drop md4 i?86 specific asm implementations
[mldonkey.git] / src / utils / lib / bitv.ml
1 (*
2 * Bit vectors.
3 * Copyright (C) 1999 Jean-Christophe FILLIATRE
4 *
5 * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
7 * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * See the GNU Library General Public License version 2 for more details
14 * (enclosed in the file LGPL).
17 (*i $Id$ i*)
19 (*s Bit vectors. The interface and part of the code are borrowed from the
20 [Array] module of the ocaml standard library (but things are simplified
21 here since we can always initialize a bit vector). This module also
22 provides bitwise operations. *)
24 (*s We represent a bit vector by a vector of integers (field [bits]),
25 and we keep the information of the size of the bit vector since it
26 can not be found out with the size of the array (field [length]). *)
28 type t = {
29 length : int;
30 bits : int array }
32 let length v = v.length
34 (*s Each element of the array is an integer containing [bpi] bits, where
35 [bpi] is determined according to the machine word size. Since we do not
36 use the sign bit, [bpi] is 30 on a 32-bits machine and 62 on a 64-bits
37 machines. We maintain the following invariant:
38 {\em The unused bits of the last integer are always
39 zeros.} This is ensured by [create] and maintained in other functions
40 using [normalize]. [bit_j], [bit_not_j], [low_mask] and [up_mask]
41 are arrays used to extract and mask bits in a single integer. *)
43 let bpi = Sys.word_size - 2
45 let max_length = Sys.max_array_length * bpi
47 let bit_j = Array.init bpi (fun j -> 1 lsl j)
48 let bit_not_j = Array.init bpi (fun j -> max_int - bit_j.(j))
50 let low_mask = Array.make (succ bpi) 0
51 let _ =
52 for i = 1 to bpi do low_mask.(i) <- low_mask.(i-1) lor bit_j.(pred i) done
54 let keep_lowest_bits a j = a land low_mask.(j)
56 let high_mask = Array.init (succ bpi) (fun j -> low_mask.(j) lsl (bpi-j))
58 let keep_highest_bits a j = a land high_mask.(j)
60 (*s Creating and normalizing a bit vector is easy: it is just a matter of
61 taking care of the invariant. Copy is immediate. *)
63 let create n b =
64 let initv = if b then max_int else 0 in
65 let r = n mod bpi in
66 if r = 0 then
67 { length = n; bits = Array.make (n / bpi) initv }
68 else begin
69 let s = n / bpi in
70 let b = Array.make (succ s) initv in
71 b.(s) <- b.(s) land low_mask.(r);
72 { length = n; bits = b }
73 end
75 let normalize v =
76 let r = v.length mod bpi in
77 if r > 0 then
78 let b = v.bits in
79 let s = Array.length b in
80 b.(s-1) <- b.(s-1) land low_mask.(r)
82 let copy v = { length = v.length; bits = Array.copy v.bits }
84 (*s Access and assignment. The [n]th bit of a bit vector is the [j]th
85 bit of the [i]th integer, where [i = n / bpi] and [j = n mod
86 bpi]. Both [i] and [j] and computed by the function [pos].
87 Accessing a bit is testing whether the result of the corresponding
88 mask operation is non-zero, and assigning it is done with a
89 bitwiwe operation: an {\em or} with [bit_j] to set it, and an {\em
90 and} with [bit_not_j] to unset it. *)
92 let pos n =
93 let i = n / bpi and j = n mod bpi in
94 if j < 0 then (i - 1, j + bpi) else (i,j)
96 let unsafe_get v n =
97 let (i,j) = pos n in
98 ((Array.unsafe_get v.bits i) land (Array.unsafe_get bit_j j)) > 0
100 let unsafe_set v n b =
101 let (i,j) = pos n in
102 if b then
103 Array.unsafe_set v.bits i
104 ((Array.unsafe_get v.bits i) lor (Array.unsafe_get bit_j j))
105 else
106 Array.unsafe_set v.bits i
107 ((Array.unsafe_get v.bits i) land (Array.unsafe_get bit_not_j j))
109 (*s The corresponding safe operations test the validiy of the access. *)
111 let get v n =
112 if n < 0 || n >= v.length then invalid_arg "Bitv.get";
113 let (i,j) = pos n in
114 ((Array.unsafe_get v.bits i) land (Array.unsafe_get bit_j j)) > 0
116 let set v n b =
117 if n < 0 || n >= v.length then invalid_arg "Bitv.set";
118 let (i,j) = pos n in
119 if b then
120 Array.unsafe_set v.bits i
121 ((Array.unsafe_get v.bits i) lor (Array.unsafe_get bit_j j))
122 else
123 Array.unsafe_set v.bits i
124 ((Array.unsafe_get v.bits i) land (Array.unsafe_get bit_not_j j))
126 (*s [init] is implemented naively using [unsafe_set]. *)
128 let init n f =
129 let v = create n false in
130 for i = 0 to pred n do
131 unsafe_set v i (f i)
132 done;
135 (*s Handling bits by packets is the key for efficiency of functions
136 [append], [concat], [sub] and [blit].
