svg_converted: fix build (zlib2 split)
[mldonkey.git] / tools /
1 (** standalone DHT node *)
3 open BT_DHT
5 let bracket res destroy k =
6 let x = try k res with exn -> destroy res; raise exn in
7 destroy res;
10 let with_open_in_bin file = bracket (open_in_bin file) close_in_noerr
11 let with_open_out_bin file = bracket (open_out_bin file) close_out_noerr
13 let load file : Kademlia.table = with_open_in_bin file Marshal.from_channel
15 let store file (t:Kademlia.table) =
16 let temp = file ^ ".tmp" in
17 try
18 with_open_out_bin temp (fun ch -> Marshal.to_channel ch t []; Unix2.fsync (Unix.descr_of_out_channel ch));
19 Sys.rename temp file
20 with exn ->
21 lprintf_nl ~exn "write to %S failed" file; Sys.remove temp
23 let parse_peer s =
24 try
25 match String2.split s ':' with
26 | [addr;port] -> addr, int_of_string port
27 | _ -> raise Not_found
28 with _ ->
29 Printf.eprintf "E: bad peer %S, expecting <addr>:<port>\n%!" s;
30 exit 2
32 let init file = try load file with _ -> Kademlia.create ()
34 let run_queries =
35 let ids = [|
36 "FA959F240D5859CAC30F32ECD21BD89F576481F0";
37 "BDE98D04AB6BD6E8EA7440F82870E5191E130A84";
38 "857224361969AE12066166539538F07BD5EF48B4";
39 "81F643A195BBE3BB1DE1AC9184B9F84D74A37EFF";
40 "7CC9963D90B54DF1710469743C1B43E0E20489C0";
41 "C2C65A1AA5537406183F4D815C77A2A578B00BFB";
42 "72F5A608AFBDF6111E5A86B337E9FC27D6020663";
43 "FE73D74660695208F3ACD221B7A9A128A3D36D47";
44 |] in
45 fun dht ->
46 let id = Kademlia.H.of_hexa ids.( (Array.length ids)) in
47 query_peers dht id (fun node token peers ->
48 lprintf_nl "run_queries : %s returned %d peers : %s"
49 (show_node node) (List.length peers) (strl Kademlia.show_addr peers))
51 let () =
52 Random.self_init ();
53 try
54 match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
55 | file::port::peers ->
56 let peers = parse_peer peers in
57 let bw = UdpSocket.new_bandwidth_controler
58 (TcpBufferedSocket.create_write_bandwidth_controler "UNLIMIT" 0) in
59 let dht = start (init file) (int_of_string port) bw in
60 let finish () = store file dht.M.rt; stop dht; exit 0 in
61 Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> show dht; finish ()));
62 Sys.set_signal Sys.sigterm (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> show dht; finish ()));
63 Sys.set_signal Sys.sighup (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> show dht));
64 BasicSocket.add_infinite_timer 1800. (fun () -> run_queries dht);
65 BasicSocket.add_infinite_timer 3600. (fun () -> store file dht.M.rt);
66 let routers = ["", 8991] @ peers in
67 bootstrap dht ~routers;
68 BasicSocket.loop ()
69 | _ -> Printf.eprintf "Usage : %s <storage> <port> [<peer_addr:port>]*\n" Sys.argv.(0)
70 with
71 exn -> lprintf_nl "main : %s" (Printexc.to_string exn)