *)
133 (* *)
134 (*************************************************************************)
135 (*************************************************************************)
136 (*************************************************************************)
138 let current_section = main_section
140 let gtk_advanced_options = define_option current_section
141 ["gtk_advanced_options"]
142 ~desc:"Advanced options"
143 "Set to true whether you want to access to the advanced options"
144 advanced_option false
147 let current_section = mlgui_section
149 (* {Connection} *)
151 let gtk_connection_http_proxy_server = define_option current_section
152 ["gtk_connection_http_proxy_server"]
153 ~desc:"HTTP proxy server"
154 "Direct HTTP queries to HTTP proxy"
155 string_option ""
157 let gtk_connection_http_proxy_port = define_option current_section
158 ["gtk_connection_http_proxy_port"]
159 ~desc:"HTTP proxy server port"
160 "Port of HTTP proxy"
161 port_option 8080
163 let gtk_connection_http_use_proxy = define_option current_section
164 ["gtk_connection_http_use_proxy"]
165 ~desc:"Enable Proxy server"
166 "Direct TCP connections to HTTP proxy (the proxy should support CONNECT)"
167 bool_option false
169 (* {Client} *)
171 let gtk_client_login = define_option current_section
172 ["gtk_client_login"]
173 ~desc:"Login"
174 "Your login name (default is admin)"
175 string_option "admin"
177 let gtk_client_password = define_option current_section
178 ["gtk_client_password"]
179 ~desc:"Password"
180 "The password to use when connecting to the server"
181 password_option ""
183 let gtk_client_port = define_option current_section
184 ["gtk_client_port"]
185 ~desc:"MLgui port"
186 "The server port to connect to"
187 port_option 4001
189 let gtk_client_hostname = define_option current_section
190 ["gtk_client_hostname"]
191 ~desc:"Hostname"
192 "The server hostname to connect to"
193 string_option "localhost"
195 let gtk_client_lang = define_option current_section
196 ["gtk_client_lang"]
197 ~desc:"Language"
198 "The language you want to use in MLgui"
199 U.language_option U.EN
201 let gtk_client_history = define_expert_option current_section
202 ["gtk_client_history"]
203 ~desc:"History"
204 "History of connected cores"
205 (list_option (tuple2_option (string_option, int_option))) []
209 (* {Look & Feel} *)
211 let gtk_look_use_size_suffixes = define_option current_section
212 ["gtk_look_use_size_suffixes"]
213 ~desc:"Use size suffixes (G, M, k)"
214 "Whether sizes are printed using G(iga), M(ega) and k(ilo) suffixes."
215 bool_option true
217 let gtk_look_use_icons = define_option current_section
218 ["gtk_look_use_icons"]
219 ~desc:"Use icons in the lists"
220 "Whether icons are displayed in MLgui"
221 bool_option true
223 let gtk_look_graphical_availability = define_option current_section
224 ["gtk_look_graphical_availability"]
225 ~desc:"Use graphical represention for availability"
226 "What is displayed in availability column : graphical or text"
227 bool_option true
229 let gtk_look_icons_directory = define_option current_section
230 ["gtk_look_icons_directory"]
231 ~desc:"Icons themes"
232 "The directory where mldonkey gui's icons are"
233 path_option [""]
235 let gtk_look_main_toolbar_icon_size = define_option current_section
236 ["gtk_look_main_toolbar_icon_size"]
237 ~desc:"Icons size in the main toolbar"
238 "The size of the icons in the main toolbar"
239 int_option 32
241 let gtk_look_toolbars_icon_size = define_option current_section
242 ["gtk_look_toolbars_icon_size"]
243 ~desc:"Icons size in the other toolbars"
244 "The size of the icons in the other toolbars"
245 int_option 22
247 let gtk_look_lists_icon_size = define_option current_section
248 ["gtk_look_lists_icon_size"]
249 ~desc:"Icons size in the lists"
250 "The size of the icons in the lists"
251 int_option 16
253 let gtk_look_icon_saturation = define_option current_section
254 ["gtk_look_icon_saturation"]
255 ~desc:"Icons saturation"
256 "The level of saturation when diplaying icons"
257 scale_option 1.