137 We start by a very general function [blit_bits a i m v n] which blits
138 the bits [i] to [i+m-1] of a native integer [a]
139 onto the bit vector [v] at index [n]. It assumes that [i..i+m-1] and
140 [n..n+m-1] are respectively valid subparts of [a] and [v].
141 It is optimized when the bits fit the lowest boundary of an integer
142 (case [j == 0]). *)
144 let blit_bits a i m v n =
145 let (i',j) = pos n in
146 if j == 0 then
147 Array.unsafe_set v i'
148 ((keep_lowest_bits (a lsr i) m) lor
149 (keep_highest_bits (Array.unsafe_get v i') (bpi - m)))
150 else
151 let d = m + j - bpi in
152 if d > 0 then begin
153 Array.unsafe_set v i'
154 (((keep_lowest_bits (a lsr i) (bpi - j)) lsl j) lor
155 (keep_lowest_bits (Array.unsafe_get v i') j));
156 Array.unsafe_set v (succ i')
157 ((keep_lowest_bits (a lsr (i + bpi - j)) d) lor
158 (keep_highest_bits (Array.unsafe_get v (succ i')) (bpi - d)))
159 end else
160 Array.unsafe_set v i'
161 (((keep_lowest_bits (a lsr i) m) lsl j) lor
162 ((Array.unsafe_get v i') land (low_mask.(j) lor high_mask.(-d))))
164 (*s [blit_int] implements [blit_bits] in the particular case when
165 [i=0] and [m=bpi] i.e. when we blit all the bits of [a]. *)
167 let blit_int a v n =
168 let (i,j) = pos n in
169 if j == 0 then
170 Array.unsafe_set v i a
171 else begin
172 Array.unsafe_set v i
173 ( (keep_lowest_bits (Array.unsafe_get v i) j) lor
174 ((keep_lowest_bits a (bpi - j)) lsl j));
175 Array.unsafe_set v (succ i)
176 ((keep_highest_bits (Array.unsafe_get v (succ i)) (bpi - j)) lor
177 (a lsr (bpi - j)))
180 (*s When blitting a subpart of a bit vector into another bit vector, there
181 are two possible cases: (1) all the bits are contained in a single integer
182 of the first bit vector, and a single call to [blit_bits] is the
183 only thing to do, or (2) the source bits overlap on several integers of
184 the source array, and then we do a loop of [blit_int], with two calls
185 to [blit_bits] for the two bounds. *)
187 let unsafe_blit v1 ofs1 v2 ofs2 len =
188 let (bi,bj) = pos ofs1 in
189 let (ei,ej) = pos (ofs1 + len - 1) in
190 if bi == ei then
191 blit_bits (Array.unsafe_get v1 bi) bj len v2 ofs2
192 else begin
193 blit_bits (Array.unsafe_get v1 bi) bj (bpi - bj) v2 ofs2;
194 let n = ref (ofs2 + bpi - bj) in
195 for i = succ bi to pred ei do
196 blit_int (Array.unsafe_get v1 i) v2 !n;
197 n := !n + bpi
198 done;
199 blit_bits (Array.unsafe_get v1 ei) 0 (succ ej) v2 !n
202 let blit v1 ofs1 v2 ofs2 len =
203 if len < 0 || ofs1 < 0 || ofs1 + len > v1.length
204 || ofs2 < 0 || ofs2 + len > v2.length
205 then invalid_arg "Bitv.blit";
206 unsafe_blit v1.bits ofs1 v2.bits ofs2 len
208 (*s Extracting the subvector [ofs..ofs+len-1] of [v] is just creating a
209 new vector of length [len] and blitting the subvector of [v] inside. *)
211 let sub v ofs len =
212 if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs + len > v.length then invalid_arg "Bitv.sub";
213 let r = create len false in
214 unsafe_blit v.bits ofs r.bits 0 len;
217 (*s The concatenation of two bit vectors [v1] and [v2] is obtained by
218 creating a vector for the result and blitting inside the two vectors.
219 [v1] is copied directly. *)
221 let append v1 v2 =
222 let l1 = v1.length
223 and l2 = v2.length in
224 let r = create (l1 + l2) false in
225 let b1 = v1.bits in
226 let b2 = v2.bits in
227 let b = r.bits in
228 for i = 0 to Array.length b1 - 1 do
229 Array.unsafe_set b i (Array.unsafe_get b1 i)
230 done;
231 unsafe_blit b2 0 b l1 l2;
234 (*s The concatenation of a list of bit vectors is obtained by iterating
235 [unsafe_blit]. *)
237 let concat vl =
238 let size = List.fold_left (fun sz v -> sz + v.length) 0 vl in
239 let res = create size false in
240 let b = res.bits in
241 let pos = ref 0 in
242 List.iter
243 (fun v ->
244 let n = v.length in
245 unsafe_blit v.bits 0 b !pos n;
246 pos := !pos + n)
250 (*s Filling is a particular case of blitting with a source made of all
251 ones or all zeros. Thus we instanciate [unsafe_blit], with 0 and
252 [max_int]. *)
254 let blit_zeros v ofs len =
255 let (bi,bj) = pos ofs in
256 let (ei,ej) = pos (ofs + len - 1) in
257 if bi == ei then
258 blit_bits 0 bj len v ofs
259 else begin
260 blit_bits 0 bj (bpi - bj) v ofs;
261 let n = ref (ofs + bpi - bj) in
262 for i = succ bi to pred ei do
263 blit_int 0 v !n;
264 n := !n + bpi
265 done;
266 blit_bits 0 0 (succ ej) v !n
269 let blit_ones v ofs len =
270 let (bi,bj) = pos ofs in
271 let (ei,ej) = pos (ofs + len - 1) in
272 if bi == ei then
273 blit_bits max_int bj len v ofs
274 else begin
275 blit_bits max_int bj (bpi - bj) v ofs;
276 let n = ref (ofs + bpi - bj) in
277 for i = succ bi to pred ei do
278 blit_int max_int v !n;
279 n := !n + bpi
280 done;
281 blit_bits max_int 0 (succ ej) v !n
284 let fill v ofs len b =
285 if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs + len > v.length then invalid_arg "Bitv.fill";
286 if b then blit_ones v.bits ofs len else blit_zeros v.bits ofs len
288 (*s All the iterators are implemented as for traditional arrays, using
289 [unsafe_get]. For [iter] and [map], we do not precompute [(f
290 true)] and [(f false)] since [f] is likely to have
291 side-effects. *)
293 let iter f v =
294 for i = 0 to v.length - 1 do f (unsafe_get v i) done
296 let map f v =
297 let l = v.length in
298 let r = create l false in
299 for i = 0 to l - 1 do
300 unsafe_set r i (f (unsafe_get v i))
301 done;
304 let iteri f v =
305 for i = 0 to v.length - 1 do f i (unsafe_get v i) done
307 let mapi f v =
308 let l = v.length in
309 let r = create l false in
310 for i = 0 to l - 1 do
311 unsafe_set r i (f i (unsafe_get v i))
312 done;
315 let fold_left f x v =
316 let r = ref x in
317 for i = 0 to v.length - 1 do
318 r := f !r (unsafe_get v i)
319 done;
322 let fold_right f v x =
323 let r = ref x in
324 for i = v.length - 1 downto 0 do
325 r := f (unsafe_get v i) !r
326 done;
329 let foldi_left f x v =
330 let r = ref x in
331 for i = 0 to v.length - 1 do
332 r := f !r i (unsafe_get v i)
333 done;
336 let foldi_right f v x =
337 let r = ref x in
338 for i = v.length - 1 downto 0 do
339 r := f i (unsafe_get v i) !r
340 done;
343 let iteri_true f v =
344 Array.iteri
345 (fun i n -> if n != 0 then begin
346 let i_bpi = i * bpi in
347 for j = 0 to bpi - 1 do
348 if n land (Array.unsafe_get bit_j j) > 0 then f (i_bpi + j)
349 done
350 end)
351 v.bits
353 (*s Bitwise operations. It is straigthforward, since bitwise operations
354 can be realized by the corresponding bitwise operations over integers.