259 let gtk_look_toolbars_style = define_option current_section
260 ["gtk_look_toolbars_style"]
261 ~desc:"Style of toolbars"
262 "What is displayed in toolbar buttons : text, icon or both"
263 tbstyle_option `BOTH
267 (* {Colors} *)
269 let gtk_color_default = define_option current_section
270 ["gtk_color_default"]
271 ~desc:"Default color"
272 "Set the default color in MLgui"
273 color_option "Black"
275 let gtk_color_state_not_available = define_option current_section
276 ["gtk_color_state_not_available"]
277 ~desc:"State not available"
278 "Color for unavailable files"
279 color_option "Red"
281 let gtk_color_state_files_listed = define_option current_section
282 ["gtk_color_state_files_listed"]
283 ~desc:"State files listed"
284 "Color for users whose list of files has been retrieved"
285 color_option "Blue"
287 (* {Fonts} *)
289 let gtk_font_list = define_option current_section
290 ["gtk_font_list"]
291 ~desc:"Lists and trees font"
292 "Font for the list and trees texts"
293 font_option "sans 12"
295 let gtk_font_networks = define_option current_section
296 ["gtk_font_network"]
297 ~desc:"Networks labels font"
298 "Font for the networks labels in the Networks Tab"
299 font_option "sans 16"
302 (* {2 Graph Options} *)
304 let gtk_graph_time_downloads = define_option current_section
305 ["gtk_graph_time_downloads"]
306 ~desc:"Time range to view the global downloads"
307 "Set the time range for the downloads graph"
308 graphtime_option GraphQuarter
310 let gtk_graph_time_uploads = define_option current_section
311 ["gtk_graph_time_uploads"]
312 ~desc:"Time range to view the global uploads"
313 "Set the time range for the uploads graph"
314 graphtime_option GraphQuarter
316 let gtk_graph_time_file = define_option current_section
317 ["gtk_graph_time_file"]
318 ~desc:"Time range to view one-file downloads and uploads"
319 "Set the time range to display the uploads and downloads of one file in the graph tab"
320 graphtime_option GraphQuarter
322 let gtk_graph_font = define_option current_section
323 ["gtk_graph_font"]
324 ~desc:"Font"
325 "Set the font to display texts in both the uploads and downloads graphs"
326 font_option "sans 7"
328 let gtk_graph_background = define_option current_section
329 ["gtk_graph_background"]
330 ~desc:"Background color"
331 "Set the background color for both the uploads and downloads graphs"
332 color_option "#000000"
334 let gtk_graph_grid = define_option current_section
335 ["gtk_graph_grid"]
336 ~desc:"Grid color"
337 "Set the color of the grid for both the uploads and downloads graphs"
338 color_option "#484848"
340 let gtk_graph_download = define_option current_section
341 ["gtk_graph_download"]
342 ~desc:"Downloads color"
343 "Set the foreground color of the download rate"
344 color_option "#83afff"
346 let gtk_graph_upload = define_option current_section
347 ["gtk_graph_upload"]
348 ~desc:"Uploads color"
349 "Set the foreground color of the upload rate"
350 color_option "#6eec8b"
353 (* {Misc} *)
355 let gtk_misc_relative_availability = define_option current_section
356 ["gtk_misc_relative_availability"]
357 ~desc:"Use relative % availability"
358 "Calculate % availability ignoring already present chunks"
359 bool_option true
361 let gtk_misc_files_auto_expand_depth = define_option current_section
362 ["gtk_misc_files_auto_expand_depth"]
363 ~desc:"Files auto-expand depth"
364 "The depth to which the directories of a friend are automatically expanded"
365 int_option 3
367 let gtk_misc_use_availability_height = define_option current_section
368 ["gtk_misc_use_availability_height"]
369 ~desc:"Use height encoded availability"
370 "Display the availability of a chunk as height or color coded bar"
371 bool_option true
373 let gtk_misc_availability_max = define_expert_option current_section
374 ["gtk_misc_availability_max"]
375 ~desc:"Max availability"
376 "If use_availability_height is true, which availability corresponds to a full bar ?"