355 However, one has to take care of normalizing the result of [bwnot]
356 which introduces ones in highest significant positions. *)
358 let bw_and v1 v2 =
359 let l = v1.length in
360 if l <> v2.length then invalid_arg "Bitv.bw_and";
361 let b1 = v1.bits
362 and b2 = v2.bits in
363 let n = Array.length b1 in
364 let a = Array.make n 0 in
365 for i = 0 to n - 1 do
366 a.(i) <- b1.(i) land b2.(i)
367 done;
368 { length = l; bits = a }
370 let bw_or v1 v2 =
371 let l = v1.length in
372 if l <> v2.length then invalid_arg "Bitv.bw_or";
373 let b1 = v1.bits
374 and b2 = v2.bits in
375 let n = Array.length b1 in
376 let a = Array.make n 0 in
377 for i = 0 to n - 1 do
378 a.(i) <- b1.(i) lor b2.(i)
379 done;
380 { length = l; bits = a }
382 let bw_xor v1 v2 =
383 let l = v1.length in
384 if l <> v2.length then invalid_arg "Bitv.bw_xor";
385 let b1 = v1.bits
386 and b2 = v2.bits in
387 let n = Array.length b1 in
388 let a = Array.make n 0 in
389 for i = 0 to n - 1 do
390 a.(i) <- b1.(i) lxor b2.(i)
391 done;
392 { length = l; bits = a }
394 let bw_not v =
395 let b = v.bits in
396 let n = Array.length b in
397 let a = Array.make n 0 in
398 for i = 0 to n - 1 do
399 a.(i) <- max_int land (lnot b.(i))
400 done;
401 let r = { length = v.length; bits = a } in
402 normalize r;
405 (*s Shift operations. It is easy to reuse [unsafe_blit], although it is
406 probably slightly less efficient than a ad-hoc piece of code. *)
408 let rec shiftl v d =
409 if d == 0 then
410 copy v
411 else if d < 0 then
412 shiftr v (-d)
413 else begin
414 let n = v.length in
415 let r = create n false in
416 if d < n then unsafe_blit v.bits 0 r.bits d (n - d);
420 and shiftr v d =
421 if d == 0 then
422 copy v
423 else if d < 0 then
424 shiftl v (-d)
425 else begin
426 let n = v.length in
427 let r = create n false in
428 if d < n then unsafe_blit v.bits d r.bits 0 (n - d);
432 (*s Testing for all zeros and all ones. *)
434 let all_zeros v =
435 let b = v.bits in
436 let n = Array.length b in
437 let rec test i =
438 (i == n) || ((Array.unsafe_get b i == 0) && test (succ i))
440 test 0
442 let all_ones v =
443 let b = v.bits in
444 let n = Array.length b in
445 let rec test i =
446 if i == n - 1 then
447 let m = v.length mod bpi in
448 (Array.unsafe_get b i) == (if m == 0 then max_int else low_mask.(m))
449 else
450 ((Array.unsafe_get b i) == max_int) && test (succ i)
452 test 0
454 (*s Conversions to and from strings. *)
456 let to_string v =
457 let n = v.length in
458 let s = Bytes.make n '0' in
459 for i = 0 to n - 1 do
460 if unsafe_get v i then s.[i] <- '1'
461 done;
462 Bytes.unsafe_to_string s
464 let print fmt v = Format.pp_print_string fmt (to_string v)
466 let of_string s =
467 let n = String.length s in
468 let v = create n false in
469 for i = 0 to n - 1 do
470 let c = String.unsafe_get s i in
471 if c = '1' then
472 unsafe_set v i true
473 else
474 if c <> '0' then invalid_arg "Bitv.of_string"
475 done;
478 (*s Iteration on all bit vectors of length [n] using a Gray code. *)
480 let first_set v n =
481 let rec lookup i =
482 if i = n then raise Not_found ;
483 if unsafe_get v i then i else lookup (i + 1)
485 lookup 0
487 let gray_iter f n =
488 let bv = create n false in
489 let rec iter () =
490 f bv;
491 unsafe_set bv 0 (not (unsafe_get bv 0));
492 f bv;
493 let pos = succ (first_set bv n) in
494 if pos < n then begin
495 unsafe_set bv pos (not (unsafe_get bv pos));
496 iter ()
499 if n > 0 then iter ()
502 (*s Coercions to/from lists of integers *)
504 let of_list l =
505 let n = List.fold_left max 0 l in
506 let b = create (succ n) false in
507 let add_element i =
508 (* negative numbers are invalid *)
509 if i < 0 then invalid_arg "Bitv.of_list";
510 unsafe_set b i true
512 List.iter add_element l;
515 let of_list_with_length l len =
516 let b = create len false in
517 let add_element i =
518 if i < 0 || i >= len then invalid_arg "Bitv.of_list_with_length";
519 unsafe_set b i true
521 List.iter add_element l;
524 let to_list b =
525 let n = length b in
526 let rec make i acc =
527 if i < 0 then acc
528 else make (pred i) (if unsafe_get b i then i :: acc else acc)
530 make (pred n) []
533 (*s To/from integers. *)
535 (* [int] *)
536 let of_int_us i =
537 { length = bpi; bits = [| i land max_int |] }
538 let to_int_us v =
539 if v.length < bpi then invalid_arg "Bitv.to_int_us";
540 v.bits.(0)
542 let of_int_s i =
543 { length = succ bpi; bits = [| i land max_int; (i lsr bpi) land 1 |] }
544 let to_int_s v =
545 if v.length < succ bpi then invalid_arg "Bitv.to_int_s";
546 v.bits.(0) lor (v.bits.(1) lsl bpi)
548 (* [Int32] *)
549 let of_int32_us i = match Sys.word_size with
550 | 32 -> { length = 31;
551 bits = [| (Int32.to_int i) land max_int;
552 let hi = Int32.shift_right_logical i 30 in
553 (Int32.to_int hi) land 1 |] }
554 | 64 -> { length = 31; bits = [| (Int32.to_int i) land 0x7fffffff |] }
555 | _ -> assert false
556 let to_int32_us v =
557 if v.length < 31 then invalid_arg "Bitv.to_int32_us";
558 match Sys.word_size with
559 | 32 ->
560 Int32.logor (Int32.of_int v.bits.(0))
561 (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int (v.bits.(1) land 1)) 30)
562 | 64 ->
563 Int32.of_int (v.bits.(0) land 0x7fffffff)
564 | _ -> assert false
566 (* this is 0xffffffff (ocaml >= 3.08 checks for literal overflow) *)
567 let ffffffff = (0xffff lsl 16) lor 0xffff
569 let of_int32_s i = match Sys.word_size with
570 | 32 -> { length = 32;
571 bits = [| (Int32.to_int i) land max_int;
572 let hi = Int32.shift_right_logical i 30 in
573 (Int32.to_int hi) land 3 |] }
574 | 64 -> { length = 32; bits = [| (Int32.to_int i) land ffffffff |] }
575 | _ -> assert false
576 let to_int32_s v =
577 if v.length < 32 then invalid_arg "Bitv.to_int32_s";
578 match Sys.word_size with
579 | 32 ->
580 Int32.logor (Int32.of_int v.bits.(0))
581 (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int (v.bits.(1) land 3)) 30)
582 | 64 ->
583 Int32.of_int (v.bits.(0) land ffffffff)
584 | _ -> assert false
586 (* [Int64] *)
587 let of_int64_us i = match Sys.word_size with
588 | 32 -> { length = 63;
589 bits = [| (Int64.to_int i) land max_int;
590 (let mi = Int64.shift_right_logical i 30 in
591 (Int64.to_int mi) land max_int);
592 let hi = Int64.shift_right_logical i 60 in
593 (Int64.to_int hi) land 1 |] }
594 | 64 -> { length = 63;
595 bits = [| (Int64.to_int i) land max_int;
596 let hi = Int64.shift_right_logical i 62 in
597 (Int64.to_int hi) land 1 |] }
598 | _ -> assert false
599 let to_int64_us v = failwith "todo"
601 let of_int64_s i = failwith "todo"
602 let to_int64_s v = failwith "todo"
604 (* [Nativeint] *)
605 let select_of f32 f64 = match Sys.word_size with
606 | 32 -> (fun i -> f32 (Nativeint.to_int32 i))
607 | 64 -> (fun i -> f64 (Int64.of_nativeint i))
608 | _ -> assert false
609 let of_nativeint_s = select_of of_int32_s of_int64_s
610 let of_nativeint_us = select_of of_int32_us of_int64_us
611 let select_to f32 f64 = match Sys.word_size with
612 | 32 -> (fun i -> Nativeint.of_int32 (f32 i))
613 | 64 -> (fun i -> Int64.to_nativeint (f64 i))
614 | _ -> assert false
615 let to_nativeint_s = select_to to_int32_s to_int64_s
616 let to_nativeint_us = select_to to_int32_us to_int64_us