377 int_option 10
379 let gtk_misc_compaction_overhead = define_expert_option current_section
380 ["gtk_misc_compaction_overhead"]
381 ~desc:"Compaction overhead"
382 "The percentage of free memory before a compaction is triggered"
383 int_option 50
385 let gtk_misc_interface_buffer = define_expert_option current_section
386 ["gtk_misc_interface_buffer"]
387 ~desc:"Interface buffer"
388 "The size of the buffer to the core"
389 int_option 10000000
391 let gtk_misc_copy_messages = define_expert_option current_section
392 ["gtk_misc_copy_messages"]
393 ~desc:"Copy messages"
394 "For bundle binaries, should we directly pass structures between the core and the GUI (faster), or copy them (fewer bugs)"
395 bool_option true
397 (*************************************************************************)
398 (*************************************************************************)
399 (*************************************************************************)
400 (* *)
401 (* Options not displayed in the config panel *)
402 (* *)
403 (*************************************************************************)
404 (*************************************************************************)
405 (*************************************************************************)
407 (* {Layout} *)
409 let servers_vpane_up = define_option current_section
410 ["layout";"servers_vpane_up"]
411 "Size in % of upper part of the servers hpane"
412 float_option 0.50
414 let friends_hpane_left = define_option current_section
415 ["layout"; "friends_hpane_left"]
416 "Size in % of left part of the friends hpane"
417 float_option 0.17
419 let friends_vpane_up = define_option current_section
420 ["layout"; "friends_vpane_up"]
421 "Size in % of up part of the friends vpane"
422 float_option 0.69
424 let friends_hpane_dirs = define_option current_section
425 ["layout"; "friends_hpane_dirs"]
426 "Size in % of the directories part of the files box"
427 float_option 0.13
429 let rooms_hpane_left = define_option current_section
430 ["layout"; "rooms_hpane_left"]
431 "Size in % of left part of the rooms hpane"
432 float_option 0.30
434 let rooms_hpane2_left = define_option current_section
435 ["layout"; "rooms_hpane2_left"]
436 "Size in % of left part of the second rooms hpane"
437 float_option 0.50
439 let queries_hpane_left = define_option current_section
440 ["layout"; "queries_hpane_up"]
441 "Size in % of left part of the queries hpane"
442 float_option 0.20
444 let uploads_vpane_up = define_option current_section
445 ["layout"; "uploads_vpane_up"]
446 "Size in % of up part of the uploads vpane"
447 float_option 0.50
449 let im_room_hpane = define_option current_section
450 ["layout"; "im_room_hpane"]
451 "Size in % of the left part of the identities hpane"
452 float_option 0.80
454 let last_tab = define_option current_section
455 ["layout"; "last_tab"]
456 "The last tab opened before closing the GUI"
457 int_option 0
459 (* {List columns} *)
461 let downloads_columns = define_option current_section
462 ["Colums"; "downloads_columns"]
463 "Columns for the files being downloaded"
464 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.File.column_option, float_option)))
466 (C.Col_file_network , 0.1);
467 (C.Col_file_priority , 0.1);
468 (C.Col_file_name , 0.1);
469 (C.Col_file_availability , 0.1);
470 (C.Col_file_size , 0.1);
471 (C.Col_file_downloaded , 0.1);
472 (C.Col_file_percent , 0.1);
473 (C.Col_file_rate , 0.1);
474 (C.Col_file_state , 0.1);
475 (C.Col_file_eta , 0.1);
476 (C.Col_file_age , 0.1);
479 let friends_columns = define_option current_section
480 ["Colums"; "friends_columns"]
481 "Columns for the friends"
482 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.Friend.column_option, float_option)))
484 (C.Col_friend_network , 0.1);
485 (C.Col_friend_name , 0.1);
488 let friends_results_columns = define_option current_section
489 ["Colums"; "friends_results_columns"]
490 "Columns for the results of friends files"
491 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.Result.column_option, float_option)))
493 (C.Col_result_network , 0.1);
494 (C.Col_result_name , 0.1);
495 (C.Col_result_size , 0.1);
496 (C.Col_result_format , 0.1);
497 (C.Col_result_duration , 0.1);
498 (C.Col_result_codec , 0.1);
499 (C.Col_result_bitrate , 0.1);
500 (C.Col_result_availability , 0.1);
501 (C.Col_result_comment , 0.1);
504 let friends_dirs_columns = define_option current_section
505 ["Colums"; "friends_dirs_columns"]
506 "Columns for the folders of friends files"
507 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.Directory.column_option, float_option)))
509 (C.Col_dir_name , 0.1);
512 let uploaders_columns = define_option current_section
513 ["Colums"; "file_locations_columns"]
514 "Columns for the uploaders"
515 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.Client.column_option, float_option)))
517 (C.Col_client_network , 0.1);
518 (C.Col_client_name , 0.1);
519 (C.Col_client_kind , 0.1);
520 (C.Col_client_state , 0.1);
521 (C.Col_client_rating , 0.1);
522 (C.Col_client_connect_time , 0.1);
523 (C.Col_client_software , 0.1);
524 (C.Col_client_downloaded , 0.1);
525 (C.Col_client_uploaded , 0.1);
526 (C.Col_client_upload , 0.1);
529 let rooms_columns = define_option current_section
530 ["Colums"; "rooms_columns"]
531 "Columns of the room lists"
532 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.Room.column_option, float_option)))
534 (C.Col_room_network , 0.1);
535 (C.Col_room_name , 0.1);
536 (C.Col_room_nusers , 0.1);
539 let rooms_users_columns = define_option current_section
540 ["Colums"; "rooms_users_columns"]
541 "Columns of the rooms users lists"
542 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.User.column_option, float_option)))
544 (C.Col_user_name , 0.1);
545 (C.Col_user_addr , 0.1);
546 (C.Col_user_tags , 0.1);
547 (C.Col_user_md4 , 0.1);
550 let servers_columns = define_option current_section
551 ["Colums"; "server_columns"]
552 "Columns for the servers"
553 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.Server.column_option, float_option)))
555 (C.Col_server_network , 0.1);
556 (C.Col_server_preferred, 0.1);
557 (C.Col_server_name , 0.1);
558 (C.Col_server_address , 0.1);
559 (C.Col_server_state , 0.1);
560 (C.Col_server_users , 0.1);
561 (C.Col_server_files , 0.1);
562 (C.Col_server_desc , 0.1);
565 let servers_users_columns = define_option current_section
566 ["Colums"; "servers_users_columns"]
567 "Columns of the servers users lists"
568 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.User.column_option, float_option)))
570 (C.Col_user_name , 0.1);
571 (C.Col_user_addr , 0.1);
572 (C.Col_user_tags , 0.1);
573 (C.Col_user_md4 , 0.1);
576 let results_columns = define_option current_section
577 ["Colums"; "results_columns"]
578 "Columns for the results of searches and files of a friends"
579 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.Result.column_option, float_option)))
581 (C.Col_result_network , 0.1);
582 (C.Col_result_name , 0.1);
583 (C.Col_result_size , 0.1);
584 (C.Col_result_format , 0.1);
585 (C.Col_result_duration , 0.1);
586 (C.Col_result_codec , 0.1);
587 (C.Col_result_bitrate , 0.1);
588 (C.Col_result_availability , 0.1);
589 (C.Col_result_comment , 0.1);
592 let shared_files_up_columns = define_option current_section
593 ["Colums"; "shared_files_up_columns"]
594 "Columns for the list of shared files upload information"
595 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.Shared_files_up.column_option, float_option)))
597 (C.Col_shared_network , 0.1);
598 (C.Col_shared_file , 0.1);
599 (C.Col_shared_size , 0.1);
600 (C.Col_shared_requests , 0.1);
601 (C.Col_shared_upsize , 0.1);
602 (C.Col_shared_uid , 0.1);
605 let account_columns = define_option current_section
606 ["Colums"; "account_columns"]
607 "Columns for the Accounts in the IM interface"
608 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.IMAccount.column_option, float_option)))
610 (C.Col_account_name , 0.1);
611 (C.Col_account_status , 0.1);
612 (C.Col_account_protocol , 0.1);
615 let identities_columns = define_option current_section
616 ["Colums"; "identities_columns"]
617 "Columns for the Identities in the IM interface"
618 (list_option (tuple2_option (C.IMIdentities.column_option, float_option)))
620 (C.Col_identity_name , 0.1);
624 (*************************************************************************)
625 (*************************************************************************)
626 (*************************************************************************)
627 (* *)
628 (* Debug Options *)
629 (* *)
630 (*************************************************************************)
631 (*************************************************************************)
632 (*************************************************************************)
634 let current_section = mlgui_debug_section
636 let gtk_verbose_gview = define_expert_option current_section
637 ["gtk_verbose_gview"]
638 ~desc:"verbose Gview"
639 "Debug module GuiTemplates.Gview"
640 bool_option false
642 let gtk_verbose_chat = define_expert_option current_section
643 ["gtk_verbose_chat"]
644 ~desc:"verbose Chat"
645 "Debug module GuiTemplates.Chat"
646 bool_option false
648 let gtk_verbose_tools = define_expert_option current_section
649 ["gtk_verbose_tools"]
650 ~desc:"verbose tools"
651 "Debug module GuiTools"
652 bool_option false
654 let gtk_verbose_configwin = define_expert_option current_section
655 ["gtk_verbose_configwin"]
656 ~desc:"verbose configwin"
657 "Debug module ConfigWindow"
658 bool_option false
660 let gtk_verbose_art = define_expert_option current_section
661 ["gtk_verbose_art"]
662 ~desc:"verbose art"
663 "Debug module GuiArt"
664 bool_option false
666 let gtk_verbose_main = define_expert_option current_section
667 ["gtk_verbose_main"]
668 ~desc:"verbose main"
669 "Debug module GuiMain"
670 bool_option false
672 let gtk_verbose_networks = define_expert_option current_section
673 ["gtk_verbose_networks"]
674 ~desc:"verbose networks"
675 "Debug module GuiNetworks"
676 bool_option false
678 let gtk_verbose_servers = define_expert_option current_section
679 ["gtk_verbose_servers"]
680 ~desc:"verbose servers"
681 "Debug module GuiServers"
682 bool_option false
684 let gtk_verbose_downloads = define_expert_option current_section
685 ["gtk_verbose_downloads"]
686 ~desc:"verbose downloads"
687 "Debug module GuiDownloads"
688 bool_option false
690 let gtk_verbose_friends = define_expert_option current_section
691 ["gtk_verbose_friends"]
692 ~desc:"verbose friends"
693 "Debug module GuiFriends"
694 bool_option false
696 let gtk_verbose_queries = define_expert_option current_section
697 ["gtk_verbose_queries"]
698 ~desc:"verbose queries"
699 "Debug module GuiQueries"
700 bool_option false
702 let gtk_verbose_rooms = define_expert_option current_section
703 ["gtk_verbose_rooms"]
704 ~desc:"verbose rooms"
705 "Debug module GuiRooms"
706 bool_option false
708 let gtk_verbose_uploads = define_expert_option current_section
709 ["gtk_verbose_uploads"]
710 ~desc:"verbose uploads"
711 "Debug module GuiUploads"
712 bool_option false
714 let gtk_verbose_console = define_expert_option current_section
715 ["gtk_verbose_console"]
716 ~desc:"verbose console"
717 "Debug module GuiConsole"
718 bool_option false
720 let gtk_verbose_graphbase = define_expert_option current_section
721 ["gtk_verbose_graphbase"]
722 ~desc:"verbose graphbase"
723 "Debug module GuiGraphBase"
724 bool_option false
726 let gtk_verbose_graph = define_expert_option current_section
727 ["gtk_verbose_graph"]
728 ~desc:"verbose graph"
729 "Debug module GuiGraph"
730 bool_option false
732 let gtk_verbose_im = define_expert_option current_section
733 ["gtk_verbose_im"]
734 ~desc:"verbose im"
735 "Debug module GuiIm"
736 bool_option false
738 let gtk_verbose_settings = define_expert_option current_section
739 ["gtk_verbose_settings"]
740 ~desc:"verbose settings"
741 "Debug module GuiConfig"
742 bool_option false
746 let _ =
747 option_hook gtk_misc_compaction_overhead (fun _ ->
748 let gc_control = Gc.get () in
749 Gc.set { gc_control with Gc.max_overhead = !!gtk_misc_compaction_overhead };